Slovene verbs

This article describes the conjugation and use of verbs in Slovene. Further information about the grammar of the Slovene language can be found in the article Slovene grammar.

This article follows the tonal orthography. For the conversion into pitch orthography, see Slovene national phonetic transcription.

Grammatical categories


Persons and numbers


Slovene has three numbers (singular, dual, plural), for more information see Slovene declension.

Slovene also has three persons:

  1. First person (prva oseba), used to refer to the speaker or a group the speaker is a part of.
  2. Second person (druga oseba), used to refer to the listener or for a general subject (the same as what one is used in English or man in German).
  3. Third person (tretja oseba), used to refer to a person that does participate in a conversation, when there is no subject (with impersonal verbs) and when the subject is not in nominative case (e. g. mene ni doma 'I am not home', but literally 'I is not home').

First and third person can be used instead of second when talking to children. Second person can be used instead of the first when one is talking to oneself and want to sound detached.



In Slovene, there are four tenses:

  1. The present tense (sedanjik).
  2. The past or preterite tense (preteklik).
  3. The pluperfect (past perfect) tense (predpreteklik).
  4. The future tense (prihodnjik).



There are 4 verb moods:

  1. Indicative mood (povednik), which is used to state a fact or opinion. It can be in all aforementioned tenses.
  2. Imperative mood (velelnik), which is used to give commands. It can only be in present tense.
  3. Conditional mood pogojnik, which is used to state possibilities or wishes, for example, If only I were... It can be in present or preterite tense.
  4. Optative or hortative mood (optativ, hortativ), which is used to give commands, for assumptions and for encouragement. It can be in all tenses. Both names are usually used interchangeably, but since there are two ways of formation, terms in this article refer to different ways of formation, especially because only one of them can be used for encouragement (and can hence be called hortative). In Slovene literature, this mood is only considered to be extension of the indicative and conditional mood.

Non-finite forms


In addition, there are several non-finite forms:

  1. Long infinitive in -ti/-či (dolgi nedoločnik) and short infinitive in -t/ (kratki nedoločnik), the use of the latter one is limited to non-formal situations and mostly to speech.
  2. Supine in -t/ (namenilnik).
  3. Two present active participles, in and in -e, indicating ongoing action.
  4. Two past active participles, in -l and in -(v)ši, indicating a past or completed action.
  5. A past passive participle in -n or -t, indicating an action having been performed on something.
  6. Gerund (glagolnik), indicating an act or a thing being acted upon.



As in all Slavic languages, Slovene verbs are classified based on their aspect:

  1. Perfective (dovršni) verbs, which represent a completed action.
  2. Imperfective (nedovršni) verbs, which represent an ongoing action.

Each verb is either perfective or imperfective, and most verbs occur in pairs to express the same meaning with different aspects. For example, the concept of jumping is expressed in the 2 different aspects is skákati, which has an imperfective aspect and can roughly be translated as to be jumping (continuously), and skočíti, which has a perfective aspect and can roughly be translated as to jump (once). While each aspect is represented by a full verb with its own distinct conjugation, certain combinations are not or rarely used in one aspect or the other. For example, imperfective verbs generally lack a past passive participle, while perfective verbs usually have no present participles. Additionally, the present tense has 2 different meanings depending on the aspect of a verb. For imperfective verbs, it has present meaning, while for perfective verbs, it has a future meaning expressing a desire to carry out the action. For example, To kravo hočem prodati. "I want to sell the cow" (compare this with the future tense To kravo bom prodal. "I will sell the cow").



As well, verbs can be classified based on their transitivity (glagolska prehodnost). Many verbs in Slovene can be both transitive and intransitive depending on their use in a sentence. However, all reflexive verbs, which are marked by the pronoun se (one self), are intransitive.

Impersonal verbs


There are also impersonal verbs; these can only have forms for third person and participles in neuter gender. These are mostly verbs to describe weather, such as dəževáti 'to rain' and grmẹ́ti 'to thunder'.



There are three voices: active (tvorni način), passive (trpni način), and reflexive (refleksivni način). Active and reflexive voice can be in all tenses, while passive voice cannot be in pluperfect or past (and future) conditional.

Verb classes


Verbs are often classified into six classes, depending on their verbal suffix in infinitive:

  • Class I has no verbal suffix, e. g. nésti 'carry' and píti 'drink'.
  • Class II has suffix -ni-, e. g. pogrẹ́zniti 'sink, sag'.
  • Class III has suffix -e- or -a- and -i- in present stem, e. g. sedẹ́ti 'sit' and kričáti 'scream'.
  • Class IV has suffix -i-, e. g. mẹ́riti 'aim'.
  • Class V has suffixes -a-, -va-, -ja-, -ˈava-, -ˈeva-, -ira-, or -izira- (but a never changes into i), e. g. tkáti 'weave' and písati 'write'.
  • Class VI has suffixes -ovˈa- (hard) or -evˈa- (soft), e. g. kupováti 'buy'

Accentual types


[examples needed]

There are several different accentual types, that can be divided differently. It is rarely divided the same way as in Proto-Slavic because all the accent shifts have made such division impractical. It is usually divided where the accent is situated and thus the verbs are divided into seven groups.

  • Accent is not directly before the endings (marked as I)
  • Accent is directly before infinitive ending and not directly before present indicative endings (marked as II A)
  • Accent can be on two different vowels in infinitive (marked as II B)
  • Accent is on other vowel in infinitive and present indicative (marked as II C)
  • Accent is on the last vowel (marked as II D); currently, only verb cvestȉ and its derivatives follows this pattern. In the past, verbs píti and īti also followed this pattern.
  • Accent is directly before the endings (marked as III)
  • Accent is not directly before infinitive ending and directly before present indicative endings (marked as IV)

Polite forms


Slovene has T–V distinction and has many different polite forms. See T–V distinction in the world's languages § Slovene for when they are used.

  • Forms showed here are tikanje forms.
  • Vikanje is formed by replacing second person singular with plural, participles are in masculine forms.
  • Polvikanje is formed by replacing second person singular with plural, but participles stay in singular.
  • Onikanje is formed by replacing second person and third person singular with third person plural, participles are in masculine forms.
  • Onokanje is formed by replacing second person with third person, participles are in neuter forms.

Morphological structure


Verbs in Slovene have a complex morphological structure as they consist of several phonemes. The core of a verb form prefixes, roots and root suffixes. Root is the only of these three morphemes that is not optional and other morphemes are added to it. In most cases only one is present in a verb, but there are also verbs with more than one root, e. g. po-mal-o-mešč-an-i-ti 'to urbanize'. Prefixes often indicate a perfective verb. Most verbs have none or one prefix, but some can also have more, such as po-raz-del-i-ti 'split evenly'. Root suffixes are not so common; an example would be drv-ar-i-ti 'cut wood' or po-mal-o-mešč-an-i-ti 'to urbanize'. These parts together convey the meaning of a verb.

The stem is formed by adding a verbal suffix, which influences the aspect (raz-bij-e-m vs. raz-bij-a-m 'break'; the first one is perfective, the other one imperfective) and the conjugation. Verbs have two stems. The present stem forms the base for all forms of the present indicative and the imperative, as well as the present participles. The infinitive stem forms the infinitives, supine, gerund, and past participles.

Stem is then followed by the form suffix, e. g. -ti for long infinitive, -l for past active participle and -i for imperative. The suffix is then followed by the ending, which is specific for each person/number/case. There are also free morphemes, such as delati se 'pretend', lomiti ga 'make mistakes' or hoditi za 'love'.



Only the present indicative, the imperative and the non-finite forms are usually formed synthetically, by changing the form of the verb directly. All other forms are periphrastic (analytic), and are formed using auxiliary verbs or other additional words.

Verbs are separated based on the ending vowel of their stem.

Present indicative


In present indicative, verbs have mostly the same endings across all declensions, but those following accentual type II D, III, IV, and some following II A can also have a special stylistically marked ending in third person plural. Those that have ending -ø-m have the infix -s- in second person plural and second / third person dual. The extra -e- is added to the endings when the verb stem ends in a consonant. This -e- causes changes to stems ending in -k- or -g- (which have an infinitive in -); these become -č- and -ž- before the present tense endings.

Present indicative endings
Singular Dual Plural
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
All II D / III / IV
-a-m -a-š -a-ø -a-va -a-ta -a-ta -a-mo -a-te -a-jo -a-jo
-i-m -i-š -i-ø -i-va -i-ta -i-ta -i-mo -i-te -i-jo -e-ø
-e-m -e-š -e-ø -e-va -e-ta -e-ta -e-mo -e-te -e-jo -o-ø*
-je-m -je-š -je-ø -je-va -je-ta -je-ta -je-mo -je-te -je-jo -o-ø
-ø-m -ø-š -ø-ø -ø-va -ø-sta -ø-sta -ø-mo -ø-ste -ø-jo / -do-ø
*Only if the stressed e is open-mid

The special ending in third person plural are always acute, but otherwise do not change the accent, except for the lengthening of short vowels. Verbs following II B, II C and III can be either acute or allow both accents in infinitive, but that does not affect the further accent changes. Verbs following II D, when accented on the same vowel on the stem as in infinitive also have the same accent. Dialectally, verbs in -ø-m can also omit the -s- infix, and it is common for speakers of Littoral dialect group to add the infix elsewhere, as well as to use the ending -do. Ending -o can also have some verbs in -ø-ti -e-m (those from Proto-Slavic accentual type a/c, and accentual type c if they had accent on a long vowel in the stem) e.g. pletọ́, porekọ́, tresọ́, as well as all vowels in -ø-ti -je-m, e. g. pijọ́.

