178th New York State Legislature

178th New York State Legislature
177th 179th
The facade of the New York State Capitol building in bright daylight
Legislative bodyNew York State Legislature
JurisdictionNew York, United States
TermJanuary 1, 1969 – December 31, 1970
PresidentLt. Gov. Malcolm Wilson (R)
Temporary PresidentEarl W. Brydges (R)
Party controlRepublican (33–24)
SpeakerPerry B. Duryea Jr. (R)
Party controlRepublican
1969: (76–72–2)
1970: (77–71–2)
1stJanuary 8 – May 2, 1969
2ndJanuary 7 – April 20, 1970

The 178th New York State Legislature, consisting of the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly, met from January 8, 1969, to April 20, 1970, during the eleventh and twelfth years of Nelson Rockefeller's governorship, in Albany.



Under the provisions of the New York Constitution of 1938, and the U.S. Supreme Court decision to follow the One man, one vote rule, re-apportioned in 1966 by order of the New York Court of Appeals, 57 Senators and 150 assemblymen were elected in single-seat districts for two-year terms. Senate and Assembly districts consisted of approximately the same number of inhabitants, the area being apportioned without restrictions regarding county boundaries.

At this time there were two major political parties: the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. The Conservative Party, the Liberal Party, the Peace and Freedom Party, the Socialist Labor Party and the Socialist Workers Party also nominated tickets.



The New York state election, 1968, was held on November 5. The only two statewide elective offices up for election were a seat on the New York Court of Appeals and a U.S. Senator from New York. The incumbent office-holders were re-elected: Judge Adrian P. Burke, a Democrat with Republican, Liberal and Conservative endorsement; and U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits, a Republican with Liberal endorsement. The approximate party strength at this election, as expressed by the vote for U.S. Senator, was: Republicans/Liberals 3,270,000; Democrats 2,151,000; Conservatives 1,139,000; Peace and Freedom 9,000; Socialist Labor 8,000; and Socialist Workers 5,000.

Two of the four women members of the previous legislature—Assemblywomen Constance E. Cook (Rep.), a lawyer of Ithaca; and Gail Hellenbrand (Dem.), of Brooklyn—were re-elected. Rosemary R. Gunning (Cons.), a lawyer of Ridgewood, Queens; and Mary Anne Krupsak (Dem.), a lawyer of Amsterdam, were also elected to the assembly.

The New York state election, 1969, was held on November 4. The only statewide elective office up for election was a seat on the New York Court of Appeals. Two vacancies in the Assembly were filled.



The legislature met for the first regular session (the 192nd) at the State Capitol in Albany on January 8, 1969;[1] and recessed on March 30.[2] The legislature met again on April 15;[3] and adjourned sine die on May 2.[4]

Perry B. Duryea Jr. (Rep.) was elected Speaker.

Earl W. Brydges (Rep.) was re-elected temporary president of the state Senate.

On March 28, the legislature increased the state sales tax by 1 percentage point. Democrats Charles F. Stockmeister and Albert J. Hausbeck voted with the Republicans[5] and subsequently were ostracised by their party.[6] Stockmeister was appointed by Gov. Rockefeller to the Civil Service Commission on July 3, 1969. Hausbeck changed parties in 1970, and was re-elected to the Assembly on the Republican and Conservative tickets in November 1970.

On December 3, 1969, the Court of Appeals did not allow a re-apportionment of the legislative districts which the Republican majorities in both Houses intended to enact in time to be used for the elections in November 1970.[7]

The legislature met for the second regular session (the 193rd) at the State Capitol in Albany on January 7, 1970;[8] and adjourned sine die on April 20.[9]

On April 9, 1970, the Assembly passed a bill allowing abortion without restrictions until 24 weeks of pregnancy.[10] The Senate passed the bill on April 10, and Gov. Rockefeller signed it on April 11, thus becoming the law.

State Senate




The asterisk (*) denotes members of the previous Legislature who continued in office as members of this Legislature. Jess J. Present changed from the Assembly to the Senate at the beginning of the session.

Note: For brevity, the chairmanships omit the words "...the Committee on (the)..."

