盖伊·西格斯沃思 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Guy Sigsworth
出生 (1960-06-14) 1960年6月14日64歲)
相关团体伊莫珍·希普, Frou Frou英语Frou Frou, 碧玉, 艾拉妮絲·莫莉塞特, 席尔, 布蘭妮·斯皮爾斯

盖伊·西格斯沃思(Guy Sigsworth,1960年6月14日)是英国作曲家制作人歌曲创作者。在其职业生涯中,Guy Sigsworth与很多知名艺人合作过,其中包括席尔(Seal)、比约克(Björk)、格尔迪英语Goldie麦当娜(Madonna)、布莱尼·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)、貝波·吉兒柏托(Bebel Gilberto)和艾拉妮丝·莫莉塞特Alanis Morissette)。他也曾与很多著名乐器演奏者合作过,包括塔尔文·西恩(Talvin Singh英语Talvin Singh),琼·哈塞尔(Jon Hassell英语Jon Hassell )和莱斯特·波依(Lester Bowie英语Lester Bowie)。他曾与伊莫珍·希普Imogen Heap)共同参加了Frou Frou英语Frou Frou 乐队。



Sigsworth在 West Yorkshire的伊爾克利市长大,在那里他就对早期音乐产生了浓厚兴趣,尤其是14世纪作曲家 纪尧姆·德·马肖。他最早期的偶像是多器乐演奏家 David Munrow英语David Munrow 和桀骜不驯的录音师、作曲家David Fanshawe英语David Fanshawe。 他最初在葡萄牙的Casa de Mateus英语Casa de Mateus 夏季学校学习大键琴,接着在荷兰的Utrecht Conservatorium学习了一年。他随欧洲联盟巴洛克管弦乐团 (European Union Baroque Orchestra英语European Union Baroque Orchestra)在欧洲巡回演出,弹奏大键琴。



回到英国后,他搬到伦敦居住,兴趣急速转向。他开始为发展迅速的酸浩室声音着迷,并立即买了一个罗兰取样器雅達利 电脑。他见到了席尔,并与其为席尔的首张专辑合写了四首歌:《Crazy》,《The Beginning》,《Wild》和《Violet》,加上B面的《Sparkle》。这张专辑的制作人,特沃尔·郝姆Trevor Horn)是Sigsworth遇到的第一个流行音乐制作人。

Bomb the Bass / Hector Zazou


Tim Simenon也参与了席尔歌曲《Crazy》的创作,而后Sigsworth很快成为了Simenon乐队“Bomb The Bass”的制作团队的一员,联合创作了英国排名第七的单曲“Winter In July”。他也与Simenon一同制作了Hector Zazou's 1992年的专辑《Sahara Blue》,与法国知名演员 Gérard Depardieu共同演唱“I'll Strangle You”。Sigsworth随后与比约克一同参与了Zazou1994年的专辑《Songs From The Cold Seas 》。

Talvin Singh


在和日本鼓手兼制作人Gota Yashiki一同合作期间,Sigsworth结识了著名手鼓演奏家Talvin Singh。随后他为Singh的现场音乐会演奏了合成器和大键琴,还参与了Singh首张专辑《Ok》演奏和混音。



Sigsworth是通过Singh认识比约克的,也是因为Singh他成为了键盘手,随后成为了比约克乐队两张专辑的音乐导演。Sigsworth将他对早期音乐的敏感带到了比约克的现场演出和专辑录制中,加入了大键琴翼琴regal伴唱键盘的元素。Sigsworth的大键琴出现在专辑《Post》中歌曲《Cover me》里。翼琴则出现在歌曲《All Is Full Of Love》中,键盘在专辑《Homogenic》的歌曲《Unravel》里出现。《Unravel》是Sigsworth和比约克第一首合作的歌曲。据报道,这是Thom Yorke最喜欢的歌曲。Sigsworth还在比约克出演Joni Mitchell的《The Boho Dance》时演奏了钟琴。之后,钟琴成为了《Dancer In The Dark》(其中他参与了弦乐编写) 和《Vespertine》 (其中他参与创作了《Hidden Place》,《An Echo, A Stain》, 《Sun In My Mouth》和《Harm Of Will》)两张专辑的特点。

