İstiklâl Marşı - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

İstiklal Marşı
English: Independence March
An example of a common classroom display in Turkey, including the anthem at far right.

National anthem of  Turkey
 Northern Cyprus
LyricsMehmet Akif Ersoy, 1921
MusicOsman Zeki Üngör, 1930
Edgar Manas, 1932
Adopted12 March 1921
Audio sample
İstiklal Marşı (instrumental)

"İstiklâl Marşı" (say: ees-teek-LAL mar-SHUH, meaning "The Independence March") is the national anthem of Turkey. It became the national anthem on 12 March 1921, two and a half years before the Republic of Turkey became a country. This song, at first, was really meant to excite troops that were fighting in the Turkish War of Independence.[1][2][3] Nowadays, it is an important symbol of Turkish nationalism and patriotism.

The words were written by Mehmet Âkif Ersoy, and the music was composed by Osman Zeki Üngör. The main theme about this song is about the homeland of the Turkish people and their liberty. They relate to their flag and spirit of their homeland. Part of the words mention the sacrifice of the soldiers, as well as the Turkish National Movement's victory of the War of Independence.[2][3]

It is also used as the national anthem of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), a country only Turkey recognises as sovereign. In that part of Cyprus, this song was adopted in 1983 under Article II of the Constitution of Northern Cyprus.[2][4][5]


[change | change source]

Only the first two verses (highlighted in bold) are officially part of the national anthem and are performed in ceremonies.

Words of the song in Turkish Words of the song when it was first printed Pronunciation of these words using the IPA Translation of these words into Simple English

Korkma! Sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak,
Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak.
O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak;
O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak.

Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilal!
Kahraman ırkıma bir gül; ne bu şiddet, bu celal?
Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helal…
Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklal.

Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım,
Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım.
Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım,
Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım.

Garbın afakını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar,
Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var.
Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar,
“Medeniyet” dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar?

Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma sakın,
Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın.
Doğacaktır sana vadettiği günler Hakk’ın,
Kim bilir, belki yarın belki yarından da yakın.

Bastığın yerleri “toprak” diyerek geçme, tanı,
Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı.
Sen şehit oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır atanı,
Verme, dünyaları alsan da bu cennet vatanı.

Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki feda?
Şüheda fışkıracak, toprağı sıksan şüheda.
Canı, cananı, bütün varımı alsın da Hüda,
Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüda.

Ruhumun senden İlahî, şudur ancak emeli:
Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne namahrem eli.
Bu ezanlar, ki şehadetleri dinin temeli,
Ebedî, yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli.

O zaman vecdile bin secde eder, varsa taşım,
Her cerihamdan, İlahî, boşanıp kanlı yaşım,
Fışkırır ruhumücerret gibi yerden naaşım,
O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başım.

Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilal!
Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helal.
Ebediyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlal.
Hakkıdır, hür yaşamış bayrağımın hürriyet;
Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklal.

،قورقما سونمز بو شفقلرده یوزن آل سنجاق
،سونمه‌دن یوردمڭ اوستنده توتن اڭ صوڭ اوجاق
.اوبنم ملتمڭ ییلدیزیدر پارلایاجق
.اوبنمدر اوبنم ملتمڭدر آنجاق

،چاتما قربان اولایم چهره ڭی ای نازلی هلال
،قهرمان عرقمه بر گول نه بو شدت بو جلال
،سڭا الماز دوكولن قانلرمز صوڭره حلال
!حقیدر حقه طاپان ملتمڭ استقلال

،بن ازلدن بریدر حر یاشادم حر یاشارم
،هانگی چیلغین بڭا زنجیر اوره جقمش شاشارم
،كوكره مش سیل كبی‌یم بندمی چیگنر آشارم
.ییرتارم طاغلری انگینلره صیغمام طاشارم

،غربڭ آفاقنی صارمشسه چلیك زرهلی دیوار
،بنم ایمان طولی كوكوسم كبی سرحدم وار
،اولوسون قورقما نصل بویله بر ایمانی بوغار
.مدنیت دیدیگن تك دیشی قالمش جانوار

