Bond graph

A simple mass–spring–damper system, and its equivalent bond-graph form

A bond graph is a graphical representation of a physical dynamic system. It allows the conversion of the system into a state-space representation. It is similar to a block diagram or signal-flow graph, with the major difference that the arcs in bond graphs represent bi-directional exchange of physical energy, while those in block diagrams and signal-flow graphs represent uni-directional flow of information. Bond graphs are multi-energy domain (e.g. mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, etc.) and domain neutral. This means a bond graph can incorporate multiple domains seamlessly.

The bond graph is composed of the "bonds" which link together "single-port", "double-port" and "multi-port" elements (see below for details). Each bond represents the instantaneous flow of energy (dE/dt) or power. The flow in each bond is denoted by a pair of variables called power variables, akin to conjugate variables, whose product is the instantaneous power of the bond. The power variables are broken into two parts: flow and effort. For example, for the bond of an electrical system, the flow is the current, while the effort is the voltage. By multiplying current and voltage in this example you can get the instantaneous power of the bond.

A bond has two other features described briefly here, and discussed in more detail below. One is the "half-arrow" sign convention. This defines the assumed direction of positive energy flow. As with electrical circuit diagrams and free-body diagrams, the choice of positive direction is arbitrary, with the caveat that the analyst must be consistent throughout with the chosen definition. The other feature is the "causality". This is a vertical bar placed on only one end of the bond. It is not arbitrary. As described below, there are rules for assigning the proper causality to a given port, and rules for the precedence among ports. Causality explains the mathematical relationship between effort and flow. The positions of the causalities show which of the power variables are dependent and which are independent.

If the dynamics of the physical system to be modeled operate on widely varying time scales, fast continuous-time behaviors can be modeled as instantaneous phenomena by using a hybrid bond graph. Bond graphs were invented by Henry Paynter.[1]

Systems for bond graph


Many systems can be expressed in terms used in bond graph. These terms are expressed in the table below.

Conventions for the table below:

  • is the active power;
  • is a matrix object;
  • is a vector object;
  • is the Hermitian conjugate of x; it is the complex conjugate of the transpose of x. If x is a scalar, then the Hermitian conjugate is the same as the complex conjugate;
  • is the Euler notation for differentiation, where:
  • Vergent-factor:
Generalized flow Generalized displacement Generalized effort Generalized momentum Generalized power (in watts for power systems) Generalized energy (in joules for power systems)
Description Time derivative of displacement A quality related to static behaviour. The energy per unit of displacement Time integral of effort Transformation of energy from one to another form Conserved quantity in closed systems
Name Hyperance ,
Compliance ,
Resistance Inertance (or ) Abrahance Magnance
Properties Power dissipative element Charge storage element

(State variable: displacement)

(Costate variable: effort)

Power dissipative element Momentum storage element

(State variable: momentum)

(Costate variable: flow)

Power dissipative element Power dissipative element
Quantitative behaviour For 1-dimension systems (linear):

For 1-dimension systems:


Potential energy for N-dimension systems:

Potential energy:

Potential coenergy:

For 1-dimension systems:


For 1-dimension systems (linear):

Power for 1-dimension non-linear resistances ( is the effort developed by the element):

Rayleigh power:

Rayleigh oower for non-linear resistances:

Rayleigh effort:

For N-dimension systems:

For 1-dimension systems:


Kinetic energy for N-dimension systems:

Kinetic energy:

Kinetic coenergy:

For 1-dimension systems:


For 1-dimension systems (linear):

For 1-dimension systems:


For 1-dimension systems (linear)

For 1-dimension systems


Generalized behaviour Energy from active effort sources:



Hamiltonian effort:

Lagrangian effort:

Passive effort:

Power equation:

Effort equation:

Lagrangian equation:

Hamiltonian equation:

If is the coenergy, is the energy, is the state variable and is the costate variable,

For linear elements:

Longitudinal mechanical power system[2]
Flow-related variables : pounce / pop : flounce / crackle : jounce / snap : jerk
: acceleration : velocity (flow) : displacement (displacement) : absement
: absity : abseleration : abserk
Effort-related variables : yank : force (effort) : linear momentum (momentum)
Passive elements
Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Inertance (I) Abrahance (A) Magnance (M)
Spring where is the spring stiffness Damper where is the damper parameter Mass where is the mass Abraham–Lorentz force


Magnetic radiation reaction force


Cantilever Cyclotron radiation resistance


Prismatic floater in a wide waterbody


  • : liquid density
  • : area
  • : gravitational acceleration
Viscous friction where is the viscous friction parameter
Elastic rod


  • : Young's modulus
  • : area
  • : rod length
Inverse of kinetic mobility where is the kinetic mobility
Newton's law of gravitation


  • : gravitational constant
  • : mass of body 1
  • : mass of body 2
Geometry interacting with air (e.g. drag)


  • : contact area
  • : aerodynamic geometry coefficient
  • : fluid density
Coulomb's law


  • : permittivity
  • : charge of body 1
  • : charge of body 2
Absquare[clarification needed] damper where is the Absquare damper parameter
Casimir force


Dry friction


  • : kinetic friction coefficient
  • : normal force
Biot–Savart law


  • : permeability
  • : current in wire 1
  • : current in wire 2
  • : length of wires
Piston pressing fluid inside an adiabatic chamber


  • : area of piston
  • : initial pressure inside
  • : initial position of piston
  • : poisson coefficient
Angular mechanical power system
Flow-related variables : angular jerk : angular acceleration
: angular velocity (flow) : angular displacement (displacement)
Effort-related variables : rotatum : rorque (effort)
: angular momentum (momentum)
Passive elements
Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Inertance (I)
Inverse of the angular spring constant where is the angular spring constant Angular damping where is the damping constant Mass moment of inertia


where is the mass moment of inertia

Rod torsion


  • : shear modulus
  • : polar moment of area
  • : rod length
Governor (e.g. used in music boxes) where is the governor constant
Bending moment (cantilever)


