List of World War II aces from the United States

This is a list of fighter aces in World War II from United States. For other countries see List of World War II flying aces by country

Name Branch Victories Awards Notes
Robert W. Abernathy USAAF 5 DFC [1]
Fred T. Ackerman USN 5 SS [2]
Burnell W. Adams USAAF 7 SS [3]
Charles E. Adams Jr. 6 DFC [4]
Fletcher E. Adams 9 DFC KIA[5]
Robert H. Adams 5 DFC MIA[6]
John M. Ainlay 8 SS [7]
Donald N. Aldrich USMC 20 NC, DFC KIFA 3 May 1947[8]
Richard L. Alexander Royal Canadian Air Force, USAAF 5 SS, DFC POW 30 May 1944[9]
John R. Alison USAAF 6 DSC, SS [10][11]
Calvin D. Allen Jr. 7 SS [12]
David W. Allen 8 SS [13]
William H. Allen 5 DFC "Ace in a day"[14]
Stuart C. Alley Jr. USMC 5 DFC [15]
Ernest J. Ambort USAAF 5 DFC [16]
Robert H. Ammon 5 DFC [17]
Dudley Moore Amoss 5.5 SS POW March 1945[18]
Benjamin C. Amsden USN 5 DFC [19]
Leslie E. Andersen USAAF 5 [20]
Alexander L. Anderson USN 5.5 NC "Ace in a day" 16 February 1945[21]
Charles F. Anderson Jr. USAAF 10 LOM KIA 19 April 1944[22]
Clarence E. "Bud" Anderson 16.25 DFC (5) [23]
Richard H. Anderson 5 DSC "Ace in a day" 25 May 1945[24]
Robert H. Anderson USN 8.5 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 14 December 1944. KIFA 5 June 1945[25]
William Y. Anderson USAAF 7 SS Born in Sweden, he is Sweden's only flying ace[26]
Wyman D. Anderson 6 SS [27]
Stephen W. Andrew 9 SS POW 2 July 1944[28]
Stanley O. Andrews 6 SS, DFC (2) [29]
Lester L. Arasmith 6 [30]
Lee A. Archer 5 DFC [31]
David B. Archibald 5 "Ace in a day" and POW 18 December 1944[32]
William E. Aron 5 DFC MIA 22 April 1945[33]
Robert W. Aschenbrener 10 DSC Shot down on 25 December 1944 and evaded capture for 27 days before rescue[34]
Abner M. Aust 5 [35]
Eugene D. Axtel 5 DFC P-61 night fighter ace[36]
George C. Axtell USMC 6 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 22 April 1945[37]
Donald A. Baccus USAAF 5 SS [38]
Jack A. Bade 5 DSC KIFA 2 May 1963[39]
Oscar C. Bailey USN 5 SS, DFC [40]
Robert Baird USMC 6 NC, SS, DFC Only Marine night fighter ace[41]
Douglas Baker USN 16.33 SS (2), DFC (4) MIA 14 December 1944[42]
Ellis C. Baker Jr. USAAF 6 DFC [43]
Robert M. Baker USMC 7 DFC [44]
Fred E. Bakutis USN 7.5 NC, LOM, DFC (2) Shot down October 1944 and spent one week adrift before rescue[45]
Donald L. Balch USMC 5 DFC (2) [46]
Frank B. Baldwin 5 DFC (2) [47]
Henry W. Balsiger USN 5.33 DFC [48]
Raymond M. Bank USAAF 5 DFC POW 2 March 1945[49]
Ernest E. Bankey Jr. 9.5 DSC, SS "Ace in a day" 27 December 1944[50]
John Lawrence Banks USN 8.5 DFC (2) [51]
William M. Banks USAAF 9 SS [52]
Bruce M. Barackman USN 5 DFC (3) [53]
Rex T. Barber USAAF 5 NC [54]
Frederic A. Bardshar USN 7.5 SS, LOM, DFC (3) [55]
James D. Bare ~5 [56]
Robert M. Barkey USAAF 5 DFC [57]
Lloyd G. Barnard USN 8 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 15 June 1944[58]
James M. Barnes 6 NC KIFA 2 July 1945[59]
Truman S. Barnes USAAF 5 [60]
Percy R. Bartelt American Volunteer Group 5 [61]
William E. Bartling 5 [61]
John W. Bartol USN 5 DFC (2) [62]
Robert L. Baseler USAAF 6 SS [63]
Hugh N. Batten USN 7 NC, DFC (2) [64]
Harold W. Bauer USMC 11 MOH MIA 14 November 1942[65]
Aaron L. Bearden USAAF 5 DFC POW 3 September 1944[66]
Paul H. N. Beaudry USN 5 DFC [67]
Edward H. Beavers Jr. USAAF 5 KIA 27 November 1944[68]
Paul S. Bechtel 5 DFC 5th kill claimed while temporarily assigned to USMC unit[69]
Robert H. Becker 7 DFC [70]
Walter C. Beckham 18 DSC, SS (4) POW 22 February 1944[71]
Marshall U. Beebe USN 10.5 NC, DFC (3) "Ace in a day" 18 March 1945[72][73]
Don M. Beerbower USAAF 15.5 DSC, SS (2), DFC (3) KIA 9 August 1944[74]
Duane W. Beeson 17.33 DSC, SS POW 5 April 1944[75]
Louis Benne 5 SS POW 14 June 1944[76]
Joseph H. Bennett 8.5 DFC [77]
Walter G. Benz Jr. 8 SS [78]
Jack S. Berkheimer USN 7.5 NC MIA 16 December 1944[79]
Norman R. Berree 9 DFC (4) [80]
Richard L. Bertelson 5 DFC (2) [81]
William R. Beyer USAAF 9 SS "Ace in a day" 27 September 1944[82][83]
Carl G. Bickel 5.5 SS [84]
Edward F. Bickford 5.5 DFC [85]
Hipolitus T. Biel 5.33 DFC KIA 24 April 1944[86]
Henry S. Bille 6 DFC [87]
Walter D. Bishop USN 5 DFC KIFA 14 December 1944[88]
John T. Blackburn 11 NC, DFC [89]
Samuel V. Blair USAAF 11 SS [90]
William K. Blair USN 5 DFC [91]
Donald J. M. Blakeslee Royal Canadian Air Force, USAAF 14.5 DSC (2), SS (2), DFC (8), UK DFC [92]
Richard Buckner Blaydes USN 5 DFC (2) [93]
Wayne K. Blickenstaff USAAF 10 DSC, SS "Ace in a day" 24 March 1945[94]
Laurence E. Blumer 6 DSC, SS "Ace in a day" 25 August 1944[95]
Robert L. Blyth USN 6.5 DFC (2) [96]
Donald H. Bochkay USAAF 13.83 DFC [97]
Hampton E. Boggs 9 DSC, SS KIFA 1953[98]
Alfred G. Bolduc USN 5 SS, DFC (2) [99]
John F. Bolt USMC 6 DFC (2) Claimed 6 additional victories and was awarded NC during Korean War. Only Marine to become an ace in two different wars and only Marine ace of Korean War[100]
John W. Bolyard USAAF 5 DFC [101]
Charlie R. Bond Jr. American Volunteer Group 7 [61]
Richard I. Bong USAAF 40 MOH, DSC, SS (2), DFC (7) Top American ace in history. KIFA 6 August 1945[102]
William J. Bonneau USN 8 SS, DFC KIFA 3 October 1947[103]
Stephen J. Bonner USAAF 5 DFC [104]
Robert John Booth 8 SS POW 8 June 1944[105]
Clarence A. Borley USN 5 NC, DFC (2) Shot down in October 1944, spending 5 days adrift before rescue[106]
Ernest O. Bostrom USAAF 5 DFC [107]
George E. Bostwick 8 SS [108]
Gregory "Pappy" Boyington American Volunteer Group, USMC 28 MOH, NC Top Marine ace in history. "Ace in a day" 16 September 1943. POW 3 January 1944[109]
Gerald F. Boyle USN 5.5 DFC (2) KIFA October 1944[110]
Jack T. Bradley USAAF 15 DSC [111]
John L. Bradley 5 SS [112]
Arthur J. Brassfield USN 6.33 NC (2) [113]
Richard L. Braun USMC 5 DFC (4) [114]
Charles W. Brewer USN 6.5 NC, LOM, DFC (3) "Ace in a day" and MIA 19 June 1944[115]
Michael Brezas USAAF 12 SS KIFA 5 February 1954[116]
Johnie J. Bridges USN 6.25 DFC (3) [117]
John G. Bright American Volunteer Group, USAAF 6 SS First American ace to shoot down Japanese, German, and Italian aircraft. POW August 1943[118]
Mark K. Bright USN 9 NC KIA[119]
Joseph E. Broadhead USAAF 8 DFC [120]
Samuel J. Brocato Jr. USN 7 NC, DFC (2) KIFA 9 June 1960[121]
James L. Brooks USAAF 13 SS [122]
Carl A. Brown Jr. USN 10.5 NC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 24 October 1944[123]
Gerald A. Brown USAAF 5 DFC (3) Shot down over France in September 1944, but evaded captivity. Shot down again over Korea and captured as POW 30 November 1950[124]
Harley L. Brown 6 DFC [125]
Harry W. Brown 6 SS Claimed first victory on December 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor[126]
Henry W. Brown 14.2 DSC POW 3 October 1944[127][128]
Meade M. Brown 6 SS KIA 24 August 1950[129]
Quince L. Brown 12.33 SS POW and executed 6 September 1944[130]
Robert H. Brown 7 SS [131]
Samuel J. Brown 15.5 DSC [132]
William P. Brown Jr. USMC 7 NC, DFC (2) Awarded a second NC during the Korean War. KIA 24 February 1952[133]
James W. Browning USAAF 7 [134]
Lowell K. Brueland 12.5 DSC, SS, DFC Claimed 2 additional victories during the Korean War[135]
Carland E. Brunmier USN 6 NC, DFC [136]
Donald S. Bryan USAAF 13.33 DSC "Ace in a day" 2 November 1944[137][138]
William E. Bryan Jr. 7.5 Awarded DSC during Korean War[139]
James A. Bryce USN 5.25 DFC (2) KIFA 10 April 1945[140]
Robert L. Buchanan 5 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 16 October 1944[141]
George T. Buck Jr. USAAF 6 SS [142]
Paul D. Buie USN 9 NC, SS, DFC (3) [143]
William Eugene Burckhalter 6 SS (2) KIA 11 June 1944[144]
Clinton D. Burdick USAAF 5.5 [134]
George T. Burgard American Volunteer Group 10 [61]
Franklin N. Burley USN 7 SS [145]
Robert L. Burnett III USAAF 5 DFC [146]
Roy O. Burnett Jr. USN 7 DFC [147]
Howard M. Burriss 7.5 DFC MIA 31 January 1944[148]
Francis X. Bushner 6 DFC [149]
Robert L. Buttke USAAF 5.5 DFC [150]
Robert J. Byrne 6 SS [151]
Matthew S. Byrnes Jr. USN 6 DFC (3) [152]
Robert C. Byrnes USAAF 5 DFC [153]
James B. Cain USN 8.5 SS, DFC (3) [154]
Raymond L. Callaway USAAF 6 DFC [155]
Richard A. Campbell 6 DFC [156]
Richard G. Candelaria 6 SS POW 13 April 1945[157]
John B. Carder 7 DFC POW 12 May 1944, successfully escaped captivity. KIFA 1 October 1961[158]
Raymond C. Care 6 DFC POW 15 April 1944[159]
Henry A. Carey Jr. USN 7 DFC (2) [160]
Marion E. Carl USMC 18.5 NC (2), DFC (3) [161][162]
Kendall E. Carlson USAAF 6 DFC POW 25 February 1945[163]
William A. Carlton USMC 5 DFC [164]
Daniel A. Carmichael USN 13 SS (2), DFC (5) [165]
George Carpenter USAAF 13.84 DFC POW[166]
Bruce W. Carr 15 DSC, SS "Ace in a day" 2 April 1945[167]
George R. Carr USN 11.5 NC, DFC (4) "Ace in a day" 19 June 1944. KIFA 1967[168]
Charles H. Carroll 6 DFC (3) [169]
Walter J. Carroll USAAF 7 DFC [170]
Leonard K. Carson 18.5 SS (2) [171]
James R. Carter 6 SS [172]
William N. Case USMC 8 DFC (4) [173]
Nial K. Castle USAAF 5 DFC (3) [174]
Dean Caswell USMC 7 SS (2) [175]
Charles J. Cesky USAAF 8.5 DFC [176]
George F. Ceuleers 10.5 DSC [177]
Henry K. Champion USN 5 DFC (2) [178]
Frederic F. Champlin USAAF 9 DFC [179]
Creighton Chandler USMC 6 DFC (2) [180]
George T. Chandler USAAF 5 DFC [181]
Van E. Chandler 5 DFC Claimed 3 more victories during the Korean War[182]