،آرقاداش يودمى آلچاقلری اوغراتما صاقین
،سپر ايت كوده ڭی دورسون بو حیاسزجه آقین
،طوغاجقدرسگا وعد ایتدیڭی كونلر حقڭ
.كیم بیلیر بلكی یارین بلكی یاریندنده یاقین

،باصدیغڭ یرلری طوپراق دییه رك گچمه طانی
،دوشون آلتنده كی بیڭلرجه كفنسز یاتانی
،سن شهید اوغلیسڭ اینجیتمه یازیقدر آتاڭی
.ویرمه دنیالری آلسه ڭده بو جنت وطنی

،كیم بو جنت وطنڭ اوغرینه اولمازكه فدا
،شهدا فیشقیراجق طوپراغی صیقسه ڭ شهدا
،جانی جانانی بوتون واریمی آلسین ده خدا
.ایتمه سین تك وطنمدن بنی دنیاده جدا

،روحمڭ سندن الهی شودر آنجاق املی
،دكمه سین معبدمڭ كوكسنه نامحرم الی
،بو اذان لر كه شهادتلری دینڭ اتملی
.ابدی یوردمڭ اوستنده بنم ایگلملی

،او زمان وجد ایله بیڭ سجده ایدر وارسه طاشم
،هرجریحه مدن الهی بوشانور قانلی یاشیم
،فیشقیریر روح مجرد گبی یردن نعشیم
.او زمان یوكسله رك عرشه ده گر بلكی باشم

،دالقالان سن ده شفقلر كبی ای شانلی هلال
،ولسون آرتق دكولن قانلرمڭ هپسی حلال
،ابديا سڭا یوق عرقمه یوق اضمحلال
،حقیدر حر یاشامش بایراغمڭ حریت
.حقیدر حقه طاپان ملتمڭ استقلال

[ˈkʰo̞ɾk.mä ‖ s̪ø̞n̪.ˈmæz̪ bu ʃä.fäk.ɫ̪äɾ.ˈd̪ä jy.ˈz̪æn̪ ˈäɫ̪‿s̪än̪.ˌd͡ʒäk |]
[ˈs̪ø̞n̪.me̞.d̪æn̪ juɾ.d̪u.ˈmʊn̪ ys̪.t̪ʰyn̪.ˈd̪e̞ t̪ʰy.ˈt̪ʰæn̪ ˈe̞n̪‿s̪o̞n̪‿o̞.ˌd͡ʒäk ‖]
[o̞ be.ˈn̪ɪm mil̠.l̠e.t̪ʰi.ˈmɪn̪ jɯɫ̪.d̪ɯ.ˈz̪ɯ.d̪ɯɾ̞̊ | pʰäɾ.ɫ̪ä.jä.ˈd͡ʒäk |]
[o̞ be.ˈn̪im.d̪ɪɾ̞̊ | o̞ be.ˈn̪ɪm mil̠.l̠e.t̪ʰi.ˈmin̪.d̪ɪɾ‿än̪.ˈd͡ʒäk ‖]

[ˈt͡ʃät̪ʰ.mä | kʰuɾ.ˈbän̪ o̞.ɫ̪ä.ˈjɯm | t͡ʃe̞h.ɾe̞.ˈn̪ɪ e̞j n̪äz̪.ˈɫ̪ɯ hi.ˈläl ‖]
[kʰäh.ɾä.ˈmän̪ ɯɾ̞̊.ˈkʰɯ.mä biɾ‿ɟyl̠ | n̪e̞ bu ʃid̪.ˈd̪e̞t̪ | bu d͡ʒe̞.ˈläl ‖]
[s̪ä.ˈn̪ä o̞ɫ̪.ˈmäz̪ d̪ø̞.cʰy.ˈl̠æn̪ kʰän̪.ɫ̪ä.ɾɯ.ˈmɯz̪ ˈs̪o̞n̪.ɾä he̞.ˈläl ‖]
[häk.ˈkʰɯ.d̪ɯɾ̞̊ | häk.ˈkʰä t̪ʰä.ˈpʰän̪ mil̠.l̠e̞.t̪ʰi.ˈmɪn̪ is̪.t̪ʰic.ˈläl ‖]

