Eminescu's Linden Tree

Eminescu's Linden Tree (close-up, June 2014)

Eminescu's Linden Tree (Romanian: Teiul lui Eminescu) is a 500-year-old silver lime (Tilia tomentosa Moench) in Copou Park, Iași, Romania.

Mihai Eminescu reportedly wrote some of his best works underneath this lime, rendering the tree one of Romania's most important natural monuments and a Iași landmark.[1]


Eminescu's Linden Tree, December 2012.

According to the Iasi Environmental Protection Agency's official data, the tree is approximately 458 years old.[2] A more recent survey conducted using an increment borer, placed the tree at 540 years of age (+- 3%).[3]

Civic symbol


The tree was used as a civic symbol by the students who protested, in February 2013, against the removal (by felling) of the linden tree alignment in the Iaşi city centre, and its replacement by the local municipality with miniature Japanese shrubs.[4][5] In November 2015, the decision was reversed following a public referendum on the topic, which resulted in the reinstatement of limes in the city centre.[6][7][8]

Current status


In June 2014, Asociatia Dendro-Ornamentala "Anastasie Fatu Iasi", backed by the Iaşi Academic Group and the 'Iașul Iubește Teii' ('Iasi Loves Its Linden Trees') civic campaign, with support from 'Asociația Peisagiștilor din România' (ASOP) and 'Centrul de resurse pentru participare publica' (The Resource Center for Public Participation) (CeRe) (Bucharest), warned the City Hall over the tree's near critical condition, and asked for a number of emergency dendrological measures to be taken.[4][9][3] Later the same month, the City Hall complied with the request and, under the supervision of ing. dr. Ionel Lupu (President, Asociatia Dendro-Ornamentala "Anastasie Fatu Iasi") proceeded to treating the lime with Bordeaux mixture, insect repellent and organic soil enrichments.[3]

One day after the treatment, joined by local intellectuals and members of the public, ing. dr. Ionel Lupu, Professor Mandache Leocov and Professor Liviu Antonesei gathered near the tree and argued for the replanting of limes in the Iasi city centre, while accusing the City Hall of gross incompetence in managing the city's green spaces.[10]



  1. ^ Pettersen, L. & Baker, M. . Romania. Lonely Planet Travel Guide. p. 262.
  2. ^ Adevarul, 26 aprilie 2014 - Teiul lui Eminescu, datat cu precizie.
  3. ^ a b c "Informare privitoare la starea fito-sanitară a Teiului lui Eminescu și a tratamentului aplicat la data de 14.06.2014, Asociatia Dendro-Ornamentală "Anastasie Fătu" Iași". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2015-05-24.
  4. ^ a b "The Iaşi Linden Tree Fellings. Timeline. (With thanks to all the volunteers.)", Iasi Academic Group, retrieved 30 November 2014
  5. ^ Andreea Unturica -Mediafax, Florin Gheţău (11 May 2014), ""Iaşiul iubeşte teii!" Locuitorii au ieşit în stradă pentru a protesta faţă de plantarea salcâmilor japonezi", Gândul, retrieved 30 November 2014
  6. ^ Jurnalul regional TVR Iași. 'Avem tei argintii'. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSvtDH9KmNo, Retrieved 18 May 2016
  7. ^ "Protest in Iasi ca teii din centrul orasului sa nu fie taiati. Autoritatile aduc salcami japonezi", Pro TV, 11 February 2013, retrieved 18 May 2016
  8. ^ "Teii lui Eminescu, replantati la Iasi in urma unui referendum. Ce se va intampla cu salcamii care le luasera locul", Pro TV, 26 September 2015, retrieved 18 May 2016
  9. ^ Adevarul, 9 iunie 2014 - Teiul lui Eminescu, în pericol de moarte. Arborele-simbol al Iașiului are nevoie urgentă de tratament, iar specialiștii îi dau ultimatum primarului Nichita
  10. ^ Lecție de botanică pentru măcelarii teilor din Iași: „Este colosal de mult să tai 800 de copaci într-un an. Ăsta e un masacru". Prof. dr. Mandache Leucov, pentru Adevarul, 25 noiembrie 2013.

47°10′42.2″N 27°34′0.2″E / 47.178389°N 27.566722°E / 47.178389; 27.566722