闊嘴恐鳥屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 鸟纲 Aves
目: 恐鸟目 Dinornithiformes
科: 東部恐鳥科 Emeidae
属: 闊嘴恐鳥屬 Euryapteryx
Haast, 1874
海岸闊嘴恐鳥 E. curtus
Euryapteryx curtus
  • Cela Reichenbach 1853 non Moehring 1758
  • Celeus Bonaparte 1856 non Boie 1831
  • Zelornis Oliver 1949
  • Dinornis curtus Owen, 1846
  • Cela curtus (Owen 1846) Reichenbach, 1850
  • Celeus curtus (Owen 1846) Bonaparte, 1865
  • Anomalopteryx curta (Owen 1846) Lydekker 1891
  • Euryapteryx curtus (Owen 1846) Archey 1941
  • Mesopteryx species α Parker 1895
  • Euryapteryx exilis Hutton, 1897
  • Zelornis exilis (Hutton 1897) Oliver 1949
  • Euryapteryx tane Oliver 1949
  • Dinornis gravis Owen, 1870
  • Pachyornis gravis (Owen 1870)
  • Euryapteryx pygmaeus Hutton 1891 non Pachyornis pygmaeus Hutton 1895
  • Emeus gravipes Lydekker, 1891 Euryapteryx gravipes (Lydekker 1891) Oliver 1930
  • Euryapteryx compacta Hutton 1893
  • Emeus crassus Parker 1895 non (Owen 1846) Reichenbach 1853
  • Euryapteryx ponderosa Hamilton 1898 non Hutton 1891
  • Emeus boothi Rothschild 1907
  • Emeus haasti Rothschild 1907 non Palaeocasuarius haasti Rothschild 1907
  • Zelornis haasti (Rothschild 1907) Oliver 1949
  • Euryapteryx haasti (Rothschild 1907)
  • Emeus parkeri Rothschild 1907
  • Euryapteryx kuranui Oliver 1930
  • Euryapteryx geranoides Checklist Committee 1990 non Palapteryx geranoides

海岸闊嘴恐鳥學名Euryapteryx curtus),又稱為海岸寬喙恐鳥,是一種已滅絕恐鳥


2009年基因分析研究顯示Euryapteryx curtusEuryapteryx gravis為異名[3]。一項2010年的研究認為兩者之間的體型差異實際上是兩性異形[4]。另一項2012年針對形態學的分析則認為體型差異較大的個體屬於亞種[5]


恐鳥目 Dinornithiformes
巨恐鳥屬英语Dinornis Dinornis

北方巨恐鳥 D. novaezealandiae

南方巨恐鳥 D. robustus

高地恐鳥科英语Megalapterygidae Megalapterygidae

高地恐鳥 Megalapteryx didinus

東部恐鳥科英语Emeidae Emeidae
厚恐鳥屬英语Pachyornis Pachyornis

Pachyornis australis


Pachyornis elephantopus

Pachyornis geranoides


灌木恐鳥 Anomalopteryx didiformis


東部恐鳥 Emeus crassus

海岸闊嘴恐鳥 Euryapteryx curtus






截至2006年,半數以上收藏於博物館的完整恐鳥蛋可能均為闊嘴恐鳥的蛋[8]。原先被認為屬於Euryapteryx gravis的蛋樣本平均長度為205mm、寬度為143mm。而認為屬於Euryapteryx curtus的蛋樣本平均長度為122mm、寬度為94mm[8]


  1. ^ Owen 1846
  2. ^ Checklist Committee Ornithological Society of New Zealand. Checklist-of-Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands and the Ross Dependency Antarctica (PDF). Te Papa Press. 2010 [4 January 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2013-06-16). 
  3. ^ Bunce et al. 2009.
  4. ^ Gill 2010
  5. ^ Worthy & Scofield 2012,第87頁.
  6. ^ Bunce, M.; Worthy, T. H.; Phillips, M. J.; Holdaway, R. N.; Willerslev, E.; Haile, J.; Shapiro, B.; Scofield, R. P.; Drummond, A.; Kamp, P. J. J.; Cooper, A. The evolutionary history of the extinct ratite moa and New Zealand Neogene paleogeography (PDF). Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. 2009, 106 (49): 20646–20651 [2021-01-07]. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC 2791642可免费查阅. PMID 19923428. doi:10.1073/pnas.0906660106. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-04-17). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Davies 2003,第95–98頁
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Gill, B.J. A CATALOGUE OF MOA EGGS (AVES: DINORNITHIFORMES). Records of the Auckland Museum. 2006, 43: 55–80. ISSN 1174-9202. 