[bæn̪ e̞.zæl.ˈd̪æn̪ be.ˈɾi.dɪɾ̞̊ hyɾ‿jä.ʃä.ˈd̪ɯm | hyɾ‿jä.ʃä.ˈɾɯm |]
[ˈhäɲ.ɟɪ t͡ʃɯɫ̪.ˈgɯn̪ bä.ˈn̪ä zin.ˈd͡ʒɪɾ‿vu.ɾä.d͡ʒäk.ˈmɯʃ ‖ ʃä.ˈʃä.ɾɯm ‖]
[cʰyc.ɾe.ˈmɪʃ s̪æl̠ ɟˈjɪm | ˈbæn̪.d̪i.mɪ t͡ʃiː.ˈn̪æɾ | ä.ʃä.ˈɾɯm |]
[jɯɾ.ˈt̪ʰä.ɾɯm d̪äː.ɫ̪ä.ˈɾɯ | e̞ɲ.ɟin̪.l̠e̞.ˈɾe̞ s̪ɯː.ˈmäm | t̪ʰä.ˈʃä.ɾɯm ‖]

[gäɾ.ˈbɯn̪ äː.fäː.kʰɯ.ˈn̪ɯ s̪äɾ.ˈmɯʃ.s̪ä t͡ʃe.ˈl̠ɪc z̪ɯɾh.ˈɫ̪ɯ d̪u.ˈväɾ̞̊ |]
[be.ˈn̪ɪm iː.ˈmän̪ d̪o̞.ˈɫ̪ʊ gø̞ː.ˈs̪ʏm ɟi.ˈbɪ s̪æɾ.häd̪.ˈd̪im väɾ̞̊ ‖]
[u.ɫ̪u.ˈs̪ʊn̪ | ˈkʰo̞ɾk.mä ‖ ˈn̪ä.s̪ɯɫ̪ ˈbø̞j.l̠e biɾ‿iː.mä.ˈn̪ɯ bo̞.ˈäɾ̞̊ |]
[me.d̪ˈje̞t̪ d̪e.d̪i.ˈɪn̪ t̪ʰe̞c d̪i.ˈʃɪ kʰäɫ̪.ˈmɯʃ d͡ʒä.n̪ä.ˈväɾ̞̊ ‖]

[äɾ.kʰä.ˈd̪äʃ ‖ juɾ.ˈd̪u.mä äɫ̪.t͡ʃäk.ɫ̪ä.ˈɾɯ uː.ˈɾät̪.mä s̪ä.ˈkʰɯn̪ |]
[s̪i.ˈpʰæɾ‿æt̪ gø̞v.d̪e.ˈn̪ɪ | d̪uɾ.ˈs̪ʊn̪ bu hä.jäː.ˈs̪ɯz̪.d͡ʒä ä.ˈkʰɯn̪ ‖]
[d̪o̞.ä.ˈd͡ʒäk.t̪ʰɯɾ̞̊ s̪ä.ˈn̪ä vä.d̪e̞t̪.t̪ʰi.ˈɪ ɟyn̪.ˈl̠æɾ̞̊ häk.ˈkʰɯn̪ |]
[cʰim bi.ˈl̠ɪɾ̞̊ | ˈbæl̠.cʰɪ jä.ˈɾɯn̪ ˈbæl̠.cʰɪ jä.ɾɯn̪.ˈd̪än̪ d̪ä jä.ˈkʰɯn̪ ‖]

[bäs̪.t̪ʰɯ.ˈɯn̪ jæɾ.l̠e̞.ˈɾɪ t̪ʰo̞p.ˈɾäk d̪̞.ˈɾe̞c ˈɟe̞t͡ʃ.me̞ | t̪ʰä.ˈn̪ɯ |]
[d̪y.ˈʃʏn̪ äɫ̪.t̪ʰɯn̪.ˈd̪ä.cʰɪ bin̪.ˈl̠æɾ.d͡ʒe̞ cʰe̞.fæn̪.ˈs̪ɪz̪ jä.t̪ʰä.ˈn̪ɯ ‖]
[s̪æn̪ ʃe.ˈhit̪ o̞ː.ɫ̪u.ˈs̪ʊn̪ | in.ˈd͡ʒit̪.me̞ | jä.ˈz̪ɯk.tʰɯɾ‿ä.t̪ʰä.ˈn̪ɯ |
[ˈvæɾ.me̞ | d̪yn.jä.ɫ̪ä.ˈɾɯ äɫ̪.ˈs̪än̪ d̪ä bu d͡ʒe̞n̪.ˈn̪e̞t̪ vä.t̪ʰä.ˈnɯ ‖]

