List of friendly fire incidents

There have been many thousands of friendly fire incidents in recorded military history, accounting for an estimated 2% to 20% of all casualties in battle.[1][2] The examples listed below illustrate their range and diversity, but this does not reflect increasing frequency. The rate of friendly fire, once allowance has been made for the numbers of troops committed to battle, has remained remarkably stable, and unimproved, over the past 200 years.[3]

Wars of the Roses

  • 1471 – During the Battle of Barnet a Lancastrian force under the Earl of Oxford was fired on by the Lancastrian centre while returning from a pursuit; their banner, Oxford's "star with rays" had been mistaken for the Yorkist "sun in splendour". This gave rise to cries of treachery (always a possibility in that chaotic period), Lancastrian morale collapsed, and the battle was lost.

English Civil War


Nine Years' War

  • 1690 – Two French regiments accidentally attacked each other during the Battle of Fleurus, which led to the practice of attaching a white scarf to the flags of the regiments.[5]

French and Indian War

  • July 9, 1755 – Two main phases of friendly fire occurred during the Battle of the Monongahela, which halted the Braddock Expedition after French regulars, French militia and Indians joined battle with them before Fort Duquesne. In the obscuring woodland conditions and confusion caused by the French musket fire and the Native Americans' war cries, several British platoons fired at each other. Later in the battle many British American soldiers fled from more exposed ground and into woods, where British soldiers fired on them mistaking them for advancing French infantry.[6]
  • November 12, 1758 – Friendly fire occurred near Fort Ligonier, resulting "in the accidental death of many of George Washington's fellow Virginians under his command, while also resulting in the capture of French prisoners who provided intelligence that led to the successful taking of Fort Duquesne by the British army."[7]

American Revolutionary War

  • In the Battle of Germantown in 1777, a combination of late arrival, poor navigation and overpursuit resulted in Major General Adam Stephen's men colliding with General Anthony Wayne's troops. The two Continental Army brigades opened fire on each other, became badly disorganized, and fled.
  • In the Battle of Guilford Courthouse on March 15, 1781, after several volleys of musket and cannon fire broke out, smoke began to obscure soldiers' view of the battlefield. In a pitched battle, smoke not only limited visibility but irritated soldiers' eyes and could make breathing difficult. In the confusion, British Lieutenant John Macleod, in command of two British three-pounders, was directed by British Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis to fire on the Americans who were in close combat with the British. Many British soldiers died as a result of friendly artillery bombardment.

Austro-Turkish War


French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars

  • 1796 – Battle of Fombio: In a night of confused fighting when Austrian units had stumbled into his army's position, French general Amadee Laharpe was shot dead by his own men while returning from reconnaissance.
  • 1801 – Second Battle of Algeciras: Spanish ships Real Carlos and San Hermenegildo mistakenly engaged each other in the dark after HMS Superb sailed between them and fired at both. 1,700 were killed when the two ships exploded.[citation needed]
  • 1806 – On 30 November, at 10 pm, HMS Dart and Wolverine came upon a ship that they suspected was a French privateer and that kept up a running fight until morning, only surrendering after her captain and several of her crew had been wounded, of whom six later died. The vessel turned out to be the British merchant ship Mary.[8]
  • 1809 – Battle of Wagram: French troops mistakenly fired on their allies from the Kingdom of Saxony. The grey uniforms of the Saxons were misidentified as white, the colour of uniform worn by their Austrian enemy.
  • 1815 –

Texas Revolution

  • In early hours of 1 March, a mounted party of Texian volunteers arriving at gallop to reinforce the Alamo garrison were fired at by defenders who mistook them in the dark for attacking Mexican horsemen, wounding one of them, before the sentries were called to open the gates for them.[10]
  • At the Mexicans' final mass assault (overnight 5–6 March), some of the veteran troops leading it were wounded or killed when shot by untrained recruits in the ranks behind who "blindly fir[ed] their guns", and when all the defenders had been killed, Mexicans continued to shoot Mexicans in mistake during the darkness.[11]

American Civil War


Russo-Japanese War

  • Dogger Bank Incident (overnight 21/22 October 1904) – In what can be classified literally as a case of fog of war,[15] battleships of the Imperial Russian Navy's Baltic Fleet en route to reinforce in the Far East, fired on a fleet of British fishing trawlers in the North Sea, mistaking them for Imperial Japanese Navy torpedo boats after misunderstanding signals. One fishing vessel was sunk, four were damaged, and two fishermen were killed and six wounded. In the general chaos that ensued, the cruisers Aurora and Dmitrii Donskoi were also taken for Japanese warships in the fog and bombarded by seven battleships sailing in formation, damaging both ships and killing at least one Russian sailor and severely wounding another, and fatally wounding a naval chaplain. During the pandemonium, several Russian ships signalled that torpedoes had hit them, and on board the battleship Borodino, rumours spread that the ship was being boarded by the Japanese, with some crew members donning life vests and lying prone on the deck and others drawing cutlasses to repel a boarding before a ceasefire was signalled.[16]
  • 13 November 1904 – The Imperial Russian Navy destroyer Stroini struck a Russian naval mine and sank in Korea Bay off Port Arthur, China.[17][18]

World War I



  • Battle of Dinant 21–23 August – It is believed that some parties of German infantry entering the Belgian city of Dinant in a nighttime assault, fired at each other in the darkness while under fire from French troops. The Germans mistakenly believed that hostile Belgian civilians had fired on them, contributing to a conviction among their troops that Belgian civilians were actively fighting them.[19] This led to arrests and massacres of local civilians when the town was invaded and occupied. On the 23rd, German artillery mistakenly fired on infantry who were occupying and barricading a street; the latter units were temporarily forced to withdraw, having shot a man held as a human shield accused of having been a franc-tireur in earlier fighting.[20]
  • 28 August – During the Battle of Heligoland Bight, a British submarine mistook the British light cruiser HMS Southampton for an Imperial German Navy warship and fired two torpedoes at her, which missed. Assuming the submarine to be German, Southampton attempted to ram it, but it escaped without damage.[21]
  • 4 November – While attempting to exit the anchorage at Schillig Roads in the Heligoland Bight in fog, the Imperial German Navy armored cruiser SMS Yorck entered a German minefield, struck two mines, and quickly sank at 53°40′N 008°05′E / 53.667°N 8.083°E / 53.667; 8.083 (SMS Yorck) with the loss of at least 338 and perhaps as many as 502 lives, according to different sources.[22][23][24]


  • 21 January – The Imperial German Navy submarine U-7 was torpedoed and sunk in the North Sea by the German submarine U-22, which had mistaken her for an enemy submarine. Twenty-four of U-7′s crew were killed, and only one survived.
  • Battle of Bolimów 31 January – The German Ninth Army launched the first large scale poison tear gas attack on the Russian Second Army in Poland, firing 18,000 gas shells. However the wind blew the gas back onto the German lines, causing a few casualties which could have been higher had the winter cold not frozen the ingredient xylyl bromide. The attack was called off, the counter-attacking Russians being successfully repelled by conventional artillery shellfire.[25]
  • 25 September – In the first gas attack launched by British forces prior to their infantry attack that opened the Battle of Loos, about 140 long tons (140 t) of chlorine gas was released, aimed at the German Sixth Army's positions on the Hohenzollern Redoubt but in places the gas was blown back by wind onto the trenches of the British First Army. Due to the inefficiency of the contemporary gas masks, many soldiers removed them as they could not see through the fogged-up talc eyepieces or could barely breathe with them on. This led to some being affected by their own gas, as it blew back across their lines or lingered in no man's land,[26] immediately causing the death of 10 and injury to about 2,000 British soldiers. It was made worse when German artillery fire blew up some of the cylinders.[27]