Imogen Heap


在听到一位朋友演奏了歌曲《Come Here Boy》的唱片样品碟后,Sigsworth于1996年结识了Imogen Heap,他马上爱上了她独特的嗓音。同时,她特别钟情于较广阔,有棱角的间歇特点的旋律,特别是大七和弦和小九和弦。这些在流行音乐中是不常见的,对此Sigsworth很是惊喜。他们一起写了两首歌曲,《Getting Scared》和《Airplane》。这两首都被收入Heap的首张专辑《I Megaphone》中。作为回报,Heap在Sigworth与Alexander Nilere合作的乐队Acacia中演唱和声。



1999年,Sigsworth凭电影 G:MT - Greenwich Mean Time大获成功。其中包括了Imogen Heap,Talvin Singh和自由爵士名手 Lester Bowie的加盟。



Sigworth参与制作了 Mandalay乐队1998年的专辑《Empathy》,这吸引了麦当娜的注意,并导致他与麦当娜为她2000年专辑《Music》合写了歌曲《What It Feels Like For A Girl》。Sigsworth还与 Jem一同为麦当娜2003年的专辑《 American Life》创作了歌曲《Nothing Fails》。

Frou Frou


印度 孟买的一天晚上,在此为英国亚裔歌手Amar制作歌曲的Sigsworth在他的雅马哈QY20掌上音序器上创作了一首旋律。他一回到伦敦便将此歌交给Imogen Heap,请她为此歌取名。随后这首歌被命名为“Flicks”,成为了Frou Frou乐队第一张专辑《Details》中的一首歌。起初,两人并没有组建乐队的计划,这完全是出于Sigsworth想听到各种不同音乐元素得到展现的想法。Heap说:“大概每个月Guy都会给我打电话,说我有了一首新歌,你愿意来唱吗?这样不知不觉我们就有了一张专辑。” 作为新出现的一系列歌曲的链接概念,Sigsworth对歌词有两点建议:

  1. 歌词应该像一组对话,而不是歌手一个人的无聊独白。启发这个想法的是1932年 Jean CocteauLa voix humaine,(整个戏剧的台词由一位女士和其情人的电话对话中的一端通话内容组成。她情人的声音从未出现,但却能从她的言语中推测出其内容。)
  2. “爱”这个字应该尽可能多的出现。

Sigsworth为歌曲《Breathe In 》《Only Got One 》《The Dumbing Down Of Love》创作了歌词,并参与了专辑《Details》中《 Let Go》《It's Good To Be In Love 》《Psychobabble》歌词的创作。除了《 Maddening Shroud》是由Alexander Nilere 作词外,Heap写了余下的歌词。 在完成了11首歌之后,Heap和Sigsworth准备为他们的共同努力成果寻找名字。Sigsworth是个法语迷,想出了Frou Frou这个名字,Heap也很喜欢。这个名字来自1870年Rimbaud的诗歌《Ma Bohème》,是一个法语拟声词,原意为跳舞女士的衣裙发出的“嗖嗖的声音”。专辑名“Details”,意指歌曲是在制作室里通过叠加细小声音片段而制作而成的。 专辑于2002年由环球唱片发行。专辑大受欢迎,但销量并不大。《Breathe In》是首先在国际上发行的单曲,并在意大利音乐广播中排行第二,但接下来的单曲《Must Be Dreaming》和《It's Good To Be In Love》并没有以商业模式在英国发行。他们还为《The Dumbing Down of Love》制作了一首mv,由Joel Peissig 导演(他后来导演了Heap的个人mv,《Hide and Seek 》)执导。二人在美国的巡演吸引了不少歌迷,但Frou Frou于2003年解散了。 Heap和Sigsworth临时改革了Frou Frou,录制了《Holding out for a Hero》的非原唱歌带(原版为Bonnie Tyler演唱的怪物史莱克2中的插曲)。该电影的音乐导演找到了他们,他也是Frou Frou的歌迷。结果该插曲在电影末尾播放。Frou Frou在2004年再次崛起,原因是Zach Braff选用了《Let Go》一曲作为其电影《Garden State》的插曲。其他不少歌曲也被电视剧CSI,E星恋(Roswell High)等收为插曲。 虽然在发行一张专辑后就解散(Heap和Sigsworth仍然是好朋友,时常见面聊天,但各自专注于自己的音乐领域),Frou Frou的音乐影响力一直很广,Heap与Sigsworth在他们的合作结束后,反而得到了更多关注。

