119 a.C. – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

SÉCULOS: Século III a.C.Século II a.C.Século I a.C.
DÉCADAS: 160 a.C.150 a.C.140 a.C.130 a.C.120 a.C.
110 a.C.100 a.C.90 a.C.80 a.C.70 a.C.60 a.C.
ANOS: 124 a.C.123 a.C.122 a.C.121 a.C.120 a.C.
119 a.C.118 a.C.117 a.C.116 a.C.115 a.C.114 a.C.


  1. George Crabb, Universal Historical Dictionary: Or Explanation of the Names of Persons and Places in the Departments of Biblical, Political and Eccles. History, Mythology, Heraldry, Biography, Bibliography, Geography, and Numismatics, Volume 2 (1833), History of Rome, p.540 [google books]
  2. Nicolas Lenglet Dufresnoy, Chronological Tables of Universal History (1762), Fasti Romani Consulares, p.203
  3. Nicolas Lenglet Dufresnoy, Chronological Tables of Universal History (1762), The Seventh Epocha, Profane, p.57 [google books]
  4. Estela de Lete, na Macedônia, citada por Robert K. Sherk, Rome and the Greek East to the Death of Augustus (1984), p.51 [google books]