  • 8 May – During the Battle of Verdun, when the French outpost Fort Douaumont was occupied by German infantry, a careless cooking fire detonated grenades, flamethrower fuel and an ammunition cache. Hundreds of soldiers were killed instantly in the firestorm, including the entire 12th Grenadiers regimental staff. Worse, some of the 1,800 wounded and soot blackened survivors attempting to escape the inferno were mistaken for attacking French Colonial African infantry and were fired upon by their comrades. In all 679 German soldiers perished in this fire.[28]
  • 2 June – On the opening of the Battle of Mount Sorrel in the Ypres Salient of Belgium, the commanding officer of the 3rd Canadian Division, Major General Malcolm Mercer, and his aide Captain Lynam Gooderham, were wounded and trapped when German artillery opened fire on divisional trenches they were inspecting. They ran into rifle crossfire when attempting to evade advancing German infantry, Mercer receiving a bullet in a leg, then remained overnight unhelped until 2 am next day when Mercer was killed by an exploding shell and Gooderham was taken prisoner by the Germans. A staff officer later claimed the fatal shell was British and Mercer is upheld as the most senior Canadian officer killed in combat and by friendly fire.[29]
  • On the night of 4–5 August, during the First Battle of the Somme, the 13th Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry were fired on by Australian Artillery while in process of capturing and holding onto a German communication trench called Munster Alley.
  • 17 September – During the same Battle of the Somme, a company of the 1st/7th Battalion of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment waiting to charge a German trench south of Thiepval, France, were strafed from behind by Stokes mortar fire, the most loss of life caused when their hand grenade store was hit, detonating its contents. The mortars had been issued their battalion only a few weeks before and inexperienced firers had set too short a range aiming at enemy lines. Despite this, company commander Captain Basil Lupton rallied the survivors and led a successful taking of the opposite trench.[30]


  • 11 March – The Italian destroyer Euro and torpedo boat Airone sighted the Italian submarines F9 and F10 in the Mediterranean Sea off Messina, Sicily, mistook them for Central Powers submarines, and opened gunfire on them. The two submarines submerged and escaped damage.[31]
  • 17 March – The German submarine SM UB-40 sank the British hospital ship HMHS Lanfranc in the English Channel when it was ferrying wounded from Le Havre to Southampton. The passengers included 167 German prisoners of war, of whom 18 were killed and 15 wounded in the sinking.[32]
  • 16 September – At night in foul weather, the British submarine HMS G9 mistook the destroyer HMS Pasley for a German U-boat and attacked with torpedoes. Pasley, not recognising G9 as British until too late, responded to the attack by ramming G9. Nearly cut in two, G9 sank. Only one of the G9's crew members survived.
  • 6 October – When the U.S. Navy armed yacht USS Nahma (SP-771) sighted the Italian cargo ship SS Bologna in the Atlantic Ocean approaching Gibraltar at 02:30, she mistook the Italian submarines H6 and H8, which were escorting Bologna, for Imperial German Navy U-boats. She opened gunfire on H8, firing four rounds before H8 identified herself as friendly. Nahma then approached H6, thought she saw crewmen on H6′s deck running to man H6′s deck gun, and fired one round, which hit H6′s conning tower, killing two men and wounding seven others, two of whom later died of their wounds. Nahma then identified H6 as friendly and ceased fire. At 05:00, the British Royal Navy torpedo boat HMS TB 93 arrived on the scene and accidentally fired one round at Nahma. Nahma sighted TB 93 at 05:20, mistook her for a German U-boat, and fired two rounds at her before identifying her as friendly.[33]



Latvian War of Independence


Spanish Civil War

  • On 19 February 1937, the Nationalist Irish Brigade was fired upon by a Falangist unit, and the hour-long firefight resulted in 11 deaths. Neither unit had had any battle experience.[44]
  • On 30 April 1937, the Nationalist battleship España hit a Nationalist-laid mine and sank, killing four sailors.[45]

World War II



  • 6 September – Just five days after the start of the war, in what was dubbed the Battle of Barking Creek, three Royal Air Force Spitfires from 74 Squadron shot down two Hurricanes from the RAF's 56 Squadron, killing one of the pilots. One of the Spitfires was then shot down by British anti-aircraft artillery while returning to base.[46]
  • 10 September – The British submarine HMS Triton sank another British submarine, HMS Oxley. After making challenges which went unanswered Triton assumed it must have located a German U-boat and fired two torpedoes. Oxley was the first Royal Navy vessel to be sunk and also the first vessel to be sunk by a British vessel in the war, killing 52 with only two survivors. Both vessels were patrolling off the coast of Norway (then neutral) at the time. The incident that led to the loss of Oxley was kept in secrecy until the 1950s.[47]
  • 3 December 1939 – British submarine HMS Snapper sustained a direct hit from a British aircraft while returning to Harwich after a patrol in the North Sea, but without taking damage.[48]










  • A train carrying 800 Allied prisoners of war was bombed when it crossed a bridge on the Ponte Paglia in Allerona, Italy, approximately 400 British, U.S. and South African prisoners being killed. In anticipation of the Allied advance, the POWs had been evacuated from PG Campo 54 at Fara-in-Sabina outside of Rome, and were being transported to Germany in unmarked cattle cars. The prisoners of war had been padlocked in the cars and were crossing the bridge when B-26s of the 320th Bombardment Group arrived to blow up the bridge. The driver stopped the train on the span, leaving the prisoners locked inside to their fate. While many escaped, approximately 400 were killed, according to local records, and witness testimony. The mass graves were later destroyed by subsequent bombardments.[174][175]
  • Early in the morning a U.S. Navy PT boat carrying U.S. Fifth Army commander General Mark Clark to the Anzio beachhead, six days after the Anzio landings, was mistakenly fired on by sister U.S. naval vessels. Several sailors were killed and wounded around him.[176]
  • 8th USAAF heavy bombers bombed the headquarters of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division and 1st Polish Armoured Division during Operation Totalize, killing 65 and wounding 250 Allied soldiers.[208]
  • Near Mortain, France, RAF Hawker Typhoon aircraft attacked two Sherman tanks of 'C' Company, US 743rd Tank Battalion with rockets, killing five tank crewmen and wounding ten soldiers. Later that day, two Shermans from 'A' Company, US 743rd Tank Battalion were destroyed and set ablaze by RAF Typhoons near Mortain. One tank crewman was killed and 12 others wounded.[209]
  • A group of RAF Hawker Typhoon aircraft destroyed two Sherman tanks of the Governor General's Foot Guards, 4th Canadian Armoured Division in the vicinity of Maldegem, Belgium, killing three men and injuring four. One Canadian soldier from the 4th Canadian Armored Division wounded recalled this incident saying "... while so deployed the tanks were suddenly attacked, in mistake, by several Typhoon aircraft. Lt. Middleton-Hope's tank was badly hit, killing the gunner Guardsman Hughes, and the tank was set on fire. Almost immediately Sgt. Jenning's tank was similarly knocked out by Typhoon rockets. Meanwhile the Typhoons continued to press home their attack with machine guns and rockets, and, while trying to extricate the gunner, Lt. Middleton-Hope was killed after his tank was blown off. In this tragic encounter, Guardsman Scott was also killed and Baker, Barter, and Cheal were seriously wounded."[221]
  • The Japanese transport ship Rakuyō Maru, carrying 1,317 Australian and British prisoners-of-war in convoy from Singapore to Formosa (Taiwan), was sunk in the Luzon Strait by the submarine USS Sealion, whose commanders were unaware until after the sinking that allied prisoners had been on board. Ultimately 1,159 POWs died,[222] only 50 rescued by the Sealion and sister submarines in her pack lived to make landfall.
  • Kachidoki Maru, carrying some 950 Australian and British prisoners-of-war, was travelling in the same convoy when it was sunk by the submarine USS Pampanito. 431 prisoners were killed; the remainder were rescued by Japanese destroyers and taken to Japan.



