Wikipedia:Public domain and Wikipedia:Copyrights for more details. PD-US Public domain in the United States //
(511 × 362 (215 KB)) - 02:59, 21 January 2021
File:A pronouncing and defining dictionary of the Swatow dialect, arranged according to syllables and tones (IA pronouncingdefin00fielrich).pdf (matches file content)
tiet-fing, i-ie°, H m^k-bai, eyebrow. H p6h-tiu, grass-cloth. ^^ ciah-png, eat rice. k{lt-kut, smooth. • but the less vu INTRODUCTION. — THE...
(1,131 × 1,502 (61.75 MB)) - 07:36, 2 December 2024
File:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu (matches file content)
changes, as in ^ H m^k-bai, eyebrow. ^r H p6h-tiu, grass-cloth. ^ ^ ciah-png, eat rice. k{lt-kut, smooth. INTRODUCTION. vu The number of found...
(3,022 × 4,010 (42.21 MB)) - 04:38, 30 August 2023
File:Glendale Daily Press 1923-06-11 (IA cgl 002132).pdf (matches file content)
interment he hit the curbing and turned com on bases. Rdundtree, the. «right friendly spirit and while one fac pletely over,Spinning the men -be popularity...
(2,604 × 3,312 (23.43 MB)) - 01:59, 23 July 2024
File:History of New York (IA historyofnewyork00walw).pdf (matches file content)
been so bus-v hght-ing that no grain had been raised. Now that the ships of Png-land were cut-ting off his sup-plies, brave Mont-calm be-gan to de-spair...
(927 × 1,231 (16.46 MB)) - 09:25, 1 May 2023
File:Southern literary messenger (IA southernliterary).pdf (matches file content)
breast and he fell .9 hi* death cast a ers. gloom over the Southern- position had been turned, and that the enlike a emy, in overwhwming fotce^ would...
(1,120 × 1,770 (8.21 MB)) - 06:37, 29 December 2022
File:The Engineering and Mining Journal 1874-03-21- Vol 17 Iss 12 (IA sim engineering-and-mining-journal 1874-03-21 17 12).pdf (matches file content)
NEERING THE png! AND . NAL. MINING J Vou. XVIL.—No. 12.—Fourts Srries. at Dunbar Furnace. By E. C. Prcutin.* Art the suggestion of some NEW YORK...
(1,504 × 1,931 (7.18 MB)) - 02:20, 1 January 2021
File:Victoria Daily Times (1925-05-05) (IA victoriadailytimes19250505).pdf (matches file content)
Interview had been "faked" on him, and uttered a protest against <C«H>c|ud»4 on png# $> MANY CATTLE ABE TO BE SLAUGHTERED New Tuberculosis Order to Come Into...
(2,266 × 2,722 (14.77 MB)) - 14:25, 28 December 2022
File:Victoria Daily Times (1920-09-22) (IA victoriadailytimes19200922).pdf (matches file content)
hich weigh only seven pounds each and fire 1,500 shots a minute, were turned over to t’apt t’has. E. Schofield, head of the training school for policemen...
(2,227 × 2,650 (17.51 MB)) - 13:07, 30 October 2022
File:Victoria Daily Times (1917-07-04) (IA victoriadailytimes19170704).pdf (matches file content)
recommendations. Knowjng Col Currie praised the Fren.-h-Can- as well as in the Than, png ne, in the greatest and most patriotic service that the GaHqtoli expedition...
(2,106 × 2,602 (13.12 MB)) - 16:24, 7 March 2021