Charles Harpur – Wikipedia

Charles Harpur

Charles Harpur (* 23. Januar 1813 in Windsor, New South Wales; † 10. Juni 1868 ebenda) war ein australischer Dichter.

  • Thoughts. A series of sonnets. 1845.
  • The bushrangers. A play in five acts and other poems. 1853.
  • The tower of the dream. 1865.
  • ›Rosa‹: Love sonnets to Mary Doyle. (hrsg. 1948).
  • J. Normington-Rawling: Harpur, Charles (1813–1868). In: Australian Dictionary of Biography. Band 1, Melbourne University Press, 1966, S. 514f (online).
  • Paul Kane: Australian poetry: romanticism and negativity. Cambridge University Press, 1996, ISBN 0-521-43239-1 (online in der Google-Buchsuche).
  • Peter Pierce (Hrsg.): The Cambridge History of Australian Literature. Cambridge University Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-521-88165-4 (online in der Google-Buchsuche).
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