Сапотекские языки — Википедия

Сапотекские языки
Таксон группа
Статус общепризнана
Ареал Мексика
Число носителей около 441 182[1]
Категория Индейские языки Северной Америки
Ото-мангские языки
57 языков
Коды языковой группы
ISO 639-2 zap
ISO 639-5

Сапотекские языки (Iidxzá, dizá, ditsá, diidxazá, tiits së) — группа родственных языков ото-мангской семьи, происходящая от прото-сапотекского языка, на котором говорили представители Сапотекской цивилизации в эпоху культуры Монте-Альбан.

В состав группы входят сапотекский язык (фактически — диалектный континуум) и чатино. В связи с расплывчатостью термина «сапотекский язык» под ним в западной лингвистике может подразумеваться как весь диалектный континуум (англ. Zapotecan), так и вся языковая группа (англ. Zapotec).

В древности сапотекский язык, по-видимому, пользовался сапотекским письмом. В настоящее время некоторые сапотекские языки пользуются латиницей на основе испанской орфографии, остальные бесписьменны.

Сапотекский алфавит на основе латинского был разработан в 1956 году[2]: a b c ch d dx e g i l m n ñ o p q r s t u hu x xh z y

Список сапотекских языков

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Существует 57 живых сапотекских языков:

Буква МФА Чтение
a a как русское а
е е как русское е
i i как русское и
o o как русское о
u u как русское у
Буква МФА Чтение
b b как русское б
c s, k как к перед а, о, у и как мягкое с перед e, i
ch как русское ч
cu kw как русское ку (как qu в английском слове queen)
d d как русское д
dx как русское дж
g g как русское г
hu w как w в английском слове way
j h как английское h
l l как русское л
m m как русское м
n n как русское н
ñ ny как русское нь
p p как русское п
qu k как русское к (может представить к, как в слове кем)
r r как русское р (может читаться как r в слове run)
s s как русское с
t t как русское t
tz ts как русское ц
x ʒ, ʃ как мягкое французское ж, перед согласной как ш
xh ʃ как русское ш
y j как русское й
z z как русское з
' ʔ гортанная смычка

Сапотекские языки, как, в общем, и остальные ото-мангские, тоновые. Они различаются по количеству контрастных тонов, которые у них есть. К примеру, тексмекуланский сапотекский, который имеет 4 контрастных тона: 3 контурных и 1 уровневый, как показано на рисунке. Эти тоны часто используются для «игры слов».


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  1. Сапотекские языки в Ethnologue. Languages of the World.
  2. Alfabeto popular para la escritura del Zapoteco del Istmo 1956. — la sociedad Pro-Planeación Integral del Istmo, el Consejo de Lenguas Indígenas y El Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, 2006. Архивировано 10 октября 2012 года.


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  • Beam de Azcona, Rosemary G. 2004. A Coatlán-Loxicha Zapotec Grammar. Ph.D. dissertation. University of California, Berkeley.
  • Black, Cheryl A. 2000. Quiegolani Zapotec Syntax: A Principles and Parameters Account. SIL International and University of Texas at Arlington.
  • Broadwell, George A. 2001. Optimal order and pied-piping in San Dionicio Zapotec. in Peter Sells, ed. Formal and Empirical Issues in Optimality Theoretic Syntax, pp. 197–123. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
  • Munro, Pamela, and Felipe H. Lopez, with Olivia V. Méndez [Martínez], Rodrigo Garcia, and Michael R. Galant. 1999. Di’csyonaary X:tèe’n Dìi’zh Sah Sann Lu’uc (San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec Dictionary / Diccionario Zapoteco de San Lucas Quiaviní). Los Angeles: (UCLA) Chicano Studies Research Center Publications.
  • Stubblefield, Morris and Carol Stubblefield. 1991. Diccionario Zapoteco de Mitla. Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, Mexico.

