2020 N'Délé clashes

2020 N'Délé clashes
Part of the Central African Republic Civil War

RPRC military vehicle in N'Délé, 11 March 2020
Date2 March – 19 May 2020
Location8°24′33″N 20°39′11″E / 8.40917°N 20.65306°E / 8.40917; 20.65306

FPRC victory

  • RPRC coalition withdraws from N'Délé
  • Peace agreement signed with splinter faction of FPRC


Goula factions of FPRC

United Nations MINUSCA:

Central African Republic FACA (from 13 May)
Commanders and leaders
Noureddine Adam
Abdoulaye Hissène
Moctar Adam
Damane Zakaria
Azor Kalité  Surrendered
Amar  Surrendered
Central African Republic Faustin-Archange Touadéra
100+ (MLCJ)
60+ (RPRC)
50+ vehicles
Casualties and losses
Dozens killed and injured Dozens killed and injured
13 captured
United Nations 1 killed
Around 100 people killed, 3,000+ displaced
Map of clashes

In 2020 heavy clashes between ex-Séléka groups erupted in N'Délé in Central African Republic. Fighting was largely along ethnic lines between Rounga factions of FPRC and ethnically Goula and Kara rebel groups.



On 2 March 2020 FPRC fighters killed an RPRC colonel. FPRC refused to execute their fighters who were responsible for this attack. Two days later heavy clashes erupted between both groups in N'Délé leading to several people being killed and injured.[1] On 5 March both sides received reinforcement from Birao and surrounding villages. At 5 am clashes were reported 5 km from N'Délé. Thousands of refugees mainly from Goula ethnic groups began to gather at MINUSCA base near airport.[2] On 7 March 2020 MINUSCA staff member was killed in N'Délé during clashes.[3] RPRC was forced to withdraw from N'Délé and prefect of Bamingui fled the city. His residence was occupied by FPRC.[1] On 8 March six alleged members of FPRC were murdered by RPRC. Number of refugees reached 3,000. On 9 March around 100 members of MLCJ arrived from Vakaga to reinforce RPRC positions.[4][5] On 11 March RPRC with support of MLCJ attacked FPRC positions in N'Délé seizing half of city and looting and burning central market and FPRC leader residence. More than 40 civilians were killed.[6]

On 18 March it was reported that FPRC controlled Ndélé while RPRC controlled surrounding villages.[7] On 25 March RPRC attacked Gozbéda village 7 km from Ndélé destroying homes. FPRC reinforcement clashed with them leading to three FPRC and seven RPRC fighters being killed.[8] On 28 March more than 60 fighters reinforced RPRC positions. Day later fighting has reached outskirts of Ndélé.[9] On 30 March armed FPRC fighters forced refugees to leave IDP camp.[10]

On 1 April 2020 clashes erupted between Goula and Rounga factions of FPRC in Bornou neighborhood of N'Délé. Soldiers demanded resignation of FPRC chief, Moctar Adam.[11] On 6 April fighting resumed with blasts being heard in the city. RPRC coalition attacked N'Délé from four sides.[12] On 15 April UN reported that situation started to improve after FPRC chief returned to city.[13] However, on 29 April RPRC and MLCJ attacked central market in N'Délé killing at least 37 people[14] After attack RPRC withdrew towards Artisanat, Mourouba, Sodeca and Mbatta neighborhoods which were abandoned by civilian population. They established their base in local church and captured two technicals which were later destroyed according to FPRC.[15] On 10 May Rwandan and Portuguese peacekeepers arrived in the city to force RPRC fighters to leave the city.[16] On 12 May clashes between FPRC and RPRC erupted again in a village 2 km from Ndélé after alleged act of robbery by FPRC fighters leading to four fighters and two civilians being killed.[17][18]



On 13 May 2020 FACA was deployed in N'Délé in the former base of FPRC for the first time since 2012.[19]

