地区党 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Партія регіонів
Партия регионов
行政书记鲍里斯·科列斯尼科夫英语Borys Kolesnikov[4][5]
尤赫姆·兹维亚吉尔斯基英语Yukhym Zvyahilsky
总部 烏克蘭基辅
国内组织为了团结的乌克兰!英语For United Ukraine!(2001年)
官方色彩  蓝色
(俄语:«Сильные регионы, крепкая страна, богатые люди!»)
(烏克蘭語«Сильні регіони, міцна країна, багаті люди!»)
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政党 · 选举

地区党烏克蘭語Партія регіонів;俄语:Партия регионов),是一个已不存在的乌克兰社会民主主义左翼保守主义法语Conservatisme de gauche政党,成立于1997年10月。其支持者多位于乌克兰东部或南部以说俄语人口为主的州。该党立场亲俄,反对北约东扩。2014年烏克蘭爆发親歐盟示威之後該政黨事實上被解散,2023年被烏克蘭政府取締。




2014年2月24日,烏克蘭爆发親歐盟示威,亚努科维奇被地区党开除出党[23]乌克兰最高拉达副议长鲁斯兰·科舒林斯基英语Ruslan Koshulynskyi宣布,已有63名议员宣布退出地区党。另外,多个州的地区党总部自行解散[24]



  1. ^ Yanukovych and Azarov are excluded from PR. Ukrayinska Pravda. March 29, 2014
  2. ^ Politics ""Party of Regions" has excluded Yanukovich, Arbuzov, Klimenko and proceeded to the form of collective management". Breaking news "NovostiMira". [16 February 2015]. 
  3. ^ 背景资料:乌克兰实行多党制 主要政党一览. 中国新闻社. 2014 (中文). 地区党是乌克兰第一大党,立场为中左派。于1997年10月成立,最初称地区复兴党,2001年3月更名为地区党。主张建设繁荣昌盛的民主法制国家,通过诚实劳动建立以中产阶级为主的公平、稳定社会。保护公民利益,主张俄语成为官方语言。前总统亚努科维奇曾为地区党名誉主席。 
  4. ^ Anna German: Boris Kolesnikov, de facto, is the leader of Party of Regions 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2014-04-02.. Party of Regions. March 29, 2014
  5. ^ Reformed PR is headed by Borys Kolesnikov – Herman. Ukrayinska Pravda. March 29, 2014
  6. ^ В Партии регионов объяснили, какие они социал-демократы. Украинская правда. [13 March 2023]. 
  7. ^ Регионалы будут тренироваться вместе с эсдеками. Украинская правда. [13 March 2023]. 
  8. ^ 'It's Even Worse Than Before': How The 'Revolution Of Dignity' Failed LGBT Ukrainians. 自由欧洲电台/自由电台. 2018-11-21 (英语). Shortly before the demonstrations began on November 21, 2013, Ukraine's parliament had passed the first reading of a bill that would have criminalized the spread of so-called "gay propaganda."[...]"There were many LGBTI people out there...in 2013 and 2014, protesting against the Yanukovych government’s repression and in support of democracy, dignity, and a closer relationship with Europe," said Matthew Schaff, Freedom House’s Ukraine office director. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Nordsieck, Wolfram. Ukraine. Parties and Elections in Europe. 2014. (原始内容存档于12 June 2018). 
  10. ^ Barrington, Lowell, After Independence: Making and Protecting the Nation in Postcolonial and Postcommunist States, University of Michigan Press: 205, 2006, ISBN 978-0-47206898-2 
  11. ^ Viktor Yanukovych's party claims victory. The Economist. 29 October 2012 [7 October 2015]. 
  12. ^ Arsenyi Svynarenko. Ukraine's political landscape is shifting. Politiikasta. 29 August 2014 [28 July 2015]. (原始内容存档于24 September 2015). 
  13. ^ Against All Odds:Aiding Political Parties in Georgia and Ukraine by Max Bader, Vossiuspers UvA, 2010, ISBN 978-9056296315 (page 82)
  14. ^ Strange Familiar Faces, The Ukrainian Week (15 September 2012)
  15. ^ Ideological Splits, The Ukrainian Week (10 March 2011)
  16. ^ Party System of Ukraine Before and After Maidan: Changes, Trends, Public Demand (PDF). National Security & Defence (Razumkov Centre). 2015, 6–7: 32. A political project – the “Socialists” party has emerged in the political field, whose leadership included prominent representatives of the centre-left Party of Regions and V. Tsushko and L. Kozhar and the media reported on the possible involvement of A. Klyuyev in its funding. 
  17. ^ Herb, Guntram H.; Kaplan, David H. 1989 to Present. Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview 4. ABC-CLIO. 2008: 1619. ISBN 978-1-85109-907-8. Viktor Yanukovych, leader of the left-leaning Party of Regions, assumes the post of prime minister. 
  18. ^ Potter, William C.; Mukhatzhanova, Gaukhar; Sokov, Nikolai. Ukraine: A Postnuclear Country. Forecasting Nuclear Proliferation in the 21st Century: Volume II. A Comparative Perspective. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 2010: 268. ISBN 978-0-8047-6971-6. In all other cases mainstream Ukrainian politics-whether the center left (Party of Regions) or the center right (Our Ukraine-Bloc ofYulia Timoshenko) coalition-has tended to steer clear of the "pronuclear" stance. 
  19. ^ Yulia Abibok. How Ukraine’s old guard are trying to get back into parliament. openDemocracy. 18 July 2019
  20. ^ Georgiy Avdeev. "Regionalists" without regions: What did "white-blues" forget to buy? («Регионалы» без регионов»: что забыли купить «бело-голубые»?) 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2021-03-03.. Patriotic Forces of Donbas. 1 June
  21. ^ Oksana Denisova. How Oranges and White-Blues through middle of a night were dividing the Maidan (Как оранжевые и бело-голубые Майдан посреди ночи делили). Ukrayinska Pravda. 19 September 2007
  22. ^ Liubov Borschevskaya. Party of Regions creates work places. Kommersant.ru. 2 October 2007
  23. ^ 乌克兰地区党将亚努科维奇从党内除名. [2014-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-16). 
  24. ^ 乌克兰地区党议员呈现退党风潮. [2014-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-16). 
  25. ^ The court banned the Party of Regions. Ukrainska Pravda. 21 February 2023 [21 February 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-28) (乌克兰语). 

