Política de la etiqueta de precios , la enciclopedia libre

En Israel, la política de la etiqueta de precios (en inglés: Price tag policy) es el nombre que habitualmente se utiliza en los medios de comunicación israelíes, para informar sobre los actos de vandalismo cometidos por jóvenes colonos fundamentalistas judíos, dirigidos contra la población de Palestina, cristianos, judíos israelíes de izquierda, ciudadanos árabes de Israel, e incluso contra las Fuerzas de Seguridad de Israel.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

Según el diario estadounidense The New York Times, los jóvenes afirman que los ciudadanos palestinos locales y las fuerzas de seguridad israelíes, deben pagar un precio por cualquier acción realizada en contra de los asentamientos. Los actos de vandalismo y sabotaje de los jóvenes colonos sionistas judíos, también se consideran como una táctica, una estrategia, una doctrina, y una campaña de terrorismo contra los ciudadanos de los territorios ocupados palestinos.[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]

El término «política de etiqueta de precio», ahora se extiende a los actos de vandalismo israelí, y especialmente a los actos de vandalismo antiárabe. Se sospecha que estos actos son la obra de individuos solitarios o de pequeños grupos radicalizados. Estos actúan contra el Ejército israelí y contra la Policía Civil Palestina, así como contra los lugares de culto cristianos y musulmanes, y también contra los partidos políticos de izquierda que critican a los colonos israelíes.[17][18][19][20]

En mayo de 2014, el servicio secreto israelí, el Shin Bet, dijo que los crímenes de odio y la «política de la etiqueta de precio» eran la obra de unas 100 personas provenientes principalmente del asentamiento israelí de Yitzhar y de otros puestos avanzados ubicados en las cimas de las colinas, y se inspiraron en las ideas del Rabino Yitzchak Ginsburgh.[21]

Ron Ben-Tovim, explica que la comparación de estos actos con una etiqueta de supermercado, y el uso de este término es un eufemismo, ya que los actos violentos cometidos por los colonos son incorrectos. Estas acciones vandálicas tienen como objetivo inculcar el miedo en los corazones de los palestinos. La «política de la etiqueta de precios», es una forma de terrorismo contra el pueblo palestino. Si bien en los medios de comunicación israelíes es habitual calificar todos los actos perpetrados por los palestinos contra los judíos israelíes como una forma de terrorismo, esos mismos medios usan otro término: «la política de la etiqueta de precios», para definir los actos de violencia cometidos por los colonos judíos contra los palestinos. El objetivo de los colonos israelíes, es enviar un mensaje al gobierno israelí y asustar a sus víctimas, los ciudadanos palestinos.[22]