Frou Frou 之后


在Frou Frou之后,Sigsworth就开始重新为其他艺人制作歌曲。



Sigsworth为布蘭妮写了若干首歌。第一首是《Everytime》,出现在她在美国发行的第一张专辑《In the Zone》中,是该专辑中的第三首,曾在英国和澳大利亚达到音乐排行榜首位,也在美国《公告牌100》中排行第15。在2005年,Sigsworth 和Spears共同创作了歌曲《Someday (I Will Understand)》。一首Imogen Heap与Sigsworth共同为《In the Zone》创作的歌曲《Over to You Now》也在英国发行,且在细碟日版加长版cd《Chaotic》(随她真人秀DVD《Britney & Kevin: Chaotic》同时发行,此曲也是日语单曲《某天我将明白》)中出现。2008年,Sigsworth参与了专辑《Circus》中创作了《Out from Under》、《My Baby》的创作。



Sigsworth为Robyn 2002年发行的专辑《Don't Stop the Music》制作了两首歌曲《Should Have Known》和《Blow My Mind》。

Sugababes / Mutya Buena


Sigsworth参与了英国组合 Sugababes两张专辑的制作。他参与创作,制作了他们2003年专辑《Three (Sugababes album)》中的歌曲《Maya》,2005年专辑《Taller In More Ways》中的歌曲《Bruised》(与Cathy Dennis合作)。歌曲《Like The Weather》也是与Dennis合作的,在《Push the Button》的B面出现。Sigsworth还为前Sugababe成员Mutya Buena的单飞专辑《Real Girl》写了歌曲《Wonderful》。

Bebel Gilberto


Sigsworth还为巴西艺人 Bebel Gilberto制作了两张专辑,参与制作了歌曲《Cada Beijo》,为其2004年专辑《 Bebel Gilberto》中歌曲《O Caminho》混音,并为其2007年专辑《 Momento》写了5首歌。



Sigsworth与他人合作,为前Zero 7成员Mozez的2005年专辑《So Still》写了两首歌:《Feel Free》和《Venus Rise》。后者由于 Jon Hassell的小号表演而非常有特色。



Sigsworth参与了Juliet 2005年专辑《Random Order》歌曲《New Shoes》的创作。



Sigsworth制作了歌曲《It's Better To Have Loved》,参与制作了Temposhark 2008年首张专辑《The Invisible Line》.中的歌曲《Winter's Coming》。他的前工程师和合伙人Sean McGhee 为此专辑制作了9首歌曲。

Richard Walters


Sigsworth参与创作了Richard Walters2006年《Pilotlights》细碟中的三首歌曲:《Elephant In The Room》,《Iceskaters》和《Garden Song》。

Chelsia Chan


Sigsworth为 香港演员、创作型歌手Chelsia Chan的一首歌混音。此歌歌词是 Elizabeth Barrett Browning 一首诗的中文版本。



Sigsworth为 Mirah 2006年的选辑《Joyride: Remixes》中的歌曲《La Familia》混音。

Josh Groban


Sigsworth为Josh Groban 2006年专辑《Awake》中的歌曲《You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)》创作了音效。

