Fișier:Seal of the Government Of Punjab (Black On White).svg

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Acest fișier se află la Wikimedia Commons. Consultați pagina sa descriptivă acolo.

Descriere fișier

English: This is the Seal of Government of Punjab.
Autor Government of Punjab
(Reutilizarea acestui fișier)
Public domain
This work is in the public domain in India because its term of copyright has expired.

The Indian Copyright Act applies in India to works first published in India. According to the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, as amended up to Act No. 27 of 2012 (Chapter V, Section 25):

  • Anonymous works, photographs, cinematographic works, sound recordings, government works, and works of corporate authorship or of international organizations enter the public domain 60 years after the date on which they were first published, counted from the beginning of the following calendar year (i.e. as of 2025, works published prior to 1 January 1965 are considered public domain).
  • Posthumous works (other than those above) enter the public domain after 60 years from publication date, counted from the beginning of the following calendar year.
  • Any kind of work other than the above enters the public domain 60 years after the author's death (or in the case of a multi-author work, the death of the last surviving author), counted from the beginning of the following calendar year.
  • Text of laws, judicial opinions, and other government reports are free from copyright.
The Indian Copyright Act, 1957 is not retroactive, so any work in which copyright did not subsist when it commenced did not have its copyright restored, and is in the public domain per the Copyright Act 1911.

You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.

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Insignia Această imagine este un steag, o stemă, un sigiliu sau altă insignă oficială. Folosirea acestor simboluri este restricționată în multe țări. Aceste restricții sunt independente de statutul de drept de autor.


Public domain
This work is in the public domain in India because its term of copyright has expired.

The Indian Copyright Act applies in India to works first published in India. According to the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, as amended up to Act No. 27 of 2012 (Chapter V, Section 25):

  • Anonymous works, photographs, cinematographic works, sound recordings, government works, and works of corporate authorship or of international organizations enter the public domain 60 years after the date on which they were first published, counted from the beginning of the following calendar year (i.e. as of 2025, works published prior to 1 January 1965 are considered public domain).
  • Posthumous works (other than those above) enter the public domain after 60 years from publication date, counted from the beginning of the following calendar year.
  • Any kind of work other than the above enters the public domain 60 years after the author's death (or in the case of a multi-author work, the death of the last surviving author), counted from the beginning of the following calendar year.
  • Text of laws, judicial opinions, and other government reports are free from copyright.
The Indian Copyright Act, 1957 is not retroactive, so any work in which copyright did not subsist when it commenced did not have its copyright restored, and is in the public domain per the Copyright Act 1911.

You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.

العربيَّة | বাংলা | Deutsch | English | français | हिन्दी | italiano | 日本語 | ಕನ್ನಡ | македонски | മലയാളം | मराठी | Nederlands | português do Brasil | sicilianu | தமிழ் | ತುಳು | اردو | 繁體中文 | +/−

Insignia Această imagine este un steag, o stemă, un sigiliu sau altă insignă oficială. Folosirea acestor simboluri este restricționată în multe țări. Aceste restricții sunt independente de statutul de drept de autor.


Add a one-line explanation of what this file represents
This is the Seal of Government of Punjab.

Items portrayed in this file

subiectul reprezentat

Emblem of India engleză

Istoricul fișierului

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Data și oraMiniaturăDimensiuniUtilizatorComentariu
actuală27 octombrie 2024 15:22Miniatură pentru versiunea din 27 octombrie 2024 15:221.958x2.330 (751 KB)VeritasVanguardUploaded a work by Government of Punjab from with UploadWizard

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