Samuel Hubbard Scudder

Samuel Hubbard Scudder

Samuel Hubbard Scudder (Boston, 13 aprile 183717 maggio 1911) è stato un entomologo e paleontologo statunitense.

  • Butterflies: Their Structure, Changes, and Life Histories (1881)
  • Nomenclator zoologicus - Bulletin of the United States national museum Washington Government printing office, 1882. XIX-340 p. (1882). On line at Gallica [1]
  • Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada (1889)
  • The Fossil Insects of North America (two volumes, 1890)
  • Index to the Known Fossil Insects of the World (1891)
  • Tertiary Rhynchophorous Coleoptera of the United States (1893)
  • The Life of a Butterfly (1893)
  • Revision of the Orthopteran Group Melanopli (1897)
  • Everyday Butterflies (1899)
  • Catalogue of the Described Orthoptera of the United States and Canada (1900)
  • Adephagous and Clavicorn Coleoptera from the Tertiary Deposits at Florissant, Colorado (1900)
  • Index to North American Orthoptera (1901)
Scudder è l'abbreviazione standard utilizzata per le specie animali descritte da Samuel Hubbard Scudder.
Categoria:Taxa classificati da Samuel Hubbard Scudder

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