Kate Havnevik


Sigsworth与挪威创作型歌手 Kate Havnevik有大量合作。Sigsworth为2006年她的第一张专辑,《 Melankton》参与创作了3首歌,包括单曲《Unlike Me》(此曲成为美国热播剧实习医生格蕾 Grey's Anatomy的伴奏),《Not Fair》和《You Again》。另外一首Sigsworth参与创作的歌曲,《So:Lo》在2006年末在iTunes上发行,在2007年美国版《Melankton》中出现。Sigsworth现在正参与Havnevik的第二张专辑。

Amy Studt


Sigsworth参与了Amy Studt 2008年专辑《My Paper Made Men》中的歌曲《My Paper Made Man》的创作。

Alanis Morissette


Sigsworth参与制作了Alanis Morrisette 2008年的整张专辑《 Flavours Of Entanglement》。 他与许多知名工程师和制作人合作过。在90年代末他与Damian Taylor合作,后者曾制作策划过比约克的演唱会;20世纪初,他与Sean McGhee 合作,Sean曾制作了Temposhark。最近,他与Andy Page一起合作,Andy曾与SashaBT哈利·葛瑞森-威廉斯共事。


  • Seal Seal (1991)
    • "Crazy" (co-written/production)
    • "The Beginning" (co-written)
    • "Wild" (co-written)
    • "Violet" (co-written)
  • Bomb The Bass Winter In July (1991)
    • "Winter In July" (samples/production/keyboards)
  • Bomb The Bass The Air You Breathe (1991)
    • The Air You Breathe" (Real Mellow Mix) (remix/additional production)
  • Bomb The Bass Love So True (1991)
    • "Love So True" (12" Mix) (keyboards/additional keyboards)
  • Bomb The Bass Unknown Territory (1991)
    • "Winter In July" (7" Mix) (samples/production/keyboards)
    • "The Air You Breathe" (keyboards)
    • "Love So True" (12" Mix) (keyboards)
  • Adamski & Jimi Polo Never Goin' Down! (12 inch vinyl) (1991)
    • "Born To Be Alive!" (Spike's Edit) (additional programming)
  • Adamski Naughty (1992)
    • "Born To Be Alive!" (programming)
    • "Time Capsule" (programming)
    • "Newsflash" (programming)
    • "Head-On-Collision-Ism" (programming)
  • Hector Zazou Sahara Blue (1992)
  • "I'll Strangle You" (keyboards)
  • Hector Zazou I'll Strangle You (1992)
    • "I'll Strangle You" (Radio Edit) (keyboards)
    • "I'll Strangle You" (Extended Remix) (keyboards)
    • "I'll Strangle You" (Filmic Mix) (keyboards)
  • Naked Truth Read This (EP) (1992) (production)
  • Bomb The Bass Keep Giving Me Love (single) (1992)
    • "Keep Giving Me Love" (keyboards)
  • Nokko Call Me Nightlife (1993)
    • "Crazy Clouds" (keyboards)
  • Acacia Maddening Shroud (EP) (1994) (co-written/production/co-instrumentation)
  • Acacia More You Ignore Me (Vinyl single) (1994) (co-written/production/co-instrumentation)
  • Hector Zazou Sahara Blue (1994) (keyboards)
  • Hector Zazou Chansons Des Mers Froides (Songs From The Cold Seas) (1995) (keyboards)
  • Björk Post (1995)
    • "Cover Me" (harpsichord)
    • " Isobel" (harpsichord)
  • Björk Homogenic (1997)
    • "Unravel" (co-written/co-production)
    • " All Is Full of Love" (clavichord/keyboards/pipe organ)
    • "All Is Full of Love" (Guy Sigsworth Remix) (production) ("All Is Full of Love" B-side)
  • Acacia Hate (single) (1996)(co-written/production/co-instrumentation/remixes)
  • Acacia Sway (single) (1996) (co-written/production/co-instrumentation/remixes)
  • Acacia Maddening Shroud (single) (1997) (co-written/production/co-instrumentation/remixes)
  • Acacia Wired (single) (1997)(co-written/production/co-instrumentation/remixes)
  • Acacia Cradle (1997)
    • All album tracks (co-written/production/co-instrumentation)
  • Imogen Heap i Megaphone (1998)
    • "Getting Scared" (co-written/production)
    • "Airplane" (co-writing/production) ("Shine" B-side)
    • "Aeroplane" (Frou Frou Remix) (co-written/production) (Japan re-release bonus track)
  • G:MT "Greenwich Mean Time OST" (1998)
    • G:MT & Imogen Heap "Meantime" (written/production/instrumentation)
    • G:MT & Hinda Hicks "Tears Are Waiting" (written/production/co-instrumentation)
    • G:MT & Hinda Hicks "Where Is The Love" (written/production/co-instrumentation)
    • G:MT & Hinda Hicks "Please Can I Go Now?" (written/production/co-instrumentation)
    • G:MT & Hinda Hicks "Who Would You Have Me Love" (written/production/co-instrumentation)