Forms in brackets are not officially recognized to be correct in standard Slovene. All verbs in -i-m can archaically have short accent on the last syllable in dual and plural, as well as verb īti.

Present indicative accentual changes


Infinitive Singular Dual Plural
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
I rȋsati rȋšem rȋšeš rȋše rȋševa rȋšeta rȋšeta rȋšemo rȋšete rȋšejo
mísliti mȋslim mȋsliš mȋsli mȋsliva mȋslita mȋslita mȋslimo mȋslite mȋslijo
tískati tískam tískaš tíska tískava tískata tískata tískamo tískate tískajo
II A bíti bȋjem bȋješ bȋje bȋjeva bȋjeta bȋjeta bȋjemo bȋjete bȋjejo / bijọ́
píti píjem píješ píje píjeva píjeta píjeta píjemo píjete píjejo / pijọ́
II B zídati / zidáti zídam zídaš zída zídava zídata zídata zídamo zídate zídajo
II C sejáti sȇjem sȇješ sȇje sȇjeva sȇjeta sȇjeta sȇjemo sȇjete sȇjejo
kováti kújem kúješ kúje kújeva kújeta kújeta kújemo kújete kújejo
II D cvəstì / cvə̀sti cvətȅm /


cvətȅš /


cvətȅ /


cvə̀teva /


cvə̀teta /


cvə̀teta /


cvə̀temo /


cvə̀tete /


cvə̀tejo / cvətọ́ /


III ravnáti ravnȃm ravnȃš ravnȃ ravnȃva ravnȃta ravnȃta ravnȃmo ravnȃte ravnȃjov
kričáti kričím kričíš kričí kričíva kričíta kričíta kričímo kričíte kričíjo / kričẹ́
žgáti žgȅm žgȅš žgȅ žgéva žgéta žgéta žgémo žgéte žgéjo / žgọ́
IV vẹ́deti vẹ́m vẹ́š vẹ́ vẹ́va vẹ́sta vẹ́sta vẹ́mo vẹ́ste véjo / vedọ́

Imperative mood


The imperative mood is used to give commands, and only exists in the present tense. There are no forms for the third person plural, and use for first and third person singular and third person dual is stylistically marked.

The following endings are added to the present stem of a verb, to form the present indicative. If the present stem ends in -a-, the initial -i- of the ending changes to a -j-. Present stems ending with other vowels drop their final vowel. If the present stem ends in a vowel followed by -j-, then the initial -i- of the ending is omitted. The endings also cause changes to stems ending in -k- or -g- (which have an infinitive in -či); these become -c- and -z-, respectively before the imperative endings, although colloquially they keep the same consonants as in present indicative (-č- and -ž-, respectively).

Imperative endings
Singular Dual Plural
Any person 1st 2nd / 3rd 1st 2nd
-a-m -a-j-ø -a-j-va -a-j-ta -a-j-mo -a-j-te
-i-m -ø-i-ø -ø-i-va -ø-i-ta -ø-i-mo -ø-i-te
-e-m -ø-i-ø -ø-i-va -ø-i-ta -ø-i-mo -ø-i-te
-ø-je-m -ø-j-ø -ø-j-va -ø-j-ta -ø-j-mo -ø-j-te
-ø-m -ø-j-ø / -ø-di-ø -ø-j-va /


-ø-j-ta /


-ø-j-mo /


-ø-j-te /


Verbs change accent in imperative based on the accent in infinitive and indicative, as well as where in the word the accent is:

  • Accentual type II A, circumflex indicative: singular is acute if the accent is not on the last syllable, otherwise it allows both accents, except final open-mid e, which is circumflex. In dual and plural, accent is circumflex if the accent is on the penultimate syllable, otherwise it is acute.
  • Accentual type II C and III, circumflex indicative: accent is circumflex if on the last syllable in singular and on the penultimate syllable in dual and plural, otherwise it is acute.
  • Accentual type II and III, cute indicative: singular is acute, but allows both accents on the last syllable. In dual and plural, accent is circumflex if the accent is on the penultimate syllable, otherwise it is acute.
  • Accentual type III, short accent in indicative: accent is acute, except on the penultimate syllable in dual and plural.
  • Accentual type IV: accent is acute except on the last syllable in singular and penultimate syllable in dual and plural, where it is circumflex.
  • Some acute verbs following accentual type I can in imperative follow II B (example blískati, čákati). The accent therefore changes the same way as with those.
  • Acute verbs following accentual type III that are circumflex in passive participle and the accent is on the same syllable in indicative can be acute or circumflex (example zakrivīti).
  • Verbs -glẹ́dati, -štẹ́ti and -umẹ́ti change the accent irregularly.
  • All verbs that change the accentuated vowel, except accentual type III, are in many dialects always accentuated on the first vowel throughout.
Imperative accentual changes


Infinitive Indicative Singular Dual Plural
Any person 1st 2nd / 3rd 1st 2nd
I rȋsati rȋšem rȋši rȋšiva rȋšita rȋšimo rȋšite
mísliti mȋslim mísli mísliva míslita míslimo míslite
čákati čȃkam čákaj čákajva /


čákajta /


čakajmo /


čákajte /


glẹ́dati glẹ̑dam glēj / glȅj /


glējva /


glējta /


glējmo /


glējte /


tískati tískam tískaj tískajva tískajta tískajmo tískajte
blískati blískam blískaj blískajva /


blískajta /


blískajmo /


blískajte /


II A krásti krȃdem krádi krádiva krádita krádimo krádite
bíti bȋjem bīj bȋjva bȋjta bȋjmo bȋjte
vstáti vstȃnem vstáni vstanȋva /


vstanȋta /


vstanȋmo /


vstanȋte /


štẹ́ti štȇjem /


štēj / štȅj /


štȇjva /


štȇjta /


štȇjmo /


štȇjte /


grísti grízem grízi gríziva grízita grízimo grízite
píti píjem pīj pȋjva pȋjta pȋjmo pȋjte
bráti bérem béri berȋva /


berȋta /


berȋmo /


berȋte /


II B zídati / zidáti zídam zídaj zídajva /


zídajta /


zídajmo /


zídajte /


II C skočíti skọ̑čim skóči skočȋva /


skočȋta /


skočȋmo /


skočȋte /


sejáti sȇjem sȇj sȇjva sȇjta sȇjmo sȇjte
razumẹ́ti razȗmem razūmi razūmiva /


razūmita /


razūmimo /


razūmite /


nosíti nọ́sim nósi nosȋva /


nosȋta /


nosȋmo /


nosȋte /


kováti kújem kūj kȗjva kȗjta kȗjmo kȗjte
II D cvəstì / cvə̀sti cvətȅm /


cvətȉ /


cvətȋva /


cvətȋta /


cvətȋmo /


cvətȋte /


III peljáti peljȃm pélji péljiva péljita péljimo péljite
ravnáti ravnȃm ravnȃj ravnȃjva ravnȃjta ravnȃjmo ravnȃjte
kričáti kričím kríči kričȋva kričȋta kričȋmo kričȋte
státi stojím stọ̄j stọ̑jva stọ̑jta stọ̑jmo stọ̑jte
zakrivíti zakrivím zakrīvi zakrivȋva zakrivȋta zakrivȋmo zakrivȋte
žgáti žgȅm žgì žgȋva žgȋta žgȋmo žgȋte
trẹ́ti trȅm trì trȋva trȋta trȋmo trȋte
IV vẹ́deti vẹ́m vẹ́di vẹ́diva vẹ́dita vẹ́dimo vẹ́dita
povẹ́dati povẹ́m povẹ̑j /


povȇjva povȇjta povȇjmo povȇjte


  • Pospravi svojo sobo. (Tidy your room.)
  • Pojdimo se igrat. (Let's play. Literally, Let's go playing)
  • Jaz delaj in garaj, ti pa boš zapravljal. (I should be working and toiling while you spend the money. – Such use is stylistically marked.)
  • Pa bodi po tvojem. ([Let] it be your way. – Such use is stylistically marked.)

Present active participles


There are two present active participles, which are used almost exclusively with imperfective verbs. They correspond to the English participle in -ing, and indicate ongoing or current action.

The first is an adjectival participle. It is formed by adding -eč to verbs with present stem in -i- or those ending in p/b/v + -e- or rarely any other consonant (which lose their final vowel), -joč to verbs with present stem in -a- (the vowel is kept, so -ajoč), and -oč to other verbs with present stem ending in -e-. It declines as a regular soft adjective with fixed accent and is compared periphrastically. Adverb ending in -če is used when the participle is adjectivalized.