District Senator Party Notes
1st Leon E. Giuffreda* Republican
2nd Bernard C. Smith* Republican
3rd Ralph J. Marino Republican
4th Edward J. Speno* Republican
5th John D. Caemmerer* Republican
6th John R. Dunne* Republican
7th Norman F. Lent* Republican on November 3, 1970, elected to the 92nd U.S. Congress
8th Murray Schwartz* Democrat
9th Jack E. Bronston* Democrat
10th Seymour R. Thaler* Democrat
11th John J. Santucci* Democrat
12th Martin J. Knorr Republican
13th Nicholas Ferraro* Democrat
14th Edward S. Lentol* Democrat
15th A. Frederick Meyerson Democrat
16th William Rosenblatt* Democrat
17th Jeremiah B. Bloom* Democrat
18th Waldaba Stewart Democrat
19th Samuel L. Greenberg* Democrat
20th Albert B. Lewis* Democrat
21st William T. Conklin* Republican
22nd William J. Ferrall* Democrat died on December 13, 1970
23rd John J. Marchi* Republican
24th Paul P. E. Bookson* Democrat
25th Manfred Ohrenstein* Democrat
26th Roy M. Goodman Republican
27th Basil A. Paterson* Democrat
28th Joseph Zaretzki* Democrat Minority Leader
29th Robert García* Democrat
30th Harrison J. Goldin* Democrat
31st Joseph L. Galiber Democrat
32nd Abraham Bernstein* Democrat
33rd John D. Calandra* Republican
34th John E. Flynn* Republican
35th Anthony B. Gioffre* Republican
36th Bernard G. Gordon* Republican
37th D. Clinton Dominick III* Republican
38th Jay P. Rolison Jr.* Republican
39th Douglas Hudson* Republican
40th Walter B. Langley Republican
41st Dalwin J. Niles* Republican
42nd Ronald B. Stafford* Republican
43rd Hugh Douglas Barclay* Republican
44th James H. Donovan* Republican
45th John H. Hughes* Republican Chairman of Judiciary
46th Tarky Lombardi Jr.* Republican
47th Warren M. Anderson* Republican Chairman of Finance
48th William T. Smith* Republican
49th Theodore D. Day* Republican
50th Thomas Laverne* Republican
51st James E. Powers* Democrat
52nd Earl W. Brydges* Republican re-elected Temporary President
53rd William E. Adams* Republican on December 29, 1970, appointed Counsel to the NYS Board of Standards and Appeals
54th Thomas F. McGowan* Republican
55th Frank J. Glinski* Democrat
56th James D. Griffin* Democrat
57th Jess J. Present* Republican



State Assembly


Assembly members


The asterisk (*) denotes members of the previous Legislature who continued in office as members of this Legislature.

Note: For brevity, the chairmanships omit the words "...the Committee on (the)..."