Philip G. Chapman 5 DFC KIA 28 March 1945[183]
Levi R. Chase 12 DFC (4) [184]
Leonard J. Check USN 12 NC, SS, LOM, DFC (2) KIFA January 1945[185]
Oscar I. Chenoweth 8.5 SS, DFC [186]
Lewis W. Chick Jr. USAAF 6 [134]
Arthur Chin Canton Provincial Air Force 8.5 DFC Born in Oregon, first American ace of war[187]
Frederick J. Christensen USAAF 21.5 SS "Ace in a day" 7 July 1944[188]
James A. Clark 10.5 SS [189]
Lawrence A. Clark USN 7 NC, DFC (4) [190]
Robert A. Clark 6 DFC (3) [191]
Walter E. Clarke 7 DFC (5) [192]
Arthur B. Cleaveland USAAF 5 SS "Ace in a day" 18 April 1945[193][194]
Donald C. Clements USN 5 DFC (3) [195]
Robert E. Clements 5 DFC (2) [196]
Dallas A. Clinger Jr. USAAF 5 DFC [197]
Vivian A. Cloud 5 DFC [198]
Robert C. Coats Jr. USN 9.33 NC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 18 March 1945[72][199]
Paul R. Cochran USAAF 5 DFC [200]
Oscar H. Coen Royal Air Force, USAAF 5.5 DFC(UK), SS Shot down over France and smuggled to Spain while with RAF[201]
Robert L. Coffey USAAF 6 DFC KIFA 20 April 1949 while serving as a Congressman from Pennsylvania[202]
Thaddeus T. Coleman USN 10 NC, SS, DFC (3) [203]
Wilson M. Coleman 6 DFC (3) [204]
Frank J. Collins USAAF 9 SS POW 12 July 1945[205]
William M. Collins USN 9 NC, DFC (4) [206]
J. D. Collinsworth USAAF 6 DFC [207]
Philip E. Colman Jr. 6 DFC Claimed 4 additional victories during the Korean War[208]
Gordon B. Compton 5.5 [209]
Harold E. "Bunny" Comstock 5 DFC [210]
Arthur R. Conant USMC 6 DFC (5) [211]
Edwin S. Conant USN ~5 [56]
Henry L. Condon II USAAF 5 DFC KIA January 1945[212]
Jack E. Conger USMC 10 NC, DFC (2) [213]
Paul A. Conger USAAF 11.5 DSC [214]
Thomas J. Conroy USN 7 NC "Ace in a day" 24 October 1944[215]
Walter V. Cook USAAF 6 DFC [216]
Merle M. Coons 5 [217]
William E. Copeland USN 6 SS [218]
Paul Cordray 7 DFC (2) [219]
Richard L. Cormier 8 SS, DFC (5) [220]
Leland B. Cornell ~5 [56]
Richard D. Cowger 6 DFC (3) [221]
Ralph L. Cox USAAF 5 SS [222]
Melvin Cozzens USN 6.5 DFC [223]
Edward "Porky" Cragg USAAF 15 DSC MIA 26 December 1943[224]
Clement M. Craig USN 11.75 NC (2), DFC "Ace in a day" 21 January 1945[225]
Darrell S. Cramer USAAF 7 [226]
Niven K. Cranfill 5 SS (2) [227]
Ray Crawford 6 DFC [228]
Claude J. Crenshaw 7 DSC [229]
Harry C. Crim 6 SS [230]
William F. Crombie 5 [2]
Donald F. Cronin USN 6 DFC [231]
John T. Crosby 5.25 NC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 16 April 1945[232]
William E. Crowe USMC 7 NC, DFC (5) KIFA 1 April 1960[233]
Arthur W. Cruikshank USAAF 8 [234]
William J. Cullerton 5 DSC, SS POW 5 April 1945[235]
Donald M. Cummings 6.5 DFC [236]
Arthur C. Cundy 6 DFC MIA 11 March 1945[237]
Daniel G. Cunningham USN 7 NC, DFC [238]
James N. Cupp USMC 13 NC, DFC (3) [239]
Louis E. Curdes USAAF 9 DFC (2) POW 27 August 1943, escaped captivity April 1944[240]
John H. Curry Royal Canadian Air Force 7.33 DFC(UK) Born in Texas[241]
Robert C. Curtis USAAF 14 DSC, SS, DFC (2) [242]
Warren D. Curton 5 DFC [243]
Frank A. Cutler 7.5 SS (2) KIA 13 May 1944[244]
Edward J. Czarnecki 6 SS Shot down 23 October 1943, evaded capture and was rescued in February 1944[245]
Perry J. Dahl USAAF 9 SS [246]
Kenneth H. Dahlberg 14 DSC, SS, DFC (2) POW 14 February 1945[247]
Kenneth J. Dahms USN 7 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 6 April 1945[248]
James B. Dalglish USAAF 9 SS [249]
Fernley H. Damstrom 8 SS KIFA 11 April 1945[250]
William A. Daniel 5 SS [251]
Jack S. Daniell 5 DSC "Ace in a day" 26 November 1944[252]
Merl W. Davenport USN 6.25 DFC (2) [253]
George H. Davidson 5.5 DFC [254]
Clarence E. Davies 5 SS, DFC (3) [255]
Barrie S. Davis USAAF 6 SS [256]
Clayton E. Davis 5 DSC [257]
George A. Davis Jr. 7 SS, DFC (2) Claimed 14 additional victories and was awarded the MOH and DSC during the Korean War. KIA 10 February 1952[258]
Glendon V. Davis 7.5 Evaded capture in France for 4 months before he was smuggled back to England[259]
Leonard K. Davis USMC 5 NC, DFC [260]
Ralph H. Davis USN 7.5 [2]
Robert H. Davis 5.5 DFC (2) [261]
George E. Dawkins Jr. USMC 5 [2]
William C. Day Jr. USAAF 5 DFC [262]
Gregory A. Daymond Royal Air Force 5+ DFC(UK) [263]
Richard S. Deakins USAAF 6 DFC KIFA November 1944[264]
Cecil O. Dean 6 DFC POW 2 July 1944[265]
William A. Dean Jr. USN 11 NC, DFC (5) [266]
Zach W. Dean USAAF 7 SS POW 21 April 1951[267]
John W. Dear Jr. USN 7 SS, DFC (2) [268]
Jefferson J. DeBlanc USMC 9 MOH, DFC "Ace in a day" 31 January 1943[269]
Leslie Decew USN 6 DFC (2) [270]
Edwin L. Degraffenreid USAAF 6 SS [271]
Robert M. DeHaven 14 SS [272]
George Della 5 DFC [273]
Phillip C. DeLong USMC 11.66 DFC (4) Claimed 2 additional victories during the Korean War[274]
Anthony J. Denman USN 6 DFC (2) [275]
Reuben H. Denoff 5 SS, DFC [276]
Elliott E. Dent Jr. USAAF 6 DSC [277]
Richard O. Devine USN 8 SS, DFC (4) [278]
Lawrence A. Dewing 5.5 DFC (2) [279]
Robert A. M. Dibb 7 NC, DFC (2) KIFA 29 August 1944[280]
Frederick E. Dick USAAF 5 DFC [281]
Michael Dikovitsky 5 DFC [282]
Joseph V. Dillard USMC 6.3 DFC [283]
William J. Dillard USAAF 6 SS [284]
Eugene Dillow USMC 6 DFC [285]
John F. Dobbin 8 NC, DFC [286]
George A. Doersch USAAF 10.5 SS, DFC (3) [287]
Archie G. Donahue USMC 14 NC, DFC (3) "Ace in a day" 12 April 1945[288]
I. B. Jack Donaldson USAAF 5 DSC [134]
Landis E. Doner USN 8 DFC (3) [289]
Harry W. Dorris USAAF 5 SS [290]
Jefferson D. Dorroh USMC 6 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 22 April 1945[291]
Frederick J. Dorsch Jr. USAAF 8.5 SS [292]
Paul P. Douglas Jr. 8 DSC (2) [293]
Cecil J. Doyle USMC 5 NC MIA 7 November 1943[294]
Charles W. Drake 5 NC, DFC [295]
Irwin H. Dregne USAAF 5 DSC [296]
Urban L. Drew 6 Air Force Cross, DFC (2) First pilot to shoot down 2 jet aircraft[297]
William C. Drier 6 DSC [298]
Daniel B. J. Driscoll USN 5 DFC [299]
Frank C. Drury USMC 6 NC, DFC [300]
Paul E. Drury USN 6.5 DFC (2) [301]
Francis E. Dubisher USAAF 5 DSC [302]
Charles H. DuBois 6 [303]
James E. Duffy Jr. 5.5 DFC [304]
James E. Duffy Jr. USN 5 [305]
Richard E. Duffy USAAF 5 SS "Ace in a day" 18 April 1943[306]
Walter F. Duke 10 SS MIA 6 June 1944[307]
John S. Dunaway 7 DSC MIA 22 November 1944[308]
George Chamberlain Duncan USN 13.5 NC, SS, DFC (6) [309]
Glenn E. Duncan USAAF 19.5 DSC, SS Shot down in July 1944, evaded capture and joined the Dutch underground[310]
Robert W. Duncan USN 7 NC, DFC (2) [311]
Fred L. Dungan 7 NC, DFC [312]
William D. Dunham USAAF 16 DSC [313]
Richard W. Dunkin 9 SS [314]
Bernard Dunn USN 5.33 DFC (2) [315]
William R. "Poppy" Dunn British Royal Air Force, USAAF 6 Serving in the RAF, he became the first American ace of World War II[316]
Parker Dupouy American Volunteer Group, USAAF 6.5 [2]
Dewey F. Durnford USMC 6.5 DFC (3) [317]
Glenn T. Eagleston USAAF 18.5 DSC, SS Top ace in the 9th Air Force, claimed 2 additional victories during the Korean War[318]
Hoyt A. Eason 6 SS MIA 3 March 1943[319]
Clyde B. East 13 SS [320]
David B. Eastham 12
Richard T. Eastmond USN 9 NC, DFC [321]
Byron A. Eberts 6 DFC (2) [322]
William G. Eccles ~5 [56]
Bert Eckard 7 NC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 11 May 1945[323]
Billy C. Edens USAAF 7 SS POW 10 September 1944[324]
Willard E. Eder USN 6.5 NC, DFC (2) [72][325]
Selden R. Edner Royal Air Force 5 [326]
Edward B. Edwards Jr. USAAF 5.5 SS [327]
William C. Edwards Jr. USN 7.5 NC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 16 February 1945[328]
Joseph L. Egan Jr. USAAF 5 DFC KIA 17 July 1944[329]
Robert A. Elder 5 SS, DFC "Ace in a day" 24 March 1945[330]
Ralph E. Elliott USN 9.5 DFC (3) [331]
Vincent T. Elliott USAAF 7 SS [332]
Hugh M. Elwood USMC 5 DFC [333]
Donald R. Emerson USAAF 7 DFC KIA 25 December 1944[334]
Warren S. Emerson 6 SS [335]
Wallace N. Emmer 14 DSC, SS POW 9 August 1944, died in captivity February 1945[336]
Benjamin H. Emmert Jr. 7 SS POW 1 September 1944. Claimed 1 additional victory during the Korean War[337]
Eugene H. Emmons 9 DFC [338]
James W. Empey 5 SS [339]
James J. England 10 [340]
John B. England 17.5 SS KIFA 17 November 1954[341]
Anthony J. Enman USN ~5 [56]
Lyle A. Erickson ~5 [56]
Andrew J. Evans USAAF 8 DFC POW 27 March 1953[342]
Roy W. Evans 6 SS POW 14 February 1945[343]
Eric A. Evenson USN 8.25 DFC (3) [344]
Lee R. Everhart USAAF 6 DFC MIA 12 October 1944[345]
Loren D. Everton USMC 12 NC, DFC [346]
John W. Fair USN 5 SS, DFC [347]
David C. "Foob" Fairbanks Royal Canadian Air Force 12.5 or 13.5 DFC(UK) Born in New York[348]
Grover E. Fanning USAAF 9 SS [349]
Charles D. Farmer USN 7.25 NC, DFC (2) [350]
Robert A. Farnsworth 5 DFC (2) [351]
William Farrell USMC 5 NC, DFC [352]
Robert P. Fash USN 6 NC, DFC (3) [353]
Richard D. Faxon USAAF 5 SS [354]
Alfred J. Fecke USN 7 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 16 October 1944[355]
Edward L. Feightner 9 DFC (4) [356]
Sylvan Feld USSAF 9 SS POW 13 August 1944, died in captivity 21 August 1944[357]
Marion C. Felts 5 DFC KIFA 27 February 1963[358]
Leopold M. Ferko USN 5 DFC (2) [359]
James E. Fenex Jr. USAAF 5 DFC [360]
Ernest C. Fiebelkorn 9 SS (2) KIA 6 July 1950[361]
Arthur C. Fiedler Jr. 8 SS [362]
William F. Fiedler Jr. 5 DFC Only P-39[363] ace in USAAF, KIFA 30 June 1943[364]
Virgil C. Fields Jr. 6 DSC KIA 2 February 1944[365]
