Charlie Hebdo issue No. 1011

A cartoon of a bearded, turbanned man
Issue No. 1011 cover of Charlie Hebdo, renamed Charia Hebdo ("Sharia Hebdo"). The speech balloon shows Muhammad saying, "100 lashes if you don't die laughing!"

Charlie Hebdo issue No. 1011 is an issue of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo published on 2 November 2011. Several attacks against Charlie Hebdo, including an arson attack at its headquarters, were motivated by the issue's cover caricature of Muhammad, whose depiction is prohibited in some interpretations of Islam. The issue's subtitle Charia Hebdo references Islamic sharia law.

Charia Hebdo


On 31 October 2011, issue No. 1011 of the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo left the presses two days before its official publication date. The issue was retitled Charia Hebdo in facetious celebration of Tunisian Islamist party Ennahda's achieving a plurality of the vote and forming a government after the 2011 Tunisian Constituent Assembly election. The issue elicited mixed reactions in social media.[1] Muhammad, the founder of Islam, appears on the cover saying, "100 lashes if you do not die laughing!" in a caricature by cartoonist Luz.[2]

The issue announced, "To fittingly celebrate the victory of the Islamist Ennahda party in Tunisia ... Charlie Hebdo has asked Muhammad to be the special editor-in-chief of its next issue", the magazine said in a statement  ... The prophet of Islam didn't have to be asked twice and we thank him for it."[3] It featured an editorial purportedly by Muhammad "Halal Aperitif" and a women's supplement called "Madam Sharia".[4] 110,000 copies were sold of the issue on its day of publication and its management announced a reprinting.[5]



Arson at the Charlie Hebdo offices

Cartoonist Luz in front of the burned offices of Charlie Hebdo after the arson of 2 November 2011.

During the night of 1 November 2011 the Charlie Hebdo offices at 62 boulevard Davout in the 20th arrondissement of Paris were burned down with a Molotov cocktail. Patrick Pelloux, who writes a column for the weekly, announced that "everything was destroyed".[6] Charlie Hebdo management said the fire was related to the publication of Charia Hebdo, and added they had "received quite a few letters of protest, threats, and insults on Twitter and Facebook".[7]

Nicolas Demorand, the managing editor of the newspaper Libération, invited the Charlie Hebdo staff to set themselves up in the Libération offices.[8] The following day, a four-page supplement dedicated to the cartoons of Charlie Hebdo appeared in Libération.[9]

On 3 November, Charlie Hebdo's manager Charb, managing editor Riss, and cartoonist Luz were placed under police protection.[10]

Hacking of the Charlie Hebdo website


Charlie Hebdo's website was hacked twice on the day of the issue's publication. The welcome page was replaced by a message in English and Turkish saying, "You keep abusing Islam's almighty Prophet with disgusting and disgraceful cartoons using excuses of freedom of speech. ... Be God's Curse On You! We will be Your Curse on Cyber World!"[11][12]

The following day the Turkish hacker group Akıncılar took credit for the attack. The group targets publications that it believes attacks its values or that it deems "pornographic or Satanic". The group asserted it had nothing to do with the burning of the Charlie Hebdo offices, and that it did not support acts of violence.[13][14]

On 3 November, the company Bluevision, which hosted the site, refused to put it back online following death threats it received.[15] The following day Charlie Hebdo began a blog at[16]

Threats on the Charlie Hebdo Facebook page


Facebook suspended Charlie Hebdo's page on the site after users left numerous threatening messages on it. Facebook's official explanation was that Charlie Hebdo was not an actual person, and that the page contravened rules proscribing graphic content.[17]

French Minister of the Interior Claude Guéant makes a public statement at the location of the arson.

2015 terrorist attack


On 7 January 2015, two Islamist terrorists stormed the Charlie Hebdo offices and shot and killed twelve people. Afterwards the terrorists reportedly declared, "We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad. We have killed Charlie Hebdo!"[18] Among the victims were cartoonists Cabu, Charb, Honoré, Tignous, Georges Wolinski, and the economist Bernard Maris.

See also



  1. ^ "La polémique s'amplifie autour du prochain numéro de Charlie Hebdo". Le Parisien. 31 October 2011
  2. ^ Martin, Jean-Christophe. "De Charlie à Charia Hebdo". France Info. 1 November 2011
  3. ^ "Quand 'Charlie Hebdo' devient 'Charia Hebdo'". Nouvelobs interactif. 31 October 2011
  4. ^ "Charlie Hebdo se rebaptise Charia Hebdo". Le Figaro, 1 November 2011
  5. ^ Bellver, Julien. "Charlie Hebdo en rupture de stock". PureMédias. 3 November 2011
  6. ^ M.-E. & W.-J., "Paris : Les locaux de 'Charlie Hebdo' incendiés au cocktail molotov Archived 27 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine". France-Soir. 2 November 2011
  7. ^ "Les locaux de Charlie Hebdo détruits dans la nuit par un incendie criminel". Nouvelobs interactif. 2 November 2011
  8. ^ Demorand invite la rédaction de Charlie Hebdo à s'installer à Libération sur Le Point. 2 November 2011
  9. ^ Berretta, Emmanuel. "Charlie Hebdo revient dès demain dans Libération". Le Point. 2 November 2011
  10. ^ "Trois «Charlie» sous protection policière". Libération. 3 November 2011
  11. ^ Manenti, Boris. "Piratage du site de "Charlie Hebdo" : une piste turque ?". Nouvelobs interactif. 2 November 2011
  12. ^ Guerrier, Philippe. " : victime d’un piratage au nom de la charia". NetMediaEurope. 2 November 2011
  13. ^ Manenti, Boris. "Des hackers turcs revendiquent le piratage de Charlie Hebdo". Nouvelobs interactif. 3 November 2011
  14. ^ "La cyberattaque contre Charlie Hebdo revendiquée par un groupe turc". Le Monde interactif. 3 November 2011
  15. ^ Julien L. "Charlie Hebdo : menacé de mort, l'hébergeur n'a pas remis le site en ligne". Numerama. 3 November 2011
  16. ^ "Faute de retrouver son site, Charlie Hebdo créé un blog". Le Point. 4 November 2011
  17. ^ "Charlie Hebdo : le compte Facebook bloqué, l'hebdo réimprimé". Ouest-France (in French). 4 November 2011. Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  18. ^ "Les deux tireurs étaient là pour 'venger le prophète' Archived 21 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine". I-Télé. 7 January 2015