Lista episoadelor Inazuma Eleven

Mai jos este prezentată lista de episoade ale serialului Inazuma Eleven.

Premiera în România Nr Titlu român Titlu englez
28.05.2012 001 Să jucăm fotbal ! Let’s Play Soccer!
29.05.2012 002 Echipa Royal este aici Royal is Here!
30.05.2012 003 Lovitura mortală Here Comes The Killer Shot!
31.05.2012 004 Iată dragonul The Dragon is Here!
01.06.2012 005 Unde e caietul ? Where’s the Secret Notebook?
04.06.2012 006 Acesta este saltul Inazuma This is the Inazuma Drop!
05.06.2012 007 Spectacol Pe malul râului Showdown at the Riverbank!
06.06.2012 008 Înspăimântătorii fotbaliști roboți The Terryfying Soccer Cyborgs!
07.06.2012 009 Ascensiunea lui Willy Willy Rising!
08.06.2012 010 Spionul de la Royal The Spy From Royal!
11.06.2012 011 Găsiți un nou antrenor! Find A New Coach!
12.06.2012 012 Finala, academia Royal - partea 1 The Finals – Royal Academy – First Half!
13.06.2012 013 Finala, academia Royal - partea a 2-a The Finals – Royal Academy – Second Half!
14.06.2012 014 O Echipă de legendă The Legendary 11!
15.06.2012 015 Asta este! Etapa națională This Is It – The Nationals Tournament!
18.06.2012 016 Fotbal în stil Ninja Soccer – Ninja Style!
19.06.2012 017 Decizia lui Jude Jude’s Decision!
20.06.2012 018 Sparge-ți zidul impenetrabil Break The Unbreakable Wall!
21.06.2012 019 Geniul reîncarnat The Reincarnated Genius!
22.06.2012 020 Triunghiul fatal Z The Killer Triangle Z!
25.06.2012 021 Confruntarea cu echipa școlii Kirkwood The Clash With Kirkwood Jr. High!
26.06.2012 022 În spatele mâinii de zeu Go Beyond The God Hand!
27.06.2012 023 Provocarea unui zeu A Challenge From A God!
28.06.2012 024 Cantonamentul Time For Training Camp!
29.06.2012 025 Bătălia finală The Final Battle!
02.07.2012 026 Zeu contra majin God Vs Majin!
027 Au venit extratereștrii The Aliens are Here!
028 Head Out! Raimon Eleven!!
029 Defeat Them! The Black 11!!
030 Menace! Aliea Academy!!
031 Find the Legendary Striker!
032 The Prince of the Snowfield!
033 Who's the Ace Striker!
034 Clash! Aliea Academy!!
035 Epsilon Attacks!
036 The Hidden Power!
037 Royal Academy Come Back – Part 1!!
038 Royal Academy Come Back – Part 2!!
039 The Last Wyvern Blizzard!
040 Erik! The Greatest Crisis!!
041 Dvalin's Trap!
042 Bitter Fight! The Strongest Evil, Epsilon!!
043 Grandpa's Ultimate Secret Technique!
044 Another Majin The Hand!
045 Seismic! The Strongest Team, Genesis!!
046 The Captain's Trial!
047 Big Duel at the Southern Sea!
048 The Flame Striker!
049 Ride the Beat! Rhythm Soccer!!
050 Howl! The Fist of Justice!!
051 Counterattack! Epsilon Remastered!!
052 The Explosive Flames of Revival!!
053 The Freezing Darkness – Diamond Dust!
054 The Strongest Assist, Byron!
055 Mark – A New Challenge!
056 Showdown! Mark VS Axel!!
057 The Miracle Team! The Chaos!!
058 Explode! Fire Blizzard!!
059 We're Finally Here! Aliea Academy!!
060 Aliea Academy's True Identity!
061 The Last Battle! The Genesis – Part 1!!
062 The Last Battle! The Genesis – Part 2!!
063 The Never-ending Menace!
064 Clash! Raimon VS Raimon!!
065 The Ultimate Secret of Friendship!
066 To the Strongest Team on Earth! Blizzard Arc!!
067 To the Strongest Team on Earth! Fire Arc!!
068 Gather! Japan's Representatives!!
069 Birth! Inazuma Japan!!
070 The Cursed Coach!
071 The Curtain Rises! Our Challenge to the World!!
072 Crest the Big Wave!
073 Warriors of the Scorching Heat! Desert Lion!!
074 Sleeping Tiger! Awaken!!
075 A Serious Match! Mark and Archer!!
076 Replacing Representatives!? The Toughest Challengers!!
077 The Ultimate Face-off! Percival Japan VS Lina Japan!!
078 Camelia's Ultimate Secret Plan!!
079 Axel's Decision!
080 The Last Match
081 Asia's Strongest! Fire Dragon!!
082 The Perfect Tactics! Perfect Zone Press!!
083 Stand Up, Captain!
084 Get It! Our Ticket to the World!!
085 We're Here! The World Tournament!!
086 Shock! This is World Level!!
087 The English Knights! Knights of Queen!!
088 It's Complete! My Own Hissatsu Technique!!
089 Go Beyond Mugen The Hand!
090 Royal's Curse! Part 1!!
091 Royal's Curse! Part 2!!
092 Horror! Another "Jude"!!
093 The Strongest Face-off! Penguins VS Penguins!!
094 The Barricading Fortress
095 Absolute Despair! Inazuma Japan Loses!?
096 Cammy's Secret
097 Erik! The Final Kickoff!!
098 All-out Friendship! Erik VS Mark!!
099 The Phoenix's Determination!
100 Miracle! A Kappa Encounter!?
101 Clash! Tiger and Hawk!!
102 Memories Revived! The Truth about Camelia!!
103 The Finals at Last! Paolo's Determination!!
104 The Strongest Tactics! Catenaccio Counter!!
105 Fierce Fight! Mark VS Paolo!!
106 The Last Playoff! Ray Dark!!
107 Grandpa's Last Notebook!
108 The Legend of Liocott Island!
109 Messengers of the Sky!
110 Hell Army Z!
111 Descent of the Demon Lord! Dark Angel!!
112 The Kingdom's Darkness!
113 Garshield's Plot!
114 Inazuma Japan VS The Kingdom
115 Counterattack of the Soccer Kingdom!
116 Extraordinary! Little Gigant!!
117 Attack! The Ultimate Enhanced Human!!
118 The Fearsome Team Garshield!
119 The Strongest Rival!
120 Paolo's Intense Friendship Training!
121 To Best in the World! The 11 Words!!
122 Inazuma Japan's Last Battle!
123 Championship Finals!! Little Gigant – Part 1
124 Championship Finals!! Little Gigant – Part 2
125 Conclusion at Last! Number One in the World!!
126 The Tearful Graduation Ceremony!
127 The Kickoff Towards Tomorrow!