Afghan tribal revolts of 1944–1947

  • It was rumoured that on one occasion during the revolts, Afghan aircraft accidentally bombed and machine gunned government troops or allied tribal levies, causing 40 casualties.[276]

Palestine Emergency (1945–48)

  • In 1946, Lieutenant (later Lieutenant-Colonel) Colin Campbell Mitchell of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders was deployed with his battalion in a crackdown on Jewish militants. On one personal reconnaissance mission he was shot and wounded by one of his own Bren gunners surprised by gunfire and seeing someone moving towards him, but subsequently recovered.[277]
  • During the Acre Prison break, a 1947 raid on Acre Prison by the Irgun to free imprisoned Irgun and Lehi members, Lehi fighter and escaped prisoner Shimshon Vilner was accidentally killed by Bren gun fire from the Irgun commander of the operation, Dov Cohen, during a firefight with British troops.[278]

1948 Arab–Israeli War


Korean War

  • 3 July 1950 – Eight P-51 Mustangs of No. 77 Squadron RAAF strafed and destroyed a train carrying thousands of American and South Korean soldiers who were mistaken for a North Korean convoy in the main highway between Suwon and P'yongtaek, resulting more than 700 casualties. Before the attack, the Australian pilots had been originally assured by the United States Fifth Air Force Tactical Control Centre that the area under attack was in North Korean hands. However, they were later told to hold fire so that the Fifth Air Force can verify the train's identification. One Australian pilot, believing the train was indeed carrying North Korean forces, ignored the order and strafed the train, with his squadron following the lead as well.[279][280]
  • 23 September 1950 – Hill 282 was attacked by 1st Battalion, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, part of the British 27th Infantry Brigade in the United Nations Command. Having captured it and facing strong Korean People's Army counter-attacks, the Argylls, devoid of artillery support, called in a UN air-strike. A group of United States Air Force F-51 Mustangs of the 18th Fighter Bomber Wing circled the hill. The Argylls had laid down white air-recognition panels, but the North Koreans imitated similar panels on their own positions in white as well. It was later found out that several British air controllers mistakenly did not inform the pilots of proper air-recognition panels and the Argylls Captain was unable to contact the F-51s due to his defective radio. As a result, the planes mistakenly napalm-bombed and strafed the Argylls' hill-top positions. Despite a desperate counter-attack by the Argylls to regain the hill, for which Major Kenneth Muir was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross, the Argylls, much reduced in numbers, were forced to relinquish the position. Over 60 of the Argylls' casualties were caused by friendly air-strike.[281]
  • During the Battle of Wawon, fleeing soldiers of the Republic of Korea Army II Corps were mistaken by the Turkish Brigade as Chinese which led to an exchange of fire. As a result, 20 South Korean soldiers were killed and four others wounded with 14 Turkish deaths and six wounded.[282]
  • 5 December 1952 – RCAF Squadron Leader Andy MacKenzie (a World War II ace) was shot down by his own squadron mate during a dogfight. Captured by Chinese forces, he was kept prisoner for two years, being released in December 1954.[283]

1956 Suez Crisis

  • 3 November – During first phase of air operations in Israel's Operation Kadesh against Egypt in Sinai, Israeli Air Force s P-51 Mustang[284] and Mystere fighter attacked a British warship, the Black Swan class sloop HMS Crane as it was patrolling the approaches to the Gulf of Aqaba. According to the IDF, Crane had been identified as an Egyptian warship. The ship was attacked with rockets, cannon fire, and napalm bombs. Its captain reported light damage, and three crewmen were lightly injured in the attack. The ship put up heavy anti-aircraft fire, and there are conflicting accounts as to whether it shot down an Israeli aircraft or not.[285][286][287][288]
  • 6 November – British commandos of No. 45 Commando Royal Marines, assaulting Port Said by helicopter, suffered friendly fire from British carrier-borne aircraft which mistakenly hit 45 Commando and HQ. One Marine was killed and 15 wounded when a carrier-based Wyvern mistakenly fired into a concentration of Marines.[289]

Vietnam War

Aft view of the bridge of USCGC Point Welcome after the friendly fire incident of 11 August 1966.[290]

It has been estimated that there may have been as many as 8,000 friendly fire incidents in the Vietnam War;[2][291][292][293] one was the inspiration for the book and film Friendly Fire.

