List of renamed places in Myanmar

Many cities and towns in Myanmar were renamed in 1989 by the State Law and Order Restoration Council following a seizure of power by Saw Maung. Some places were renamed to their traditional, pre-colonial names, others were simply a bid to make their spellings better reflect their true Burmese pronunciation.

Old Name New Name Notes
Akha Kaw
Akyab Sittwe
Arakan Rakhine
Ava Inwa
Bassein Pathein
Bre Kayaw
Burma Myanmar The official adjectival form is Myanma. However, the Burmese language was renamed Myanmar language,[1] while the Burmese (Burman) ethnic group are now Bamar people.
Chin Zomi
Chindwin Chindwinn
Henzada Hinthada
Hmong Meo
Irrawaddy Ayeyarwady
Karen Kayin Both the state and ethnic group
Karenni Kayah Both the state and ethnic group
Kemmendine Kyimyindaing Township
Magwe Magway Division
Maymyo Pyin U Lwin/Pyin Oo Lwin
Mergui Myeik District
Moulmein Mawlamyine
Pagan/Pagahn Mew Bagan
Pa-O Taungthu
Pegu Bago
Prome Pyay
Rangoon Yangon
Salween Thanlwin
Sandoway Thandwe
Shan Tai
Ta-ang Palaung
Tavoy Dawei
Tenasserim Tanintharyi
Tonghoo Taungoo
Syriam Thanlyin
Victoria Point Kawthaung
