John Timbs

John Timbs

John Timbs, noto anche con lo pseudonimo di Horace Welby (Clerkenwell, 17 agosto 1801Edenbridge, 6 marzo 1875), è stato uno scrittore, editore e antiquario inglese. [1]

Timbs è nato nel 1801 a Clerkenwell, Londra, e ha studiato in una scuola privata a Hemel Hempstead. Nel suo sedicesimo anno fu apprendista di un droghiere e tipografo a Dorking. Aveva mostrato presto capacità letterarie e, quando ebbe diciannove anni, iniziò a scrivere per il The Monthly Magazine. Un anno dopo divenne segretario di Sir Richard Phillips, il suo titolare, e adottò permanentemente la letteratura come professione.

È stato successivamente redattore di The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, il Harlequin, The Literary World e viceredattore di The Illustrated London News. È stato anche fondatore e primo redattore del Yearbook of facts in Science and Art. Le sue opere pubblicate ammontano a più di centocinquanta volumi. Nel 1834 fu eletto membro della Society of Antiquaries of London.

Timbs morì il 6 marzo 1875 e fu sepolto nel cimitero di San Pietro e San Paolo, Edenbridge, nel Kent.

Alcune di queste opere sono state pubblicate con lo pseudonimo di Horace Welby. Le sue opere continuarono ad essere rieditate e ripubblicate anche dopo la sua morte.

Opere letterarie

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  • A picturesque promenade round Dorking, in surrey, 1822
  • Signs before death, and authenticated apparitions: in 100 narratives, collected by Horace Welby, 1825
  • Laconics, 1826
  • Arcana of science and art: or, an annual register of useful inventions and improvements, discoveries and new facts, in mechanics, chemistry, natural history, and social economy, 1828
  • Cameleon sketches, 1828
  • Table-wit, and after-dinner anecdote, 1840
  • A manual of cage birds, british and foreign: with directions for breeding, rearing and keeping them, 1847
  • Wellingtonia: anecdotes, maxims and characteristics of the duke of Wellington, 1852
  • Curiosities of London, 1855
  • Things not generally known, 1856
  • Curiosities of history, 1857[2]
  • Curiosities of science ...: a book for old and young, 1858
  • School-days of eminent men, 1858
  • Painting popularly explained: including fresco, oil, tempera, mosaic, encaustic, water-colour, miniature, missal, painting on pottery, porcelain, enamel, glass, &c., with historical sketches of the progress of the art, 1859
  • Things not generally known, familiarly explained, 1859
  • Anecdote lives of William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, Henry Fuseli, Sir Thomas Lawrence and J.M.W. Turner, 1860
  • Stories of inventors and discoverers in science and the useful arts, 1860
  • Mysteries of life, death, and futurity, 1861
  • Anecdote lives of wits and humourists, 1862
  • Anecdote lives of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and Edmund Burke, 1862
  • Notabilia: or, curious and amusing facts about many things, explained and illustrated, 1862
  • Popular errors explained and illustrated, 1862
  • Things to be remembered in daily life, 1863
  • A century of anecdote from 1760 to 1860, 1864
  • Knowledge for the time, 1864
  • The romance of London, 1865
  • Club life of London, 1866
  • English Eccentrics and Eccentricities, 1866
  • Something for everybody; and a garland for the year, 1866
  • Strange stories of the animal world: a book of curious contributions to natural history, 1866
  • Nooks and corners of english life, past and present, 1867
  • Historic ninepins: a book of curiosities, where old and young may read strange matters, 1868
  • London and Westminster: city and suburb, 1868
  • Ancestral stories and traditions of great families, 1869
  • Mountain adventures in the various countries of the world, 1869
  • Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of England and Wales, 1870
  • Wonderful inventions: from the mariner's compass to the electric telegraph cable, 1870
  • Clubs and club life in London, 1872
  • Curiosities of animal and vegetable life, 1872
  • Oddities of history: and strange stories, 1872
  • Thoughts for times and seasons, 1872
  • Doctors and patients: or, anecdotes of the medical world and curiosities of medicine, 1873
  • Anecdotes about Authors, and Artists
  • English eccentrics: portraits of strange characters and oddballs
  • Strange sights and sporting scenes
  • Harlequin. A journal of the drama, dal 1829
  • The Literary World, dal 1839
  • Yearbook of facts in Science and Art, dal 1853
  • The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction
  1. ^ (EN) Hugh Chisholm, Timbs, John, in Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, Volume 26, Cambridge University Press. URL consultato il 15 marzo 2019.
  2. ^ (EN) John Timbs, Curiosities of London, Londra, David Bogue, 1855. URL consultato il 15 marzo 2019.

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