  • 2 January 1966, in Bao Trai in the Mekong Delta during joint Australian/American forces fighting the Viet Cong, a USAF Cessna O-1 Bird Dog flying at low level accidentally flew through Australian and New Zealand artillery fire. The aircraft tail was blown off and the aircraft dived into the ground, killing the pilot instantly.[294]
  • 3 January 1966, near Bao Trai, at midnight, Sergeant Jerry Morton from 'C' Company, the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment had called in marker white phosphorus rounds ahead of the company from the supporting New Zealand gun battery on a suspected enemy position. However, due to the bad coordinates given by Morton, the rounds instead landed on the Australian forces. Morton along with another Australian soldier were killed and several others wounded.[294]
  • 3 January 1966, two rounds fired by 161 Battery, Royal New Zealand Artillery accidentally landed on C Company, 2/503rd Regiment, US 173rd Airborne Brigade, killing three paratroopers and wounding seven during Operation Marauder.[294][295] The short rounds were found to have happened due to damp powder.[296]
  • 11 August 1966, while supporting Operation Market Time, USCGC Point Welcome was attacked by USAF aircraft, resulting in the deaths of two Coast Guardsmen.[297]
  • 29 December 1966, a premature burst of a 105mm round from an LVTH-6 killed five Marines and wounded two more east of Dong Ha in Quang Tri.[298][299]
  • 6 February 1967, twelve rounds from New Zealand artillery accidentally landed on the Australian 'D' Company 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, killing four and injuring thirteen, west of Song Rai river between Nui Dat and Xuyên Mộc District.[300]
  • 3 August 1967, a C-7 Caribou transport plane was approaching the special forces camp at Đức Phổ when it flew into line of fire from a U.S. Army 155 mm howitzer. The tail section separated and the airplane fell down, killing the crew. A cease fire had been issued but failed to reach the gun crew in time. The Caribou was photographed just before it hit the ground.[301]
  • 19 November 1967, during the Battle of Dak To a U.S. Marine Corps A-4 Skyhawk aircraft flown by Lieutenant Colonel Richard Taber dropped two 250 lb (110 kg) bombs on the command post of the 2nd Battalion (Airborne) 503d Infantry, 173d Airborne Brigade while they were in heavy contact with a numerically superior People's Army of Vietnam force. At least 45 paratroopers were killed and another 45 wounded. Also killed was the Battalion Chaplain Major Charles J. Watters, who was subsequently awarded the Medal of Honor.[302]
  • 16–17 June 1968, HMAS Hobart, USS Boston and USS Edson were attacked by US aircraft. At 03:09, Hobart's radar picked up an aircraft approaching with no IFF transponder active. At 03:14, the aircraft fired a single missile at the ship which killed one sailor, wounded two others and damaged the ship. Two minutes later, the aircraft made a second pass and fired two missiles which caused further damage, killed another sailor and wounded six others. The aircraft came around for a third attack run, but was scared off when Hobart's forward gun turret, under independent control, fired five rounds at it. At 03:30, USS Edson, in company with Hobart, reported coming under fire, and Hobart's captain ordered both destroyers and USS Theodore E. Chandler to take up anti-aircraft formation. At 05:15, the three destroyers linked up with the cruiser USS Boston (which had been hit by a missile from another aircraft) and the escorting destroyer USS Blandy, and continued anti-aircraft manoeuvring. Debris collected from Hobart and the other ships indicated that the missiles were of United States Air Force (USAF) origin. The attacks on Hobart and the other ships were the capstone of a series of firing incidents between 15 and 17 June, and an inquiry was held by the USN into the incidents, with three RAN personnel attending as technical advisors. The inquiry found that a few hours before the attack on Hobart, Swift boats PCF-12 and PCF-19, along with USCGC Point Dume, were attacked by what they identified at the time as hovering enemy aircraft, but were believed to be friendly planes; PCF-19 was sunk in the attack. F-4 Phantoms of the USAF Seventh Air Force, responding several hours after the attack on the Swift boats, were unable to distinguish between the radar signature of surface ships and airborne helicopters, and instead opened fire on Hobart, Boston, and Edson.
  • 11 May 1969, during the Battle of Hamburger Hill, Lieutenant Colonel Weldon Honeycutt directed helicopter gunships, from an aerial rocket artillery (ARA) battery, to support an infantry assault. In the heavy jungle, the helicopters mistook the command post of the 3/187th battalion for a Vietnamese unit and attacked, killing two and wounding thirty-five, including Honeycutt. This incident disrupted battalion command and control and forced 3/187th to withdraw into night defensive positions.
  • 1 May 1970, during military operations in Phước Tuy Province, an Australian machine gunner opened fire on soldiers of the 8th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment without warning, killing two and wounding two other soldiers.[303]
  • 20 July 1970, patrol units of 'D' Company 8th Battalion, 1st Australian Task Force outside the wire at Nui Dat called in a New Zealand battery fire mission as part of a training exercise. However, there was confusion at the gun position about the fire corrections issued by the inexperienced Australian officer with the patrol. The result was two rounds fell upon the patrol, killing two and wounding several others.[304]
  • 24 July 1970, New Zealand artillery guns accidentally shelled an Australian platoon, 1 Australian Reinforcement Unit, (1 ARU), killing two and wounding another four soldiers.[305]
  • 10 May 1972, a VPAF MiG-21 was shot down in error by a North Vietnamese surface-to-air missile near Tuyen Quang, killing a pilot.[306]
  • 2 June 1972, a VPAF MiG-19 was shot down in error by a North Vietnamese surface-to-air missile near Kep Province, killing a pilot.[307]

1967 Six-Day War

  • On the fourth day of the Six-Day War (8 Jun), at about 2 pm Sinai time (then, GMT+2), Israeli defense forces attacked USS Liberty in International waters about 14 miles off the coast of the Sinai Peninsula, near El Arish, killing 34 (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian), and wounding 171 crew members; the ship was severely damaged. At the time, the ship was in international waters. Though controversially disputed by the survivors of the attack, both countries officially consider it to be a case of mistaken identity.[308]

The Troubles

  • On 13 September 1969, British Lance Corporal Michael Spurway, of 24 Airportable HQ and Signal Squadron, was accidentally shot dead by a fellow British soldier while he was on the telephone to his wife, shortly after returning to his base at Gosford Castle after manning a rebroadcast station supporting 3 LI rear link communications.[309][310]
  • On 3 September 1972, two Royal Marines on patrol in Stratheden Street in New Lodge, Belfast, came into contact from separate directions and in the confusion, shot and killed a fellow Royal Marine, 18 year old Gunner Robert S. Cutting. At the time of Cutting's death, he had been on foot patrol in the New Lodge Road approaching Stratheden Street. A Royal Marine saw whom he thought was an enemy sniper and fired at him, injuring him. However, the Royal Marine shot him a second time as he attempted to crawl away, killing him instantly.[311][312] There was no investigation into his death until 40 years later, when the MoD found out that the soldier who shot him did not observe the correct procedure for engagement. No charges were filed against the soldier who shot him.[313]
  • On 27 August 1979, in the aftermath of the Warrenpoint ambush, British soldiers fired across the Newry River into the Republic of Ireland about 3 km from the village of Omeath, County Louth, killing 29-year-old Londoner William Hudson and wounding his cousin Barry Hudson, a 25-year-old Irish native from Dingle. The two men were fishing in the area when they were fired upon.[314]
  • On 1 January 1980, Lieutenant Simon Bates, of 2 PARA, was commanding an ambush at Tullydonnell, near Forkhill. A cardinal principle of ambush orders was to never leave the position. However, for some reason, Bates and his radio operator, Private Gerald Hardy, left the ambush and were mistakenly killed by fellow British paratroopers while returning to their positions.[315]
  • On 15 June 1989, Royal Marine Adam Gilbert was shot and killed by a fellow marine when his platoon tried to stop a stolen car at a checkpoint on the junction of New Lodge road and Antrim road, Belfast.[316][317]

1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus


Rhodesian Bush War


First Lebanon War


During the 1982 Lebanon War, the worst friendly fire incident in the history of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) took place. On 10 June 1982, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) mistook a column of IDF Nahal Brigade forces for a Syrian commando unit. An IAF F-4 Phantom attacked members of Battalion 931, advancing in open Armoured Personnel Carriers in south-eastern Lebanon with cluster munitions. The unit suffered 24 soldiers killed and 108 wounded, with a further 30 soldiers shell shocked.[320][321][322]

1982 Falklands War

  • A Dassault Mirage III was shot down by Argentine Anti-Aircraft and small arms fire at Port Stanley on 1 May while an A-4 Skyhawk was downed by a 35 mm antiaircraft battery near Goose Green on 12 May. Both aircraft belonged to the Argentine Air Force.
  • Companies A and C of the 3rd Battalion, Parachute Regiment, British Army engaged each other in an hour-long firefight in the Falkland Islands involving heavy weapons and artillery strikes, resulting in five deaths and three injuries.[citation needed]
  • 2 June – A friendly fire incident took place between the SAS and the Special Boat Squadron (SBS). An SBS patrol had apparently strayed into the SAS patrol's designated area and were mistaken for Argentine forces. A brief firefight was initiated during which one of the SBS patrol, Sergeant Ian Hunt, was killed.[323]
  • 1982 British Army Gazelle friendly fire incident – Due to a lack of communication between the Army and the Navy, the destroyer HMS Cardiff shot down a British Gazelle helicopter over the Falkland Islands, killing four British soldiers. The MoD immediately covered up the incident, saying that the soldiers were killed by enemy fire. However, four years later, under intense pressure and scrutiny, the MoD finally admitted that they were killed by friendly fire.
  • 11 June – Just before the Battle of Two Sisters, British units of 45 Commando Royal Marines on reconnaissance patrol were mistaken for Argentine units in the dark and the British mortar group opened up on them, only to be met with a withering hail of fire from the 45 Commando in return. In the confusion, five British troops died, including the mortar troop sergeant, and two were wounded. Among the dead from 45 Commando were Sergeant Robert Leeming, Corporal Peter Fitton, Corporal Andy Uren, and Royal Marine Keith Phillips.[324]
  • 11 June – A British Royal Navy frigate, HMS Avenger (F185), fired a 4.5 inch explosive shell into a house while shelling Port Stanley, killing three British women and wounding several others. They remained the only British civilian casualties of the war.[325][326]