On 19 May MINUSCA arrested nine RPRC fighters in N'Délé including general Azor Kalité while they were trying to escape to Tirigoulou. They were transferred two days later to Bangui. They have been accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.[20] On 25 May MINUSCA arrested two RPRC fighters 16 km from N'Délé followed by another two day later including general Amar.[21]

On 27 August pact of non-aggression in Bamingui-Bangoran was signed between Goula and Rounga factions of FPRC.[22][23]


On 5 December 2023 the Special Criminal Court (CPS), a UN-backed hybrid tribunal based in Bangui, opened the trial in case related to N'Délé massacres, with four (Azor Kalite, Charfadine Moussa, Antar Hamat and Oscar Wordjonodroba) of the ten accused present. They were accused of homicide, attacks on the health and physical or mental well-being of persons, cruel treatment, attacks on the civilian population of Ndélé and pillaging. On 16 April 2024, after two months of delay due to lawyers' strike, the court resumed hearings. Abdoulaye Hissène was also questioned in a different case stemming from the same events.[24]


  1. ^ a b "Flash info : combats de Ndélé, le préfet en fuite, sa résidence occupée par les rebelles". 7 March 2020.
  2. ^ "RCA : Reprise de combat à Ndélé, des milliers des déplacés devant la base de la Minusca". 6 March 2020.
  3. ^ "Security Council Press Statement on Attack against United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Central African Republic". United Nations. 16 March 2020.
  4. ^ "RCA : crise humanitaire à Ndélé, le chef de la délégation du CICR est arrivée dans la ville". 9 March 2020.
  5. ^ "RCA : panique à Ndélé, une centaine des rebelles du MLCJ sont signalés à 10 km". 10 March 2020.
  6. ^ "Centrafrique : 40 civils massacrés à Ndélé par la coalition Jandjawids soudanais RPRC-MLCJ-TOUADERA". Archived from the original on 2020-10-01. Retrieved 2020-04-27.
  7. ^ "RCA : Ndélé, tentative d'enlèvement du médecin de la ville". 18 March 2020.
  8. ^ "RCA : des violents combats en cours dans la localité de Ndélé entre le RPRC et le FPRC". 26 March 2020.
  9. ^ "RCA : Ndélé, les combats s'intensifient à 5 kilomètres". 29 March 2020.
  10. ^ "RCA : pagaille dans le camp des déplacés à Ndélé, le FPRC accusé de violation de droit humanitaire". 30 March 2020.
  11. ^ "RCA : violent accrochage entre les différents éléments coalisés du FPRC à Ndélé". 2 April 2020.
  12. ^ "Flash info : reprise des combats à Ndélé, les Goula du RPRC contre-attaquent". 6 April 2020.
  14. ^ "CAR: Clashes erupt following attack in Ndélé April 29". 30 April 2020.
  15. ^ "RCA : combat de Ndélé, le bilan s'élève à 37 morts, et les RPRC se positionnent dans la ville". 30 April 2020.
  16. ^ "RCA : Ndélé, arrivée des forces spéciales portugaises et rwandaises de la Minusca". 11 May 2020.
  17. ^ "CAR: Clashes erupt between rival groups near Ndélé May 12". 14 May 2020.
  18. ^ "RCA : Ndélé, 6 personnes tuées dans un affrontement intergroupe armé". 13 May 2020.
  19. ^ "Centrafrique : les soldats FACA de retour à Ndélé". 13 May 2020.
  20. ^ "RCA : arrivée à Bangui du général Azor Kalité et ses 8 éléments arrêtés par la Minusca à Ndélé". 22 May 2020.
  21. ^ "RCA : Ndélé, arrestation du célèbre général Amar, un important stratège de la coalition RPRC-MLCJ-PRNC". 27 May 2020.
  22. ^ "Centrafrique : Pacte de non – agression et de bonne cohabitation entre les parties belligérantes dans la Bamingui – Bangoran". 27 August 2020. Archived from the original on 19 October 2020. Retrieved 15 October 2020.
  23. ^ "Ndélé : Goula et Rounga enterrent la hache de guerre". 6 September 2020.