District Assembly member Party Notes
1st Perry B. Duryea Jr.* Republican elected Speaker
2nd Peter J. Costigan* Republican
3rd Charles A. Jerabek Cons./Rep.
4th Prescott B. Huntington* Republican
5th William L. Burns* Republican
6th John G. McCarthy* Republican
7th Joseph M. Reilly* Republican
8th Martin Ginsberg* Republican
9th Francis P. McCloskey* Republican
10th Milton Jonas* Republican
11th Stanley Harwood* Democrat
12th Joseph M. Margiotta* Republican
13th John S. Thorp Jr.* Democrat
14th Arthur J. Kremer* Democrat
15th Eli Wager* Democrat
16th George J. Farrell Jr.* Republican
17th John E. Kingston* Republican Majority Leader
18th Vincent R. Balletta Jr.* Republican
19th Herbert A. Posner* Democrat
20th Joseph J. Kunzeman* Republican
21st Martin Rodell* Democrat
22nd John T. Gallagher* Republican
23rd Leonard P. Stavisky* Democrat
24th Arthur J. Cooperman Democrat
25th Moses M. Weinstein* Democrat on November 4, 1969, elected to the New York Supreme Court
Emanuel R. Gold Democrat on February 17, 1970, elected to fill vacancy[11]
26th Guy R. Brewer Democrat
27th Herbert J. Miller* Democrat
28th Alfred D. Lerner* Republican
29th Frederick D. Schmidt* Democrat
30th John T. Flack Republican
31st Joseph F. Lisa Democrat
32nd Jules G. Sabbatino* Democrat
33rd Joseph S. Calabretta* Democrat
34th Rosemary R. Gunning Cons./Rep.
35th Chester J. Straub* Democrat
36th Rudolph F. DiBlasi* Democrat resigned to run for the New York City Council
Peter G. Mirto Democrat on November 4, 1969, elected to fill vacancy[12]
37th Samuel D. Wright* Democrat
38th Vito P. Battista Republican
39th Stanley Fink Democrat
40th Alfred A. Lama* Democrat
41st Stanley Steingut* Democrat Minority Leader
42nd Lawrence P. Murphy* Democrat
43rd George A. Cincotta* Democrat
44th Sidney A. Lichtman Democrat
45th Stephen J. Solarz Democrat
46th Leonard M. Simon* Democrat
47th Salvatore J. Grieco* Democrat
48th Leonard Silverman Democrat
49th Dominick L. DiCarlo* Republican
50th Robert F. Kelly* Republican
51st Vincent A. Riccio Republican
52nd Joseph J. Dowd* Democrat
53rd William J. Giordano* Democrat
54th Gail Hellenbrand* Democrat
55th Thomas R. Fortune Democrat
56th Bertram L. Baker* Democrat
57th Harvey L. Strelzin Democrat
58th Lucio F. Russo* Republican
59th Edward J. Amann Jr.* Republican
60th Louis DeSalvio* Democrat
61st Anthony G. DiFalco Democrat
62nd Andrew J. Stein Democrat
63rd William F. Passannante* Democrat
64th Peter A. A. Berle Democrat
65th Jerome Kretchmer* Democrat
66th Stephen C. Hansen Republican
67th Albert H. Blumenthal* Democrat
68th Frank G. Rossetti* Democrat
69th Franz S. Leichter Democrat
70th Hulan E. Jack* Democrat
71st Stephen S. Gottlieb Democrat
72nd Charles B. Rangel* Democrat on November 3, 1970, elected to the 92nd U.S. Congress
73rd John J. Walsh* Democrat
74th Mark T. Southall* Democrat
75th Harry Kraf* Democrat
76th Seymour Posner* Democrat
77th Armando Montano Democrat
78th Edward A. Stevenson, Sr.* Democrat
79th Manuel Ramos* Democrat
80th Ferdinand J. Mondello* Democrat
81st Robert Abrams* Democrat on November 4, 1969, elected Borough President of the Bronx
Alan Hochberg Democrat on February 17, 1970, elected to fill vacancy[11]
82nd Alexander Chananau* Democrat
83rd Burton Hecht* Democrat
84th Benjamin Altman* Democrat on January 6, 1970, appointed as NYC Commissioner of Rent and Housing Maintenance[13]
G. Oliver Koppell Ind. Dem. on March 3, 1970, elected to fill vacancy[14]
85th Anthony J. Mercorella* Democrat
86th Anthony J. Stella Democrat
87th Thomas J. McInerney* Democrat
88th George E. Van Cott* Republican
89th Alvin M. Suchin* Republican
90th Gordon W. Burrows* Republican
91st Joseph R. Pisani* Republican
92nd Richard A. Cerosky* Republican
93rd Peter R. Biondo* Republican
94th Eugene Levy Republican
95th Benjamin A. Gilman* Republican
96th Daniel Becker Republican
97th Willis H. Stephens* Republican Chairman of Ways and Means
98th Emeel S. Betros Republican
99th H. Clark Bell Republican
100th Clarence D. Lane* Republican
101st Neil W. Kelleher* Republican
102nd Raymond C. Skuse Republican
103rd Fred G. Field Jr. Republican
104th Mary Anne Krupsak Democrat
105th Clark C. Wemple* Republican
106th Fred W. Droms Jr.* Republican
107th Lawrence E. Corbett Jr.* Republican
108th Andrew W. Ryan Jr. Republican
109th Glenn H. Harris* Republican
110th Edward J. Keenan* Republican
111th Donald L. Taylor* Republican
112th Donald J. Mitchell* Republican
113th Edwyn E. Mason* Republican
114th Richard A. Brown* Republican
115th William R. Sears* Republican
116th John T. Buckley* Republican
117th Edward F. Crawford* Republican Chairman of Judiciary
118th Leonard F. Bersani Republican
119th Kenneth G. Bartlett* Republican
120th Mortimer P. Gallivan* Democrat
121st John H. Terry* Republican on November 3, 1970, elected to the 92nd U.S. Congress
122nd George M. Michaels Democrat
123rd Kenneth S. Leasure* Republican
124th Francis J. Boland Jr.* Republican
125th Constance E. Cook* Republican
126th L. Richard Marshall* Republican
127th Charles D. Henderson* Republican
128th Frederick L. Warder* Republican
129th Joseph C. Finley* Republican
130th Donald C. Shoemaker* Republican
131st Raymond J. Lill* Democrat
132nd S. William Rosenberg* Republican
133rd Frank A. Carroll* Republican
134th Charles F. Stockmeister* Democrat on July 3, 1969, appointed to the New York State Civil Service Commission[15]
William M. Steinfeldt Republican on November 4, 1969, elected to fill vacancy[12]
135th Don W. Cook* Republican
136th James L. Emery* Republican
137th V. Sumner Carroll* Republican
138th Gregory J. Pope* Democrat
139th Lloyd J. Long* Republican
140th James T. McFarland* Republican
141st Chester R. Hardt* Republican
142nd Stephen R. Greco* Democrat
143rd Arthur O. Eve* Democrat
144th Albert J. Hausbeck* Democrat
145th John B. Lis* Democrat
146th Francis J. Griffin* Democrat
147th Ronald H. Tills Republican
148th Frank Walkley* Republican
149th Lloyd A. Russell* Republican
150th John W. Beckman Republican