Howard J. Finn USMC 6 DFC (5) [366]
Charles R. Fischette USAAF 5 DFC [367]
Don H. Fisher USMC 6 DFC [56][368]
Edwin O. Fisher USAAF 7 SS KIFA 28 March 1947[369]
Rodney W. Fisher 5 DFC [370]
Harry E. Fisk 5 SS POW 13 January 1945[371]
Jack A. Fisk 7 DFC [372]
Nelson D. Flack Jr. 5 DFC [373]
James H. Flatley USN 6 NC, LOM, DFC (3) [374]
Richard H. Fleischer USAAF 6 DFC [375]
Francis M. Fleming USN 7.5 SS, DFC (2) [376]
Patrick D. Fleming 19 NC, SS (2), DFC (3) "Ace in a day" 16 February 1945. KIFA 1956[377]
Kenneth A. Flinn 5 DFC POW 13 October 1944, died in captivity 24 July 1945[378]
Frank E. Foltz ~5 NC [56][379]
Ralph E. Foltz 5 DFC (2) [380]
Paul J. Fontana USMC 5 NC, DFC [381]
Kenneth M. Ford 5 DFC [382]
George Formanek Jr. USN 5 DFC (2) KIA 23 April 1944[383]
Samuel W. Forrer ~5 NC, DFC [56][384]
Joseph M. Forster USAAF 9 SS [385]
Norman J. Fortier 5.83 DFC [386]
Joseph J. Foss USMC 26 MOH, DFC First Marine "Ace in a day" 25 October 1942. Second highest scoring Marine ace of the war, later served as Governor of South Dakota[387][388]
Carl C. Foster USN 8.5 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 6 April 1945[389]
William B. Foulis Jr. USAAF 6 SS [390]
James M. Fowle 8 SS [391]
Richard E. Fowler Jr. USN 6.5 NC, SS, DFC (3) [392]
Robert W. Foy USAAF 15 SS KIFA 25 March 1950[393]
Marvin J. Franger USN 9 SS, DFC (5) [394]
Dwaine R. Franklin USAAF 7 SS [395]
John M. Franks USN 7 DFC (3) [396]
Carl M. Frantz USAAF 11 SS [397]
Robert B. Fraser USMC 6 DFC (2) KIFA 18 June 1945[398]
Kenneth D. Frazier 12.5 NC, DFC (2) [399]
Doris C. Freeman USN 9 DFC (4) KIA 11 May 1945[400]
William B. Freeman USMC 6 DFC [401]
James B. French USN 11 SS, DFC (3) [402]
Alfred L. Frendberg 6 SS, DFC (2) [403]
Alfred C. Froning USAAF 6 SS [404]
Earl R. Fryer 7 [2]
Harold N. Funk USN 6.5 NC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 24 October 1944[405]
Francis S. "Gabby" Gabreski USAAF 28 DSC, SS (2), DFC (10) Highest scoring American ace in Europe. POW 25 July 1944. Claimed 6.5 additional victories during the Korean War[406][407]
Franklin T. Gabriel USN 8 DFC [408]
Frank L. Gailer Jr. USAAF 5.5 DFC POW 27 November 1944[409]
Robert E. Galer USMC 13 MOH, DFC [410]
Charles S. Gallup USAAF 6 SS [411]
Kenneth W. Gallup 9 SS [412]
Dwight B. Galt USN 5 DFC (2) [413]
John R. Galvin 7 DFC (4) [414]
Warner F. Gardner USAAF 5 DFC [415]
William A. Gardner 8 SS [416]
Vermont Garrison 7.33 SS, DFC (2) POW 3 March 1944. Claimed 10 additional victories and was awarded the DSC during the Korean War[417]
Frank L. Gaunt 8 SS [418]
Noel A. M. Gayler USN 5 NC (3) [419]
Dominic S. "Don" Gentile Royal Canadian Air Force, USAAF 21.83 DSC (2), SS, DFC (8) [420]
Francis R. Gerard USAAF 8 SS [421]
Steven Gerick 5 DFC [422]
Grover D. Gholson 5 SS [423]
Robert D. Gibb 5 DFC (3) MIA 16 December 1951[424]
John T. Gildea USN 7 SS, DFC (5) KIA 11 May 1945[425]
Clement D. Gile 8 DFC (4) [426]
Roy F. Gillespie 6 SS, DFC (3) [427]
Edward L. Gimbel Royal Canadian Air Force 5 DFC(UK) [428]
William K. Giroux USAAF 10 SS [429]
Cyrus R. Gladen 5 SS [430]
Michael Gladych Royal Air Force, USAAF 17
George W. Gleason USAAF 12 DFC [431]
Maxwell H. Glenn 7.5 SS [432]
Fred W. Glover 10.33 [134]
John T. Godfrey 16.33 SS (2), DFC (8) POW 24 August 1944, escaped captivity[433][434]
Lindley W. Godson USN 5 SS, DFC (2) [435]
Robert J. Goebel USAAF 11 SS [436]
Walter J. Goehausen Jr. 10 DFC [437]
Robert E. Goodnight 7.25 SS [438]
James A. Goodson 15 DSC, SS, DFC (UK), DFC (9) POW 20 June 1944[439][440]
Donald "Flash" Gordon USN 7 DFC (3) [441]
Edmond R. Goss USAAF 6 DFC [442]
Norman D. Gould 5 [2]
Gordon M. Graham 7 SS [443]
Lindol F. Graham 5.5 DFC [444]
Robert F. Graham 5 SS [445]
Vernon E. Graham USN 5 NC [446]
Marvin E. Grant USAAF 7 SS [447]
James S. Gray USN 6 DFC (5) [448]
John F. Gray 8.25 NC, DFC KIFA 3 June 1946[449]
Lester E. Gray 5.25 DFC (2) [450]
Rockford V. Gray USAAF 6.5 DFC KIFA 4 September 1944[451]
Herschel H. "Herky" Green 18 DSC, SS, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 30 January 1944[452]
Lee O. Gregg 7 DFC [453]
Hayden A. Gregory USN 5 SS, DFC (4) [454]
Billy M. Gresham USAAF 6 DFC KIA 2 October 1944[455]
Joseph H. Griffin 7 SS [456]
Richard J. Griffin USN 8 DFC (3) [457]
Robert C. Griffith USAAF 5 DFC KIA 24 July 1944[458]
Clayton Kelly Gross 6 SS [459]
LeRoy V. Grosshuesch 8 SS [460]
William Grosvenor Jr. 5 SS [461]
Charles F. Gumm 6 SS KIA 1 March 1944[462]
Cheatham W. Gupton 5 DFC [463]
Harlan I. Gustafson USN 6 DFC [464]
Fred E. Gutt USMC 8 DFC (2) [465]
Walter A. Haas USN ~5 NC (2) [466]
Roger A. Haberman USMC 7 NC [467]
Albert E. Hacking Jr. 5 DFC [468]
Mayo A. Hadden Jr. USN 8 SS, DFC (3) [469]
James P. Hagerstrom USAAF 6 DSC, DFC Claimed another 8.5 victories during the Korean War[470]
George F. Hall 6 DFC [471]
Sheldon O. Hall USMC 6 [472]
William T. Halton USAAF 10.5 SS Awarded DSC in Korean War. MIA 21 May 1952[473]
Louis R. Hamblin USN 6.5 DFC (2) [474]
Henry B. Hamilton USMC 7 NC, DFC MIA 21 October 1942[475]
Robert M. Hamilton USN 6 DFC (3) [476]
Samuel E. Hammer USAAF 5 SS [477]
John F. Hampshire 13 DFC DOW 2 May 1943[478]
William F. Hanes Jr. 6 SS [479]
Eugene R. Hanks USN 6 NC, DFC (3) [480]
Harry T. Hanna USAAF 5 DFC "Ace in a day" 9 October 1943[481]
Chris J. Hanseman 5 DFC KIA[482]
Herman Hansen Jr. USMC 5.5 NC, SS (2), DFC (2) [483]
Robert M. Hanson 25 MOH, NC "Ace in a day" 14 January 1944. KIA 3 February 1944[484]
Willis E. Hardy USN 6.5 NC, DFC [485]
Everett C. Hargreaves 8.5 SS, DFC (3) [486]
Walter R. Harman 5 DFC (2) [487]
Raymond F. Harmeyer USAAF 6 SS [488]
Archibald A. Harrington 7 [2]
Bill Harris 16 DFC [489]
Cecil E. Harris USN 23 NC, SS (2), DFC (3) [490]
Ernest A. Harris USAAF 10 SS KIFA 1949[491]
Frederick A. Harris 8 SS KIFA 31 October 1943[492]
Leroy E. Harris USN 9.25 SS, DFC (4) [493]
Thomas L. Harris USAAF 5 DFC POW 27 May 1944[494]
Thomas S. Harris USN 9 DFC (6) [495]
Cameron M. Hart USAAF 6 DFC KIFA 1946[496]
Kenneth F. Hart 8 SS [497]
Raymond E. Hartley Jr. 5 DFC [498]
Paul R. Hatala 5.5 DFC [499]
Herbert B. Hatch 5 DSC "Ace in a day" 10 June 1944[500]
Charles D. Hauver 5 DFC [501]
Charles H. Haverland Jr. USN 6.5 SS, DFC (4) [502]
Fred R. Haviland Jr. USAAF 6 DFC [503]
Arthur R. Hawkins USN 14 NC (3), DFC (3) "Ace in a day" 13 September 1944[504]
Russell C. Haworth USAAF 5 DFC [505]
Frank R. Hayde USN 6 DFC MIA 16 July 1944[506]
Thomas L. Hayes Jr. USAAF 8.5 SS [507]
Thomas C. Haywood American Volunteer Group 5.25 [2]
Cotesworth B. Head Jr. USAAF 14 DFC MIA 18 January 1943[508]
Frank C. Hearrell USN 5 DFC (2) [509]
Horace W. Heath 7 DFC (2) KIFA 8 July 1945[510]
Robert Hedman American Volunteer Group 6 [61]
Roger R. Hedrick USN 12 SS, DFC (4) [511]
Lloyd P. Heinzen 6 DFC (2) KIFA 11 November 1945[512]
Edwin L. Heller USAAF 5.5 DSC, SS, DFC (5) Claimed an additional 3.5 victories during the Korean War. POW 23 January 1953[513]
Paul M. Henderson Jr. USN 5 SS KIA 15 June 1944[514]
Randall W. Hendricks USAAF 5 DSC [515]
William J. Hennon 7 SS KIFA 1953[516]
William E. Henry USN 9.5 NC, DFC (3) [517]
John C. "Pappy" Herbst USAAF 18 SS KIFA 4 July 1946[518]
Edwin J. Hernan Jr. USMC 8 DFC (3) MIA 19 July 1951[519]
Samuel B. Hibbard USN 7.33 DFC (3) [520]
Allen E. Hill USAAF 9 SS [521]
David L. "Tex" Hill American Volunteer Group, USAAF 18.75 DSC [522]
Frank A. Hill USAAF 7 SS [523]
Harry E. Hill USN 7 DFC (2) [524]
James E. Hill USAAF 5 DSC [525]
Donald E. Hillman 5 SS (2), DFC POW October 1944[526]
Hollis H. Hills Royal Canadian Air Force, USN 5 SS, DFC [527]
Kenneth G. Hippe USN 5 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 24 October 1944[528]
Edwin W. Hiro USAAF 5 DFC MIA 19 September 1944[529]
Howard D. Hively 12 DSC [530]
Myron M. Hnatio 5 DFC [531]
John B. Hoag USN 5 DFC (3) [532]
John J. Hockery USAAF 7 DFC POW 26 November 1944. Claimed 1 additional victory during the Korean War[533]
William R. Hodges 5 DFC [534]
John H. Hoefker 8.5 SS [535]
Ronald W. Hoel USN 5 DFC (3) [536]
Ralph K. Hofer USAAF 15 DFC (7) KIA 2 July 1944
Cullen J. Hoffman 5 DFC [537]
James E. Hoffman Jr. 6.5 SS MIA 22 August 1944[538]
Roy B. Hogg 6 SS [539]
Bruce K. Holloway 13 [540][541]
James D. Holloway 6 DFC MIA 2 May 1945[542]
George L. Hollowell USMC 8 DFC (6) [543]
Besby F. Holmes USAAF NC [544]
Cyril F. Homer 15 DSC, SS [545]
William L. Hood USMC 5 DFC (2) [546]
Wallace E. Hopkins USAAF 5 DFC [547]
Francis W. Horne 5.5 DFC (4) [548]
Herbert N. Houck USN 6 NC (3), DFC (4) [549]
William J. Hovde USAAF 10.5 DSC, SS "Ace in a day" 5 December 1944. Claimed 1 additional victory during the Korean War[550]
James H. Howard American Volunteer Group, USAAF 8.33 MOH, DFC [551]
Robert L. Howard USAAF 6 SS [552]
David W. Howe 6 DFC [553]
Bernard H. Howes 6 DFC POW 3 March 1945[554]
Edward R. Hoyt 5 DFC Penultimate ace of the war[555]
Mark E. Hubbard 6.5 SS POW 18 March 1944[556]
Howard R. Hudson USN 5 SS, DFC (3) [557]
Charles W. Huffman 7 DFC (2) [558]
Robert J. Humphrey 5.33 DFC (2) KIA in Korea[559]
John C. Hundley USMC 6 DFC (3) [560]
Alvaro J. Hunter USAAF 5 DFC [561]
Edward E. Hunt 6.5 DFC KIA 8 November 1944[562]
Richard F. Hurd 6 DFC Last and highest scoring American Spitfire ace[563]
Frank D. Hurlbut 9 DFC [564]
Robert Hurst USN 6 DFC (3) [565]