    • G:MT & Hinda Hicks "Succumb To You" (written/production/co-instrumentation)
    • G:MT & Lester Bowie "Rachel's Song" (instrumental)(written/production/co-instrumentation)
  • Mandalay Empathy (1998)
    • "This Life" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Flowers Bloom" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Insensible" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Another" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Enough Love" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "All My Sins" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Opposites" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "This Time" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Kissing the Day" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Beautiful" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "About You" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
  • Badmarsh & Shri Air I Breathe (single) (1998)
  • Goldie Saturnz Return (1998)
    • "Mother" (keyboards)
    • "Air I Breathe" (Guy Sigsworth Remix) (remix/additional production)
  • Talvin Singh OK (1998)
    • "OK" (Heavy Rotation Radio Refixx) (remix/additional production)
  • Talvin Singh OK (1998)
    • "Sutrix" (sound effects (distortion)/keyboards)
    • "OK" (sound effects (distortion)/keyboards)
  • Talvin Singh Vikram The Vampire (1999)
    • "Vikram The Vampire" (Heavy Rotation Refixx) (remix/additional production)
  • David Sylvian Godman (1999)
    • "Godman" (Guy Sigsworth Remix) (remix/additional production/additional instrumentation)
  • UNKLE Featuring Ian Brown Be There (1999)
  • Björk Selmasongs (2000)
    • "I've Seen It All" (co-written)
  • Madonna Music (2000)
  • Björk " Vespertine (2001)
    • " Hidden Place" (programming/choir arrangement)
    • "It's Not up to You" (celeste, clavichord)
    • "An Echo, a Stain" (co-written/programming/celeste/choir arrangement)
    • "Sun in My Mouth" (co-written/celeste)
  • Amar Sometimes It Snows In April (2000)
    • "Sometimes It Snows In April" (production)
  • Mandalay Solace (2001) (USA-only compilation featuring tracks from 1998's "Empathy")
    • "Beautiful" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "This Life" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Flowers Bloom" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Enough Love" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Insensible" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
    • "Kissing The Day" (co-production/rhodes/sampler/synth/wurlitzer/piano)
  • Lamb What Sound (2001)
    • "One" (co-production/programming)
    • "Heaven" (co-production/programming)
    • "Small" (co-production/programming)
    • "Written" (co-production/programming)
    • "Gabriel" (co-production/programming)
    • "Just Is" (co-production/programming)
  • Robyn Don't Stop The Music (2002)
    • "Blow My Mind"(production/instrumentation)
    • "Should Have Known"(production/instrumentation)
  • Frou Frou Details (2002)
    • "Let Go" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "Breathe In" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "It's Good to Be in Love" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "Must Be Dreaming" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "Psycobabble" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "Only Got One" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "Shh" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "Hear Me Out" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "Maddening Shroud" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "Flicks" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "The Dumbing Down Of Love" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)
