Thuận An estuary

Thuận An estuary in the Thần kinh thập nhị cảnh (神京二十景) set of landscape paintings painted in the 5th year of Thiệu Trị, 1845

The Thuận An estuary (Vietnamese: cửa Thuận An, demotic names: cửa Eo, cửa Nộn), is an important estuarine port on the Hương River in central Vietnam's Thừa Thiên–Huế Province.[1]


  1. ^ Nola Cooke, Tana Li -Water Frontier: Commerce and the Chinese in the Lower Mekong ... - Page 60 2004 "Hue itself was situated five leagues upriver from the estuarine port of Thuan An and about eighteen leagues northwest of Tourane (Da Nang). It enjoyed good anchorage up to six fathoms deep. Local trade vessels of about one hundred tons ."