毛粒子 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书










  1. ^ 龚育之. 毛泽东与自然科学. 毛泽东的读书生活. 北京: 生活·读书·新知三联书店. 2014: 135 [2019-02-17]. ISBN 978-7-108-03101-3. (原始内容存档于2019-02-17). 
  2. ^ Glashow, Sheldon Lee. Theoretical Ideas About Charm and the Theory of Flavor Mixing. Proceedings of the Seventh Hawaii Topical Conference in Particle Physics (1977). University of Hawaii Press. 1978: 162–163 [2024-09-28] (英语). Today, we are left with quarks and leptons as candidates for truly elementary particles. However, experiment has already revealed the existence of five kinds of quarks and five kinds of leptons. More are probably on their way. How many must we find before someone detects a sign of order, a clue to the existence of further structure not yet imagined? Is there another layer of the onion? Is there a common fundamental constituent of both quarks and leptons? Such a notion has been championed by many Chinese physicists. I would propose that these hypothetical building blocks of all matter be called ‘MAONS,’ to honor the late Chairman Mao who insisted upon the underlying unity of Nature. 
  3. ^ S. L. Glashow. 由陈家麟翻译. 更下一层次的基本粒子称为“毛粒子”. 世界科学译刊. 1979, (6): 68-69. 
  4. ^ 叶峻. 由“毛粒子”命名看中西科学思想的交融互补——记学习座谈《关于新基本粒子观的对话》一文“编者按”. 自然辩证法研究. 2003, (12): 92.