Joe W. Icard USAAF 5 DFC KIA 8 March 1944[566]
Jack M. Ilfrey 7.5 SS MIA 13 June 1944, evaded captivity and returned to his unit[567]
James C. Ince 6 SS [568]
Julius W. Ireland USMC 5.5 DFC (3) [569]
Clayton M. Isaacson USAAF 5 [570]
Michael J. Jackson USAAF 8 SS [571]
Willie O. Jackson Jr. 7 SS [572]
Gilbert L. Jamison 7 SS [573]
Bruce Donald Jaques USN 5.5 SS, DFC (2) [574]
Arthur F. Jeffrey USAAF 14 SS [575]
Otto D. Jenkins 8.5 SS KIFA 24 March 1945[576]
Robert H. Jennings Jr. USN 9.5 NC, SS, DFC (3) KIFA 30 June 1954[72][577]
Alvin J. Jensen USMC 7 NC, DFC (4) KIFA 20 May 1949[578]
Hayden M. Jensen USN 5 NC (2), DFC [579]
Verl E. Jett USAAF 7 SS [580]
Arthur G. Johnson Jr. 8.5 SS [581]
Byron M. Johnson USN 8 DFC (3) [582]
Clarence O. Johnson USAAF 7 SS KIA 23 September 1944[583]
Evan M. Johnson V 5 DFC [584]
Gerald R. Johnson 22 DSC (2), SS, LOM KIFA 7 October 1945[585]
Gerald W. Johnson 16.5 DSC POW 27 March 1944[586]
James K. Johnson 1 Claimed 10 additional victories during the Korean War[587]
Robert S. Johnson 27 DSC [588][589]
Wallace R. Johnson USN 5 DFC (2) [590]
John M. Johnston 8 SS, DFC (4) [591]
Robert D. Johnston USAAF 6 DSC [592]
Charles D. Jones USMC 6 SS, DFC (3) KIFA 5 March 1965[593]
Curran L. Jones USAAF 5 SS [594]
Cyril W. Jones Jr. 6 DSC MIA 12 September 1944[595]
Frank Cazenove Jones 5 [134]
James M. Jones USN 7 SS, DFC (3) [596]
John L. Jones USAAF 8 SS [597]
Lynn F. Jones 5 DFC [598]
Ripley O. Jones Royal Air Force 7.7 Born in New York
Warren L. Jones USAAF 5 DFC [599]
Wallace R. Jordan 6 SS [600]
Alwin M. Juchheim 9 DSC POW 28 May 1944[601]
William H. Julian 5 DFC [602]
Joseph Kaelin USN 5 NC, DFC (2) [603]
William R. Kane 6 NC, DFC (2) KIFA 5 February 1957[604]
Dale E. Karger USAAF 7.5 DFC 3rd youngest ace of the war at 19 years old[605]
Robert A. Karr 6 SS [606]
Neel E. Kearby 22 MOH, SS (2), DFC (4) "Ace in a day" 11 October 1943. KIA 5 March 1944[607]
Robert J. Keen 7 DSC [608]
LeRoy W. Keith USN 5.5 NC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 16 April 1945[609]
William T. Kemp USAAF 6 DSC [610]
Charles Kendrick USMC 5 DFC KIA 2 October 1942[611]
Daniel Kennedy USAAF 5 DFC [612]
Ira C. Kepford USN 16 NC (2), SS, DFC [613][614]
Leslie H. Kerr Jr. ~5 [56]
Robert R. Kidwell Jr. 5 DFC (4) [615]
Donald D. Kienholz USAAF 6 DFC KIFA 1973[616]
John R. Kincaid USN 5 [2]
Robert A. Kincaid 5 NC, SS, DFC (2) [617]
Benjamin H. King USAAF 7 SS, DFC (2) [618]
Charles W. King 5 SS [619]
David L. King 5 DFC [620]
William B. King 5.5 SS [621]
William J. Kingston Jr. USN 6 DFC (3) [622]
Claiborne H. Kinnard Jr. USAAF 8 DSC [623]
James J. Kinsella USN 5 DFC (3) [624]
Claude R. Kinsey USAAF 7 DFC POW 4 April 1943, escaped captivity October 1943[625]
Marion F. Kirby 5 SS [626]
George N. Kirk USN 7 DFC (2) [627]
Lenton F. Kirkland Jr. USAAF 5 SS MIA 25 December 1944[628]
Floyd C. Kirkpatrick USMC 5.5 DFC (3) [629]
Phillip L. Kirkwood USN 12 NC, DFC [630]
John A. Kirla USAAF 11.5 SS [631]
George E. Kiser 9 DSC, SS [632]
Frank W. Klibbe 7 [633]
Robert H. Knapp 5 DFC (3) [634]
William M. Knight USN 7.5 SS, DFC (2) MIA 5 November 1944[635]
Carroll S. Knott USAAF 5 DFC [636]
Charles W. Koenig 6.5 DSC [637]
Edward H. Kopsel 5 [134]
Walter J. Koraleski Jr. 5.53 [134]
William J. Kostik USN 5 SS, DFC [638]
Joseph J. Kruzel USAAF 6 SS (3) [639]
Henry B. Kucheman Jr. 6 [640]
Ward A. Kuentzel 7 DFC KIFA 19 June 1944[641]
Charles M. Kunz USMC 8 NC, DFC (3) [642]
Kenneth G. Ladd USAAF 12 SS [643]
Dean S. Laird USN 5.75 DFC Only Navy ace to shoot down German and Japanese planes[644]
Wayne W. Laird USMC 5 DFC KIFA 30 April 1943. Only Marine Corps ace to shoot down German and Japanese planes[645]
Kenneth B. Lake USN 6 DFC [646]
George M. Lamb USAAF 7.5 SS (2) [647]
Robert A. Lamb 7 SS [648]
William E. Lamb USN 5 NC Claimed 1 additional victory during the Korean War[649]
William E. Lamoreaux 5 DFC [650]
Richard C. Lampe USAAF 5.5 DFC [651]
John D. Landers 14.5 SS (3) [652][653]
John H. Lane 6 SS [654]
Willis G. Laney USN 5 SS, DFC (6) [655]
Joseph L. Lang USAAF 7.83 DFC KIA 14 October 1944[656]
Ned W. Langdon USN 5 NC, DFC (3) [657]
Thomas G. Lanphier USAAF 5.5 NC, SS (2) [658]
Donald A. Larson 6 SS, DFC (2) KIFA 4 August 1944[659]
Leland A. Larson 6 DFC [660]
Charles W. Lasko 7.5 SS [661]
Franklin C. Lathrope 5 [662]
Charles H. Laughlin American Volunteer Group 5 [2]
John B. Lawler USAAF 11 SS [663]
Frank L. Lawlor American Volunteer Group, USN 9 DFC (3) [664]
Earl R. Lazear Jr. USAAF 5 SS [665]
Richard J. Lee 5 SS [666]
Marlow J. Leikness 5 DFC [667]
Charles W. Lenfest 5.5 POW 3 October 1944[668]
Jack Lenox Jr. 5 SS [669]
Francis J. Lent 11 SS (2) KIFA 1 December 1944[670]
William N. Leonard USN 6 NC (2), DFC [671]
John A. Leppla 5 NC (2) MIA 26 October 1942[672]
Alfred Lerch 7 NC "Ace in a day" 16 April 1945[673]
Joseph J. Lesicka USAAF 9 DFC "Ace in a day" 15 July 1943[674]
William L. Leverette 11 DSC "Ace in a day" 9 October 1943[675]
Warren R. Lewis 7 DFC [676]
William H. Lewis 7 DFC "Ace in a day" 5 September 1944[677]
Lawrence P. Liebers 7 DFC KIFA 1946[678]
Robert L. Liles 5 SS [679]
Hugh D. Lillie USN 5 [2]
Elvin L. Lindsay 8 NC, SS (2), DFC [680]
Ted E. Lines USAAF 10 DSC [681]
Raymond H. Littge 10.5 DSC KIFA 20 May 1949[682]
James W. Little 7 Claimed 1 additional victory during the Korean War[683]
Robert L. Little American Volunteer Group 10 [61]
Gregory. K. Loesch USMC 8.5 NC, DFC KIFA 27 September 1943[684]
John S. Loisel USAAF 11 SS [685]
John D. Lombard 7 SS KIA 30 June 1943[686]
Charles P. London 5 DSC First USAAF ace in European Theater[687]
Herbert H. Long 10 DFC (7) [688]
Maurice G. Long 5.5 SS [689]
Donald S. Lopez 5 SS [690]
Clifford Louie
George G. Loving Jr. USAAF 5 [691]
John H. Lowell 7.5 SS (2) [692]
Wayne L. Lowry 11 SS POW 7 October 1944[693]
Marvin W. Lubner 6 DFC [694]
Paul W. Lucas 6 DFC KIA January 1945[695]
Carl J. Luksic 8.5 DSC, DFC (4) "Ace in a day" 8 May 1944[696]
James F. Luma Royal Canadian Air Force, USAAF 5 DFC [697]
Walter A. Lundin USN 6.5 DFC [698]
William M. Lundin USMC 5.5 [2]
Stanley J. Lustic USAAF 6 DFC [699]
Lowell C. Lutton 5 SS MIA 2 November 1943[700]
Joseph P. Lynch USMC 5.5 DFC (2) [701]
John J. Lynch Royal Air Force 13 DFC(UK) & Bar Born in California[702]
Thomas J. Lynch USAAF 20 DSC KIA 8 March 1944[703]
John B. Maas Jr. USMC 5.5 DFC (2) [704]
Lewin A. Maberry USN 5 DFC (2) [705]
Charles H. "Mac" MacDonald USAAF 27 DSC (2), SS (2) [706][707]
John A. MacKay 6 DFC [708]
Christopher L. Magee USMC 9 NC [709]
Morton D. Magoffin USAAF 5 DSC, SS, DFC POW 10 August 1944[710]
William J. Maguire 7 SS KIFA 11 August 1945[711]
Jackson Barrett Mahon Royal Air Force 5 Born in California. POW 19 August 1942[712]
Keith Mahon USAAF 5 DFC [713]
Grant M. Mahony 5 DSC, SS [714]
Walker M. "Bud" Mahurin 21 DSC, DFC (5) Claimed 3.5 additional victories during the Korean War. POW 13 May 1952[715]
Charles M. Mallory USN 10 DFC [716]
Thomas E. Maloney USAAF 8 DFC [717]
Jack C. Mankin 5 SS [718]
Lee P. Mankin jr. USN 5 DFC Only enlisted American to become an ace[719]
Thomas H. Mann Jr. USMC 10 NC [720]
Armand G. Manson USN 7 DFC (5) [721]
Harry A. March Jr. 5 [712]
Gene E. Markham USAAF 5 DFC [722]
William P. Marontate USMC 13 NC MIA 15 January 1943[723]
Lester C. Marsh USAAF 5 SS [724]
Bert W. Marshall Jr. 7 SS [725]
Albert E. Martin Jr. USN 5 NC [726]
Kenneth R. Martin USAAF 5 DSC POW 11 February 1944[727]
Joe L. Mason 5 DSC [728]
William J. Masoner Jr. USN 12 NC, SS (2), DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 24 October 1944[729]
William H. Mathis USAAF 5 DFC [730]
Milden E. Mathre 5 DFC [731]
Joseph Z. Matte 5 DSC [732]
Chester K. Maxwell 5 SS [733]
William R. Maxwell USN 7 DFC [734]
Earl May 8 SS, DFC (2) KIFA 22 October 1951[735]
Richard H. May 5 DFC (5) [736]
Ben I. Mayo Jr. USAAF 5 DFC
Michele A. Mazzocco USN 5 SS, DFC (2) [737]
Paul G. McArthur USAAF 5 DSC [738]
T. H. McArthur 5 DFC KIFA May 1943[739]
David McCampbell USN 34 MOH, NC, SS, LOM, DFC (3) "Ace in a day" 19 June and 24 October 1944. Holds US record with most kills in a single mission at 9. Top Navy ace and highest scoring ace to survive the war.[740][741]
Henry A. McCartney Jr. USMC 5 DFC [742]
Frank E. McCauley USAAF 5.5 SS [743]
Thomas G. McClelland USN 7.33 SS, DFC (3) [744]
Robert W. McClurg USMC 7 DFC [745]
Carroll W. McColpin USAAF 11 [746]
Edward O. McComas 14 SS, LOM "Ace in a day" 23 December 1944[747]
Charles M. McCorkle 11 SS [748]
William A. McCormick Jr. USN 7 DFC (2) [749]
Leo B. McCuddin 5 NC, SS, DFC [750]
Elbert S. McCuskey 13.5 NC (2), DFC (5) "Ace in a day" 4 June 1942[751]
Gordon H. McDaniel USAAF 6 DSC "Ace in a day" 14 March 1945[752]
Norman L. McDonald 11.5 DFC [753]
William F. McDonough 5 SS KIFA 22 April 1944[754]
Donald McDowell 8.5 [712]
James N. McElroy 5 DFC [755]
William D. McGarry American Volunteer Group 8 [61]
Donald C. McGee USAAF 6 SS (2) [756]
John L. McGinn 5 [757]
Selva E. McGinty USMC 5 DFC (2) [758]
Edward C. McGowan USN 6.5 NC, DFC (2) [759]
Bernard L. McGrattan USAAF 8.5 DFC KIA 6 June 1944[760]
Thomas B. McGuire Jr. 38 MOH, DSC, SS (2), DFC (6) KIA 7 January 1945[761]
John W. McGuyrt 5 SS [762]
Pierce W. McKennon 11 DFC KIFA 18 June 1947[763]
Joseph T. McKeon 6 SS POW[764]
