; Created in LibreOffice 4 with this LibreLogo program (+object to path conversion ; of FreeSerif chess figures of the final SVG by Inkscape for Wikipedia SVG rendering) ; Usage: Put this code into an English language document in LibO Writer, ; and click on the Start icon of the View»Toolbars»Logo toolbar. ; requested chess font: http://mip.noekeon.org/HTMLTTChess/chess_merida_unicode.html ; for other setup, positions, modify the arguments of the chess call in the end of the file GLOBAL FIX_SVG_EXPORT FIX_SVG_EXPORT = 3pt ; 3pt FOR SVG export, OR SET zero FOR other usage TO hexagon s n p = POSITION H = HEADING PENUP LEFT 30 FORWARD s LEFT 120 PENDOWN PENCOLOR “BLACK” FILLCOLOR “WHITE” REPEAT 6 [ FORWARD s LEFT 60 ] FILL PENUP POSITION p HEADING 0 LEFT 155 FORWARD 4.5*s/7 HEADING 0 FONTCOLOR “GRAY” FONTSIZE 10 FONTFAMILY “Nimbus Sans L” LABEL n PENUP POSITION p HEADING H END TO zigzag size REPEAT 2 [ FORWARD size RIGHT 60 FORWARD size LEFT 60 ] END TO chess WHITE BLACK PENCOLOR “BLACK” ; PENDOWN RIGHT 60 FILLCOLOR “INVISIBLE” PENSIZE 2 FILLCOLOR “BLUE” PENSIZE 10 PENDOWN HEADING 0 RIGHT 30 size = 35 REPEAT 6 [ zigzag size FORWARD size LEFT 60 zigzag size RIGHT 120 ] CLOSE LEFT 60 PENUP FORWARD size PENUP PENSIZE 2 data = {“K”: “♔♚”, “Q”: “♕♛”, “R”: “♖♜”, “B”: “♗♝”, “N”: “♘♞”, “P”: “♙♟”, “o”: “•••”, “x”: “✕✕✕”, “*”: “⭑⭑⭑”} HEADING 0 n = 0 figures = WHITE + “ ” + BLACK + “ ” M = SQRT size**2 – (size/2)**2 n = 0 FOR i IN [0, 1, 4, 6, 5, 5, 6, 4, 1] [ PENUP RIGHT 90 FORWARD size * 1.5 LEFT 90 BACK i * 2 * M + M REPEAT [1, 2, 7, 6, 5, 6, 7, 2, 1][REPCOUNT-1] [ n = n + 1 hexagon size n p = “[QKBRNP]%d ” % n what = SEARCH (p, figures) IF what [ what = what.start() FONTFAMILY “Chess Merida Unicode” FONTSIZE 45 H = HEADING HEADING 0 FORWARD FIX_SVG_EXPORT k = data[figures[what]] FONTCOLOR “WHITE” LABEL k[2] FONTCOLOR “BLACK” LABEL k[what > COUNT WHITE] BACK FIX_SVG_EXPORT HEADING H ] FORWARD M*2 ] ] END HOME CLEARSCREEN PENUP POSITION [70, PAGESIZE[1]/2] PENJOINT “MITER” HIDETURTLE ; PICTURE “Polgar_starchess_rook.svg” [ ; from LibO 4.1.1 PICTURE [ chess “R19 o18 o17 o20 o21” “” ]