• Thumbnail for La Dauversière Lake
    The La Dauversière Lake is a freshwater body integrated into a set of lakes designated "Obatogamau Lakes, in the territory of Eeyou Istchee James Bay (municipality)...
    5 KB (643 words) - 03:25, 28 January 2023
  • Thumbnail for Chevrier Lake (Obatogamau River)
    Nord-du-Québec, in the province of Quebec, Canada. This lake extends into the townships of Queylus, La Dauversière, Fancamp and Haüy. Forestry is the main economic...
    5 KB (600 words) - 03:13, 28 January 2023
  • Thumbnail for Le Royer Lake
    Nord-du-Québec, province of Quebec, Canada. This lake extends in the townships of Fancamp and La Dauversière. Forestry is the main economic activity of the...
    5 KB (548 words) - 05:24, 28 January 2023
  • Thumbnail for Muscocho Lake
    East side: La Dauversière Lake, Chevrier Lake (Obatogamau River), Boisvert River; South side: Obatogamau Lakes, Caopatina Lake, Verneuil lake, Opawica River...
    5 KB (668 words) - 05:31, 28 January 2023
  • Thumbnail for Bouteroue Lake
    Bouteroue are: North side: Nicabau Lake, Coquille River (Normandin River), La Dauversière Lake, Énard River, Chibougamau Lake; East side: Chaudière River (Normandin...
    6 KB (718 words) - 10:28, 30 September 2020
  • Thumbnail for La Flèche
    founder of La Flèche Zoo in 1946. Jean de la Flèche: first lord of La Flèche. Jérôme le Royer de la Dauversière, Sieur de La Dauversière (1597–1659):...
    27 KB (3,338 words) - 11:20, 11 December 2024
  • Thumbnail for Obatogamau Lakes
    Nord-du-Québec, in the province of Quebec, at Canada. These lakes extend mainly in the cantons of Dauversière, Fancamp, Haüy and Queylus. Forestry is the main economic...
    6 KB (748 words) - 05:34, 28 January 2023
  • near Lake Rohault are: North side: Mannard Lake, Nemenjiche River, La Dauversière Lake, Énard River, Chibougamau Lake; East side: Bouteroue Lake, Normandin...
    5 KB (709 words) - 10:55, 25 November 2020
  • Thumbnail for Gabriel Lake
    near Gabriel Lake are: North side: Opawica River, Rohault Lake, Nemenjiche River, Nemenjiche Lake, La Dauversière Lake; East side: Robert Lake (Opawica River)...
    5 KB (584 words) - 14:12, 25 October 2023
  • Thumbnail for Nemenjiche River
    Obatogamau Lakes including La Dauversière Lake, Le Royer Lake, Chibougamau River; East side: Normandin River, Coquille River, Rohault Lake, Thunder River;...
    8 KB (898 words) - 05:32, 28 January 2023