Present active participle in endings
Singular nominative Adverb
Masculine Feminine Neuter Definite Masculine
-a-m -a-joč-ø -a-joč-a -a-joč-e -a-joč-i -a-joč-ø / -a-joč-e
-i-m -ø-eč-ø -ø-eč-a -ø-eč-e -ø-eč-i -ø-eč-ø / -ø-eč-e
p/b/v-e-m -ø-eč-ø -ø-eč-a -ø-eč-e -ø-eč-i -ø-eč-ø / -ø-eč-e
-e-m -ø-oč-ø -ø-oč-a -ø-oč-e -ø-oč-i -ø-oč-ø / -ø-eč-e
-je-m -ø-joč-ø -ø-joč-a -ø-joč-e -ø-joč-i -ø-joč-ø / -ø-joč-e
-ø-m -ø-doč-ø -ø-doč-a -ø-doč-e -ø-doč-i -ø-doč-ø / -ø-doč-e

The accent is the same for all accentual types, however it is differentiated between different endings. The accent is always on the final o or e. o is long close-mid, but can be short in masculine singular nominative form when it is used as an adjective. e is short in masculine singular nominative form and long close-mid in others, but can also be long close-mid in all forms if not used as an adjective.

The accent is acute, except in masculine singular nominative form, where it allows both accents.

Present active participle in accentual changes
Singular nominative Adverb
Masculine Feminine Neuter Definite Masculine
-a-m zidajọ̄č /


zidajọ́ča zidajọ́če zidajọ́či zidajọ̄č /


-i-m nosȅč nosẹ́ča nosẹ́če nosẹ́či nosȅč /

nosẹ̄č / nosẹ́če

-e-m bodȅč bodẹ́ča bodẹ́če bodẹ́či bodȅč /

bodẹ̄č / bodẹ́če

-e-m tekọ̄č /


tekọ́ča tekọ́če tekọ́či tekọ̄č /


-je-m pijọ̄č /


pijọ́ča pijọ́če pijọ́či pijọ̄č /


-ø-m vedọ̄č /


vedọ́ča vedọ́če vedọ́či vedọ̄č /



  • Otrok, ki joka, je jokajoč otrok. (A child that cries is a crying child.)
  • V sobo je vstopil glasno pojoč. (He entered the room singing loudly.)
  • Vprašanje ga je boleče prizadelo. (The question painfully hurt his feelings.)

The second is an adverbial participle. It was originally the nominative singular of the first participle, which had an irregular form. It is formed by removing from the first participle and changing -o to -e. For verbs whose infinitive stem ends in -ova-ti or -eva-ti and some in -a-ti -a-m/-e-m, infinitive stem is used instead. Verbs with present stem in -uje-m usually also take the infinitive verbal suffix, but archaic form is made with present suffix. Again, the accent depends fully on the type of ending and not on the accentual type. If the accent is on the last syllable, then it allows both accents, otherwise it is circumflex.

Present active participle in -e endings
Ending Example
-a-m -a-je zidȃje
-i-m -ø-e kričẹ̄
-e-m -ø-e hotẹ̄
-je-m -ø-e pijẹ̄
-uje-m (-uje-ø) vzdihovȃje /


-ø-m -ø-de vedẹ̄
-ova-ti -ova-je dedovȃje
-eva-ti -eva-je plačevȃje


  • Sede se je pretegnil. ([While] sitting, he stretched.)

Infinitives and supine


There are 2 verbal nouns: the infinitive (nedoločnik), which can be long or short and the supine (namenilnik).

The long infinitive is the basic verb form found in dictionaries, and ends in -ti.

The supine and short infinitive are formed by dropping the last -i of the infinitive. Supine is used after verbs that designate motion. For example, the supine would be used in the following sentences (the supine has been put in bold):

  • V novi svet so odšli iskat bogastvo. (They went to the New World to seek fortune.)
  • Pojdi se solit. (Literally, Go salt yourself. This idiomatic statement is used to express annoyance or refusal)
  • Stekli smo pogasit ogenj. (We ran to put out the fire.)

When the infinitive or supine ending is attached to an infinitive stem ending in a consonant, that consonant may change, as follows:

  • -p-ti-ps-ti (tépsti, tépem "beat")
  • -b-ti-bs-ti (grébsti, grébem "scratch, scrape")
  • -d-ti-s-ti (sẹ́sti, sẹ̑dem "sit down")
  • -jd-ti-j-ti (nájti, nájdem "find (something lost)")
  • -t-ti-s-ti (plésti, plétem "braid")
  • -st-ti-s-ti (rásti, rástem "grow")
  • -z-ti-s-ti (grísti, grízem "bite, chew")
  • -g-ti-č-i (lẹ́či, lẹ̑žem (lẹ́gel) "lie down")
  • -k-ti-č-i (réči, réčem (rékel) "say")
Infinitives and supine endings
Infinitive Supine
Long Short
-a-ti -a-t
-i(-ø)-ti -i(-ø)-t
-e(-ø)-ti -e(-ø)-t
-u-ø-ti -u-ø-t
C-ø-ti -ø-t
-č-ø-i -č(-t)

However, there is an accentual difference between short infinitive and supine. In addition, accent in supine is in some accentual types different between perfective and imperfective verbs. Short infinitive has the same accent as supine of perfective verbs, except for two irregular verbs detailed below. The accent is determined by the accentual type, as well as stem vowel and the position in a word:

  • Supine is circumflex if the last syllable is accentuated, otherwise it is acute, except verbs that are circumflex in the infinitive – these are always circumflex.
  • Verbs following accentual type I, II B, II D and IV have acute accent on the stem on same syllable as long infinitive.
  • Other accentual types can have short accent on the last syllable, long accent on the last syllable or long accent on non-final syllable.
  • Verbs in -č-ø-i and j-ø-ti follow the same accentual changes as other -ø-ti, but the -st changes into and -jt, respectively. The examples given below are added just to illustrate those changes and not to have separate accent changes.

Verbs in -č-ø-i usually have short infinitive and supine in -č-ø-ø, but some dialects add -t at the end, which is also common in colloquial speech.

Infinitives and supine accentual changes
Ending Accentual


Infinitive Supine
Long Short Imperfective Perfective
-a-ti II A státi


stȁt stȁt prestȁt
bráti brȁt brȃt prebrȁt
II C, III trepetáti trepetȁt trepetȁt zatrepetȁt
kováti kovȁt kovȃt podkovȁt
peljáti péljat






-i(-ø)-ti II A, III píti pȋt / pȉt pȋt zapȋt / zapȉt
II C točīti tóčit






-e(-ø)-ti II A, II C, III plẹ́ti plẹ̑t plẹ̑t plẹ̑t
-u-ø-ti II A čúti čȗt / čȕt čȗt čȗt / čȕt
-as-ø-ti II A krásti krȁst krȃst ukrȁst
-is-ø-ti II A grísti grȋst / grȉst grȋst pogrȋst / pogrȉst
-ẹs-ø-ti II A lẹ́sti lẹ̑st / lȅst lẹ̑st zlẹ̑st / zlȅst
-ọs-ø-ti II A gọ́sti gọ̑st / gȍst gọ̑st zagọ̑st / zagȍst
-es-ø-ti II A plésti plȇst / plȅst plȇst / plȅst splȇst / splȅst
-os-ø-ti II A bósti bȏst / bȍst bȏst / bȍst zbȏst / zbȍst
-ø-či II A téči tȇč(t) / tȅč(t) tȇč(t) / tȅč(t) pretȇč(t) / pretȅč(t)
-j-ø-ti II A nájti nȁjt / nȁjt
irregular báti se bȁt se / bȃt se bȃt se zbȁt se


stȁt / stȃt stȃt postȁt

Some verbs in -a-ti following accentual type II A, II C or III can follow two subpatterns, which are also present in participle in -l. The first subpattern has long accent in supine of imperfective verbs and masculine nominative singular form of participle in -l. The second subpattern transfers the accent to the syllable before and only exists in accentual types II C and III. Verbs in -e-ti -i-m following accentual type III can also have either long close-mid or short open-mid vowel in short infinitive.

Accentual subpatterns
Verb Supine Short Inf. -l participle

(masc. nom. sing.)

Impef. Perf.
Regular trepetáti trepetȁt zatrepetȁt trepetȁt trepetȁl
Long vowel kováti kovȃt podkovȁt kovȁt kovȃl
Accent shift peljáti péljat zapéljat péljat péljal

Past active participles


There are two kinds of past active participle, used with different functions.

The l-participle exists for all verbs, and is used mainly to form the past and future tense. It is further split into two categories; the descriptive l-participle is used only for analytical forms and therefore can only exist in nominative case and always has to appear with an auxiliary verb. The stative l-participle denotes a state of an object and can also be used as a stand-alone adjective, but not all verbs have it.