    • "Old Piano" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation) ("Details" UK/Japan bonus track)
    • "Close Up" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation) ("Breathe In" B-side)
    • "Deal With It" (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation) (Was to be on the"It's Good To Be In Love" single, but was never released)
    • Guitar Song (co-written/co-production/co-instrumentation)(As of yet unreleased)
  • Baz Psychedelic Love (2002) (production)
  • Madonna American Life (2003)
    • "Nothing Fails" (co-written)
  • Britney Spears In The Zone (2003)
    • "Everytime" (production/instrumentation)
  • "Circus" (2008)
    • "Out From Under (production)
  • Sugababes Three (2003)
    • "Maya" (co-written/production)
    • "Million Different Ways" (production)
  • Shrek 2 OST (2004)
    • "Holding Out For A Hero" (co-production/co-instrumentation)
  • Bebel Gilberto Bebel Gilberto (2004)
    • "Cada Beijo" (co-written/production)
  • Juliet 'Random Order (2005)
    • "New Shoes" (co-written/production)
  • Bebel Gilberto Bebel Gilberto Remixed (2005)
    • "O Caminho" (Guy Sigsworth Remix) (remix/additional production/additional instrumentation)
  • Britney Spears Britney & Kevin: Chaotic... The DVD & More (2005)
  • Sugababes " Taller In More Ways" (2005)
    • "Bruised" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
    • "Like The Weather" (co-written/production/instrumentation) ("Push The Button" B-side)
  • Mozez So Still (2005)
    • "Feel Free" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
    • "Venus Rise" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
  • Temposhark It's Better To Have Loved (2005)
    • "It's Better To Have Loved" (Guy Sigsworth Mix) (production/instrumentation)
  • Kate Havnevik Melankton (2006/2007)
    • "Unlike Me" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
    • "Not Fair" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
    • "You Again" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
    • "Kaleidoscope" (production/instrumentation/mixing)
    • "Sleepless" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
    • "So:Lo" (production/co-written) (USA & iTunes only)
  • Josh Groban Awake (2006)
    • "You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)" (vocal production)
  • Mirah Joyride: Remixes (2006)
    • "La Familia" (Guy Sigsworth Remix) (remix/additional production)
  • Bebel Gilberto Momento (2007)
    • "Momento" (production/instrumentation)
    • "Cade Voce" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
    • "Azul" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
    • "Close To You" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
  • Mutya Buena Real Girl (2007)
    • "Wonderful" (production)
  • Temposhark The Invisible Line (2007)
    • "It's Better To Have Loved" (Album version) (production/instrumentation)
    • "Winter's Coming" (co-written/production/instrumentation)
  • Amy Studt My Paper Made Men (2008)
    • Paper Made Men (co-written/production/instrumentation)
  • Alanis Morissette Flavors of Entanglement (+ B-sides) (2008)
    • "Citizen Of The Planet"
    • "Underneath"
    • "Versions Of Violence"
    • "Moratorium"
    • "Giggling Again For No Reason"
    • "In Praise Of The Vulnerable Man"
    • "Straitjacket"
    • "On The Tequila"
    • "Tapes"
    • "Incomplete"
    • "Not As We"
    • "Torch"
    • "20/20"
    • "Limbo No More"
    • "The Guy Who Leaves"
    • "Madness"
    • "Orchid"
    • "It's A Bitch To Grow Up"
    • "Break"
    • "Asylum" (As of yet unreleased)
    • "I Am" (As of yet unreleased)
    • "Wounded Leading Wounded" (As of yet unreleased)
    • "Separate" (As of yet unreleased)
  • Britney Spears Circus (2008)
    • "Out From Under"
    • "My Baby"

