Crater Highlands

3°05′05″S 35°40′54″E / 3.08472°S 35.68167°E / -3.08472; 35.68167

Topographical map of the Crater Highlands, looking from the north to the southwest.

The Crater Highlands or Ngorongoro Volcanic Highlands (Milima kasoko ya Ngorongoro , in Swahili) are a geological region along the East African Rift in the Arusha Region and parts of northern Manyara Region in north Tanzania. The Crater Highlands are made up of several large volcanic complexes, including the 2.4-2.2 Ma Lemagarut and 2.25-2.0 Ma Ngorongoro basalt-trachybasalt-trachyandesite volcanoes (Ngorongoro also contains trachydacite) and the 1.6-1.5 Ma Oldeani basalt-trachyandesite volcano.[1]



The highlands are located in a spreading zone at the intersection of branches of two tectonic plates, the African Plate and Somali Plate, resulting in distinctive and prominent landforms.[2]

The highlands are named for the many craters and calderas present. As is common in spreading zones, volcanoes can be found here. Magma, rising to fill the gaps, reaches the surface and builds cones. Calderas form if a volcano explodes or collapses, following the emptying of the magma chamber below, and further spreading can fracture the volcanoes as well.[2]

Sites: 1 - Laetoli (Australopithecus sp., Paranthropus aethiopicus) 2 - Olduvai (Paranthropus boisei, Homo habilis) 3 - Eyasi (Homo sapiens) Volcanoes: 4 - Sadiman 5 - Lemagrut 6 - Oldeani 7 - Ngorongoro 8 - Olmoti 9 - Empakaai 10 - Kerimasi 11 - Ol Doinyo Lengai



The following are considered to be within the Crater Highlands:

Visiting the Crater Highlands


There are a variety of scenic walks and hikes requiring various fitness levels, as well as trips to the famous Ngorongoro Crater and visits to local villages.

See also



  1. ^ Zaitsev, A., Marks, M., Wenzel, T., Spratt, J., Sharygin, V., Strekopytov, S., & Markl, G. (2012). Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrology of the phonolitic to nephelinitic Sadiman volcano, Crater Highlands, Tanzania. Lithos, 152, 66-83.
  2. ^ a b "Crater Highlands". NASA Earth Observatory. Retrieved 29 September 2017.