Eesti: Rummu karjäär. Rummu karjääris alustati kaevandamist 1938. aastal, kui alustas tööd Vasalemma Lubja- ja Marmoritehas asukohaga Rummul, mis kasutas tööjõuks vange. Kuna vee ärajuhtimine karjäärist 1990. aastatel lõpetati, hakkas põhjaveetase tõusma. Murru vangla suleti 2012. a lõpus.
English: Rummu limestone quarry, Rummu, Estonia, was established in 1938. Limestone was quarried by convicts from the adjacent Murru prison until the restoration of Estonian independence. When quarrying ended and water drainage was stopped, ground water rapidly filled the depression; the quarry's abandonment happened so quickly, some machinery was lost along with the building complex. The prison itself remained active until the end of 2012.