It is formed by adding -l to the infinitive stem. A fill vowel (schwa, -e-) is inserted in the masculine singular form when attached to verbs with an infinitive stem ending in a consonant.

Past active participle in -l endings
Infinitive Masculine Feminine Neuter
-a(-ø)-ti -a-ł-ø -a-l-a -a-l-o
-i(-ø)-ti -i-ł-ø -i-l-a -i-l-o
-e(-ø)-ti -e-ł-ø -e-l-a -e-l-o
-u-ø-ti -u-ł-ø -u-l-a -e-l-o
C-ø-ti -ə-ł-ø -ø-l-a -ø-l-o
-ø-či -ə-ł-ø -ø-l-a -ø-l-o

Stative l-participle can be the same as the descriptive l-participle (vrẹ́tivrȅł/vrẹ́ł), but it sometimes changes to have a fill vowel (otŕpnitiotŕpəł). The accent can also change between the two.

Accentually, masculine form has the same accent as imperfective verbs in supine, with the exception being verbs in -e-ti and accentual type II D, and the tone can also change. In feminine and neuter forms, short accent lengthens if short, and shifts in accentual types II B and II C.

Verbs in -e-ti, when the supine is accentuated on the last syllable, can have either long close-mid or short accent on e in masculine form. Verbs in -r-e-ti lose the e and the accent is on r. Verbs following accentual type II D have short accent on the last syllable.

Tone is determined by the tone in long infinitive and present indicative, as well as accent length and position in masculine form and accentual type. Based on the accent in masculine form, verbs can belong to one of three groups:

  1. Long accent on the last syllable
  2. Short accent on the last syllable
  3. Long accent that is not on the last syllable

Similarly to imperative, the accent of some verbs following accentual type I can also shift to the next syllable. In these forms, accentual changes are the same as for verbs following accentual type II C.

There are also exceptions; verbs in prefix + -živeti that do not have an alternative version ending in živiti (e. g. razživẹ́ti) and verbs in prefix + -iti, which may change to -jti (e. g. najti) allow both accents in masculine form, the latter ones also in all other forms.

It further declines as a regular fixed or mobile accent adjective and is compared periphrastically. Other forms have the same accent as neuter gender.

Past active participle in -l accentual changes


Infinitive →


Used as a participle Notes
Masculine Feminine Neuter
I rȋsał rȋsala rȋsalo
otŕpnił otr̄pnila otŕpnilo
tískał tískala tískalo
II A obȗł (1) obúla obūlo
krȃdəł (2 or 3) krádla krádlo
pȋł (1) píla pȋlo
mlȅł (2) mlẹ́la mlẹ́lo
klȁł (2) klȃla klálo If a is accented.
grȋzəł (3) grízla grízlo
sọ́pəł / sópəł (3) sópla sóplo If the accent in masculine singular form is on the open-mid vowel,

ə, or if all other forms but masculine singular have open-mid vowel, except if they have a consonant cluster tl/dl.

brẹ̄dəł / brēdəł (3) brédla brédlo If the accent in masculine singular form is on the open-mid vowel,

ə, or if all other forms but masculine singular have open-mid vowel and they have a consonant cluster tl/dl.

II B zídał zidȃla /

zídala (styl.)

zidálo /

zídalo (styl.)

II C sejȃł (1) sejāla sejȃlo
razumẹ̄ł (2) razumẹ̄la razumẹ́lo If the verb ends in -e-ti.
kupovȁł (2) kupovȃla kupoválo If the verb ends in -a-ti.
skóčił (3) skočȋla skočílo If the verb ends in -i-ti.
kovȃł (1) kovála kovȃlo

(2 or 3)

hotẹ̄la hotẹ́lo If the verb ends in -e-ti. hotẹ́ti is irregular,

but used to illustrate accent in masculine form when it is not short.

iskȁł (2) iskȃla iskálo If the verb ends in -a-ti.
nósił (3) nosȋla nosílo If the verb ends in -i-ti.
II D cvətə̏ł /


cvətlȁ /


cvətlȍ /


III smẹ̑ł (1) smẹ̄la smẹ̄lo
smȅł (2 or 3) smẹ̄la smẹ́lo If the verb ends in -e-ti.


peljȃla peljálo If the verb ends in -a-ti.
spȃł (1) spála spȃlo If the verb ends in -a-ti or -i-ti.
zelenẹ́ł (1) zelenẹ̄la zelenẹ̄lo If the verb ends in -e-ti.
báł se (1) bála se bálo se Only verbs báti se and státi (stojim)

(2 or 3)

klečȃla klečálo If the verb ends in -a-ti.

(2 or 3)

želẹ̄la želẹ́lo If the verb ends in -e-ti. želẹ́ti is irregular,

but used to illustrate accent in masculine form when it is not short.


(2 or 3)

pomnožíla pomnožȋlo If the verb ends in -i-ti.
jẹ̑dəł (3) jẹ́dla jẹ́dlo If the verb ends in C-ø-ti.
žgȃł (1) žgála žgȃlo
začẹ̑ł (1) začẹ̄la začẹ́lo Verbs in -č-e-ti.
tkȁł (2) tkȃla tkálo
dospȅł (2) dospẹ̄la dospẹ́lo If e is accented in feminine form.
IV vẹ́deł vẹ̄dela vẹ́delo

Types where accent shifts between forms, however, can vary widely between dialects. Verbs following accentual type II A colloquially prefer to have fixed accent. Verbs in -i-ti can also have fixed accent on the first syllable.

Stative participles decline as regular hard adjectives with fixed accent and are compared periphrastically. Examples:

  • Videl sem. (I saw.)
  • Ob tej novici je prebledela. (Upon [hearing] the news, she became pale.)

The š-participle is also an adjectival participle, and is rarely used in modern Slovene and mostly as an adverb. It denotes completed action, and is equivalent to the English construct with having + past participle. It is formed by adding -vši to the infinitive stem. The ending is only -ši if the infinitive stem ends in a consonant. Accent is almost always circumflex and on the penultimate syllable, some can also have the same accent as l-participle (example vídeti). e before -vši is always close-mid, but o and e before -ši are the same as in l-participle.

The only example of š-participle used in modern Slovene is bȋvši, meaning "ex", but aside from that few other verbs have commonly used š-participle as an adjective.

Past active participle in endings and accent
Infinitive Masculine Feminine Neuter Adverb
-a-ti izdẹ́lati (izdelȃvši) (izdelȃvša) (izdelȃvše) izdelȃvši
-i-ti spodbudīti (spodbudȋvši) (spodbudȋvša) (spodbudȋvše) spodbudȋvši
-e-ti zadẹ́ti (zadẹ̑vši) (zadẹ̑vša) (zadẹ̑vše) zadẹ̑vši
-u-ti čúti (čȗvši) (čȗvša) (čȗvše) čȗvši
-ø-ti prisẹ́sti prisẹ̑dši prisẹ̑dša prisẹ̑dše prisẹ̑dši
splésti (splȇtši) (splȇtša) (splȇtše) splȇtši
píti (pȋvši) (pȋvša) (pȋvše) pȋvši
vídeti (vidẹ̑vši) /


(vidẹ̑vša) /


(vidẹ̑vše) /


vidẹ̑vši /



  • Stopivši iz hiše, se je napotil v krčmo. (Having stepped out of the house, he headed to the pub.)
  • Prišedši gost se je usedel za mizo. (Having come guest sat down by the table.)

Past passive participle


This participle corresponds to the English participle in -ed or -en, and is an adjective that indicates a state of having undergone an action. It exists only for transitive verbs, and almost only if they are perfective. It is formed with two possible suffixes, -n or -t, but further formation is affected by stem, as well as accentual type. Similarly to l-participle, it is also divided into descriptive and stative passive participle.

Both accentual type and stem affect the accent position, which is marked with ˈ in the following table. If it is not marked, then it is on the same syllable on the stem as in long infinitive. All accents are long, except in -i-ti -i-m and es-ø-ti / os-ø-ti forms, as well as accentual type II D, which are short if marked.

Participle further declines as a regular fixed accent adjective and is compared periphrastically.

Masculine singular ending in past passive participle
I II a II b II c II d III IV
-a(-ø)-ti -a-n -a̍-ø-n -a-n -a̍-n / -a̍-n -a-n
-i-ti -i-m -je-n / -je-n -je-n / -je̍-n /
-i(-ø)-ti -(j)e-m -je-n -i̍-ø-t -je-n -je-n / / /
-e(-ø)-ti -e-n -e̍-ø-t /


/ -e̍-ø-t /


/ -e̍-ø-t /


-u-ø-ti / -u̍-ø-t / / / / /




/ -e-n / / -e̍-n / /


/ -e̍-n / / / / /

When stem ending in a consonant is followed by j, it iotizes.

* These forms follow verbs ending in -r-e-ti (e. g. drẹ́ti, dȓt "gush, shout").

