Joachim Meyer

Joachim Meyer (Basilea, 1537Strasburgo, 24 febbraio 1571) è stato un maestro di scherma svizzero.

Fu autore, sull'argomento, di un celebre trattato noto come Gründtliche Beschreibung der kunst des Fechten.

    • Dupuis, Olivier. (2006). "Joachim Meyer, escrimeur libre, bourgeois de Strasbourg (1537?-1571)." Maîtres & Techniques de Combat à la fin du Moyen Age et au Début de la Renaissance: 107-120. Ed. by Fabrice Cognot. Paris: Association pous l'Edition et la Diffusion des Études Historiques. ISBN 2-907594-10-9.
    • Dupuis, Olivier. Joachim Meyer, free fencer, citizen of Strassburg (?1537-1571) [trans. by J.L. Forgeng], in Jeffrey L. Forgeng The Art of the Sword combat, a 1568 German Treatise on Swordmanship (London: Front Line, 2016, pp. 171-190). ISBN 1473876753
    • Forgeng, Jeffrey L. Introduction in The Art of the Sword combat, a 1568 German Treatise on Swordmanship (London: Front Line, 2016, pp. 2-7). ISBN 1473876753
    • Mondschein, Ken; Dupuis, Olivier. Martial Sport, and Urban Culture in Early Modern Germany: The Case of Strasbourg, in Journal of Medieval Military History, Vol. 17, The Boydell Press, 2019, pp. 237–57. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvb4bv8d.10
    • VanSlambrouck, Christopher. Meÿer source transcripts & translation (2021). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11834.06085
    • Dupuis, Olivier. A new manuscript of Joachim Meyer (1561), in Acta Periodica Duellatorum, Vol.9-1 (2021).
    • Norling, Roger. Joachim Meyer and His World, in Foundational Description of the Art of Fencing (Reading Edition). Medford: HEMA Bookshelf, 2023. ISBN 978-1-953683-35-9
    • VanSlambrouck, Christopher. The Brief Life and Times of Joachim Meyer, in (vol 1 of 2) Foundational Description of the Art of Fencing (Reference Edition). Medford: HEMA Bookshelf, 2023. ISBN 978-1-953683-30-4

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