Словари и грамматики

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  • Alleman, Vera Mae, compiler. 1952. Vocabulario zapoteco del Rincón. Mexico City: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.
  • Bartholomew, Doris A. 1983. Grammatica Zapoteca, in Neil Nellis and Jane Goodner Nellis Diccionario Zapoteco de Juarez Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. Mexico.
  • Black, Cheryl A. 2000. Quiegolani Zapotec Syntax: A Principles and Parameters Account. SIL International and University of Texas at Arlington.
  • Briggs, Elinor. 1961. Mitla Zapotec grammar. Mexico City: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano and Centro de Investigaciones Antropológicas de México.
  • Butler, Inez M. 1980. Gramática zapoteca: Zapoteco de Yatzachi el Bajo. Gramáticas de Lenguas Indígenas de México, 4. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.
  • Butler, Inez M., compiler. 1997. Diccionario Zapoteco de Yatzachi: Yatzachi el bajo, Yatzachi el alto, Oaxaca. Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas «Mariano Silva y Aceves», 37. Tucson, AZ: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.
  • Córdova, Fr. Juan de. 1886 [1578a]. Arte del idioma zapoteco. Morelia: Imprenta del Gobierno.
  • Córdova, Fr. Juan de. 1987 [1578b]. Vocabulario en lengua çapoteca. México: Ediciones Toledo (INAH).
  • Junta Colombina de México. 1893. Vocabulario castellano — zapotec. Mexico City : Oficina Tipográfica de la Secretaría de Fomento.
  • Long C., Rebecca & Sofronio Cruz M., compilers. 1999. Diccionario Zapoteco de San Bartolomé Zoogocho Oaxaca. Coyoacán D.F.: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. [1].
  • López, Filemón & Ronaldo Newberg Y. 2005. La conjugación del verbo zapoteco: zapoteco de Yalálag. 2nd ed. Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. [2]* Méndez S., Pedro, compiler, & others. 2004. Diccionario zapoteco; Zapoteco de San Pablo Yaganiza, Oaxaca. Mexico City: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.
  • Munro, Pamela, and Felipe H. Lopez, with Olivia V. Méndez [Martínez], Rodrigo Garcia, and Michael R. Galant. 1999. Di’csyonaary X:tèe’n Dìi’zh Sah Sann Lu’uc (San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec Dictionary / Diccionario Zapoteco de San Lucas Quiaviní). Los Angeles: (UCLA) Chicano Studies Research Center Publications.
  • Nellis, Neil and Jane Goodner Nellis. 1983. Diccionario Zapoteco de Juarez. Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. Mexico.
  • Pickett, Velma B. and others. 1959. Vocabulario zapoteco del Istmo : Castellano zapoteco, zapoteco-castellano. Serie de vocabularios indígenas «Mariano Silva y Aceves», 3. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. [2nd ed., revised and enlarged (1965); republished (1968, 1971)]. Fifth edition (2007) available on-line: [3].
  • Pickett, Velma B., Cheryl A. Black and Vicente Marcial C. 2001. Gramática Popular del Zapoteco del Istmo. 2nd edition. Instituto Lingüístico de Verano; Tucson, Arizona. [Online: http://www.sil.org/mexico/zapoteca/istmo/G023a-GramaticaZapIstmo-ZAI.htm.]
  • Ruegsegger, Manis & Jane Ruegsegger. 1955. Vocabulario zapoteco del dialecto de Miahuatlán del Estado de Oaxaca. Mexico City: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.
  • Sonnenschein, Aaron Huey. 2005. A descriptive grammar of San Bartolomé Zoogocho Zapotec. Munich: Lincom Europa.
  • Stubblefield, Morris and Carol Stubblefield. 1991. Diccionario Zapoteco de Mitla. Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, Mexico.


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  • Avelino, Heriberto. 2004. Topics in Yalálag Zapotec, with particular reference to its phonetic structures. UCLA Ph.D. dissertation.
  • Esposito, Christina M. 2002. Santa Ana del Valle Zapotec Phonation. M.A. thesis, UCLA.
  • Foreman, John. 2006. The Morphosyntax of Subjects in Macuiltianguis Zapotec. Ph.D. Dissertation, UCLA.
  • Galant, Michael R. 1998. Comparative Constructions in Spanish and San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec. Ph.D. Dissertation, UCLA.
  • Gibbs, William P. 1977. Discourse elements in Sierra de Juarez Zapotec. M.A. thesis. University of Texas at Arlington.
  • Heise, Jennifer Lynn. 2003. Participant reference and tracking in San Francisco Ozolotepec Zapotec. M.A. thesis. Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics.
  • Jensen de López, Kristine M. 2002. Baskets and Body-Parts. Ph.D. dissertation, Aarhus University.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 1999. Antisymmetry and the Syntax of San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec. Ph.D. dissertation, UCLA.
  • Lillehaugen, Brook Danielle. 2003. The Categorial Status of Body Part Prepositions in Valley Zapotec. M.A. thesis, UCLA. (online pdf: http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/people/grads/lillehaugen/Lillehaugen%202003.pdf)
  • Lillehaugen, Brook Danielle. 2006. Expressing Location in Tlacolula Valley Zapotec. Ph.d. dissertation, UCLA.
  • MacLaury, Robert E. 1970. Ayoquesco Zapotec: Ethnography, phonology, and lexicon. MA thesis, University of the Americas.
  • Méndez [Martínez], Olivia V. 2000. Code-Switching and the Matrix Language Model in San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec. M.A. thesis, UCLA.
  • Pickett, Velma B. 1959. The grammatical hierarchy of Isthmus Zapotec. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan.
  • Reeck, Roger. 1991. A trilingual dictionary in Zapotec, English and Spanish. MA thesis, Universidad de las Américas-Puebla.
  • Riggs, David B. 1991. A comparative grammar of English for Zapotec speakers (Gramática comparativa inglés-zapoteco). M.A. thesis. Universidad de las Américas.
  • Sonnenschein, Aaron Huey. 2004. A Descriptive Grammar of Zoogocho Zapotec on a Typological Basis. University of Southern California Ph.D. dissertation.

