Little Friend (film)

Little Friend is a 1934 British drama film directed by Berthold Viertel and starring Matheson Lang, Nova Pilbeam and Lydia Sherwood.[1] The film was based on a novel by Ernst Lothar and adapted for the screen by Margaret Kennedy and Christopher Isherwood.[2] The score is by the Austrian composer then in exile Ernst Toch.

Plot summary[edit]

A young girl (Pilbeam) slowly becomes aware that her parents' marriage is disintegrating.


Prater Violet[edit]

Christopher Isherwood based his novel Prater Violet (1945) on his experience of working with Viertel and others on the production of Little Friend.[3]


  1. ^ BFI Database entry
  2. ^ Fryer, p. 140
  3. ^ Fryer, p. 210


  • Jonathan Fryer, Isherwood: A Biography (Garden City, NY, Doubleday, 1977) ISBN 0-385-12608-5

External links[edit]