Wateler Peace Prize

Wateler Peace Prize
Wateler Peace Prize. The building on the image is the Peace Palace in The Hague. Translation from Latin of “Pacis Palmae Digniores Quam Tropaea Belli”: The Palms of Peace are More Honorable than the Trophies of War.

The Wateler Peace Prize is awarded annually by the Dutch Carnegie Foundation and is named for J.G.D. Wateler who, upon his death on 22 July 1927 "bequeathed his estate to the Dutch State, under the proviso that the annual revenue accruing from it should be expended upon the awarding of a prize to those who have made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace."[1]


1931 Union Internationale des Associations pour la Société des Nations, Brussels
1932 Vereeniging voor Volkenbond en Vrede, The Hague
1933 Mr. Arthur Henderson
1934 Afdeeling Nederland van den Wereldbond voor Internationale Vriendschap door de Kerken
1935 Radio-Omroepdienst van den Volkenbond, Geneva
1936 Haagsche Academie voor Internationaal Recht
1937 The Right Hon. Lord Baden-Powell
1938 Nederlandsche Jeugd-Herberg Centrale; Oecomenische Vereeniging in Nederland
1939 American Friends' Service Committee, Philadelphia; Friends' Service Council, London
1948 H.Ch.G.J. van der Mandere, Wassenaar
1949 World Council of Churches, Geneva
1950 Haagsche Academie voor Internationaal Recht
1951 Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales à Genève
1952 His Excellency Mr. D.U. Stikker
1953 M. Jean Monnet, Paris
1954 Nederlandse Raad der Europese Beweging, The Hague
1955 Sir Anthony Eden, London
1956 Mr. G.J. van Heuven Goedhart
1957 UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)
1958 Dr. A. Pelt
1959 Count Moens de Fernig, Brussels
1960 Stichting Opbouwfonds Jeugdherbergen
1961 Mlle Marguérite Nobs, Geneva
1962 Dr. W.A. Visser 't Hooft
1963 Dag Hammarskjøld Minnesfond, Stockholm
1964 Jongeren Vrijwilligers Programma
1965 World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), Geneva
1966 Eduard van Beinum Stichting, Breukelen
1967 La Communauté de Taizé, France
1968 Interkerkelijk Overleg in Radio Aangelegenheden (I.K.O.R.), special t.b.v. de Commissie voor de Wilde Ganzen Omroep
1969 Mrs. Martin Luther King, U.S.A.
1970 Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht, Utrecht
1971 International Social Service, Headquarters, Geneva
1972 Prof. Dr. B.V.A. Röling, Groningen
1973 Mrs. Alva Myrdal, Stockholm
1974 Dr. Ir. A.H. Boerma (F.A.O.)
1975 Dr. H.A. Kissinger, Washington
1976 Drs. M. Kohnstamm, Rome
1977 H.E. Dr. Manfred Lachs, Former President and Judge of the International Court of Justice, The Hague
1980 Leger des Heils, The Netherlands
1981 Danny Kaye, U.S.A
1982 Mr. Cornelis Brouwer, Representative of the High Commissioner for Refugees, The Hague
1983 Prof. Dr. H. Gmeiner, SOS Children's Villages International, Austria
1984 Dr. J.H. van Roijen, Former Foreign Minister and Ambassador of the Netherlands
1985 International Commission of Jurists, Geneva
1986 UNIFIL Detachment, Schaarsbergen
1986 Dr. Verghese Kurien, Chairman of National Dairy, India, known as the "Father of the White Revolution"
1987 De Stichting Nederlandse Gehandicaptenraad, Utrecht
1988 Sir Brian Urquhart, Former Under-Secretary-General U.N.O.
1989 Artsen zonder grenzen Nederland (MSF the Netherlands/Médécins sans frontières Pays-Bas)
1990 Prof. Dr Jiří Hájek, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
1991 The City of Leyden, The Netherlands
1992 Wilhelm Huber, SOS - Kinderdorpen International
1993 Dr Krijn, his wife Mrs. Krijn-van Goudoever and their child (posthumously)
1994 The Jewish Cultural and Humanitarian Society “La Benevolencia Sarajevo”
1995 M. van der Stoel
1996 Ambassador Rolf Ekéus
1997 Ambassador J. Ramaker
1998 Permanent Court of Arbitration
1999 Het Liliane Fonds
2000/01 The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
2004 Theo van Boven
2006 Javier Solana
2008 Patrick Cammaert
2010 Peace One Day and its founder Jeremy Gilley[2]
2012 War Child
2014 Lakhdar Brahimi
2016 Sigrid Kaag
2018 Rudi Vranckx
2022 Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue

See also



  2. ^ "Carnegie Wateler Peace Prize 2010 | Peace Palace". 20 September 2010.