Wolfgang Partsch

Wolfgang Partsch (born August 29, 1945) is an Austrian pioneer in the domain of supply chain management (SCM). As an author of various standard works[1] he gained wide international recognition.

Education and career


Wolfgang Partsch was awarded PhD in physics in 1970 by the University of Vienna with a thesis on the exploration of natural resources.[2] In 1979, the German monthly business magazine “Manager Magazin” published an article where Partsch described a supply chain concept explaining that efficiency could be achieved considering the interdependency among all areas of a company.[3] Subsequently, he joined Booz Allen & Hamilton and was part of the team that, led by Keith Oliver, developed the first official Supply Chain concept and coined the term. By that time, Partsch was the leading manager in a Supply Chain implementation project for Landis+Gyr in Switzerland. The results of this project were published in Germany's leading economic magazine “WirtschaftsWoche",[4][5] being the first time that an implemented project case under the term “Supply Chain Management” appeared in print in a newspaper as has been recognized by the CSCMP.

In 1983 he founded the first company worldwide specialized in SCM. In the following years he has held various consulting roles for international companies like Volkswagen, Aventis, Nestle and Coca-Cola.[6]

During the 80s and 90s he became a person of reference in the Supply Chain Management arena mainly in German speaking countries.[7][8][9][10] From 1995 to 1999 he led the Supply Chain Consulting practice of Ernst & Young as Chairman of the Global Supply Chain Network.

Since 2000 he has been active as a senior executive and trusted advisor for the boards of global industrial and trading companies. His experience is also used by some Supply Chain Consulting firms including mSE Solutions.


  1. ^ Partsch, Wolfgang, Gene Tyndall et al. (1998): Supercharging Supply Chains. New Ways to Increase Value Through Global Operational Excellence. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0471254379. [Japanese translation ISBN 4-478-37271-3]
  2. ^ "Founder of Supply Chain Management". Dr. Partsch & Partner. Retrieved September 24, 2019.
  3. ^ "Rechtzeitig den Erfolg gesichert". Manager Magazin, June/1979
  4. ^ Sood, Vivek, Wolfgang Partsch & Lin Giralt (2015): Unchain your Corporation. From Supply Chains to B2B Networks, Global Supply Chain Group. pp. 75–77.
  5. ^ "CSCMP Supply Chain Timeline in video celebrating 50 years history of CSCMP". YouTube.
  6. ^ "Dr. Wolfgang Partsch. Co-inventor of Supply Chain Management". Global Supply Chain Group. Retrieved September 24, 2019.
  7. ^ Germany's automotive companies went through a big re-engineering-phase, Manager Magazine, August 1995
  8. ^ Ein Chemieunternehmen Restrukturiert seine Logistik, Material Management Magazine, July/August 1989
  9. ^ Interview der Woche: Dr. Wolfgang Partsch. EcoJournal – Wochenmagazin für Wirtschaft, Management, Marketing. January/1989
  10. ^ Den Brexit-Sturm überstehen, Handels Journal, January 2020, https://www.handelsjournal.de/unternehmen/logistik/artikel-2020/den-brexit-sturm-ueberstehen.html