List of German drug laws

In Germany, several laws govern drugs (both recreational and pharmaceutical).

Betäubungsmittel-Verschreibungsverordnung (BTMVV), regulates the prescription of Anlage III narcotics on the special prescription form
  • Arzneimittelgesetz (AMG), covers prescription drugs, pharmacy-only and general sales list drugs.
    • Verordnung über die Verschreibungspflicht von Arzneimitteln, also known as Arzneimittelverschreibungsverordnung (AMVV), executive order that explicitly lists prescription drugs. It contains a blanket inclusion for all exceptions from Anlage I, II and III BtMG; thus, a normal prescription is still required for such preparations.
    • Verordnung über apothekenpflichtige und freiverkäufliche Arzneimittel, also known as Arzneimittelverkehrs-Rechtsverordnung (AMVerkRV), executive order that explicitly lists pharmacy-only and general sales list drugs.
  • Medizinproduktegesetz (MPG)
Medizinprodukte-Abgabeverordnung (MPAV), covers some substances with medical effects that are not drugs, like disinfectants for medical apparatuses
  • Neue-psychoaktive-Stoffe-Gesetz (NpSG)
Governing chemical groups of research chemicals, allowing to cover multiple variants. Use of covered substances is permitted only for industrial and scientific purposes.
  • Grundstoffüberwachungsgesetz (GÜG)
Covers raw materials that can be used for synthesizing drugs. These are categorized into Kategorie 1 (authorization required), Kategorie 2 (reporting required) and Kategorie 3 (export restrictions)

See also