The t-participle is always circumflex, while n-participle is circumflex or acute, depending on the accentual type, and accent in infinitive and present indicative:

Past passive participle in -n accentual changes


Infinitive →


Masculine Feminine Neuter Notes
I rȋsan rȋsana rȋsano
mȋšljen mȋšljena mȋšljeno
tískan tískana tískano
II A krȃden krȃdena krȃdeno
ogrȋzen ogrȋzena ogrȋzeno
prebrán prebrána prebráno If the accent is on -a-n.
prenesȅn preneséna preneséno If the accent is on -e-n.
nājden nājdena nājdeno verbs derived from īti.
II B zídan zídana zídano
II C zaskọ̑čen zaskọ̑čena zaskọ̑čeno If the accent is on the same vowel as in present indicative.
kupován kupována kupováno If the accent is not on the same vowel as in present indicative and

does not have long stress on the last syllable in l-participle.

posejān posejāna posejāno If the accent is not on the same vowel as in present indicative and

has long stress on the last syllable in l-participle.

podkován podkována podkováno
II D razcvətȅn razcvəténa razcvəténo
III poravnán poravnána poravnáno
zakrȋvljen zakrȋvljena zakrȋvljeno
zaspán zaspána zaspáno If the accent is on -a-n.
zadušȅn zadušéna zadušéno If the accent is on -e-n.
rójen rojéna rojéno Exception.
ogrọ̄žen ogrọ̄žena ogrọ̄ženo Exception. Same pattern also follows slāvljen.
žgán žgána žgáno
IV zapovẹ̑dan zapovẹ̑dana zapovẹ̑dano

Examples of this participle are:

  • Parkiran avto je bil ukraden. (The parked car was stolen.) (perhaps better in the active voice, "Parkiran avto so ukradli.")
  • Sodišče je sodilo obtoženemu roparju. (The court tried the accused robber.)
  • Spočit konj je čakal na dvorišču. (A rested horse was waiting on the yard.)



Gerund is formed by adding an ending -je to the past passive participle. Accent position is the same as in the passive participle and accent is the same as in long infinitive, except when on -a-n-je or -e-n-je, when it becomes (apart from some irregularities) circumflex and acute, respectively. Some can also be archaically accented on the last syllable with a short accent. There are also some irregular gerunds, such as họ́ja.

Gerund is also split into two categories, but most verbs can have both (i. e. is not one or the other as is the case with participles). There is the true gerund (pravi glagolnik), which means an act of doing something, and objectified gerund (glagolnik opredmetenega dejanja), which means a thing being acted upon. Not all verbs also have objectified gerund.

Gerund declines as a regular soft o-stem nouns following first neuter declension, but some can be singularia tantum.

Gerund accentual changes


True gerund in singular Objectified gerund in singular
Nominative Genitive Nominative Genitive
Most rȋsan rȋsanje rȋsanja rȋsanje rȋsanja
Accent on


kován kovȃnje kovȃnja kovȃnje kovȃnja
Accent on


trpljȅn trpljénje trpljénja trpljénje trpljénja
Ending accent vpȋt vpitjȅ (arch.)

vpitjẹ́ (obs.)

vpitjȁ (arch.)

vpitjá (obs.)

vpitjȅ (arch.)

vpitjẹ́ (obs.)

vpitjȁ (arch.)

vpitjá (obs.)

Accentual type II B,

verbs in -a-ti

zídan zídanje /


zídanja /


zídanje /


zídanja /


Different gerunds šívan šívanje /


šívanja /


šivȃnje šivȃnja
Irregular accent shift misliti mišljénje mišljénja mišljénje mišljénja


spán spánje spánja / /

(státi stȃnem)

*stȃn stānje stānja stānje stānja
*This form does not exist and is there only for demonstrative purposes.

Negative forms


Three verbs, bīti, imẹ́ti, and hotẹ́ti have special negative forms in present indicative:

Negative present indicative forms
Infinitive Singular Dual Plural
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
bīti nísem nísi nísva nísta nísta nísmo níste níso
imẹ́ti nȋmam /

nímam (styl.)

nȋmaš /

nímaš (styl.)

nȋma /

níma (styl.)

nȋmava /

nímava (styl.)

nȋmata /

nímata (styl.)

nȋmata /

nímata (styl.)

nȋmamo /

nímamo (styl.)

nȋmate /

nímate (styl.)

nȋmajo /

nímajo (styl.)

hotẹ́ti nọ́čem /

néčem (styl.) / nẹ́čem (arch.)

nọ́češ /

néčeš (styl.) / nẹ́češ (arch.)

nọ́če /

néče (styl.) / nẹ́če (arch.)

nọ́čeva /

néčeva styl.) / nẹ́čeva (arch.)

nọ́četa /

néčeta (styl.) / nẹ́četa (arch.)

nọ́četa /

néčeta (styl.) / nẹ́četa (arch.)

nọ́čemo /

néčemo (styl.) / nẹ́čemo (arch.)

nọ́čete /

néčete (styl.) / nẹ́čete (arch.)

nọ́čejo /

néčejo (styl.) / nẹ́čejo (arch.)

Future indicative


Only verbs bīti and īti have special future indicative forms. For bīti, this is the only correct way (but is colloquially also conjugated as other verbs), while īti can also be conjugated as other verbs.

Future indicative forms
Infinitive Singular Dual Plural
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
bīti bom /

bodem (arch.)

boš /

bodeš (arch.)

bo /

bode (arch.)

bova /

bodeva (arch.)

bosta /

bota (styl.) / bodeta (arch.)

bosta /

bota (styl.) / bodeta (arch.)

bomo /

bodemo (arch.)

boste /

bote (styl.) / bodete (arch.)

bodo /

bojo (styl.) / bodejo (arch.)

īti pọ́jdem pọ́jdeš pọ́jde pọ́jdeva pọ́jdeta pọ́jdeta pọ́jdemo pọ́jdete pọ́jdejo



Verb bīti also has a special form when used as an auxiliary verb in conditional mood and is the same for all genders and persons: bi. Full lexical verb therefore still has an analytical form bi bȉl. In an affirmative sentence, it is not stressed, however its negative forms can be accented either on or on bi (né bi or ne bȉ).

Aorist and imperfect


Standard Slovene lost both the aorist and the imperfect, which have been replaced by the preterite. These forms exist exclusively in the Resian dialect, but are slowly fading as well. In nowaday Resian, only the verbs bə̀t (SS bīti) "be", díwat (SS dẹ́vati) "give", dujájat (SS dohájati) "keep up with", mé̤t (SS imẹ́ti), moré̤t (SS móči) "be able", parájat (SS prihȃjati) "come", and té̤t (SS hotẹ́ti) "want" still have imperfective forms, others are considered obsolete.

Only a few verbs also have an aorist, and all of these forms are considered obsolete as they cannot be understood by most people anymore. There are only three such documented forms:

  • hardúh (SS from īti) "(I) have gone"
  • pridúh (SS from príti) "(I) have come"
  • vzê (SS from vzẹ́ti) "(you) have taken / (he/she/it) has taken"

Aorist and imperfect have been in use in other dialects until the 15th century and vowel clusters in imperfect have already been contracted then.

Analytical forms


Forms given here are in the way they appear in a typical sentence. However, in the dictionary form, lexical verb is first and then everything else, except in negative forms (e. g. naj bi bil delaldelal naj bi bil)

Active voice


Past indicative


The past (or preterite) indicative is used to indicate events that occurred in the past. Modern Slovene does not distinguish the past tense ("saw") from the perfect tense ("have seen"); this distinction was common in Alpine Slovene when aorist served the past tense form.

It is formed with the auxiliary verb biti (to be) in the present tense, plus the l-participle of the verb. The participle must agree with the subject in number and gender. For example:

  • sem videl (I saw, said by a male)
  • sem videla (I saw, said by a female)
  • je odšla (she went)
  • so odkrili (they discovered)

Pluperfect indicative


The pluperfect indicative is used to indicate an action that occurred before some other future action. It is rarely used in colloquial speech, where it is replaced by the past tense.

It is formed as though it were the past tense of the past tense: the auxiliary verb biti (to be) in the present tense, plus the l-participle of the verb biti (to be), plus the l-participle of the verb. The participles must agree with the subject in number and gender. For example:

  • sem bil videl (I had seen, said by a male)
  • sem bila videla (I had seen, said by a female)
  • je bila odšla (she had gone)
  • so bili odkrili (they had discovered)

Future indicative


The future indicative tense is used to state events that will happen in the future.

The verb biti (to be) has its own unique set of future tense forms, with the stem bo-. Other verbs are usually formed using biti in the future tense, plus the l-participle of the verb. The participle must agree with the subject in number and gender. For example:

  • videl bom (I will see, said by a male)
  • videla bom (I will see, said by a female)
  • odšla bo (she will go)
  • bodo odkrili (they will discover)

Dialectally, hoteti is used in future indicative as an auxiliary verb, followed by infinitive.

Conditional mood


The conditional mood is used to express desires, wishes, and hypothetical (often impossible) conditions.

