Marie-Françoise André

Marie-Françoise André
Born(1953-11-21)November 21, 1953

Marie-Françoise André, born 21 November 1953 in Paris, is a French geographer and geomorphologist specialising in the study of landscape architecture in the polar regions (Labrador, Spitsbergen, Lapland, Antarctica). She applies her knowledge of stone erosion in the field of heritage preservation, particularly in Angkor. Her research was awarded the silver medal from CNRS, the French national centre for scientific research.



A teacher-researcher in geomorphology, she was a member of CNRS's URA 1562 team in Clermont-Ferrand in 1993 and joined the Physical and Environmental Geography Laboratory (GEOLAB) in the same year, when it was created.[1] She was director of GEOLAB for nine years (1998-2007).[1]

She lectured at the University of Limoges in 1994 and from 1997-2016 was a professor of geography at Blaise Pascal University.[2] On 1 January 2017, the Blaise Pascal University became part of the University Clermont Auvergne, where she continued to teach and is currently a Professor Emeritus.[2] She is a member of the Académie des sciences d'outre-mer[3] (Academy of Overseas Sciences) and was a senior member of the Institut universitaire de France (IUF, Academic Institute of France) from 2010–2015.[4]



After a third cycle thesis (fr:DEA) on the geomorphological evolution of Northern Labrador, her state doctoral thesis, defended in 1991, focused on the dynamics and evolution of the slopes in Spitsbergen.[5] She studies landscape changes over time and the influence of climatic variations in Swedish Lapland and the Antarctic Peninsula.[2] She also publishes epistemological work on geomorphology [6] and French research on the poles.[7]

Since the 2000s, Marie-Françoise André has focused her work on the speed of stone erosion in historic monuments.[8] As part of the multidisciplinary Ta Keo project in Angkor, using photogrammetry and geomatics, her team managed to show the protective role of the forest[9] and therefore link the acceleration of the temples' degradation to recent deforestation.[10] This work on the causes and rates of degradation of the epidermis of monuments, as well as the link between geomorphology and heritage,[11] was awarded a silver medal from the CNRS.[12] She continues her research in the French Massif Central,[13] in Southern America's Guyana[14] and in the Mediterranean islands of Malta and Cyprus.

Currently a Professor Emeritus, she has directed around 20 theses, published around 60 articles and written several general works on polar landscapes.[15]

Awards and distinctions



  • Monique Fort, Marie-Françoise André (2016-10-02). Landscapes and Landforms of France. Springer. p. 296. ISBN 978-9402406696.
  • Alain Godard, Marie-Françoise André (2013-07-30). Les milieux polaires. Armand Colin. p. 460.
  • Fabienne Lemarchand, Marie-Françoise André et Frédérique Rémy (2011-11-24). Cap sur les pôles : 100 questions sur les mondes polaires. Omniscience. p. 222.
  • Le monde polaire : Mutations et transitions. Ellipses. 2005-12-14. p. 187.

Notes and references

  1. ^ a b "Site web de la BNF". Retrieved 2021-03-11..
  2. ^ a b c "Marie-Francoise André". Laboratoire de Géographie Physique et Environnementale. Retrieved 2022-01-21..
  3. ^ Académie des sciences d'outre-mer. "Présentation de Marie-Françoise André". Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2014-02-05..
  4. ^ Institut universitaire de France (2011-10-13). "Présentation de Marie-Françoise André". Retrieved 2016-04-23..
  5. ^ "Les dynamiques spatio-temporelles d'un petit hydrosystème arctique : approche nivo-glaciologique dans un contexte de changement climatique contemporain (bassin du glacier Austre Lovén, Spitsberg, 79°N)". Retrieved 2021-03-11..
  6. ^ André, Marie-Françoise (2002). "La recherche française en géomorphologie : état des lieux et pistes de réflexion (Recent trends in French geomorphology)". Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français. 79 (1): 15–27. doi:10.3406/bagf.2002.2251. Retrieved 2021-03-11.
  7. ^ André, Marie-Françoise (2003). "Arctique-Antarctique : tendances actuelles de la recherche géographique française (Recent trends in french polar geographical research)". Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français. 80 (4): 343–348. doi:10.3406/bagf.2003.2342. Retrieved 2021-03-11.
  8. ^ André, Marie-Françoise (July 2011). "Detecting and predicting climate effects on cultural stone deterioration". Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 2021-03-11.
  9. ^ André, Marie-Françoise; Warscheid, Thomas (2012). "The protective role of trees and biofilms in the Angkor archaeological park and related heritage sites". International Co-ordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor. UNESCO: 46–48. Retrieved 2021-03-11.
  10. ^ André, Marie-Françoise; Mercier, Denis; Étienne, Samuel; Voldoire, Olivier (2008). "Approche géographique de l'érosion des temples d'Angkor : enjeux et perspectives (Geographical approach of the Angkor temple degradation : current issues and prospect)". Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français. 85 (1): 105–117. doi:10.3406/bagf.2008.2603. Retrieved 2021-03-11.
  11. ^ André, Marie-Françoise; Ambert, Martine; Delannoy, Jean-Jacques; Hoblea, Fabien; Reynard, Emmanuel (2013), Mercier, Denis (ed.), "Géomorphologie et patrimoine.", Géomorphologie de la France, Dunod, pp. 201–214, retrieved 2024-03-02
  12. ^ a b CNRS (2011). "Médailles d'argent du CNRS - Les lauréats 2011" (PDF). Retrieved 2014-02-05..
  13. ^ André, Marie-Françoise; Phalip, Bruno; Bonneau, Julia; Robert, Murielle (2008). "La durabilité de la pierre monumentale des églises du Massif central : éléments de diagnostic et perspectives de recherche (Stonework durability of the French massif central churches : preliminary diagnosis and future developments)". Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français. 85 (1): 95–104. doi:10.3406/bagf.2008.2602. Retrieved 2021-03-11.
  14. ^ André, Marie-Françoise; Boivin, Pierre; Goron, Anne-Laure; Roussel, Erwan (2013). "Mission " Roches gravées de Guyane " (20-30 juin 2013)". Rapport d'étape. Direction des Affaires Culturelles de Guyane: 39 pages. Retrieved 2021-03-11.
  15. ^ "Base de données IDREF". IDREF. Retrieved 2021-03-11..