Ariel Castro kidnappings - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 2013 Cleveland, Ohio, missing trio were three young women from Cleveland, Ohio who had been missing for between nine and eleven years when they were found alive May 6, 2013. The three women, Amanda Berry, Georgina "Gina" DeJesus and Michelle Knight, were found inside a house that was owned by the person who was thought to have kidnapped them. The six-year-old daughter (whose father is just the criminal, Ariel Castro) of Amanda Berry also escaped from the area. Knight disappeared in August 2002 at age 21, Berry in April 2003 and DeJesus the next year. Ariel Castro (July 10, 1960 – September 3, 2013) was charged with seven counts, four for kidnapping and three for rape. He was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. He committed suicide in his prison cell on September 3, 2013.