The present conditional is formed using the special particle bi, plus the l-participle of the lexical verb. The past conditional is rarely used, like the pluperfect, and is formed analogously: the particle bi, plus l-participle of the verb biti (to be), plus the l-participle of the verb. Examples of the conditional mood are:

  • Če bi mi postalo slabo, mi, prosim, podajte tiste tablete. (Literally: If it became sick to me, to me, I kindly ask, pass those pills.; If I should become sick, kindly pass me those pills.)
  • V primeru, da bi prišlo do požara, bomo umrli. (Should there be a fire, we would die.)
  • Če bi (bili) končali prej, bi bili zdaj prosti. (If we had finished earlier, we would be free now.)
  • Želi si, da bi bil maneken, vendar s svojimi obraznimi nečistočami nima možnosti. (He wishes that he were a model, but with his facial impurities, he has no chance.)
  • O, da bi bila jesen! (O, if only it were autumn!) (literary)
  • O, ko bi le bila jesen! (O, if only it were autumn!)

In the 18th century, future conditional was also rarely used, which was formed by bom bil + l-participle, e. g. bom bil baral (If I asked [in the future]). Such use has only been recorded to be in active voice.



An additional kind of imperative, which may be called the optative or hortative, is formed by using the particle naj (ne) with the indicative or conditional. This acts as a substitute for the imperative in the third person and other tenses as well. It is usually not translated as 'may', because nowadays use is closer to the imperative, so a more appropriate word would be 'should'. However, this kind of form has many uses, so it may also sometimes be translated as 'let' or with passive voice.

  • On naj mi pride pomagat. (He should come to help me.)
  • Pa naj bo po tvojem. (Let it be your way.)
  • Naj ti povem, kako se je zgodilo. (Let me tell you, how it happened.)
  • A naj je bil še tako utrujen, je dospel do cilja. (But let him be so tired, he reached the finish [line]).
  • Ta proces naj bi povzročale glivice. (This process is thought to be caused by fungi.)

Negative forms


It is formed by simply adding in front of the verb, only naj is before. In dictionary forms, the lexical verbs is in last place, except where it combines with the auxiliary verb:

  • Nas ni nihče vprašal. (Noone asked us.)(lit. Noone has not asked us.)
  • Ne bi ga rad srečal. (I would not like to meet him.)
  • Bolje je ne delati kot delati škodo. (It is better not to work than to do (lit. work) harm.)
  • Delal nisem nič manj kot drugi. (I have not worked any less than others.)

Passive & reflexive voice


The passive voice is formed using the passive past participle of the verb and auxiliary verbs. Reflexive voice is formed by turning a verb into a reflexive verb, by adding the reflexive pronoun se to the verb. Passive and reflexive voice is formed as shown in this table:

Formation of passive and reflexive voice
Passive voice Reflexive voice
Formation Example Formation Example
Long infinitive biti + passive participle biti delan se + long infinitive se delati
Short infinitive bit + passive participle bit delan se + short infinitive se delat
Supine (bit + passive participle) (bit zabavan) se + supine se delat
Present indicatve present indicative of biti + passive participle je delan se + present indicative se dela
Future indicative future indicative of biti + passive participle bom delan se + future indicative of biti + l-participle se bo delal
Preterite indicative present indicative of biti + bil +

passive participle

je bil delan se + present indicative of biti +


se je delal
Pluperfect indicative / se + present indicative of biti + bil +


se je bil delal
Imperative imperative of biti + passive participle bodi delan imperative + se delaj se
Hortative & Optative naj + the way it is formed

in the wanted tense

naj bo delan naj + the way it is formed

in the wanted tense

naj se bo delal
Present conditional bi bil + passive partciple bi bil narejen bi + se + l-participle bi se delal
Past conditional / bi + se + bil + l-participle bi se bil delal
Future conditional / (future indicative of biti + se + bil +


(bom se bil delal)
Č-paticiple / č-participle + se delajoč se
E-participle / (e-participle + se) (delaje se)
L-participle / (l-participle + se) (obrasel se)
Š-participle / (š-participle + se) (izdelavši se)
Passive participle / (n-participle + se) (delan se)
Gerund / (gerund + se) (delanje se)
Negative (naj) + ne + the rest naj ne bo delan

ni delan

(naj) (se) + ne + the rest naj se ne bi delal

ne delaj se

An example of the passive voice is:

  • Izvoljen je bil za člana Kraljeve družbe (He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society).

However, this is more commonly stated using the active voice with an impersonal form of the third person plural (like English "impersonal they"):

  • Izvolili so ga za člana Kraljeve družbe (They elected him a fellow of the Royal Society).

Full conjugation of a regular verb


The following table presents full conjugation of a regular verb dẹ́lati:

Class V: -a-ti, -a-m, accent paradigm I
Singular Dual Plural
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd


dẹ̑lam dẹ̑laš dẹ̑la dẹ̑lava dẹ̑lata dẹ̑lata dẹ̑lamo dẹ̑late dẹ̑lajo


m. sem dẹ́lał si dẹ́lał je dẹ́lał sva dẹ́lala sta dẹ́lala sta dẹ́lala smo dẹ́lali ste dẹ́lali so dẹ́lali
f. sem dẹ̄lala si dẹ̄lala je dẹ̄lala sva dẹ́lali sta dẹ́lali sta dẹ́lali smo dẹ́lale ste dẹ́lale so dẹ́lale
n. sem dẹ́lalo si dẹ́lalo je dẹ́lalo sva dẹ́lali sta dẹ́lali sta dẹ́lali smo dẹ́lala ste dẹ́lala so dẹ́lala


m. bom dẹ́lał

bodem dẹ́lał

(họ́čem dẹ́lati)

boš dẹ́lał

bodeš dẹ́lał

(họ́češ dẹ́lati)

bo dẹ́lał

bode dẹ̑lał

(họ́če dẹ́lati)

bova dẹ́lala

bodeva dẹ́lala

(họ́čeva dẹ́lati)

bosta dẹ́lala

bodeta dẹ́lala bota dẹ́lala

(họ́četa dẹ́lati)

bosta dẹ́lala

bodeta dẹ́lala bota dẹ́lala

(họ́četa dẹ́lati)

bomo dẹ́lali

bodemo dẹ́lali

(họ́čemo dẹ́lati)

boste dẹ́lali

bodete dẹ́lali bote dẹ̑lali

(họ́čete dẹ́lati)

bodo dẹ́lali

bojo dẹ́lali bodete dẹ́lali

(họ́čejo dẹ́lati)

f. bom dẹ̄lala

bodem dẹ̄lala

(họ́čem dẹ́lati)

boš dẹ̄lala

bodeš dẹ̄lala

(họ́češ dẹ́lati)

bo dẹ̄lala

bode dẹ̄lala

(họ́če dẹ́lati)

bova dẹ́lali

bodeva dẹ́lali

(họ́čeva dẹ́lati)

bosta dẹ́lali

bodeta dẹ́lali bota dẹ́lali

(họ́četa dẹ́lati)

bosta dẹ́lali

bodeta dẹ́lali bota dẹ́lali

(họ́četa dẹ́lati)

bomo dẹ́lale

bodemo dẹ́lale

(họ́čemo dẹ́lati)

boste dẹ́lale

bodete dẹ́lale bote dẹ́lale

(họ́čete dẹ́lati)

bodo dẹ́lale

bojo dẹ́lale bodejo dẹ́lale

(họ́čejo dẹ́lati)

n. bom dẹ́lalo

bodem dẹ́lalo (imȃm dẹ́lati) (je dẹ́lati) (họ́čem dẹ́lati)

boš dẹ́lalo

bodeš dẹ́lalo (imȃm dẹ́lati) (je dẹ́lati) (họ́čem dẹ́lati)

bo dẹ́lalo

bode dẹ́lalo (imȃ dẹ́lati) (je dẹ́lati) (họ́če dẹ́lati)

bova dẹ́lali

bodeva dẹ́lali (imȃva dẹ́lati) (je dẹ́lati) (họ́čeva dẹ́lati)

bosta dẹ́lali

bodeta dẹ́lali bota dẹ́lali(imȃta dẹ́lati) (je dẹ́lati) (họ́četa dẹ́lati)

bosta dẹ́lali

bodeta dẹ́lali bota dẹ́lali(imȃta dẹ́lati) (je dẹ́lati) (họ́četa dẹ́lati)

bomo dẹ́lala

bodemo dẹ́lala (imȃmo dẹ́lati) (je dẹ́lati) (họ́čemo dẹ́lati)

boste dẹ́lala

bodete dẹ́lala bote dẹ́lala(imȃte dẹ́lati) (je dẹ́lati) (họ́čete dẹ́lati)

bodo dẹ́lala

bojo dẹ́lala bodejo dẹ́lala(imȃjo dẹ́lati) (je dẹ́lati) (họ́čejo dẹ́lati)