Donald J. McKinley USN 5 DFC [765]
William W. McLachlin 5.5 [712]
Murray D. McLaughlin USAAF 7 SS [766]
John McManus USMC 6 SS, DFC [767]
George B. McMillan American Volunteer Group, USAAF 8.5 DFC KIA 22 February 1944[768]
Evan D. McMinn USAAF 5 MIA 6 June 1944[769]
Donald M. McPherson USN 5 DFC (3) [770]
Hamilton McWhorter III 12 DFC (5) [771]
Nicholas Megura USAAF 11.83 DSC [772]
Roger W. Mehle USN 13.5 SS, DFC (3) [773]
Henry H. Meigs USAAF 6 SS [774]
Louis A. Menard USN 9 SS, DFC [775]
Adolph Mencin 6 SS, DFC [776]
Virgil K. Meroney USAAF 9 SS POW 8 April 1944, later escaped captivity[777]
George L. Merritt Jr. 5 DFC KIA 7 June 1944[778]
Donald W. Meuten 6 SS MIA 7 May 1944[779]
John C. Meyer 24 DSC (3), SS (2) Claimed 2 additional victories during the Korean War[780][781]
Frederick H. Michaelis USN 5 NC, SS, DFC [782]
Henry J. Miklajcyk USAAF 7.5 SS KIA 2 November 1944[783]
Armour C. Miller 6 SS [784]
Everett Miller 5 DFC [785]
Johnnie G. Miller USN 8 NC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 6 April 1945[786]
Joseph E. Miller Jr. USAAF 5 DFC [787]
Thomas F. Miller 5.25 DFC [788]
Willard W. Millikan 13 DSC POW[789]
Robert C. Milliken 5 SS [790]
Henry L. Mills 6 DFC POW 6 March 1944, later escaped captivity[791]
Charles B. Milton USN 5 DFC (3) [792]
Robert Mims USN 6 DFC [793]
Leslie D. Minchew USAAF 5.5 SS [794]
Harris E. Mitchell USN 10 SS, DFC (3) [795]
Henry E. Mitchell 6 NC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 21 March 1945, KIA April 1945[796]
John W. Mitchell USAAF 11 DSC, NC Claimed 4 additional victories during the Korean War[797]
Sanford K. Moats 8.5 DSC, DFC (2) [798]
Leland P. Molland 10.5 SS KIA 16 May 1951[799]
Norman W. Mollard USN 6 DFC [800]
Arthur P. Mollenhauer 5 NC "Ace in a day" 12 October 1944[801]
William W. Momyer USAAF 8 DSC [802]
Franklin H. Monk 5 DFC [803]
John R. Montapert USN 6 SS, DFC [804]
John T. Moore USAAF 7 SS MIA 8 October 1944[805]
Robert W. Moore 12 SS [806]
Glennon T. Moran 13 SS [807]
Horace B. Moranville USN 6 DFC POW 12 January 1945, only Navy ace to escape captivity during the war[808]
James B. Morehead USAAF 7 DSC, DFC (2) [809]
John L. Morgan Jr. USMC 8.5 DFC MIA 26 March 1945[810]
Stanley B. Morrill USAAF 9 SS KIFA 29 March 1944[811]
Bert D. (Wayne) Morris Jr. USN 7 DFC (4) [812]
James M. Morris USAAF 7.33 DSC [813]
Paul V. Morriss 5 DFC [814]
Mark L. Moseley 6.5 DFC [815]
William C. Moseley USN 5 DFC MIA 4 July 1944[816]
Robert C. Moss American Volunteer Group, USAAF 7
James D. Mugavero USAAF 6 SS [817]
Douglas W. Mulcahy USN 8 [56][712]
Robert F. Mulhollem USAAF 5 [818]
Paul A. Mullen USMC 6.5 DFC KIFA 12 February 1946[819]
Arthur H. Munson USN 5
Paul C. Murphey Jr. USAAF 6 DFC [820]
Alva C. Murphy 6 MIA 2 March 1945[821]
John B. Murphy 6.75 SS [822]
Robert E. Murray USN 10.33 SS, DFC (3) [823]
Jennings L. Myers USAAF 5 DFC MIA December 1943[824]
Raymond B. Myers 5.5 [712]
Joseph L. Narr USMC 7 NC MIA 11 November 1942[825]
Robert H. "Bob" Neale American Volunteer Group 13 [61]
H. A. Nelson USN 5.2 [2]
Robert J. Nelson 7 DFC (2) [826]
Robert K. Nelson 6.66 NC, DFC (3) [827]
John V. K. Newkirk American Volunteer Group 7 [61]
Franklin A. Nichols USAAF 5 [828]
Myrvin E. Noble USN 7 DFC (2) [829]
Edward M. Nollmeyer USAAF 5 SS (2) [830]
Cornelius N. Nooy USN 19 NC (3), SS (2), DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 21 September 1944[831]
Louis H. "Red Dog" Norley USAAF 10.33 SS [832]
Marvin R. Novak USN ~5 [56]
George P. Novotny USAAF 8 DFC [833]
Cleveland L. Null USN 9 DFC (3) KIFA 9 October 1952[834]
Gilbert M. O'Brien USAAF 7 DFC [835]
William R. O'Brien 5.5 DFC [836]
Frank Q. O'Connor 10.75 DSC POW 5 November 1944[837]
Edward H. "Butch" O'Hare USN 7 MOH, NC "Ace in a day" 20 February 1942. MIA 26 November 1943[838]
Jeremiah J. O'Keefe USMC 7 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 22 April 1945[839]
Paul O'Mara Jr. USN 7 SS, DFC (5) [840]
Eugene W. O'Neill USAAF 5 SS [841]
John G. O'Neill 8 SS [842]
Lawrence F. O'Neill 5 DSC [843]
Jack J. Oberhansly 6 DFC [844]
Harvey G. Odenbrett USN 7 NC [845]
Fred F. Ohr USAAF 6 SS [846]
Edwin L. Olander USMC 5 DFC [847]
Charles H. "Chuck" Older American Volunteer Group, USAAF 18 DFC [848]
Robin Olds USAAF 13 SS (2), DFC (2) Later claimed 4 more victories and was awarded the Air Force Cross during the Vietnam War.[849]
Austin LeRoy Olsen USN 5 SS, DFC [850]
Norman E. Olson USAAF 6 DFC KIA 8 April 1944[851]
Paul E. Olson Jr. 5 "Ace in a day" and POW 18 December 1944[852]
John Orth USN 6 NC [853]
Ernest K. Osher USAAF 5 DFC [854]
Charles H. Ostrom USN 7 [2]
Edward C. Outlaw 6 NC, LOM, DFC (3) "Ace in a day" 29 April 1944[855]
Robert J. Overcash USAAF 5 DFC [856]
Edmund F. Overend American Volunteer Group, USMC 8 DFC [857]
Lloyd J. Overfield USAAF 11 SS [858]
Edward W. Overton Jr. USN 5 NC (2), DFC (2) [859]
Donald C. Owen USMC 5 DFC (3) [860]
Edward M. Owen USN 5 DFC (3) [861]
Joel A. Owens USAAF 5 SS [862]
Marion P. โ€Dutchโ€ Owens 5 DSC [863]
Robert G. Owens Jr. USMC 7 NC, DFC (5) [864]
Melvyn R. Paisley USAAF 8 DSC, SS (2) [865]
Forrest F. Parham 5 DFC [866]
Joel B. Paris III 9 SS [867]
Harry A. Parker 13 SS (2) KIA 22 April 1945[868]
Elbert W. Parrish USN 6 SS [869]
James J. Pascoe USAAF 5.5 DFC [870]
Joseph J. Paskoski USN 6 NC, SS [871]
Edsel Paulk USAAF 5 DFC [872]
Carl W. Payne 6 DFC Only American ace to destroy Vichy French, German, Italian, and Japanese planes. KIFA 9 January 1956[873]
Frederick R. Payne Jr. USMC 5.5 NC, DFC [874]
James L. Pearce USN 5.25 DFC (3) [875]
James E. Peck British Royal Air Force, USAAF 6 DFC KIFA[876]
James G. Percy USMC 6 NC, DFC (5) [877]
Oscar F. Perdomo USAAF 5 DSC "Ace in a day" 13 August 1945. Last American ace of the war.[878]
Chesley G. Peterson Royal Air Force, USAAF 10 DSC [879]
Richard A. Peterson USAAF 5.5 SS [880]
David P. Phillips USN 5 SS, DFC [881]
Edward A. Phillips 5 SS, DFC (2) [882]
Hyde Phillips USMC 5 DFC KIFA 14 August 1952[883]
Harvey P. Picken USN 11 SS, DFC (2) [884]
Francis E. Pierce Jr. USMC 6 NC, DFC [885]
Joseph F. Pierce USAAF 7 DFC POW 21 May 1943, later executed.[886]
Sammy A. Pierce 7 DSC [887]
John Pietz Jr. 6 DFC [888]
George W. Pigman Jr. USN 8.5 DFC (3) [889]
Spiros N. Pisanos USAAF 10 DFC [890]
Jack Pittman Jr. USMC 5 DFC (3) KIFA 12 April 1966[891]
Hiram Clifford Pitts USAAF 6 [712]
Claude W. Plant USN 8.5 SS, DFC MIA 12 September 1944[892]
James N. Poindexter USAAF 7 SS KIFA 3 March 1945[893]
Peter E. Pompetti 5 DFC (4) POW 17 March 1944[894]
Zenneth A. Pond USMC 6 NC MIA 10 September 1942[895]
Kenneth R. Pool USAAF 5 DFC [896]
Tilman E. Pool USN 6 DFC (4) [897]
Albert J. Pope 7.25 DFC [898]
Edward Popek USAAF 7 DFC [899]
Philip B. Porter 5 [134]
Robert Bruce Porter USMC 5 DFC (2) Only Marine pilot to score victories in F4U and F6F[900]
George H. Poske 5 DFC [901]
Nathan T. Post 8 DFC (3) [902]
Ralston M. Pound Jr. USN 6 DFC (2) [903]
Ernest A. Powell USMC 5 NC MIA July 1943[904]
Joe H. Powers Jr. USAAF 14.5 SS MIA 18 January 1951[905]
MacArthur Powers Royal Air Force, USAAF 7 SS "Ace in a day" 18 April 1943[906]
Luther D. Prater Jr. USN 8.5 NC, DFC [907]
George E. "Ratsy" Preddy Jr. USAAF 26.83 DSC "Ace in a day" 6 August 1944. KIA 25 December 1944[908]
Robert W. Prescott American Volunteer Group 5.5 [61]
Frank H. Presley USMC 5 NC [909]
Jack C. Price USAAF 5 DFC [910]
Melvin M. Prichard USN 5.25 SS, DFC (2) [911]
Royce W. Priest USAAF 5 DSC [912]
Roger C. Pryor 5 DFC POW 26 March 1943, escaped captivity 1 May 1945.[913]
John Forrest Pugh 6 DFC [914]
John E. Purdy 7 DFC [915]
Norwald R. Quiel USN 6 SS [916]
Donald L. Quigley USAAF 5 SS POW 10 August 1944[917]
Michael J. Quirk 11 SS POW 10 September 1944[918]
Valentine S. Rader USAAF 6.5 SS, DFC KIFA 1950[919]
Orvin H. Ramlo USMC 7 NC, DFC [920]
Robert J. Rankin USAAF 10 DSC "Ace in a day" 12 May 1944[921]
C. B. Ray 5 DFC (2) [922]
James V. Reber Jr. USN 11 SS, DFC (2) [923]
Edward F. Rector American Volunteer Group, USAAF 7.75 SS, DFC (2) [924]
Eugene D. Redmond USN 9.25 DFC (3) KIFA 3 June 1951[925]
William N. Reed American Volunteer Group, USAAF 9 SS, LOM, DFC (4) KIFA 19 December 1944[926]
William C. Reese USAAF 5 DFC KIA 21 May 1944[927]
Horace B. Reeves 6 DFC [928]
Leonard R. Reeves 6 DFC (4) [929]
Francis R. Register USN 7 DFC (2) KIFA 16 May 1943[930]
Daniel R. Rehm Jr. 13 DFC (2) [931]
Thomas H. Reidy USN 10 NC, DFC (5) [932]
Joseph H. Reinburg USMC 7 DFC (5) [933]
Russell L. Reiserer USN 9 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 19 October 1944[934]
Thomas J. Rennemo 6 DFC (3) [935]
Joseph E. Reulet 5 DFC (2) [936]
Glenn M. Revel 5.75 DFC (2) [937]
Andrew J. Reynolds USAAF 9.33 SS (2), DFC [938]
Robert P. Reynolds 7 SS, DFC POW 12 September 1944[939]
Thomas W. Rhodes USN 5 [2]
Elmer W. Richardson USAAF 8 SS, DFC (2) [940]
Robert H. Riddle 11 SS, DFC [941]
Vincent A. Rieger USN 5 DFC [942]
Alden P. Rigby USAAF 5 SS [943]
James F. Rigg USN 11 NC, DFC (6) "Ace in a day" 12 September 1944[944]
Elwyn G. Righetti USAAF 7.5 DSC, SS, DFC (4) MIA 17 April 1945[945]
Paul S. Riley 6.5 DFC (5) POW 24 April 1944[946]
Ben Rimerman 5 SS, DFC (4) KIFA 11 August 1945[947]
Andrew J. Ritchey 5 DSC, DFC (2) [948]
Joe D. Robbins USN 5 DFC (2) [949]