[cʰim bu d͡ʒe̞n̪.ˈn̪e̞t̪ vä.t̪ʰä.ˈn̪ɯn̪ uː.ɾu.ˈn̪ä o̞ɫ̪.ˈmäz̪ cʰi fe̞.ˈd̪ä ‖]
[ʃy.he̞.ˈd̪ä fɯʃ.kʰɯ.ɾä.ˈd͡ʒäk | t̪ʰo̞p.ɾä.ˈɯ s̪ɯk.ˈs̪än̪ ʃy.he̞.ˈd̪ä ‖]
[d͡ʒäː.ˈn̪ɯ | d͡ʒäː.n̪äː.ˈn̪ɯ | by.ˈt̪ʰʏn̪ vä.ɾɯ.ˈmɯ äɫ̪.ˈs̪ɯn̪ d̪ä hy.ˈd̪ä |]
[ˈe̞t̪.me̞.s̪ɪn̪ t̪ʰe̞c vä.t̪ʰä.n̪ɯm.ˈd̪än̪ be.ˈn̪ɪ d̪yn̪.jä.ˈd̪ä d͡ʒy.ˈd̪ä ‖]

[ɾ̞ˈmʊn̪ s̪æn̪.ˈd̪æn̪ i.läː.ˈhɪː | ˈʃu.d̪ʊɾ‿än̪.ˈd͡ʒäkˈl̠ɪ ‖]
[ˈd̪e(j)̪ɪn̪ mä.be.d̪i.ˈmɪn̪ gø̞ː.s̪y.ˈn̪e̞ n̪äː.mäh.ˈɾe̞m e.ˈl̠ɪ ‖]
[bu e̞.z̪än̪.ˈɫ̪äɾ̞̊ | cʰi ʃe.hä.d̪et̪.l̠e.ˈɾɪ d̪i.ˈn̪ɪn̪ t̪ʰˈl̠ɪ |]
[ˈd̪ɪː | juɾ.d̪u.ˈmʊn̪ ys̪.t̪ʰyn̪.ˈd̪e̞ be.ˈn̪ɪm in̪.l̠ˈl̠ɪ ‖]

[o̞ z̪ä.ˈmän̪ ve̞d͡ʒd i.ˈl̠e̞ bin̪ s̪e̞d͡ʒ.ˈd̪e̞ e.ˈd̪æɾ | ˈväɾ.s̪ä t̪ʰä.ˈʃɯm |]
[hæɾ‿d͡ʒe.ɾiː.häm.ˈd̪än̪ | i.läː.ˈhɪː | bo̞.ʃä.ˈn̪ɯp kʰän̪.ˈɫ̪ɯ jä.ˈʃɯm |]
[fɯʃ.kʰɯ.ˈɾɯɾ ɾ͡ʒe̞ɾ̞.ˈɾ̞e̞t̪ ɟi.ˈbɪ jæɾ.ˈd̪æn̪ nä.ä.ˈʃɯm |]
[o̞ z̪ä.ˈmän̪ jyc.s̪e̞.ˈl̠e̞.ɾe̞c äɾ.ˈʃä d̪æ.ˈæɾ‿ˈbæl̠.cʰɪ bä.ˈʃɯm ‖]