1991 Persian Gulf War


War in Afghanistan (2001–2021)

  • On December 5, 2001, an Air Force Boeing B-52 Stratofortress dropped a 2,000 pound bomb on a group of American soldiers, killing three members of the 5th Special Forces Group.[327]
  • In the Tarnak Farm incident of 18 April 2002, four Canadian soldiers were killed and eight others injured when U.S. Air National Guard Major Harry Schmidt dropped a laser-guided 500 lb (230 kg) bomb from his F-16 jet fighter on the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry regiment which was conducting a night firing exercise near Kandahar. Schmidt was charged with negligent manslaughter, aggravated assault, and dereliction of duty. He was found guilty of the latter charge. During testimony Schmidt blamed the incident on his use of "go pills" (authorized mild stimulants), combined with the 'fog of war'.[328] The Canadian dead received US medals for bravery, along with an apology.
  • Army Ranger Specialist Pat Tillman, a former professional American football player, was shot and killed by American fire on 22 April 2004. An Army Special Operations Command investigation was conducted by Brigadier General Gary Jones and the U.S. Department of Defense concluded that Tillman's death was due to friendly fire aggravated by the intensity of the firefight. A more thorough investigation concluded that no hostile forces were involved in the firefight and that two allied groups fired on each other in confusion after a nearby improvised explosive device was detonated.
  • On 6 April 2006, a British convoy in Afghanistan wounded 13 Afghan police officers and killed seven, after calling in a US airstrike on what they thought was a Taliban attack.[329]
  • In Sangin Province, a RAF Harrier pilot allegedly mistakenly strafed British troops missing the enemy by 200 metres during a firefight with the Taliban on 20 August 2006.[clarification needed] This angered British Major James Loden of 3rd Bn Parachute Regiment, who in a leaked email called the RAF, "Completely incompetent and utterly, utterly useless in protecting ground troops in Afghanistan".[citation needed]
  • Canadian soldiers opened fire on a white pickup truck, about 25 kilometres west of Kandahar, killing an Afghan officer with 6 others injured on 26 August 2006.[330]
  • Operation Medusa (2006): One–two[vague] U.S. A-10 Thunderbolts mistakenly strafed NATO forces in southern Afghanistan, killing one Canadian, Private Mark Anthony Graham, and wounding 30 other Canadian soldiers, 5 seriously.[citation needed]
  • On 5 December 2006, an F/A-18C Hornet on a close air support mission in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, mistakenly attacked a trench where British Royal Marines were dug-in during a 10-hour battle with Taliban fighters, killing one Royal Marine.[331]
  • Lance Corporal Matthew Ford, from Zulu Company of 45 Commando Royal Marines, died after receiving a gunshot wound in Afghanistan on 15 January 2007, which was later found to be due to friendly fire. The final inquest ruled he died from NATO rounds from a fellow Royal Marine's machine gun. The report added there was no "negligence" by the other Marine, who had made a "momentary error of judgment".[332][333]
  • Canadian troops mistakenly killed an Afghan National Police officer and a civilian after their convoy was ambushed in Kandahar City.[334]
  • Of two helicopters called in to support operations by the British Grenadier Guards and Afghan National Army forces in Helmand, the British Westland WAH-64 Apache engaged enemy forces, while the accompanying American AH-64D Apache opened fire on the Grenadiers and Afghan troops.[citation needed]
  • 23 August 2007: A USAF F-15 called in to support British ground forces in Afghanistan dropped a bomb on those forces. Three privates of the 1st Battalion, the Royal Anglian Regiment, were killed and two others were severely injured. The coroner at the soldiers' inquest stated that the incident was due to "flawed application of procedures" rather than individual errors or "recklessness".[335]
  • On 26 September 2007, British soldiers in operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, fired Javelin anti-tank missiles at Danish soldiers from the Royal Life Guards, killing two.[336] It is also confirmed from Danish forces that the British fired a six–eight Javelin missiles, over a 1+12 hour period and only after the attack was completed did they realize that the missiles were British, based upon the fragments found after the incident.[337]
  • On 12 January 2008, two Dutch soldiers and two allied Afghan soldiers were shot dead by fellow Dutch soldiers in Uruzgan, Afghanistan.[338]
  • In the night on 14 January 2008 in Helmand Province, British troops saw a group of Afghans "conducting suspicious activities". Visibility was too bad for rifle-fire and they were too far away to call in mortar strikes. The squad decided to use a Javelin anti-tank missile they were carrying. British soldiers fired their missile on the nearby roof but the victims were their own Afghan army sentries. 15 Afghan soldiers were killed.[339]
  • Between January 2008 and June 2009, Afghan military, police, and security personnel came under fire by British troops at least 10 times, resulting in seven deaths. The most serious incident occurred in the Lashkargah District of Helmand Province in October 2008, in which British troops opened fire on Afghan National Police officers that killed three and injured another.[340]
  • On 9 July 2008, nine British soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment were injured after being fired upon by a British Army Apache helicopter while on patrol in Afghanistan.[341]
  • A statement issued jointly by the American and the Afghan military commands said a contingent of Afghan police officers fired on United States forces on 10 December 2008 after the Americans had successfully overrun the hide-out, killing the suspected Taliban commander and detaining another man. The US forces after securing the hideout came under heavy small arms fire and explosive grenades from the Afghan Police forces. "Multiple attempts to deter the engagement were unsuccessful," and the US forces returned fire. Afghan police have stated that they came under fire first and that the initial firing on the US forces came from the building next to the police station. This has led the US forces to conclude that the Afghan police forces might have been compromised. Initial reports indicate that this was a tragic case of mistaken identity on both parts.[342]
  • Captain Tom Sawyer, aged 26, 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery, and Corporal Danny Winter, aged 28, Zulu Company 45 Commando Royal Marines, were killed by an explosion on 14 January 2009 from a Javelin missile fired by British troops acting on the orders of a Danish officer. Both men were taking part in a joint operation with a Danish Battle Group and the Afghan National Army in a location north east of Gereshk in central Helmand Province.[343][344]
  • On 9 September 2009, British Special Boat Service forces were sent to rescue New York Times journalist Stephen Farrell and his Afghan translator Sultan Munadi who were kidnapped by Taliban forces in northern Afghanistan near Kunduz four days earlier. During the raid, Farrell was rescued, but Munadi was shot and killed in the firefight between the Taliban and British forces. It was later found out that Munadi was running towards the helicopter when he was shot in the front by a British soldier, in addition to being shot in the back by the Taliban, after the British mistook him for the Taliban. Two Afghan civilians also died from the hail of bullets by British and Taliban forces.
  • A British Military Police officer was shot dead by a fellow British soldier while on patrol.[345] It was reported that no charges were to be brought against a British army sniper who killed a British Military Policeman because he was allowed to open fire if he believed that his life was in danger.[346]
  • In December 2009, British commanders called upon a U.S. airstrike which killed Lance Corporal Christopher Roney from 3rd Battalion The Rifles who was engaging along with his comrades with the Taliban. The incident happened when a firefight was going on between British soldiers of 3rd Battalion The Rifles and the insurgents in Sangin Province. Senior British officers were watching a drone's grainy images of the fight from Camp Bastion, about 30 miles from the battle at Patrol Base Almas. The officers mistook the soldiers' mud-walled compound for an enemy position and called down a U.S. Apache airstrike on the base. Roney was fatally shot in the head after a helicopter gunship opened fire on the base. He died later the next day after being taken to Camp Bastion. Eleven other British soldiers were wounded in the attack.[347]
  • German soldiers killed six Afghan soldiers in a friendly fire incident on their way to attack a group of Taliban. Afghan soldiers were traveling in support of other Afghan troops in the area.[citation needed]
  • Sapper Mark Antony Smith, age 26, of the 36 Engineer Regiment, Royal Engineers, was killed by a smoke shell fired upon by British troops in Sangin Province, Afghanistan. The MoD were investigation his death and said a smoke shell, designed to provide cover for soldiers working on the ground, may have fallen short of its intended target.[348][349]
  • Friendly fire between ISAF and Pakistan on 26 November 2011. ISAF forces opened fire on Pakistan Army forces killing 24 Pakistani soldiers and causing a great diplomatic standoff between U.S. and Pakistan. ISAF forces argue they were there to hunt down militants at the AF-PAK border. Pakistan had stopped transit of goods through its territory to ISAF in Afghanistan because of the incident. After an official apology by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on 3 July 2012 the NATO supply routes were restored.
  • Two New Zealand soldiers were wounded by friendly fire from a 25mm gun mounted on an armored New Zealand LAV during a 12-minute firefight with insurgents in Bamyan Province on 4 August 2012.[350]
  • A British female soldier and a Royal Marine man were mistakenly killed by another British unit on patrol after her unit opened fire on an Afghan policeman assuming he was a Taliban insurgent. The British unit who killed the female soldier and the Royal Marine assumed they were under attack after the firing happened.[351]
  • Five United States Special forces operatives, and an Afghan Army counterpart were killed by friendly fire in Southern Zabul Province on June 9, 2014. Whilst on patrol, and coming under heavy Taliban fire, an air-strike was called in and a B-1 Lancer bomber misdirected its payload killing the six military personnel amongst others.[352]