Jay T. Robbins USAAF 22 DSC (2), SS, DFC (4) [950][951]
Arval J. Roberson 6 DFC (4) [952]
Daniel T. Roberts Jr. 14 DSC, DFC (3) KIA 9 November 1943[953]
Eugene P. Roberts 9 DSC, SS, DFC (4) [954]
Newell O. Roberts 5 DFC [955]
LeRoy W. Robinson USN 5 DFC (5) [956]
Ross F. Robinson 5 DFC (2) KIFA 29 September 1946[957]
Edward F. Roddy USAAF 8 SS, DFC [958]
F. Michael Rogers 7 SS, DFC [959]
Franklin Rose Jr. 5 SS (2), DFC (2) [960]
Ralph J. Rosen USN 6 DFC (3) [961]
Herbert E. Ross USAAF 7 SS, DFC [962]
Robert P. Ross USN 5.5 NC, SS [963]
Herman J. Rossi Jr. 6 NC (2) [964]
John R. Rossi American Volunteer Group 6 DFC [61][965]
Gerald L. Rounds USAAF 5 SS, DFC (2) [966]
Robert R. Rowland 8 DFC [967]
LeRoy A. Ruder 5.5 DFC (2) KIA 6 June 1944[968]
Henry S. Rudolph 5 SS, DFC [969]
John W. Ruhsam USMC 7 NC, DFC [970]
Donald E. Runyon USN 11 NC, DFC [971]
Roy W. Rushing USN 13 NC, DFC (4) "Ace in a day" 24 October 1944[972]
William A. Rynne USAAF 5 DFC POW 28 March 1944[973]
Robert J. Sandell American Volunteer Group 5 [61]
Philip Sangermano USAAF 8 SS, DFC [974]
Donald H. Sapp USMC 10 NC, DFC (2) [975]
John J. Sargent USN 5.25 DFC (2) KIA 11 May 1945 aboard USS Bunker Hill[976]
Jimmie E. Savage 7 DFC (3) [977]
Charles W. Sawyer American Volunteer Group, USAAF 8 [2]
Harrell H. Scales USN 6.25 DFC (3) [978]
Hartwell V. Scarborough Jr. USMC 5 DFC (6) [979]
Thomas D. Schank USAAF 5 SS, DFC [980]
Gordon E. Schecter USN 5 SS MIA 18 March 1945[981]
Wilbur R. Scheible USAAF 6 SS, DFC [982]
John L. Schell USN 5 DFC (2) [983]
Frank Schiel American Volunteer Group 7 [2]
William J. Schildt USAAF 6 DFC [984]
James E. Schiller USN 5 DFC [72][985]
David C. Schilling USAAF 22.5 DSC (2), SS (2), DFC (9) "Ace in a day" 23 December 1944[986]
Glenn D. Schiltz Jr. 8 DSC, SS, DFC (4) MIA in Korea[987]
Robert G. Schimanski 6 DFC [988]
Albert L. Schlegel Royal Air Force, USAAF 8.5 DFC (5) KIA 28 August 1944[989]
Leroy A. Schreiber USAAF 12 DSC, DFC (5) KIA 15 April 1944[990]
Louis Schriber 5 DFC (2) [991]
Duerr H. Schuh 5 DFC [992]
Robert B. Schultz (Shoals) 5 SS, DFC (3) [993]
Robert L. Scott Jr. 10 SS [994]
Alexander F. Sears 5 DFC (2) KIFA 22 October 1951[995]
Meldrum L. Sears 7 DFC (2) [996]
Albert Seckel Jr. USN 6 NC, SS, DFC [997]
Robert B. See USMC 5 DFC (3) [998]
Harold E. Segal 12 DFC (3) [999]
Robert K. Seidman USAAF 5 SS, DFC KIA 14 April 1944[1000]
Larry R. Self USN 8.5 NC, DFC (2) [1001]
Robert W. Shackford 5 DFC (5) [1002]
Dale E. Shafer USAAF 7 DFC (3) [1003]
Courtney Shands USN 6 NC "Ace in a day" 7 August 1942[1004]
Edward O. Shaw USMC 14.5 DFC (2) KIFA 1944[1005]
Robert M. Shaw USAAF 8 DFC (2) [1006]
Hugh V. Sherrill USN 5.5 NC, DFC [1007]
Charles A. Shields 5 [2]
Ernest Shipman USAAF 7 SS, DFC POW 30 July 1944[1008]
James A. Shirley USN 12.5 NC, DFC "Ace in a day" 24 October 1944[1009]
William A. Shomo USAAF 8 MOH, DFC "Ace in a day" 11 January 1945[1010]
Robert L. Shoup 5.5 DFC POW 20 May 1944[1011]
Murray J. Shubin 11 DSC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 16 June 1943[1012]
Lucien B. Shuler 7 DFC (3) [1013]
Perry L. Shuman USMC 6 DFC (8) [1014]
Wallace E. Sigler 5 DFC [1015]
Sam L. Silber USN 7 LOM, DFC (4) [1016]
John M. Simmons USAAF 7 SS, DFC KIFA 18 January 1961[1017]
William J. Simmons 6 SS MIA 25 April 1944[1018]
Arthur Singer Jr. USN 10 DFC (5) [1019]
Lester H. Sipes 5 DFC (2) [1020]
Frank Sistrunk 5 DFC (3) MIA 3 September 1951[1021]
Norman C. Skogstad USAAF 12 SS, DFC [1022]
Warren A. Skon USN 7 NC, DFC (4) [1023]
Albert C. Slack 6.5 SS [1024]
William J. Sloan USAAF 12 Air Force Cross, DFC [1025]
Armistead B. Smith Jr. USN 10 SS, DFC (4) [1026]
Carl E. Smith 5 DFC (4) [1027]
Carroll C. Smith USAAF 7 SS Top night fighter ace[1028]
Clinton L. Smith USN 6 DFC (2) [1029]
Cornelius M. Smith Jr. USAAF 11 SS, DFC (4) [1030]
Daniel F. Smith Jr. USN 6 NC, SS, LOM, DFC (4) [1031]
Donovan F. Smith USAAF 5.5 DSC, DFC (4) [1032]
Jack R. Smith 5 DFC (2) [1033]
John C. Smith 6 DFC KIA 9 November 1943[1034]
John L. Smith USMC 19 MOH, LOM, DFC [1035][1036]
John M. Smith USN 10 SS, DFC (5) [1037]
Kenneth Darwin Smith 5 [712]
Kenneth G. Smith USAAF 5 DFC (3) POW 21 March 1944. KIFA 20 October 1947[1038]
Leslie C. Smith 7 DFC (5) [1039]
Meryl M. Smith 9 SS, DFC (3) MIA 7 December 1944[1040]
Nicholas J. Smith USN 6 DFC (2) [1041]
Paul A. Smith USAAF 5 DFC (2) [1042]
Richard E. "Snuffy" Smith 7 SS, DFC (2) [1043]
Robert H. Smith American Volunteer Group 5 [61]
Robert T. Smith American Volunteer Group, USAAF 9 SS, DFC [1044]
Virgil H. Smith USAAF 6 DFC (3) KIA 1 January 1943[1045]
William N. Snider USMC 11 SS, DFC (3) [1046]
Irl V. Sonner Jr. USN 5 SS, DFC KIFA 22 March 1945[1047]
James J. "Pug" Southerland 5 SS, DFC (2) KIFA 12 October 1949[1048]
Kenneth C. Sparks USAAF 11 SS, DFC (4) KIFA 5 September 1944[1049]
Harold L. Spears USMC 15 DFC KIFA 6 December 1944[1050]
Dale F. Spencer USAAF 9.5 DSC, DFC (4) [1051]
Clyde P. Spitler USN 5 SS, DFC [1052]
Richard E. Stambook 10 SS, DFC (2) [1053]
Paul M. Stanch USAAF 10 SS, DFC (5) [1054]
William J. Stangel 5 DFC [1055]
Gordon A. Stanley USN 8 SS, DFC (4) KIFA 19 April 1956[1056]
Morris A. Stanley USAAF 5 DFC (2) [1057]
Arland Stanton 8 SS, DFC (3) [1058]
Walter E. Starck 7 DFC (4) POW 27 November 1944[1059]
Carlton B. Starkes USN 6 NC, DFC (2) [1060]
James R. Starnes USAAF 6 DFC (2) [1061]
Edgar E. Stebbins USN 5 [2]
Robert W. Stephens USAAF 13 SS, DFC KIFA 1960[1062]
Everett W. Stewart 7.83 SS, DFC (4) [1063]
James C. Stewart 11.5 DSC, DFC (5) [1064]
James S. Stewart USN 10 NC, DFC (2) [1065]
John S. Stewart USAAF 9 SS, DFC (2) [1066]
Charles R. Stimpson USN 16 NC, DFC (3) "Ace in a day" 14 October 1944[1067][1068]
John D. Stokes 6.5 SS, DFC [1069]
Carl V. Stone 5 DFC (3) KIFA 13 March 1967[1070]
Robert J. Stone USAAF 7 "Ace in a day" 10 June 1945[1071]
John A. Storch 10.5 SS, DFC (3) [1072]
Robert F. Stout USMC 6 NC, DFC KIA 4 March 1945[1073]
Donald J. Strait USAAF 13.5 SS, DFC (3) [1074]
William H. Strand 7 SS (2), DFC (6) [1075]
John R. Strane USN 13 SS, DFC (7) [1076]
Johnnie C. Strange 5 DFC [1077]
Frederick J. Streig 5.5 DFC (3) [1078]
Harvey W. Sturdevant 6 DFC (4) [1079]
John L. Sublett USAAF 8 DFC [1080]
Richard C. Suehr 5 SS, DFC (2) [1081]
Charles P. Sullivan 5 SS, DFC [1082]
Elliot Summer 10 SS, DFC (2) [1083]
Robert C. Sutcliffe 5 DFC (3) [1084]
John F. Sutherland USN 6.5 DFC (2) [1085]
James E. Swett USMC 15.5 MOH, DFC (6) "Ace in a day" 7 April 1943[1086][1087]
Harryn W. Swinburne USN 5 DFC (2) First pilot to fly a helicopter in combat[1088]
James S. Swope 9.66 DFC (2) [1089]
William J. Sykes USAAF 5 DFC POW 25 December 1944[1090]
John C. C. Symmes USN 11 NC (2), DFC (2) [1091]
Stanley T. Synar USMC 5 DFC [1092]
Gilbert F. Talbot USAAF 5 DFC (2) [1093]
William F. Tanner 5.5 DFC (4) [1094]
James B. Tapp 8 DSC, DFC [1095]
Kenneth M. Taylor 6 DSC First Army Air Forces pilot to be awarded DSC during war. Is officially only credited with 3 victories.[1096]
Oliver B. Taylor 5 SS [1097]
Ralph G. Taylor Jr. 6 DFC [1098]
Ray A. Taylor Jr. USN 6.5 DFC (2) [1099]
Will W. Taylor 6 SS, DFC [1100]
Francis A. Terrill USMC 6.5 DFC (2) KIFA 12 January 1946[1101]
John S. "Jimmy" Thach USN 6 NC (2), SS, LOM [1102]
W. Paul Thayer 6.5 DFC (3) [1103]
Robert H. Thelen 6.5 DFC [1104]
Franklin C. Thomas Jr. USMC 9 NC [1105]
Robert F. Thomas USN 5.25 NC, DFC [1106]
Wilbur J. Thomas USMC 18.5 NC, DFC (2) KIFA 28 January 1947[1107]
Robert D. Thompson USAAF 5 DFC [1108]
John F. Thornell Jr. 17.25 DSC, DFC (6) [1109]
David F. Thwaites 6 DFC (3) [1110]
Harrison R. Thyng 5 SS 5 additional victories during the Korean War[1111]
Robert E. Tierney 5 [134]
John A. Tilley 5 DFC [1112]
Reade F. Tilley Royal Canadian Air Force 7 DFC (UK) Born in Florida.[1113]
Edward W. Toaspern USN 7 DFC (4) [1114]
John W. Topliff 5 DFC (3) [1115]
Harrison B. "Bud" Tordoff USAAF 5 DFC [1116]
Ross E. Torkelson USN 5 DFC [1117]
Philip E. Tovrea Jr. USAAF 8 SS, DFC [1118]
Eugene P. Townsend USN 5 NC "Ace in a day" 24 October 1944[1119]
Frederick W. Tracey 5 NC, SS [1120]
Frederick O. Trafton Jr. USAAF 5 SS, DFC [1121]
Franklin W. Troup USN 7 DFC (2) [1122]
Eugene A. Trowbridge USMC 6 NC [1123]
Clifton H. Troxell USAAF 5 SS, DFC (3) [1124]
Myron M. Truax USN 7 NC (2), DFC [1125]
John H. Truluck USAAF 7 DSC, DFC (4) [1126]
Grant M. Turley 6 SS, DFC KIA[1127]
Charles H. Turner USN 6 DFC (2) [1128]
Edward B. Turner 7 NC "Ace in a day" 18 October 1944[1129]
Richard E. Turner USAAF 11 DFC (2) [1130]
William L. Turner 8 DSC, SS, DFC (3) [1131]
Wendell V. Twelves USN 13 NC, SS, DFC (6) [1132]
Gerald E. Tyler USAAF 7 DFC (2) [1133]
James O. Tyler 8 DFC (2) [1134]
Vernon R. Ude USN 5 DFC (3) [1135]
Donald E. Umphres 6 DFC (3) KIFA 4 June 1947[1136]
Eugene A. Valencia Jr. USN 23 NC, DFC (6) "Ace in a day" 17 April 1945[1137][1138]
Herbert J. Valentine USMC 6 NC, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 25 May 1945[1139]
Rudolph D. Van Dyke USN 5 SS, DFC KIFA 1 June 1953[1140]
Peter J. Van der Linden Jr. 5 DFC (2) [1141]
Arthur Van Haren Jr. 9 DFC (3) [1142]
George R. Vanden Heuvel USAAF 5.5 DFC (2) [1143]
James S. Varnell Jr. 17 SS, DFC (3) KIFA 9 April 1945[1144]
Harley C. Vaughn 7 DFC (2) [1145]
Robert H. Vaught 5 SS [1146]
