Fișier:Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC).JPG

Gaius_Julius_Caesar_(100-44_BC).JPG (371 × 600 pixeli, mărime fișier: 41 KB, tip MIME: image/jpeg)

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Descriere fișier

English: Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE). Source: H. F. Helmolt (ed.): History of the World. New York, 1902. Copied from: University of Texas Library Portrait Gallery.
Italiano: Giulio Cesare (100-44 a.C.) - Busto già facente parte della Collezione Farnese, attualmente nel Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli. Incisione del 1902 da: H. F. Helmolt (a cura di): History of the World. New York, 1902, University of Texas Library Portrait Gallery.
Sursă H. F. Helmolt (ed.): History of the World. New York, 1902 (University of Texas Library Portrait Gallery)
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"Courtesy of The General Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin". (cf:

Public domain This image comes from the Portrait Gallery of the Perry–Castañeda Library of the University of Texas at Austin. According to the collection's title page, the image is in the public domain and no permission is needed to use it.

The Library's Material Usage Statement indicates that it appreciates giving its website credit with the phrase: "Courtesy of the University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin."

Perry-Castañeda Library


bustul lui Caesar

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Data și oraMiniaturăDimensiuniUtilizatorComentariu
actuală19 august 2011 17:09Miniatură pentru versiunea din 19 august 2011 17:09371x600 (41 KB)Martin H.Reverted to version as of 19:55, 13 September 2006. Bad overwriting
19 august 2011 17:00Nicio miniatură444x599 (43 KB)Dä ChronistEinzig authentische Büste, zu Lebzeiten von Cäsar um 44 v.Chr. in Tusculum verfertigt. Wikimedia Portraits. Weitere Quelle:„Julius Caesar“ von Eberhard Horst, Düsseldorf: Claassen 1989, Mitte des Buches - Abbildungen. Alle anderen Darstellungen (mi
13 septembrie 2006 21:55Miniatură pentru versiunea din 13 septembrie 2006 21:55371x600 (41 KB)AndreagrossmannGaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC). Source: H.F. Helmolt (ed.) - History of the World. New York (1902)

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