Книги на сапотекских языках

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  • de Feria, Fray Pedo. 1567. Doctrina Christiana en lengua castellana y zapoteca.
  • Jiménez Girón, Eustaquio. 1980. Guía gráfico-fonémica para la escritura y lectura del zapoteco. Juchitán, Oaxaca: Vitoria Yan.
  • Jiménez Jiménez, Enedino & Vicente Marcial Cerqueda. 1997. Neza diidxa': ni gacané binnihuaniisi gu’nda', gucaa ne güi' diidxazá (Vocabulario zapoteco: auxiliar del modelo pedagógico de diálogo cultural y alfabetización). Juchitán, Oaxaca: Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Binnizá.
  • Liga Bíblica, La [Jones, Ted, et al.]. 1995. Xtiidx Dios Cun Ditsa (El Nuevo Testamento en el zapoteco de San Juan Guelavía y en español).
  • Munro, Pamela, Brook Danielle Lillehaugen and Felipe H. Lopez. In preparation. Cali Chiu? A Course in Valley Zapotec. ms.: UCLA / UNAM.
  • Butler, Inez M. 1982. Un relato de la hechicería en los pueblos zapotecos de la sierra en el distrito de Villa Alta. Tlalocan 9: 249-55.
  • Nellis, Donald G. 1979. The old woman and the town authorities: Cajonos Zapotec. In: Linda K. Jones (ed.) Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 2: Texts, 181—208. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington.
  • Olson, Donald. 1970. The earthquake in Ocotlán: Three texts in Zapotec. Tlalocan 6: 229-39.
  • Persons, David. 1979. Rabbit, coyote, and skunk; When people die: Lachixio Zapotec. In: Linda K. Jones (ed.) Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 2: Texts, 211-23. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington.
  • Rendón, Juan José. 1995. El tlacuache y el coyote en zapoteco. In: Juan José Rendón (ed.) Diversificación de las lenguas zapotecas. Mexico City: Instituto Oaxaqueño de las Culturas, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores de Antropología Social.
  • Speck, Charles H., compiler. 1998. Zapotec oral literature; El folklore de San Lorenzo Texmelucan. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
  • Stubblefield, Morris & Carol Stubblefield. 1969. The story of Läy and Gisaj: a Zapotec sun and moon myth. Tlalocan 6: 46-62.
  • Stubblefield, Morris & Carol Stubblefield, compilers. 1994. Mitla Zapotec texts. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics.

Прочие материалы

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Фонетика и фонология

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  • Bickmore, Lee S. and George A. Broadwell. 1998. High tone docking in Sierra Juárez Zapotec. International Journal of American Linguistics, 64:37-67.
  • Jones, Ted E., and Lyle M. Knudson. 1977. «Guelavía Zapotec Phonemes». Studies in Otomanguean Phonology, ed., William R. Merrifield, pp. 163–80. [Dallas/Arlington]: SIL / University of Texas, Arlington.
  • Merrill, Elizabeth D. 2008. Tilquiapan Zapotec. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 38(1): 107—114.
  • Rendón, Juan José. 1970. Notas fonológicas del Zapotec de Tlacochahuaya. Anales de Antropología, vol. 7. Mexico City: UNAM.