Milton N. Vedder USMC 6 DFC (2) KIA 11 February 1944[1147]
Stanley W. โ€œSwedeโ€ Vejtasa USN 10.25 NC (3) "Ace in a day" 26 October 1942[1148]
Clinton D. Vincent USAAF 6 SS, LOM, DFC (3) [1149]
Merriwell W. Vineyard USN 6 DFC (6) Also flew in Royal Canadian Air Force[1150]
Arnold E. Vinson USAAF 5.3 DFC (3) MIA 3 April 1943[1151]
Herman W. Visscher 5 DFC Shot down a sixth plane in Korean War[1152]
Harold E. Vita USN 6 SS (2), DFC (2) [1153]
John E. Vogt USAAF 5 DSC "Ace in a day" 28 May 1945[1154]
John W. Vogt Jr. 8 DFC (5) [1155]
John J. Voll 21 DSC, SS, DFC (2) "Ace in a day" 16 November 1944[1156]
Roy M. Voris USN 7 DFC [1157]
Albert O. Vorse Jr. 11.5 NC, SS, DFC (2) [1158]
Alexander Vraciu 19 NC, DFC (3) "Ace in a day" 19 June 1944[1159][1160]
Lance C. "Wildcat" Wade Royal Air Force 23 DFC(UK) & Bar Born in Texas. KIFA 12 January 1944[1161]
Robert Wade USMC 7 NC, DFC (2) [1162]
Horace Q. Waggoner USAAF 5 DFC (2) [1163]
Boyd D. "Buzz" Wagner 8 DSC, DFC First Army Air Force ace of World War II. KIFA 29 November 1942[1164]
John W. Wainwright Jr. 6 DSC "Ace in a day" 28 September 1944. KIFA 7 July 1945[1165]
Joe W. Waits 5.5 DFC [1166]
Thomas H. Walker 6 DFC [1167]
Walter B. Walker Jr. 5 DFC [1168]
Kenneth A. Walsh USMC 21 MOH, DFC (7) First F4U Corsair ace[1169][1170]
Ralph H. Wandrey USAAF 6 DFC (2) [1171]
Lyttleton T. Ward USN 5 NC, SS, DFC [1172]
Victor E. Warford USAAF 8 SS (2) POW 11 October 1944[1173]
Arthur T. Warner USMC 8 NC, DFC [1174]
Jack R. Warren USAAF 5 DFC MIA March 1944[1175]
Edward T. Waters 7 DFC [1176]
James A. Watkins 12 DSC [1177]
Ralph J. Watson 5 LOM, DFC (4) [1178]
Charles E. Watts USN 8.75 NC, DFC (3) [1179]
Oran S. Watts USAAF 5 DFC (2) [1180]
Sidney W. Weatherford 5 DFC (2) MIA 11 August 1952[1181]
Charles E. Weaver 8 [134]
Claude Weaver III Royal Canadian Air Force 12.5 DFC (UK) Born in Oklahoma. Youngest Allied ace of the war. POW 9 September 1942, later escaped captivity. DOW 28 January 1944.[1182]
Wilbur B. Webb USN 7 NC, DFC (2) [1183]
Willard J. Webb USAAF 5 DFC (3) [1184]
Gregory J. Weissenberger USMC 5 DFC (3) [1185]
Darrell G. Welch USAAF 5 SS, DFC [1186]
George S. Welch 16 DSC, DFC (3) First Army Air Force pilot to shoot down an enemy plane during the war. KIFA 12 October 1954[1187]
Robert E. Welch 6 SS, DFC KIFA 23 March 1951[1188]
Robert D. Welden 6.25 DFC [1189]
Albert P. Wells USMC 5 DFC (2) [1190]
Edward G. Wendorf USN 5 DFC (3) [1191]
Arthur E. Wenige USAAF 6 SS, DFC (2) [1192]
John M. Wesolowski USN 7 DFC (2) [1193]
Warren M. Wesson USAAF 5 DFC [1194]
Richard L. West 14 DSC, SS, DFC (3) [1195]
Robert G. West USN 5 DFC (3) [1196]
Robert B. Westbrook USAAF 20 DSC, DFC (2) MIA 22 November 1944[1197]
Raymond S. Wetmore 21.25 DSC (2), SS, DFC (5) KIFA 14 February 1951[1198]
William E. Whalen 6 SS, DFC [1199]
Elmer M. Wheadon 7 SS, DFC "Ace in a day" 1 July 1943[1200]
William T. Whisner 15.5 DSC (2), SS, DFC (3) "Ace in a day" 21 November 1944. Scored 6.5 additional victories with U.S. Air Force and award third DSC during Korean War.[1201]
Henry S. White USN 5 DFC (2) [1202]
John H. White USAAF 5 DFC (2) KIFA 5 October 1945[1203]
Robert H. White 9 SS, DFC (4) [1204]
Thomas A. White 6 DFC (2) [1205]
Roy E. Whittaker 7 DFC (4) [1206]
Samuel J. Wicker 7 SS, DFC [1207]
David C. Wilhelm 6 DFC (2) [1208]
Paul H. Wilkins 5 DFC (3) [1209]
James W. Wilkinson 6 DSC, DFC (3) KIFA 4 June 1944[1210]
Bruce W. Williams USN 7 NC, DFC (3) [1211]
Gerard M. H. Williams USMC 7 DFC (2) [1212]
James M. Williams USAAF 6 DFC [1213]
Russell D. Williams 5 DFC (3) [1214]
Felix D. Williamson 13 DSC, DFC (4) "Ace in a day" 14 January 1945. KIFA 24 February 1947[1215]
Robert C. Wilson USN 6 DFC (2) [1216]
William F. Wilson USAAF 5 SS, DFC KIFA 12 November 1947[1217]
Murray Winfield USN 8 SS, DFC (3) [1218]
Robert P. Winks USAAF 5.5 DFC (2) [1219]
Robert A. Winston USN 5 DFC [2]
Theodore H. Winters Jr. 8 NC (2), SS (3), DFC [1220]
Calvin C. Wire USAAF 7 DFC (4) [1221]
Ralph L. Wire 5 DFC (2) [1222]
John L. Wirth USN 14 NC, SS (2), DFC KIFA 13 April 1945[1223]
Lee V. Wiseman USAAF 5 SS [1224]
Lynn E. Witt Jr. 6 DSC, SS, DFC (3) [1225]
John T. Wolf USN 7 DFC (2) [1226]
Judge E. Wolfe USAAF 9 SS, DFC (2) KIFA 24 November 1948[1227]
John L. Wolford 5 DFC MIA 20 May 1943[1228]
Walter A. Wood USN 5.5 SS [1229]
Sidney S. Woods USAAF 7 DSC, SS, DFC (3) "Ace in a day" 22 March 1945. POW 16 April 1945[1230]
Robert E. Woody 7 DSC, DFC [1231]
Millard Wooley Jr. USN 5 DFC (2) [1232]
Robert C. Woolverton 6 DFC (3) [1233]
Malcolm T. Wordell 7 NC (2), DFC (3) [1234]
George L. Wrenn 5.25 NC, DFC [1235]
Ellis W. Wright Jr. USAAF 6 DSC [1236]
Max J. Wright 5 SS [1237]
Robert R. Yaeger Jr. USAAF 5 SS, DFC (4) [1238]
Charles Elwood Yeager 13 SS, DFC "Ace in a day" 12 October 1944. First man to break the sound barrier 14 October 1947[1239][1240]
Harold Yeremain USN 6 DFC (3) KIFA 13 August 1951[1241]
Robert M. York USAAF 5 SS [1242]
Donald K. Yost USMC 8 SS, DFC [1243]
Michael R. Yunck 5 SS, DFC [1244]
Earling W. Zaeske USN 5 DFC (2) [1245]
Hubert "Hub" Zemke USAAF 17.75 DSC, SS, DFC (8) POW 30 October 1944[1246]
John A. Zink USN 5 DFC [56][1247]
Daniel J. Zoerb USAAF 7 SS, DFC (3) [1248]
Charles J. Zubarik 8 DFC POW 24 May 1943[1249]






Award Title Notes
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross The Distinguished Flying Cross is a medal awarded to any officer or enlisted member of the United States armed forces who distinguishes himself or herself in support of operations by "heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight".
DFC(UK) Distinguished Flying Cross (United Kingdom) Awarded to Royal Air Force commissioned officers and Warrant Officers for "an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying in active operations against the enemy".
DSC Distinguished Service Cross The Distinguished Service Cross is the second highest medal for gallantry awarded to any member of the Army and Army Air Force for "extraordinary heroism not justifying the Medal of Honor".
LOM Legion of Merit The Legion of Merit is a medal awarded to members of the Uniformed Services of the United States and members of allied armed forces for "exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements".
MOH Medal of Honor The Medal of Honor is the highest and most prestigious military decoration awarded to any member of the US Armed Forces for "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty".
NC Navy Cross The Navy Cross is the second highest medal for gallantry awarded to any member of the Navy and the Marine Corps who "distinguishes himself or herself in action by extraordinary heroism in combat not justifying the Medal of Honor."
SS Silver Star The Silver Star is a medal awarded to any officer or enlisted member of the United States armed forces who distinguishes himself or herself by "gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States"


  1. ^ "Robert Wilson Abernathy". Military Times.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u "American Air Aces of World War II and Korea". Aerofiles.
  3. ^ "Burnell William Adams". Military Times.
  4. ^ "Charles Ezra Adams". Military Times.
  5. ^ "Fletcher Eugene Adams". Military Times.
  6. ^ "Robert Harris Adams". Military Times.
  7. ^ "John M. Ainlay". Military Times.
  8. ^ "Donald Nathan Aldrich". Military Times.
  9. ^ "Richard Lear Alexander". Military Times.
  10. ^ Alison's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the first chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
  11. ^ "John Richardson Alison". Military Times.
  12. ^ "Calvin Durand Allen". Military Times.
  13. ^ "David Winthrop Allen". Military Times.
  14. ^ "William Harry Allen". Military Times.
  15. ^ "Stuart Cecil Alley". Military Times.
  16. ^ "Ernest J. Ambort". Military Times.
  17. ^ "Robert H. Ammon". Military Times.
  18. ^ "Dudley Moore Amoss". Military Times.
  19. ^ "Benjamin Clark Amsden". Military Times.
  20. ^ "Leslie Ernest Andersen". Military Times.
  21. ^ "Alexander Louis Anderson". Military Times.
  22. ^ "Charles F. Anderson". Military Times.
  23. ^ "Clarence Emil Anderson". Military Times.
  24. ^ "Richard Hinman Anderson". Military Times.
  25. ^ "Robert Harold Anderson". Military Times.
  26. ^ "William Yngve Anderson". Military Times.
  27. ^ "Wyman D. Anderson". Military Times.
  28. ^ "Stephen Wallace Andrew". Military Times.
  29. ^ "Stanley Overton Andrews". Military Times.
  30. ^ "Lester L. Arasmith". Military Times.
  31. ^ "Original Tuskegee ace passes away". U.S. Air Forces Central.
  32. ^ "David Barnes Archibald". Military Times.
  33. ^ "William E. Aron". Military Times.
  34. ^ "Robert Wayne Aschenbrener". Military Times.
  35. ^ "Abner Maurice Aust". Military Times.
  36. ^ "Eugene D. Axtel". Military Times.
  37. ^ "George Clifton Axtell". Military Times.
  38. ^ "Donald Arthur Baccus". Military Times.
  39. ^ "Jack Albrecht Bade". Military Times.
  40. ^ "Oscar Clark Bailey". Military Times.
  41. ^ "Robert Baird". Military Times.
  42. ^ "Douglas Baker". Military Times.
  43. ^ "Ellis Crain Baker". Military Times.
  44. ^ "Robert Morris Baker". Military Times.
  45. ^ "Frederick Edward Bakutis". Military Times.
  46. ^ "Donald Luther Balch". Military Times.