  1. Amos N. Guiora, Tolerating Intolerance: The Price of Protecting Extremism, Oxford University Press, 2014 p.107.
  2. Nir Hasson, ‘Jerusalem Christians are latest targets in recent spate of 'price tag' attacks,’ at Haaretz, 21 February 2012.
  3. Nir Hasson/Associated Press, 'Monastery near Jerusalem defaced in suspected 'price tag' attack,' at Haaretz 21 August 2013.’ Jewish extremists originally used the term “price tag” to describe vandalism and violence that targeted Israelis as well as Palestinians and was aimed at preventing or avenging evacuations of West Bank settlers.’
  4. Joshua Mitnick, ‘Mosque is torched in Israel,’ in Wall Street Journal, 4 October 2011.'Vandals scrawled "price tag" in Hebrew on a wall outside the mosque, referring to a campaign of retribution by fundamentalist Israeli youths against Palestinians in the West Bank..'
  5. Oz Rosenberg, 'Home of Israeli left-wing activist defaced in latest 'price tag' act,' in Haaretz, 12 September 2011.
  6. Dale Gavlak, 'Price Tag' Israeli Extremists Target Christians,' Christianity Today 13 May 2014
  7. Yifa Yaakov, 'Arab Israeli complains of Galilee price tag attack,' The Times of Israel 21 April 2014,
  8. B'tselem, Background on violence by settlers,' 2011:'In recent years, settlers have carried out violent acts under the slogan "price tag." These are acts of random violence aimed at the Palestinian population and Israel Defense Forces and Israeli police.'
  9. Isabel Kershner, Mosque Set on Fire in Northern Israel, at New York Times, 3 October 2011:'The attack followed a series of similar assaults on mosques in the West Bank by arsonists suspected of being radical settlers as part of a campaign known as "price tag," which seeks to exact a price from local Palestinians for violence against settlers or from Israeli security forces for taking action against illegal construction in Jewish outposts in the West Bank.'
  10. Uri Friedman, The 'Price Tag' Menace: Vigilante Israeli Settler Attacks Spread Archivado el 6 de junio de 2013 en Wayback Machine., at The Atlantic Wire, 3 October 2011:'The New York Times defines price tag attacks as incidents in which radical Jewish settlers "exact a price from local Palestinians or from the Israeli security forces for any action taken against their settlement enterprise".'
  11. Ben Schott, 'Schott's Vocab: A Miscellany of Modern Words & Phrases,' in New York Times, 1 June 2011.
  12. David Khalfa, 'After the Gaza Withdrawal: The Settler’s Struggle Over the Meaning of the Israeli National Identity,’ in Elisabeth Marteu (ed.) Civil Organizations and Protest Movements in Israel: Mobilisation around the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Palgrave Macmillan 2009 pp.27-51 p.42: These radical settlers, about a few hundred people, launched a new tactic called euphemistically “price tag”.'
  13. United Nations Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations General Assembly 65th Session,Supplement No.35 2010 p.10)
  14. Daniel Byman A High Price: The Triumphs and Failures of Israeli Counterterrorism, Oxford University Press/Saban Center, Brookings Institution, 2011 p.290: ‘Radicals espouse a “price tag” doctrine.'
  15. Miriam Fendius Elman, Oded Haklai, Hendrik Spruyt ‘Democracy and Peacemaking in Protracted Conflicts:The Israeli Case,’ Miriam Fendius Elman, Oded Haklai, Hendrik Spruyt (eds.) Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel's Peacemaking, Syracuse University Press, 2014 pp.1-26, pp.16-17 n,16: ‘settlement supports have been successful in recent years by threatening violent resistance to settlement dismantlement and by resorting to vigilante tactics to prevent further disengagement (e.g., the “price tag campaign” whereby attempts to evacuate illegal settlements have been met with the destruction of Palestinian property and the targeting of Palestinian civilians.)’
  16. Michael Karpin, Imperfect Compromise: A New Consensus Among Israelis and Palestinians, Potamac Books, 2013 p.26.
  17. Eli Ashkenazi,'Vandals scrawl 'Death to Arabs' on window of Druze business in northern Israel,' Haaretz 7 May 2014.
  18. Nir Hasson,  ‘Jerusalem Christians are latest targets in recent spate of 'price tag' attacks,’ at Haaretz, 21 February 2012.‘The attack on the Narkis Street Baptist Congregation marks the latest in a series of price tag attacks that have targeted Muslim, Christian and left-wing institutions in the capital over the last two months. But police believe most of the vandalism is not the work of an organized group; rather, they say, the spray-painted slogans are largely copycat actions carried out by lone individuals. The original price tag attacks, in contrast, were thought to be the work of a group of settlers seeking to set a "price tag" on house demolitions in the settlements via retaliatory attacks on Palestinians and/or Israeli soldiers. ‘
  19. Nir Hasson/Associated Press,  'Monastery near Jerusalem defaced in suspected 'price tag' attack,' at Haaretz 21 August 2013.‘Dr. Gadi Gvaryahu, Chairman of the Bright Tag organization working to deter violent “price tag” attacks against Palestinians, said in of the attack: “The violation of the monastery is directly linked to attacks against over twenty Christian and Muslim places of worship in the last three years. The attackers seek to cause unrest between the various religions in Israel and bring about bloodshed”.’
  20. Ahiya Raved, 'Fire heavily damages Church of Loaves and Fishes on Sea of Galilee,' Ynet 18 June 2015. According to Rabbis for Human Rights states that 43 such hate crime attacks have been made against churches, mosques and monasteries in Israel, the West Bank and East Jerusalem since 2009.
  21. Amos Harel, Revital Hovel, Jack Khoury,'Security sources: 100 followers of racist rabbi are behind hate crimes,' Haaretz 8 May 2014.
  22. Ron Ben-Tovim 'Stop Calling Hate Crimes 'price Tag Attacks' It's Offensive,' Haaretz 5 August 2015.