m. sem bȉł dẹ́lał si bȉł dẹ́lał je bȉł dẹ́lał sva bilȁ dẹ́lala

sva bȋla dẹ́lala

sta bilȁ dẹ́lala

sta bȋla dẹ́lala

sta bilȁ dẹ́lala

sta bȋla dẹ́lala

smo bilȋ dẹ́lali

smo bilȉ dẹ́lali smo bȋli dẹ́lali

ste bilȋ dẹ́lali

ste bilȉ dẹ́lali

ste bȋli dẹ́lali

so bilȋ dẹ́lali

so bilȉ dẹ́lali

so bȋli dẹ́lali

f. sem bilȁ dẹ̄lala

sem bȋla dẹ̄lala

si bilȁ dẹ̄lala

si bȋla dẹ̄lala

je bilȁ dẹ̄lala

je bȋla dẹ̄lala

sva bilȉ dẹ́lali

sva bȋli dẹ́lali

sta bilȉ dẹ́lali

sta bȋli dẹ́lali

sta bilȉ dẹ́lali

sta bȋli dẹ́lali

smo bilȅ dẹ́lale

smo bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale smo bȋle dẹ́lale

ste bilȅ dẹ́lale

ste bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale

ste bȋle dẹ́lale

so bilȅ dẹ́lale

so bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale

so bȋle dẹ́lale

n. sem bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

sem bilȍ dẹ́lalo sem bȋlo dẹ́lalo

si bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

si bilȍ dẹ́lalo si bȋlo dẹ́lalo

je bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

je bilȍ dẹ́lalo je bȋlo dẹ́lalo

sva bilȉ dẹ́lali

sva bȋli dẹ́lali

sta bilȉ dẹ́lali

sta bȋli dẹ́lali

sta bilȉ dẹ́lali

sta bȋli dẹ́lali

smo bilȁ dẹ́lala

smo bȋla dẹ́lala

ste bilȁ dẹ́lala

ste bȋla dẹ́lala

so bilȁ dẹ́lala

so bȋla dẹ́lala

Imperative dẹ́laj dẹ́laj dẹ́laj dẹ́lajva dẹ́lajta dẹ́lajta dẹ́lajmo dẹ́lajte


m. bi dẹ́lał bi dẹ́lał bi dẹ́lał bi dẹ́lala bi dẹ́lala bi dẹ́lala bi dẹ́lali bi dẹ́lali bi dẹ́lali
f. bi dẹ̄lala bi dẹ̄lala bi dẹ̄lala bi dẹ́lali bi dẹ́lali bi dẹ́lali bi dẹ́lale bi dẹ́lale bi dẹ́lale
n. bi dẹ́lalo bi dẹ́lalo bi dẹ́lalo bi dẹ́lali bi dẹ́lali bi dẹ́lali bi dẹ́lala bi dẹ́lala bi dẹ́lala


m. bi bȉł dẹ́lał bi bȉł dẹ́lał bi bȉł dẹ́lał bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

bi bȋla dẹ́lala

bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

bi bȋla dẹ́lala

bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

bi bȋla dẹ́lala

bi bilȋ dẹ́lali

bi bilȉ dẹ́lali bi bȋli dẹ́lali

bi bilȋ dẹ́lali

bi bilȉ dẹ́lali bi bȋli dẹ́lali

bi bilȋ dẹ́lali

bi bilȉ dẹ́lali bi bȋli dẹ́lali

f. bi bilȁ dẹ̄lala

bi bȋla dẹ̄lala

bi bilȁ dẹ̄lala

bi bȋla dẹ̄lala

bi bilȁ dẹ̄lala

bi bȋla dẹ̄lala

bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

bi bȋli dẹ́lali

bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

bi bȋli dẹ́lali

bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

bi bȋli dẹ́lali

bi bilȅ dẹ́lale

bi bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale bi bȋle dẹ́lale

bi bilȅ dẹ́lale

bi bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale bi bȋle dẹ́lale

bi bilȅ dẹ́lale

bi bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale bi bȋle dẹ́lale

n. bi bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

bi bilȍ dẹ́lalo bi bȋlo dẹ́lalo

bi bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

bi bilȍ dẹ́lalo bi bȋlo dẹ́lalo

bi bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

bi bilȍ dẹ́lalo bi bȋlo dẹ́lalo

bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

bi bȋli dẹ́lali

bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

bi bȋli dẹ́lali

bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

bi bȋli dẹ́lali

bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

bi bȋla dẹ́lala

bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

bi bȋla dẹ́lala

bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

bi bȋla dẹ́lala



m. (bom bȉł dẹ́lał)

(bodem bȉł dẹ́lał)

(boš bȉł dẹ́lał)

(bodeš bȉł dẹ́lał)

(bo bȉł dẹ́lał)

(bode bȉł dẹ́lał)

(bova bilȁ dẹ́lala)

(bova bȋla dẹ́lala) (bodeva bilȁ dẹ́lala) (bodeva bȋla dẹ́lala)

(bosta bilȁ dẹ́lala)

(bosta bȋla dẹ́lala) (bota bilȁ dẹ́lala) (bota bȋla dẹ́lala) (bodeta bilȁ dẹ́lala) (bodeta bȋla dẹ́lala)

(bosta bilȁ dẹ́lala)

(bosta bȋla dẹ́lala) (bota bilȁ dẹ́lala) (bota bȋla dẹ́lala) (bodeta bilȁ dẹ́lala) (bodeta bȋla dẹ́lala)

(bomo bilȋ dẹ́lali)

(bomo bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bomo bȋli dẹ́lali) (bomo bilȋ dẹ́lali) (bodemo bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bodemo bȋli dẹ́lali)

(boste bilȋ dẹ́lali)

(boste bilȉ dẹ́lali) (boste bȋli dẹ́lali) (bote bilȋ dẹ́lali) (bote bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bote bȋli dẹ́lali) (bodete bilȋ dẹ́lali) (bodete bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bodete bȋli dẹ́lali)

(bodo bilȋ dẹ́lali)

(bodo bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bodo bȋli dẹ́lali) (bojo bilȋ dẹ́lali) (bojo bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bojo bȋli dẹ́lali) (bodejo bilȋ dẹ́lali) (bodejo bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bodejo bȋli dẹ́lali)

f. (bom bilȁ dẹ̄lala)

(bom bȋla dẹ̄lala) (bodem bilȁ dẹ̄lala) (bodem bȋla dẹ̄lala)

(boš bilȁ dẹ̄lala)

(boš bȋla dẹ̄lala) (bodeš bilȁ dẹ̄lala) (bodeš bȋla dẹ̄lala)

(bo bilȁ dẹ̄lala)

(bo bȋla dẹ̄lala) (bode bilȁ dẹ̄lala) (bode bȋla dẹ̄lala)

(bova bilȉ dẹ́lali)

(bova bȋli dẹ́lali) (bodeva bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bodeva bȋli dẹ́lali)

(bosta bilȉ dẹ́lali)

(bosta bȋli dẹ́lali) (bota bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bota bȋli dẹ́lali) (bodeta bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bodeta bȋli dẹ́lali)

(bosta bilȉ dẹ́lali)

(bosta bȋli dẹ́lali) (bota bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bota bȋli dẹ́lali) (bodeta bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bodeta bȋli dẹ́lali)

(bomo bilȅ dẹ́lale)

(bomo bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale) (bomo bȋle dẹ́lale) (bodemo bilȅ dẹ́lale) (bodemo bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale) (bodemo bȋle dẹ́lale)

(boste bilȅ dẹ́lale)

(boste bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale) (boste bȋle dẹ́lale) (bote bilȅ dẹ́lale) (bote bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale) (bote bȋle dẹ́lale) (bodete bilȅ dẹ́lale) (bodete bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale) (bodete bȋle dẹ́lale)

(bodo bilȅ dẹ́lale)

(bodo bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale) (bodo bȋle dẹ́lale) (bojo bilȅ dẹ́lale) (bojo bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale) (bojo bȋle dẹ́lale) (bodo bilȅ dẹ́lale) (bodejo bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale) (bodejo bȋle dẹ́lale)

n. (bom bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo)

(bom bilȍ dẹ́lalo) (bom bȋlo dẹ́lalo) (bodem bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo) (bodem bilȍ dẹ́lalo) (bodem bȋlo dẹ́lalo)

(boš bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo)

(boš bilȍ dẹ́lalo) (boš bȋlo dẹ́lalo) (bodeš bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo) (bodeš bilȍ dẹ́lalo) (bodeš bȋlo dẹ́lalo)

(bo bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo)

(bo bilȍ dẹ́lalo) (bo bȋlo dẹ́lalo) (bode bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo) (bode bilȍ dẹ́lalo) (bode bȋlo dẹ́lalo)

(bova bilȉ dẹ́lali)

(bova bȋli dẹ́lali) (bodeva bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bodeva bȋli dẹ́lali)

(bosta bilȉ dẹ́lali)

(bosta bȋli dẹ́lali) (bota bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bota bȋli dẹ́lali) (bodeta bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bodeta bȋli dẹ́lali)

(bosta bilȉ dẹ́lali)

(bosta bȋli dẹ́lali) (bota bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bota bȋli dẹ́lali) (bodeta bilȉ dẹ́lali) (bodeta bȋli dẹ́lali)