  47. ^ "Frank Bernard Baldwin". Military Times.
  48. ^ "Henry William Balsiger". Military Times.
  49. ^ "Raymond Matt Bank". Military Times.
  50. ^ "Ernest Edward Bankey". Military Times.
  51. ^ "John Lawrence Banks". Military Times.
  52. ^ "William McGowan Banks". Military Times.
  53. ^ "Bruce MacDonald Barackman". Military Times.
  54. ^ "Rex Theodore Barber". Military Times.
  55. ^ "Frederic Abshire Bardshar". Military Times.
  56. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m "U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Aces". Naval Aviation News. May 1986.
  57. ^ "Robert Merrill Barkey". Military Times.
  58. ^ "Lloyd Glynn Barnard". Military Times.
  59. ^ "James Malcolm Barnes". Military Times.
  60. ^ "Truman Sheldon Barnes". Military Times.
  61. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m "American Volunteer Group Aces, World War II, 1939-1945". American Fighter Aces Association ( Archived from the original on November 5, 2014. Retrieved October 12, 2012.
  62. ^ "John Wilson Bartol". Military Times.
  63. ^ "Robert L. Baseler". Military Times.
  64. ^ "Hugh Nash Batten". Military Times.
  65. ^ "Harold William "Indian Joe" Bauer". Military Times.
  66. ^ "Aaron Lendon Bearden". Military Times.
  67. ^ "Paul Hector Norman Beaudry". Military Times.
  68. ^ "Edward H. Beavers". Military Times.
  69. ^ "Paul Sarachon Bechtel". Military Times.
  70. ^ "Robert Herbert Becker". Military Times.
  71. ^ "Walter Carl Beckham". Military Times.
  72. ^ a b c d e Hammel, Eric (1998). Air War Pacific: Chronology. Pacifica Military History. p. 598. ISBN 9781890988104.
  73. ^ "Marshall Ulrich Beebe". Military Times.
  74. ^ "Don Merril Beerbower". Military Times.
  75. ^ "Duane Willard Beeson". Military Times.
  76. ^ "Louis Benne". Military Times.
  77. ^ "Joseph Houston Bennett". Military Times.
  78. ^ "Walter Gottlieb Benz". Military Times.
  79. ^ "Jack Stanley Berkheimer". Military Times.
  80. ^ "Norman Rahn Berree". Military Times.
  81. ^ "Richard Laurin Bertelson". Military Times.
  82. ^ "William Rockafeller Beyer". Military Times.
  83. ^ [1] US 8th Army Air Force Fighter Command USAAF, 1943-45, pp. 32, 34, 118
  84. ^ "Carl Gordon Bickel". Military Times.
  85. ^ "Edward F. Bickford". Military Times.
  86. ^ "Hipolitus Thomas Biel". Military Times.
  87. ^ "Henry Smyth Bille". Military Times.
  88. ^ "Walter Douglas Bishop". Military Times.
  89. ^ "John Thomas Blackburn". Military Times.
  90. ^ "Samuel Vernon Blair". Military Times.
  91. ^ "William Knox Blair". Military Times.
  92. ^ "Donald James Mathew Blakeslee". Military Times.
  93. ^ "Richard Buckner Blaydes". Military Times.
  94. ^ "Wayne K. Blickenstaff". Military Times.
  95. ^ "Laurence Elroy Blumer". Military Times.
  96. ^ "Robert Leslie Blyth". Military Times.
  97. ^ "Donald Harlow Bochkay". Military Times.
  98. ^ "Hampton Edward Boggs". Military Times.
  99. ^ "Alfred George Bolduc". Military Times.
  100. ^ "John Franklin Bolt". Military Times.
  101. ^ "John William Bolyard". Military Times.
  102. ^ "Richard Ira Bong". Military Times.
  103. ^ "William Jerome Bonneau". Military Times.
  104. ^ "Stephen Jacob Bonner". Military Times.
  105. ^ "Robert John Booth". Military Times.
  106. ^ "Clarence Alvin Borley". Military Times.
  107. ^ "Ernest Olas Bostrom". Military Times.
  108. ^ "George Eugene Bostwick". Military Times.
  109. ^ "Gregory "Pappy" Boyington". Military Times.
  110. ^ "Gerald Francis Boyle". Military Times.
  111. ^ "Jack Tarlton Bradley". Military Times.
  112. ^ "John Lewis Bradley". Military Times.
  113. ^ "Arthur James Brassfield". Military Times.
  114. ^ "Richard Lane Braun". Military Times.
  115. ^ "Charles Walter Brewer". Military Times.
  116. ^ "Michael Brezas". Military Times.
  117. ^ "Johnie James Bridges". Military Times.
  118. ^ "John Gilpen Bright". Military Times.
  119. ^ "Mark Kenneth Bright". Military Times.
  120. ^ "Joseph Elmore Broadhead". Military Times.
  121. ^ "Samuel Joseph Brocato". Military Times.
  122. ^ "James Lynn Brooks". Military Times.
  123. ^ "Carl Allen Brown". Military Times.
  124. ^ "Gerald Brown". Military Times.
  125. ^ "Harley Lee Brown". Military Times.
  126. ^ "Harry Winston Brown". Military Times.
  127. ^ Brown's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the ninth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
  128. ^ "Henry William Brown". Military Times.
  129. ^ "Meade Marsh Brown". Military Times.
  130. ^ "Quince Lucien Brown". Military Times.
  131. ^ "Robert Harold Brown". Military Times.
  132. ^ "Samuel Jesse Brown". Military Times.
  133. ^ "William Perry Brown". Military Times.
  134. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "Guide to Aces and Heroes" (PDF). 2014 USAF Almanac.
  135. ^ "Lowell Kermit Brueland". Military Times.
  136. ^ "Carland Edward Brunmier". Military Times.
  137. ^ "Donald Septimus Bryan". Military Times.
  138. ^ [2] U.S.A.A.F. Resource Center
  139. ^ "William Elmer Bryan". Military Times.
  140. ^ "James Arthur Bryce". Military Times.
  141. ^ "Robert Lester Buchanan". Military Times.
  142. ^ "George Thad Buck". Military Times.
  143. ^ "Paul Douglas Buie". Military Times.
  144. ^ "William Eugene Burckhalter". Military Times.
  145. ^ "Franklin Norfolk Burley". Military Times.
  146. ^ "Robert Lee Burnett". Military Times.
  147. ^ "Roy Otis Burnett". Military Times.
  148. ^ "Howard McClain Burriss". Military Times.
  149. ^ "Francis Xavier Bushner". Military Times.
  150. ^ "Robert Lee Buttke". Military Times.
  151. ^ "Robert Joseph Byrne". Military Times.
  152. ^ "Matthew Sylvester Byrnes". Military Times.
  153. ^ "Robert Charlton Byrnes". Military Times.
  154. ^ "James Bernice Cain". Military Times.
  155. ^ "Raymond Leonard Callaway". Military Times.
  156. ^ "Richard Allen Campbell". Military Times.
  157. ^ "Richard Gomez Candelaria". Military Times.
  158. ^ "John Baxter Carder". Military Times.
  159. ^ "Raymond Charles Care". Military Times.
  160. ^ "Henry Arthur Carey". Military Times.
  161. ^ Carl's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the first chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.
  162. ^ "Marion Eugene Carl". Military Times.
  163. ^ "Kendall E. Carlson". Military Times.
  164. ^ "William Ayles Carlton". Military Times.
  165. ^ "Daniel Archibald Carmichael". Military Times.
  166. ^ "George Junior Carpenter". Military Times.
  167. ^ "Bruce Ward Carr". Military Times.
  168. ^ "George Raines Carr". Military Times.
  169. ^ "Charles Hester Carroll". Military Times.
  170. ^ "Walter Jerome Carroll". Military Times.
  171. ^ "Leonard Kyle Carson". Military Times.
  172. ^ "James Richard Carter". Military Times.
  173. ^ "William Northrop Case". Military Times.
  174. ^ "Nial K. Castle". Military Times.
  175. ^ "Dean Caswell". Military Times.
  176. ^ "Charles James Cesky". Military Times.
  177. ^ "George Ferdinand Ceuleers". Military Times.
  178. ^ "Henry Kent Champion". Military Times.
  179. ^ "Frederic Fay Champlin". Military Times.
  180. ^ "Creighton Chandler". Military Times.
  181. ^ "George Throckmorton Chandler". Military Times.
  182. ^ "Van Edgar Chandler". Military Times.
  183. ^ "Philip Godfrey Chapman". Military Times.
  184. ^ "Levi Richard Chase". Military Times.
  185. ^ "Leonard Joseph Check". Military Times.
  186. ^ "Oscar Ivan Chenoweth". Military Times.
  187. ^ "World War 2 Flying Ace Arthur Chin's Amazing True Story". Disciples of Flight. 2015-10-07. Retrieved 2016-05-03.
  188. ^ "Bruce Ward Carr". Military Times.
  189. ^ "James Averill Clark". Military Times.
  190. ^ "Lawrence Arthur Clark". Military Times.
  191. ^ "Robert Allen Clark". Military Times.
  192. ^ "Walter Edward Clarke". Military Times.
  193. ^ "Arthur Bernard Cleaveland". Military Times.
  194. ^ "Valor awards for Arthur B. Cleaveland". Archived from the original on 2014-11-29. Retrieved 2014-11-21. Silver Star recipient, 9th Air Force, ETO
  195. ^ "Donald Collins Clements". Military Times.
  196. ^ "Robert Emmett Clements". Military Times.
  197. ^ "Dallas Adellon Clinger". Military Times.
  198. ^ "Vivian Alexander Cloud". Military Times.
  199. ^ "Robert Charles Coats". Military Times.
  200. ^ "Paul Rarick Cochran". Military Times.
  201. ^ "Oscar Hoffman Coen". Military Times.
  202. ^ "Robert Lewis Coffey". Military Times.
  203. ^ "Thaddeus Thornton Coleman". Military Times.
  204. ^ "Wilson McConnell Coleman". Military Times.
  205. ^ "Frank Junior Collins". Military Times.
  206. ^ "William Magill Collins". Military Times.
  207. ^ "J. D. Collinsworth". Military Times.
  208. ^ "Philip Eddy Colman". Military Times.
  209. ^ "Gordon Bryan Compton". Military Times.
  210. ^ "Harold Elwood Comstock". Military Times.
  211. ^ "Arthur Roger Conant". Military Times.
  212. ^ "Henry L. Condon". Military Times.
  213. ^ "Jack Eugene Conger". Military Times.
  214. ^ "Paul Albert Conger". Military Times.
  215. ^ "Thomas Joseph Conroy". Military Times.
  216. ^ "Walter Vaughn Cook". Military Times.
  217. ^ "Merle Milton Coons". Military Times.
  218. ^ "William Edward Copeland". Military Times.
  219. ^ "Paul Cordray". Military Times.
  220. ^ "Richard Lee Cormier". Military Times.
  221. ^ "Richard Dustin Cowger". Military Times.
  222. ^ "Ralph Lee Cox". Military Times.
  223. ^ "Melvin Cozzens". Military Times.
  224. ^ "Edward Cragg". Military Times.
  225. ^ "Clement Melvin Craig". Military Times.
  226. ^ "Darrell Stuart Cramer". Military Times.
  227. ^ "Niven Kendall Cranfill". Military Times.
  228. ^ "Ray Crawford". Military Times.
  229. ^ "Claude James Crenshaw". Military Times.
  230. ^ "Harry Clay Crim". Military Times.
  231. ^ "Donald Francis Cronin". Military Times.
  232. ^ "John Theodore Crosby". Military Times.
  233. ^ "William Earl Crowe". Military Times.
  234. ^ "Arthur Waur Cruikshank". Military Times.
  235. ^ "William John Cullerton". Military Times.
  236. ^ "Donald Malcolm Cummings". Military Times.
  237. ^ "Arthur Collins Cundy". Military Times.
  238. ^ "Daniel Gerald Cunningham". Military Times.
  239. ^ "James Norman Cupp". Military Times.
  240. ^ "Louis Edward Curdes". Military Times.
  241. ^ "John Harvey "Crash" Curry". acesofww2.
  242. ^ "Robert Charles Curtis". Military Times.
  243. ^ "Warren Donald Curton". Military Times.
  244. ^ "Frank Allen Cutler". Military Times.
  245. ^ "Edward John Czarnecki". Military Times.
  246. ^ "Perry John Dahl". Military Times.
  247. ^ "Kenneth Harry Dahlberg". Military Times.
  248. ^ "Kenneth John Dahms". Military Times.
  249. ^ "James Buckingham Dalglish". Military Times.
  250. ^ "Fernley H. Damstrom". Military Times.
  251. ^ "William Allen Daniel". Military Times.
  252. ^ "J. S. Daniell". Military Times.
  253. ^ "Merl William Davenport". Military Times.
  254. ^ "George Howard Davidson". Military Times.
  255. ^ "Clarence E. Davies". Military Times.
  256. ^ "Barrie Spilman Davis". Military Times.
  257. ^ "Clayton Eugene Davis". Military Times.
  258. ^ "George Andrew Davis". Military Times.
  259. ^ "Glendon Valley Davis". Military Times.
  260. ^ "Leonard Kier Davis". Military Times.
  261. ^ "Robert Harold Davis". Military Times.