  • : Young modulus
  • : second moment of area
  • : beam length
Parallel force field


  • : angle (counter-clockwise positive) between the polar axis and the force field
  • : current angle of the object (e.g. pendulum)
Electric power system
Flow-related variables : electric inertia : electric current (flow) : electric charge (displacement)
Effort-related variables : distension : voltage (effort) : flux linkage (momentum)
Hyperance (H) Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Inertance (I) Abrahance (A)
Frequency-dependent negative resistor (FDNR)

Linear capacitor


  • : Permittivity
  • : vergent factor
Linear resistor


  • : resistivity
  • : vergent factor
  • : thermal coefficient
  • : current temperature
  • : reference temperature
Linear inductor (solenoid)


  • : permeability
  • : number of turns
  • : area
  • : length
Frequency-dependent negative conductance (FDNC)




  • : ideality factor
  • : thermal voltage
  • : leakage current


  • : permeability
  • : number of turns
  • : cross-sectional area
  • : toroid radius to centerline
Intra-gyrator Inter-gyrator
Compliant gyrator Resistive gyrator Inertant gyrator
Hall effect device


  • : Hall coefficient
  • : vertical magnetic induction field
  • : vertical thickness
Induction motor


  • : electrical angle
  • : voltage at rotor bar
  • : voltage at stator bar
  • : flow through stator bar
  • : flow through rotor bar
DC motor


  • : electromagnetic torque
  • : axis angular velocity
  • : field current
  • : armature current
Faraday gyrator


  • : force
  • : rod velocity
  • : rod voltage
  • : magnetic induction field
  • : rod length
Faraday disk


  • : magnetic induction field
  • : disk radius
Intra-transformer Inter-transformer
Electrical transformer (only for AC signals)

Hydraulic / pneumatic power system
Flow-related variables : volumetric flow rate (flow) : volume (displacement)
Effort-related variables : pressure (effort) : fluid momentum (momentum)
Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Inertance (I)
Pipe elasticity


  • : nominal pipe radius
  • : pipe volume (without stress)
  • : wall thickness
  • : Young's modulus
Darcy sponge


  • : dynamic viscosity
  • : permeability
  • : vergent factor
Fluid inertia in pipes


  • : fluid density
  • : vergent factor
Compressible fluid (approximation)


  • : pipe volume (without stress)
  • : bulk modulus
  • : gas density at reference pressure
  • : speed of sound

  • : discharge coefficient
  • : fluid density
  • : smallest area for fluid passage
Tank with area :


  • : height with respect to the ground
  • : inlet height
  • : fluid density
  • : curve scaling (dimension of area)
  • : correction of dimension
  • : curve parameter
  • : acceleration of gravity
  • Case (prismatic case):
  • Case (current diode case):
Poiseuille resistance for cylinders


  • : dynamic viscosity
  • : pipe length
  • : pipe radius
Isothermal chamber

where is chamber's constant

Turbulence resistance

where is an empirical parameter

Compressible fluid

where is the bulk modulus



  • : fluid density
  • : outlet area
  • : inlet area
Adiabatic bladder


  • : reference pressure
  • : reference volume
  • : Poisson coefficient
Check valve


  • : empirical constant
  • : reverse bias absolute flow
Gyrator–capacitor power system
Flow-related variables : magnetic flux (displacement)
Effort-related variables : magnetomotive force (momentum)
Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Inertance (I)
Permeance ()


  • : permeability
  • : vergent factor
Magnetic complex impedance ()

Magnetic complex inductance ()

Gravitational power system
Flow-related variables : gravitational current Loop (flow) : gravitational charge (displacement)
Effort-related variables : gravitational voltage (effort) : gravitational momentum (momentum)
Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Inertance (I)
Gravitational capacitance


Gravitational orbital resistance


Gravitational inductance


Electric field volumetric power density system
Flow-related variables : current density (flow) : electric displacement field (displacement)
Effort-related variables : electric field (effort) : magnetic potential vector (momentum)
Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Volumetric power density inertance ()
Electrical permittivity


Electrical resistivity


Magnetic permeability
Magnetic field volumetric power density system
Flow-related variables : magnetic flux density (displacement)
Effort-related variables : magnetic field strength (effort)
Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Volumetric power density inertance ()
Magnetic permeability for magnetic circuits


Gravitoelectric volumetric power density system
Flow-related variables : flux of mass (flow) : accumulated flux of mass (displacement)
Effort-related variables : acceleration of gravity (effort)
Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Volumetric power density inertance ()
Gravitational permittivity


Gravitational permeability
Gravitomagnetic volumetric power density system
Flow-related variables : gravitomagnetic field (displacement)
Effort-related variables : gravitomagnetic field strength (effort)
Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Volumetric power density inertance ()
Gravitational permeability

Thermal power-temperature system
Flow-related variables : heat rate (flow) : total heat (displacement)
Effort-related variables : temperature (Effort)
Compliance (C) Resistance (R) Inertance (I)
Isobaric heat


  • : object mass density
  • : volume of object
  • : pressure specific heat capacity
Conduction resistance


  • : thermal conductivity
  • : vergent factor
Isocoric heat

where is the constant-volume heat capacitance

Convection resistance


  • : convection coefficient
  • : interface area
Isothermal heat


  • : universal gas constant
  • : number of moles
  • : final volume
  • : initial volume
Stefan–Boltzmann law


  • : emissivity
  • : Stefan–Boltzmann constant
  • : interface area
Continuum mechanics volumetric power density system
Flow-related variables : strain rate