(bomo bilȁ dẹ́lala)

(bomo bȋla dẹ́lala) (bodemo bilȁ dẹ́lala) (bodemo bȋla dẹ́lala)

(boste bilȁ dẹ́lala)

(boste bȋla dẹ́lala) (bote bilȁ dẹ́lala) (bote bȋla dẹ́lala) (bodete bilȁ dẹ́lala) (bodete bȋla dẹ́lala)

(bodo bilȁ dẹ́lala)

(bodo bȋla dẹ́lala) (bojo bilȁ dẹ́lala) (bojo bȋla dẹ́lala) (bodejo bilȁ dẹ́lala) (bodejo bȋla dẹ́lala)

Present hortative naj dẹ̑lam naj dẹ̑laš naj dẹ̑la naj dẹ̑lava naj dẹ̑lata naj dẹ̑lata naj dẹ̑lamo naj dẹ̑late naj dẹ̑lajo
Past hortative m. naj sem dẹ́lał naj si dẹ́lał naj je dẹ́lał naj sva dẹ́lala naj sta dẹ́lala naj sta dẹ́lala naj smo dẹ́lali naj ste dẹ́lali naj so dẹ́lali
f. naj sem dẹ̄lala naj si dẹ̄lala naj je dẹ̄lala naj sva dẹ́lali naj sta dẹ́lali naj sta dẹ́lali naj smo dẹ́lale naj ste dẹ́lale naj so dẹ́lale
n. naj sem dẹ́lalo naj si dẹ́lalo naj je dẹ́lalo naj sva dẹ́lali naj sta dẹ́lali naj sta dẹ́lali naj smo dẹ́lala naj ste dẹ́lala naj so dẹ́lala
Future hortative m. naj bom dẹ́lał

naj bodem dẹ́lał

naj boš dẹ́lał

naj bodeš dẹ́lał

naj bo dẹ́lał

naj bode dẹ̑lał

naj bova dẹ́lala

naj bodeva dẹ́lala

naj bosta dẹ́lala

naj bodeta dẹ́lala

naj bota dẹ́lala

naj bosta dẹ́lala

naj bodeta dẹ́lala

naj bota dẹ́lala

naj bomo dẹ́lali

naj bodemo dẹ́lali

naj boste dẹ́lali

naj bodete dẹ́lali

naj bote dẹ̑lali

naj bodo dẹ́lali

naj bojo dẹ́lali

naj bodete dẹ́lali

f. naj bom dẹ̄lala

naj bodem dẹ̄lala

naj boš dẹ̄lala

naj bodeš dẹ̄lala

naj bo dẹ̄lala

naj bode dẹ̄lala

naj bova dẹ́lali

naj bodeva dẹ́lali

naj bosta dẹ́lali

naj bodeta dẹ́lali

naj bota dẹ́lali

naj bosta dẹ́lali

naj bodeta dẹ́lali

naj bota dẹ́lali

naj bomo dẹ́lale

naj bodemo dẹ́lale

naj boste dẹ́lale

naj bodete dẹ́lale

naj bote dẹ́lale

naj bodo dẹ́lale

naj bojo dẹ́lale

naj bodejo dẹ́lale

n. naj bom dẹ́lalo

naj bodem dẹ́lalo

naj boš dẹ́lalo

naj bodeš dẹ́lalo

naj bo dẹ́lalo

naj bode dẹ́lalo

naj bova dẹ́lali

naj bodeva dẹ́lali

naj bosta dẹ́lali

naj bodeta dẹ́lali

naj bota dẹ́lali

naj bosta dẹ́lali

naj bodeta dẹ́lali

naj bota dẹ́lali

naj bomo dẹ́lala

naj bodemo dẹ́lala

naj boste dẹ́lala

naj bodete dẹ́lala

naj bote dẹ́lala

naj bodo dẹ́lala

naj bojo dẹ́lala

naj bodejo dẹ́lala



m. naj sem bȉł dẹ́lał naj si bȉł dẹ́lał naj je bȉł dẹ́lał naj sva bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj sva bȋla dẹ́lala

naj sta bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj sta bȋla dẹ́lala

naj sta bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj sta bȋla dẹ́lala

naj smo bilȋ dẹ́lali

naj smo bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj smo bȋli dẹ́lali

naj ste bilȋ dẹ́lali

naj ste bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj ste bȋli dẹ́lali

naj so bilȋ dẹ́lali

naj so bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj so bȋli dẹ́lali

f. naj sem bilȁ dẹ̄lala

naj sem bȋla dẹ̄lala

naj si bilȁ dẹ̄lala

naj si bȋla dẹ̄lala

naj je bilȁ dẹ̄lala

naj je bȋla dẹ̄lala

naj sva bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj sva bȋli dẹ́lali

naj sta bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj sta bȋli dẹ́lali

naj sta bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj sta bȋli dẹ́lali

naj smo bilȅ dẹ́lale

naj smo bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale

naj smo bȋle dẹ́lale

naj ste bilȅ dẹ́lale

naj ste bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale

naj ste bȋle dẹ́lale

naj so bilȅ dẹ́lale

naj so bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale

naj so bȋle dẹ́lale

n. naj sem bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

naj sem bilȍ dẹ́lalo

naj sem bȋlo dẹ́lalo

naj si bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

naj si bilȍ dẹ́lalo

naj si bȋlo dẹ́lalo

naj je bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

naj je bilȍ dẹ́lalo

naj je bȋlo dẹ́lalo

naj sva bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj sva bȋli dẹ́lali

naj sta bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj sta bȋli dẹ́lali

naj sta bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj sta bȋli dẹ́lali

naj smo bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj smo bȋla dẹ́lala

naj ste bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj ste bȋla dẹ́lala

naj so bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj so bȋla dẹ́lala



m. naj bi dẹ́lał naj bi dẹ́lał naj bi dẹ́lał naj bi dẹ́lala naj bi dẹ́lala naj bi dẹ́lala naj bi dẹ́lali naj bi dẹ́lali naj bi dẹ́lali
f. naj bi dẹ̄lala naj bi dẹ̄lala naj bi dẹ̄lala naj bi dẹ́lali naj bi dẹ́lali naj bi dẹ́lali naj bi dẹ́lale naj bi dẹ́lale naj bi dẹ́lale
n. naj bi dẹ́lalo naj bi dẹ́lalo naj bi dẹ́lalo naj bi dẹ́lali naj bi dẹ́lali naj bi dẹ́lali naj bi dẹ́lala naj bi dẹ́lala naj bi dẹ́lala
Past optative m. naj bi bȉł dẹ́lał naj bi bȉł dẹ́lał naj bi bȉł dẹ́lał naj bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj bi bȋla dẹ́lala

naj bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj bi bȋla dẹ́lala

naj bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj bi bȋla dẹ́lala

naj bi bilȋ dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj bi bȋli dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȋ dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj bi bȋli dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȋ dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj bi bȋli dẹ́lali

f. naj bi bilȁ dẹ̄lala

naj bi bȋla dẹ̄lala

naj bi bilȁ dẹ̄lala

naj bi bȋla dẹ̄lala

naj bi bilȁ dẹ̄lala

naj bi bȋla dẹ̄lala

naj bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj bi bȋli dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj bi bȋli dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj bi bȋli dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȅ dẹ́lale

naj bi bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale

naj bi bȋle dẹ́lale

naj bi bilȅ dẹ́lale

naj bi bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale

naj bi bȋle dẹ́lale

naj bi bilȅ dẹ́lale

naj bi bilẹ̑ dẹ́lale

naj bi bȋle dẹ́lale

n. naj bi bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

naj bi bilȍ dẹ́lalo

naj bi bȋlo dẹ́lalo

naj bi bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

naj bi bilȍ dẹ́lalo

naj bi bȋlo dẹ́lalo

naj bi bilọ̑ dẹ́lalo

naj bi bilȍ dẹ́lalo

naj bi bȋlo dẹ́lalo

naj bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj bi bȋli dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj bi bȋli dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȉ dẹ́lali

naj bi bȋli dẹ́lali

naj bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj bi bȋla dẹ́lala

naj bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj bi bȋla dẹ́lala

naj bi bilȁ dẹ́lala

naj bi bȋla dẹ́lala

Infinitive Long dẹ́lati
Short dẹ́lat
Supine dẹ́lat
True gerund dẹ́lanje
Objetified gerund
Č-participle m. delajọ̄č


delajọ́ča delajọ́či
f. delajọ́ča delajọ́či delajọ́če
n. delajọ́če delajọ́či delajọ́ča
adv. delajọ́č
E-participle adv. delȃje
L-participle m. dẹ́lal dẹ́lala dẹ́lali
f. dẹ̄lala dẹ́lali dẹ́lale
n. dẹ́lalo dẹ́lali dẹ́lala
Š-participle m.
N-participle m. dẹ̑lan dẹ̑lana dẹ̑lani
f. dẹ̑lana dẹ̑lani dẹ̑lane
n. dẹ̑lano dẹ̑lani dẹ̑lana




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