Морфология и синтаксис

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  • Broadwell, George A. 2001. Optimal order and pied-piping in San Dionicio Zapotec. in Peter Sells, ed. Formal and Empirical Issues in Optimality Theoretic Syntax, pp. 197–123. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
  • Broadwell, George A. 2005. The morphology of Zapotec pronominal clitics.in Rosemary Beam de Azcona and Mary Paster, eds. Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, Report 13: Conference on Otomanguean and Oaxacan Languages, pp. 15–35. University of California at Berkeley.
  • Butler, Inez M. 1976. «Reflexive constructions of Yatzachi Zapotec.» International Journal of American Linguistics 42: 331-37.
  • Butler, Inez M. 1976. «Verb classification of Yatzachi Zapotec.» SIL Mexico Workpapers 2: 74-84.
  • Earl, Robert. 1968. «Rincon Zapotec clauses.» International Journal of American Linguistics 34: 269-74.
  • Jones, Ted E., and Ann D. Church. 1985. «Personal pronouns in Guelavía Zapotec». S.I.L.-Mexico Workpapers 7: 1-15.
  • Lee, Felicia A. In press. «On the Absence of Quantificational Determiners in San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec.» To appear in L. Matthewson, (ed.) Quantification: Universals and Variation. Elsevier.
  • Lee, Felicia A. n.d. «Modality and the Structure of Tense in Zapotec.» In B. Bruening, (ed.), Proceedings of SCIL 8. Cambridge: MITWPL.
  • Lee, Felicia A. n.d. «Pseudo-quantification in Possessives.» In C. Pye, (ed.), Proceedings of the Mid-America Linguistics Conference. Lawrence: The University of Kansas.
  • Lee, Felicia A. n.d. «Focus and Judgment Type in San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec.» In M. Juge and J. Moxley, (eds.), Proceedings of BLS 23. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistic Society.
  • Lee, Felicia A. n.d. «The Predicational Nature of Clefts: Evidence from Zapotec.» In K. Singer, R. Eggert, and G. Anderson, (eds.), Proceedings of CLS 33. Chicago: The Chicago Linguistic Society.
  • Lee, Felicia A. n.d. «Three Question Markers in San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec.» To appear in Anthropological Linguistics.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 1995. «Aspect, Negation, and Temporal Polarity in Zapotec.» In B. Agbayani and S.-W. Tang, (eds.), Proceedings of WCCFL 15. Stanford: CSLI.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 1996. «Focus in the Future and the Thetic/Categorical Distinction.» In V. Samiian, (ed.), Proceedings of WECOL 96. Fresno: California State University, Fresno.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 1997. «Evidence for Tense in a 'Tenseless' Language.» In P. Tamagi, M. Hirotani, and N. Hall, (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 29. Amherst: GLSA.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 2000. «VP Remnant Movement and VSO in Quiaviní Zapotec.» In A. Carnie and E. Guilfoyle (editors), The Syntax of Verb Initial Languages, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 2000. «Relative Clauses Without Wh-Movement.» In M. Kim and U. Strauss, (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 31. Amherst: GLSA.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 2001. «WH and Focus Are Not the Same Projection.» In K. Megerdoomian and L. Bar-El, (eds.), Proceedings of WCCFL 20. Somerville: Cascadilla Press.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 2001. «Anaphoric R-Expressions: Bound Names as Bound Variables.» In M. Hirotani, (ed.), Proceedings of NELS 32. Amherst: GLSA.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 2002 «Anaphoric R-Expressions as Bound Variables.» Proceedings of BLS 28.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 2003. «Anaphoric R-Expressions as Bound Variables.» Syntax. 6, 1: 84-114. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 2005. «Clause-Fronting and Clause-Typing in San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec.» In Andrew Carnie, Heidi Harley, Sheila Dooley Collberg (eds) Verb First, John Benjamins Publishers, Philadelphia/Amsterdam.
  • Lee, Felicia A. 2006. Remnant Raising and VSO Clausal Architecture: A Case Study from San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec. Springer.
  • Lillehaugen, Brook Danielle. 2003. «The Acquisition of Body Part Prepositions in Valley Zapotec Languages.» Proceedings from the First Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America, (online proceedings https://web.archive.org/web/20070811232145/http://www.ailla.utexas.org/site/cilla1_toc.html), University of Texas, Austin.
  • Lillehaugen, Brook Danielle. 2004. "The Syntactic and Semantic Development of Body Part Prepositions in Valley Zapotec Languages, " pp. 69 – 92, Proceedings from the sixth Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics, vol. 14, Jeanie Castillo (ed.). (pdf online http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/people/grads/lillehaugen/Lillehaugen2003WAIL.pdf)