  1. ^ Governor Proposes Curb on Spending; 3% Sales Tax; Trim of 5% is Goal in The New York Times on January 9, 1969 (subscription required)
  2. ^ Two-Week Recess Starts in Albany in The New York Times on March 31, 1969 (subscription required)
  3. ^ Legislature Reconvenes Today, Hoping to Adjourn by May 1 in The New York Times on April 15, 1969 (subscription required)
  4. ^ Legislature Ends; Pay Raises Passed in The New York Times on May 3, 1969 (subscription required)
  5. ^ State Sales Tax Increased 1 Cent by G.O.P. in Albany in The New York Times on March 29, 1969 (subscription required)
  6. ^ Steingut Bids Assembly Demote 2 Democrats for Sales Tax Vote in The New York Times on April 2, 1969 (subscription required)
  7. ^ Court Bars G.O.P. From Redistricting Legislature in '70 in The New York Times on December 4, 1969 (subscription required)
  8. ^ Rockefeller Offers Plan to Revamp State Agencies to Meet Problems of 70's in The New York Times on January 8, 1970 (subscription required)
  9. ^ Ballot Bill Stirs Furor as Session Closes in Albany in The New York Times on April 21, 1970 (subscription required)
  10. ^ Abortion Reform is Voted by the Assembly, 76 to 73 in The New York Times on April 10, 1970 (subscription required)
  11. ^ a b Democrats Win Elections in Bronx and Queens in The New York Times on February 18, 1970 (subscription required)
  12. ^ a b Election results in The Daily Messenger, of Canandaigua, on November 5, 1969
  13. ^ New Housing Chief Would Rebuild Slums to Draw Middle Class in The New York Times on January 7, 1970 (subscription required)
  14. ^ Koppell ran as an Independent, and defeated the regular Democratic candidate Sidney Rosen; see Koppell Wins Assembly Seat in a Special Election in Bronx in The New York Times on March 4, 1970 (subscription required)
  15. ^ Rebel Democrat Gets State Post in The New York Times on July 4, 1969 (subscription required)