[d̪äɫ̪.gä.ˈɫ̪än̪ s̪æn̪ d̪e ʃä.fäk.ˈɫ̪äɾ ɟi.ˈbɪ e̞j ʃän̪.ˈɫ̪ɯ hi.ˈläl ‖]
[o̞ɫ̪.ˈs̪ʊn̪ äɾ.ˈt̪ʰɯk dø̞.cʰy.ˈl̠æn̪ kʰän̪.ɫ̪ä.ɾɯ.ˈmɯn̪ ˈhe̞p.s̪ɪ he̞.ˈläl ‖]
[ˈd̪i.jæn̪ s̪ä.ˈn̪ä jo̞k | ɯɾ.ˈkʰɯ.mä jo̞k iz̪.mih.ˈläl ‖]
[häk.ˈkʰɯ.d̪ɯɾ̞̊ | hyɾ‿jä.ˈʃä.mɯʃ bäj.ɾä.ɯ.ˈmɯn̪ hyɾ̞.ɾ̞i.ˈje̞t̪ ‖]
[häk.ˈkʰɯ.d̪ɯɾ̞̊ | häk.ˈkʰä t̪ʰä.ˈpʰän̪ mil̠.l̠e̞.t̪ʰi.ˈmɪn̪ is̪.t̪ʰic.ˈläl ‖]

Don't be scared, the red flag that waves proudly in this glorious dawn will not fade away,
Before the last fiery home that is buring inside my homeland is washed away.
Because that is the star of my people, and it will shine forever;
It is mine, and it only belonges to my strong nation.

Don't frown, I beg of you, oh gentle crescent!
Smile upon my nation of heroes! Why the anger, why the rage?
Our blood which we shed for you will not be worthy otherwise;
Because freedom is the absolute right of my nation that worships God!

I have been free since the beginning, and I will remain such forever.
What madman shall put me in chains?! I defy the very idea!
I am like the roaring flood; trampling my banks and overcoming my body,
I will rip apart mountains, go beyond the expanses and still speak with great enthusiasm!

The horizons of the West may be bound with walls of steel,
But my borders are protected by the great heart of a believer.
Let it yell out, do not be scared! And think: how can this fiery faith ever be washed away?
By that beaten, single-fanged monster you call “civilization”?

My friend! Do not leave my homeland to the hands of evil men!
Turn your chest into armour, and turn your body into a barrier! Stop this disgraceful assault!
Because soon, the happy days will come of holy promise;
Who knows? Perhaps tomorrow? Perhaps even sooner!

Do not just look at the soil you walk on as earth, but recognize it!
And think about the uncloaked thousands who lie so nobly underneath you.
You are the glorious son of a saint, so take shame and do not grieve your ancestors!
Do not unhand, even when you are promised worlds, this heavenly homeland.

Who would not give their life for this paradise of a country?
Saints would burst should one simply squeeze the soil! Oh Saints!
May God take my life, my loved ones, and all things from me if He shall,
But do not let Him strip me of my one true homeland in the world.

Oh glorious God, the only wish of my hurt heart is that,
No pagan's hand should ever touch the heart of my holy temples.
These calls to prayer and their testimonies are the foundations of my religion,
And may their noble sound succeed thunderously across my forever homeland.

For only then, shall my tired tombstone, if there is one, kneel a thousand times in joy,
And tears of blood shall, oh Lord, spill out from all my wounds,
And my lifeless body shall burst from the earth like an eternal spirit,
Perhaps only then, shall I peacefully go up and at long last reach the heavens.

So wave like the bright dawn, oh glorious crescent,
So that every last drop of our blood may finally be blessed and worthy!
Neither you nor my relatives will ever be washed away!
Because freedom is the absolute right of my flag that is forever free;
Because independence is the absolute right of my nation that worships God!


[change | change source]
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Turkey Kendall, David (2013).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 İstiklal Marşı’nın 10 kıtası ve sözleri burada! Mehmet Akif Ersoy’un yazdığı İstiklal Marşı on kıtası okunuşu Archived 2020-10-06 at the Wayback Machine (2020-04-23). Sabah.
  4. Hakki, Murat Metin (24 October 2007). The Cyprus Issue: A Documentary History, 1878-2007. ISBN 9781845113926.
  5. Minahan, James B. (23 December 2009). The Complete Guide to National Symbols and Emblems [2 volumes]. ISBN 9780313344978.
  7. İstiklal Marşı. Hacettepe University.