Iraq War (2003–2011)

Video of the 28 March 2003 friendly fire incident, showing errors of identification
  • In the Battle of Nasiriyah, an American force of Amphibious Assault Vehicles (AAVs) and infantry under intense enemy fire were misidentified as an Iraqi armored column by two U.S. Air Force A-10s who carried out strafing runs on them. One Marine died as a result.
  • A U.S. Patriot missile shot down a British Panavia Tornado GR.4A of No. 13 Squadron RAF, killing the pilot and navigator. Investigations showed that the Tornado's identification friend or foe indicator had malfunctioned and hence it was not identified as a friendly aircraft.[353][354]
  • An F-14 Tomcat aircrew from VF-32 was involved in the worst friendly fire incident of the war when on 6 April 2003 an F-14 crew was cleared to attack an Iraqi tank near Dibakan, 30 miles (48 km) south east of Mosul. Instead, they mistakenly dropped a single laser-guided bomb on a vehicle convoy consisting of US Special Forces and Kurdish resistance fighters, killing 18 Kurdish fighters, 4 US soldiers and a BBC translator; Kamaran Abdurazaq Muhamed.[355] An additional 80 people were wounded including BBC reporter Tom Giles and World Affairs Editor John Simpson. An investigation following the war found that the pilot had been cleared to drop without the benefit of target coordinates provided by the Forward Air Controller, who was "operating under great stress" at the time. The incident was filmed.[356][357]
  • Sgt Steven Roberts, a tank commander of the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, was killed when a fellow British soldier manning a tank-mounted machine gun mistakenly hit him while firing at a stone wielding Iraqi protester at a roadblock in Az Zubayr near Basra on 24 March 2003.[358] It was reported that no British soldiers were to be charged for his death.[359]
  • A British Challenger 2 tank came under fire from another British tank in a nighttime firefight. The turret was blown off and two of the crewmembers were killed.[360][361]
  • 190th Fighter Squadron/Blues and Royals friendly fire incident – 28 March 2003. A pair of American A-10s from the 190th attacked four British armoured reconnaissance vehicles of the Blues and Royals, killing L/CoH. Matty Hull and injuring five others.
  • British Royal Marine Christopher Maddison was killed when his river patrol boat was hit by missiles after being wrongly identified as an enemy vessel approaching a Royal Engineers checkpoint on the Al-Faw Peninsula, Iraq, on 30 March 2003.[362]
  • U.S. Patriot missile batteries fired two missiles on a U.S. Navy F/A-18C Hornet 50 mi (80 km) from Karbala, Iraq.[363] One missile hit the aircraft of pilot Lieutenant Nathan Dennis White of VFA-195, Carrier Air Wing Five, killing him on April 2, 2003. This was the result of the missile design flaw in identifying hostile aircraft.[364]
  • Fusilier Kelan Turrington, of the 1st Battalion, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, was killed by machine-gun fire from a British tank.[365]
  • American soldier Mario Lozano killed an Italian intelligence officer Nicola Calipari and is suspected of wounding Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena in Baghdad. Sgrena was rescued from a kidnapping by Calipari, and it was claimed that the car they were escaping in failed to stop at an American checkpoint, whereupon U.S. soldiers opened fire. Video evidence shows the car was respecting speed limits and proceeding with its headlights on. The shooting commenced well before 50 meters, in contrast with what Lozano and other soldiers testified.[366]
  • During a raid on 16 July 2006 to apprehend a key terrorist leader and accomplice in a suburb of North Basra, Cpl John Cosby, of the Devonshire and Dorset Regiment, was killed by a 5.56 mm round from a British-issued SA80. It was ruled to be a case of friendly fire by the coroner. It was reported that the British forces who shot him were unclear about the rules of engagement.[367][368]
  • An American airstrike killed eight Kurdish Iraqi soldiers. Kurdish officials advised U.S. helicopters hit the men who were guarding a branch of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in Mosul. The U.S. military said the attack was launched after soldiers identified armed men in a bunker near a building reportedly used for bomb-making, and that American troops called for the men to put down their weapons in Arabic and Kurdish before launching the strike.[369]
  • An Apache AH-64 identifies two journalists as Iraqi insurgents, and shoots at a van which had children in it, on July 12, 2007. [citation needed]
  • Dave Sharrett, II was shot and killed in a firefight with insurgents near the village of Bichigan, north of Baghdad in January 2008, during Operation Hood Harvest. The incident has since been described as friendly fire.[370]
  • [371]SPC Donald Oaks, SGT Todd Robbins,[372] and SFC Randall Rehn[373] of D Battery, 1st Battalion, 39th Field Artillery Regiment (MLRS, M270 A1), 3rd Infantry Division Artillery[374](Previously C Battery 3–13 FA[375]), were killed when a US fighter jet mistook the rocket artillery from US MLRS as enemy targets on 3 April 2003 while 3rd ID DIVARTY conducted a counter fire battle with Iraqi positions along the Euphrates River.[375] The ordnance struck the vehicles of the soldiers killing SFC Rehn instantly, while SGT Robbins[376] and SPC Oaks[377] died shortly after from their wounds. 5 other soldiers were WIA from the event.[378][379]