  • Munro, Pamela. 2002. «Hierarchical Pronouns in Discourse: Third Person Pronouns in San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec Narratives». Southwest Journal of Linguistics 21: 37-66.
  • Lyman, Larry. 1964. The verb syntagmemes of Choapan Zapotec. Linguistics 7: 16-41.
  • Marlett, Stephen A. 1993. Zapotec pronoun classification. International Journal of American Linguistics 59: 82-101.
  • Marlett, Stephen A. & Velma B. Pickett. 1996. El pronombre inaudible en el zapoteco del Istmo. In Zarina Estrada Fernández, Max Figueroa Esteva & Gerardo López Cruz (eds.) III Encuentro de Lingüística en el Noroeste, 119—150. Hermosillo, Sonora: Editorial Unison.
  • Operstein, Natalie. 2002. "Positional Verbs and Relational Nouns in Zaniza Zapotec, " pp. 60–70. Proceedings from the fourth Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics, vol 11.
  • Rojas, Rosa Maria. to appear. «La predicación secundaria en el zapoteco de Santa Ana del Valle, Oax.» por aparecer en Memorias del Primer Coloquio «Leonardo Manrique», México: INAH.
  • Rojas, Rosa Maria. 2001. «La formación de palabras desde el punto de vista del contenido en lenguas zapotecas: la modificación y el desarrollo» en Dimensión Antropológica, vol. 21, 2001.
  • Speck, Charles H. 1994. Texmelucan Zapotec verbs. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session 38: 125-29
  • Speck, Charles H. 1994. The existential use of positional verbs in Texmelucan Zapotec. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session 38: 75-86.
  • Speck, Charles H. & Velma B. Pickett. 1976. Some properties of the Texmelucan Zapotec verbs go, come, and arrive. International Journal of American Linguistics 42: 58-64.
  • Benton, Joseph P. 1987. Clause and sentence-level word order and discourse strategy in Chichicapan Zapotec oral narrative discourse. SIL Mexico Workpapers 9: 72-84.
  • Benton, Joseph P. 1997. Aspect shift in Chichicapan Zapotec narrative discourse. SIL Mexico Workpapers 12: 34-46.
  • Hopkins, Mary L. 1995. «Narrative peak in Xanaguía Zapotec.» SIL Mexico Workpapers 11: 17-36.
  • Kreikebaum, Wolfram. 1987. Fronting and related features in Santo Domingo Albarradas Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 9: 33-71.
  • Long, Rebecca. 1985. Topicalization in Zoogocho Zapotec expository discourse. SIL Mexico Workpapers 7: 61-100.
  • Lyman, Rosemary. 1977. Participant identification in Choapan Zapotec. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 21: 115-31.
  • (de) Martinez, Valerie. 1995. Who’s who in Quiatoni Zapotec narratives. SIL Mexico Workpapers 11: 37-46.
  • Newberg, Ronald. 1987. Participant accessibility in Yalálag Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 9: 12-25.
  • Olive, Julie Nan. 1995. Speech verbs in Xanaguía Zapotec narrative. SIL Mexico Workpapers 11: 47-52.
  • Piper, Michael J. 1995. The functions of ‘lëë’ in Xanica Zapotec narrative discourse with some implications for comparative Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 11: 67-78.
  • Riggs, David B. 1987. Paragraph analysis for Amatlán Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 9: 1-11.
  • Thiessen, Grace. 1987. The functions of the clitic -ha in Western Ixtlán Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 9: 85-100.
  • Ward, Michael. 1987. A focus particle in Quioquitani Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 9: 26-32.
  • Broadwell, George A. 2005. Zapotecan languages. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition. Elsevier.
  • Butler, Inez M. 1985. «Event prominence in Zoogocho Zapotec narrative discourse.» SIL Mexico Workpapers 7: 16-60.
  • Lopez, Felipe H., and Pamela Munro. 1998. The United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights translated into San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec. http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/lang/ztu1.htm
  • Lopez, Felipe H., and Pamela Munro. 1999. «Zapotec Immigration: The San Lucas Quiaviní Experience». Aztlan. 24, 1: 129—149.
  • Munro, Pamela. 1996. «Making a Zapotec Dictionary». Dictionaries 17: 131-55.
  • Munro, Pamela. 2003. «Preserving the Language of the Valley Zapotecs: The Orthography Question.» Presented at Language and Immigration in France and the United States: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. University of Texas. Available online at https://web.archive.org/web/20051205080837/http://www.utexas.edu/cola/france-ut/archives2003.html.
  • Nellis, Jane G. 1947. Sierra Zapotec forms of address, International Journal of American Linguistics 13: 231-32.
  • Persons, Jan A. 1997. High pitch as a mark of respect in Lachixío Zapotec. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 41: 59-60. [Online: http://www.und.nodak.edu/dept/linguistics/wp/1997Persons.PDF]
  • Robinson, Dow F. 1963. Field notes on Coatlán Zapotec. Hartford, CN: Hartford Seminary Foundation.