Israel-Gaza conflicts

  • 1 June 2009 – an Israeli tank fired on a building in Jabalia occupied by Golani Brigade troops after mistaking them for Hamas fighters, killing three soldiers and wounding 20.[380]
  • 2 June 2009 – an Israeli officer was killed when an Israeli tank fired at a building he was positioned in, causing a wall to collapse on him.[381]
  • On 14 July 2014 an Israeli soldier, Staff Sergeant Eitan Barak, was killed during operational activity in the northern Gaza Strip, becoming the first Israeli fatality of the war. The Israeli military announced that he had probably been killed by errant Israeli tank fire.[382]
  • On 15 December 2023, the IDF issued a statement revealing that they had killed three of their own hostages in Shuja'iyya after they mistakenly "identified three Israeli hostages as a threat," resulting in them firing at and killing the three hostages, who were later identified after their bodies were returned to Israel.[383][384]
  • In January 2024, an investigation by Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth concluded that the IDF had in practice applied the Hannibal Directive from midnight of October 7, ordering all combat units to stop "at all costs" any attempt by Hamas militants to return to Gaza with hostages.[385][386] IDF helicopters fired on cars trying to cross into Gaza.[387] It is unclear how many hostages were killed by friendly fire as a result of the order.[385][386]
  • The recent fatalities of Israeli soldiers in an explosion in Gaza have highlighted the issue of friendly fire incidents in the region. James Stavridis, former supreme commander of NATO forces, underscored the irreversible consequences of discharging a weapon. The mishap took place while Israeli combat engineers were getting ready to demolish a school. A nearby tank crew mistakenly opened fire, leading to an electricity pole collapsing and setting off the explosives. Six soldiers lost their lives, and 14 others sustained injuries in the blast. This event is part of a string of friendly fire incidents and accidents that have resulted in the deaths of Israeli soldiers since the attacks by Hamas in October.[388]
  • According to the Israeli military, since the ground invasion of Gaza beginning on October 29, 2023, an average of two to six soldiers were killed each week from friendly fire for a total of 18 soldiers out of 170 killed as of 1 January 2024.[389] By 26 January the number of IDF troops killed in friendly fire incidents had been increased to 36 out of 188 soldiers reported as killed.[390] They were a part of the about 17% of soldiers war-related deaths that were classified as accidents.[391][392][393] Of the deceased some were killed by Israeli airstrikes, shrapnel from their own explosives, being run over by Israeli armored vehicles, and mistakenly identified and hit with tank fire, shelling and/or guns. These numbers do not take into account injuries resulted from friendly fire, but the IDF has indicated that they have had reports of those.[390]

Syrian Civil War


Russian invasion of Ukraine


Other incidents


See also





  1. ^ Percin, Gen. Alexandre (1921) Le Massacre de Notre Infanterie 1914–1918, Michel Albin, Paris (in French)
  2. ^ a b Shrader, Charles R. (1982) Amicicide: The Problem of Friendly Fire in Modern War, US Command & General Staff College Survey No.1
  3. ^ Kirke, Charles M. (ed., 2012) Fratricide in Battle: (Un)Friendly Fire Continuum Books
  4. ^ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 44. Oxford University Press. 2004. p. 264. ISBN 0-19-861394-6.
  5. ^ Mouillard, Lucien – Les régiments sous Louis XV, 1882. Book 1, Chapter 1
  6. ^ Anderson, Fred (2000). Crucible of War: The Seven Years' War and The Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754–1766. Alfred Knopf, New York. p. 102. ISBN 0-375-40642-5.
  7. ^ "Fort Ligonier". 11 October 2020. Archived from the original on 12 September 2021. Retrieved 12 September 2021.
  8. ^ Clowes, Sir William Laird; Markham, Sir Clements Robert; Mahan, Alfred Thayer; Wilson, Herbert Wrigley; Roosevelt, Theodore; Laughton, Leonard George Carr (April 15, 1900). "The Royal Navy: A History from the Earliest Times to the Present". S. Low, Marston and Company, limited – via Google Books.
  9. ^ Hamilton-Williams, David (1999) [1993]. Waterloo: New Perspectives. Brockhampton. p. 205. ISBN 1860199968.
  10. ^ Edmondson, J.R. (2000). Alamo Story: From Early History to Current Conflicts. Republic of Texas Press. p. 340. ISBN 1-55622-678-0.
  11. ^ Petite, Mary Deborah (1999). 1836 Facts About The Alamo And The Texas War For Independence. Savas Publishing Co. p. 114. ISBN 1-882810-35-X.
  12. ^ "Who killed Albert Sidney Johnston". Tim Kent's Civil War tales. 8 May 2011. Retrieved 3 February 2018.
  13. ^ a b Garrison, Webb B. (1999) Friendly Fire in the Civil War: More than 100 True Stories of Comrade Killing Comrade, Rutledge Hill Press; ISBN 1-55853-714-7
  14. ^ Norris, David (2012). "USS Peterhoff and UNC-W's Civil War Cannon". Cape Fear Civil War Round Table. Retrieved 15 June 2012.
  15. ^ Nolan, Cathal N. (2002). The Greenwood Encyclopedia of International Relations: F–L. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 556. ISBN 0-313-30742-3.
  16. ^ Dogger Bank – Voyage of the Damned ('Hullwebs – History of Hull' website. Retrieved 8 September 2007.)
  17. ^ Corbett, Julian S., Maritime Operations in the Russo-Japanese War, Volume II, Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 1994, ISBN 1-55750-129-7, p. 85.
  18. ^ Chesneau, Roger, and Eugene M. Kolesnik, Conway's All the World′s Fighting Ships 1860–1905, New York: Mayflower Books, 1979, ISBN 0-8317-0302-4, p. 206.
  19. ^ Horne, Kramer, J.N., A. (2001). German Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial. Yale University Press. p. 46. ISBN 0-300-08975-9.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  20. ^ German Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial. p. 47.
  21. ^ Massie, R. K. (2004). Castles of Steel: Britain, Germany and the Winning of the Great War at Sea. London: Jonathan Cape (Random House). p. 106. ISBN 978-0-224-04092-1.
  22. ^ Gröner, Erich (1990). German Warships: 1815–1945. Vol. I: Major Surface Vessels. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press. p. 52. ISBN 978-0-87021-790-6.
  23. ^ Hildebrand, Hans H.; Röhr, Albert & Steinmetz, Hans-Otto (1993). Die Deutschen Kriegsschiffe (Band 2) [The German Warships (Volume 2)] (in German). Ratingen: Mundus Verlag. p. 124. ISBN 978-3-7822-0210-7.
  24. ^ Tarrant, V. E. (1995). Jutland: The German Perspective. London: Cassell Military Paperbacks. p. 30. ISBN 0-304-35848-7.
  25. ^ "Battle of Bolimow 1915". Retrieved 28 August 2017.[permanent dead link]
  26. ^ Holmes, Richard (1981). The Little Field Marshal, A Life of Sir John French. Cassell Military Paperbacks, 2005 edition. pp. 302–305. ISBN 978-0-304-36702-3.
  27. ^ [1] Listverse article, "8 worst cases of friendly fire.
  28. ^ Mosier, John. "Verdun: The Lost History of the Most Important Battle of World War I, 1914–1918." Penguin Group: 2013. p. 302.
  29. ^ "Major General Malcolm Smith Mercer: The highest ranking Canadian officer killed in the Great War by friendly fire". Canadian Military Journal. Spring 2007.Article by Gordon MacKinnon.
  30. ^ "Was Alvin killed by friendly fire?". Shropshire Star. 10 September 2014. p. 8.Article by Peter Rhodes, the incident described in book he wrote, For a Shilling a Day (Bank House Books). Name in headline refers to Alvin Smith, one of the men believed killed in the same incident.
  31. ^ "Regi Sommergibili F7-F8-F9-F10" (in Italian). Archived from the original on 26 January 2013. Retrieved 1 March 2011.
  32. ^ Anonymous (2017). The war on hospital ships from the narratives of eye witnesses. T. Fisher Unwin, London. pp. 8–9.
  33. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Mistaken Attacks in the World War". U.S. Naval Institute. December 1, 1934.
  34. ^ "Robert Gregory". Retrieved 28 August 2017.
  35. ^ Edwards, Bruce L. (2007), C.S. Lewis: life, works, and legacy, Volume 1, Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 90, ISBN 978-0-313-08208-5
  36. ^ Charles Edwin Woodrow Bean, The Australian Imperial Force in France during the Main German Offensive, 1918 (Sydney, 1937), Volume V Chapter XVII p. 585.
  37. ^ David C. Homsher (2006). American Battlefields of World War I: Chateau-thierry – then And Now. Battleground Productions. p. 236. ISBN 978-0-9702443-0-7. Retrieved 8 March 2011.
  38. ^ [2] Archived 2014-08-26 at the Wayback Machine Article by Shropshire Regimental Museum.
  39. ^ ""Casualties" Flight 1918".
  40. ^ "N-3". NHHC.
  41. ^ "Retrieved on 19 September 2010". Retrieved 28 August 2017.
  42. ^ a b Stevenson, William (2000), A Man Called Intrepid, Toronto, Canada: Lyons Press, ISBN 978-1-58574-154-0
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  46. ^ a b c Townshend Bickers, Richard L. (1994) Friendly Fire: Accidents in Battle from Ancient Greece to the Gulf War, Leo Cooper; ISBN 0-85052-372-9
  47. ^ Australia, Naval Historical Society of (15 March 2003). "The Loss of HMS Oxley 1939 » NHSA". Retrieved 2016-02-28.
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  62. ^ Panton, 'Six Weeks of Blenheim Summer' ', pp. 70–73.
  63. ^ Taylor, Fascist Eagle: Italy's Air Marshal Italo Balbo, p. 2.
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  65. ^ Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1922–1946 (1980) p309
  66. ^ Gray, Alison. "I think I shot down Amy Johnson." The Scotsman, 6 February 1999.
  67. ^ Tim Jones (May 1, 2006). Sas Zero Hour: The Secret Origins of the Special Air Service. US Naval Institute Press. p. 150. ISBN 1-59114-805-7.
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  80. ^ a b Hinman & Campbell, p. 297/
  81. ^ Blair, Clay Jr. (1975). Silent Victory. Philadelphia: Lippincott. p. 114.
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  111. ^ Text of monument in the parish church of St Mary the Virgin, Swinbrook
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  113. ^ Sharpshooters at War: The 3rd and 4th and 3rd/4th County of London Yeomanry, 1939–1945, Andrew Graham
  114. ^ The Rommel Papers, Liddell-Hart, Basil Henry pp. 238–239 (New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, Javanovich, 1953)
  115. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 198.
  116. ^ a b Hinman & Campbell, p. 196.
  117. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 200–201.
  118. ^ S-17 (SS-122) Accessed 6 May 2022
  119. ^ Campbell, Douglas E., USS Dorado (SS-284): On Eternal Patrol, 2011, ISBN 978-1-257-95155-0, pp. 69–71.
  120. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 112, 191–192.
  121. ^ Schoeman, Michael (December 1969), "Air Umbrella - Dieppe", Military History Journal, vol. I, no. 5, The South African Military History Society
  122. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 160.
  123. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 213.
  124. ^ The Laconia Incident Archived 2017-06-29 at the Wayback Machine Various survivor accounts of the incident.
  125. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 213–214.
  126. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 268–269.
  127. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 95–96.
  128. ^ Submarine losses 1904 to present day Archived 2007-08-08 at the Wayback Machine, RN Submarine Museum, Gosport
  129. ^ John Mulholland. "Death by Friendly Fire - the story of Flt Sgt. R. Laverty, 202 Squadron" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-06. Retrieved 2016-10-08.
  130. ^ Hnman & Campbell, p. 288.
  131. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 317–318.
  132. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 168.
  133. ^ Mitcham, Samuel (2007). Rommel's Desert Commanders – The Men Who Served The Desert Fox, North Africa, 1941–42. Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, PA. p. 89. ISBN 978-0-8117-3510-0.
  134. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 82.
  135. ^ Hackett, Bob; Kingsepp, Sander (1 June 2019). "IJN Submarine RO-100: Tabular Record of Movement". Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  136. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 288–289.
  137. ^ Doggerbank at
  138. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 162–163.
  139. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 232.
  140. ^ "Aréthuse II: Sous-Marin de moyenne patrouille à double coque".
  141. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 102.
  142. ^ Blank, Ralf (May 2006). "Die Nacht vom 16. auf den 17. Mai 1943 – 'Operation Züchtigung': Die Zerstörung der Möhne-Talsperre". Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (in German). Retrieved 29 January 2008.
  143. ^ "On This Day: 17 May 1943 – RAF raid smashes German dams". BBC.
  144. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 216.
  145. ^ "Sous-Marins Français Disparus & Accidents: Sous-Marin Vestal". (in French). Retrieved 15 April 2023.
  146. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 77–78.
  147. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 112.
  148. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 86.
  149. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 166.
  150. ^ Hallion, Richard. Strike from the Sky: The History of Battlefield Air Attack, 1911–1945, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989
  151. ^ "Airborne Reinforcement". US Army in World War II. Retrieved 10 March 2009.
  152. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 314.
  153. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 82–83.
  154. ^ Bowyer, Michael J.F. (1980). The Stirling Bomber. Faber & Faber Ltd. p. 129. ISBN 0-571-11101-7.
  155. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 158.
  156. ^ Hastings, Max (1992). Bomber Command. Michael Joseph. p. 210. ISBN 0-7181-1603-8.
  157. ^ Hastings, Max (2003). Who's Who in World War Two. Routledge. p. 85. ISBN 0-415-26033-7.
  158. ^ Webber, Bert (1993). Aleutian Headache. Webb Research Group. pp. 201–202. ISBN 0-936738-69-3.
  159. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 37–38.
  160. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 281–282.
  161. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 26.
  162. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 136.
  163. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 154.
  164. ^ Helgason, Guðmundur (2013). "Minerve". Retrieved 4 March 2013.
  165. ^ "Q 185 La Minerve". (in French). 2009. Retrieved 4 March 2013.
  166. ^ a b Hinman & Campbell, p. 14.
  167. ^ Hinsman & Campbell, p. 2.
  168. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 2–3.
  169. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 126–129.
  170. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 174.
  171. ^ *McQuarrie, Peter (October 2023). "The Sinking of I-35: The Imperial Japanese Navy's Submarine I-35 Went Down During 'Operation Galvanic,' the American Seizure of Tarawa and Makin in the Gilbert Islands". WWII History. McLean, Virginia: Sovereign Media. p. 59.
  172. ^ Hinman & Campbell, pp. 47–48.
  173. ^ Hinman & Campbell, p. 110.
  174. ^ The Bridge at Allerona. Retrieved 2 July 2012.
  175. ^ "8 US servicemen killed during World War II honored in Italy on 75th anniversary". KORN News Radio. April 13, 2019.