National Anthem of the Udmurt Republic

Udmurt Respublikalen gimnez
English: Anthem of the Udmurt Republic
Удмурт Республикалэн гимнэз
Coat of arms of Udmurtia

Regional anthem of Udmurtia
LyricsTatiana Vladykina and Alexei Sheptalin
MusicGerman Korepanov and Alexander Korepanov
Audio sample
Vocal rendition in Udmurt
National Anthem of Udmurtia in Russian language
National Anthem of Udmurtia in Udmurt and Russian languages
Instrumental recording of the anthem
Short instrumental recording

The State Anthem of the Udmurt Republic is one of the official state symbols of the Udmurt Republic in Russia, along with the flag and emblem. Its music was composed by German Korepanov and his son Alex, and is based off a melody the father composed back in 1952. The Udmurt lyrics were written by Tatiana Vladykina, and Russian ones were written by Alexei Sheptalin.

The use of the anthem in official settings is governed by Law of the Udmurt Republic of 31 October 2002 N55-РЗ "On the National anthem of the Udmurt Republic". This governs the official situations in which the anthem must, or may, be played, and the order in which the anthem is played with respect to the National Anthem of Russia or those of other countries.



After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a competition within the Udmurt Republic was held, as demands for creating national symbols for federal subjects grew. This included a new creation of a regional anthem, which began in 1992. Out of the 10 works that were submitted, the winner was awarded to composer Alexander Korepanov, who created a melody based on a song his father German had composed in 1952, titled "Native Kama" (Russian: Родная Кама-река).[1][2]

The melody of the anthem was officially approved on 4 November 1993. For nearly a decade, the anthem did not contain any lyrics. Eventually, in 2002, another competition was announced for the creation of the lyrics. At the competition, 15 people that were historians, ethnographers, poets, composers, writers, journalists, and cultural experts of Udmurtia were to vote for the contestant(s) with the best version of the lyrics. Nearly all of them voted for the versions by Alexei Sheptalin and Tatiana Vladykina, who submitted two independent works in Russian and in Udmurt, respectively.[1]



Udmurt version

Cyrillic script Latin script IPA transcription

Шунды сиос ӝуато палэзез,
Юг ӟардон вуэ музъемам.
Оскон тӧлпо — милемлы Куншетэд,
Дан тыныд, Доре мынам!

Югдыты, Быдӟым Инмаре,
Кыдёкысь инвисъёсмес,
Кыдаты выль шудбурмес,
Эрико, йӧн бурдъёсмес!

Тон кадь мусо вань меда дуннеос,
Кужымед пыӵа ёзвиям.
Ӟеч ивордэ гурлало туриос,
Дан тыныд, Доре мынам!


Дун ошмес ву жильыртэ шуръёсын,
Волга-Кам — пачыл вирсэрам.
Россиен ӵош кайгуын но данын
Тон, Удмуртие мынам!


Šundy sios džuato paleźez,
Jug dźardon vue muzjemam.
Oskon tõlpo – miľemly Kunšeted,
Dan tynyd, Dore mynam!

Jugdyty, Byddźym Inmare,
Kyďokyś invisjosmes,
Kydaty vyľ šudburmes,
Eriko, jõn burdjosmes!

Ton kaď muso vań meda dunńeos,
Kužymed pyča jozvijam.
Dźeć ivorde gurlalo turios,
Dan tynyd, Dore mynam!


Dun ošmes vu žiľyrte šurjosyn,
Volga-Kam – paćyl virseram.
Rossijen čoš kajguyn no danyn
Ton, Udmurtije mynam!


[ʂun.dɨ sʲi.os | d͡ʐ pa.ɫe.zʲez |]
[jug d͡zʲar.don | vu.e ‖]
[os.kon təɫ.po | mʲi.lʲem.ɫɨ kun.ʂe.ted |]
[dan tɨ.nɨd | do.rʲe mɨ.nam ǁ]

[jug.dɨ.tɨ | bɨd.d͡zʲɨmʲe |]
[kɨ.dʲo.kɨsʲ iɱ.vʲis.jos.mʲes ‖]
[kɨ.da.tɨ | vɨlʲ ʂud.bur.mʲes |]
[e.rʲi.ko | jən burd.jos.mʲes ǁ]

[toŋ‿kadʲ | vanʲ mʲe.da dunʲ.nʲe.os |]
[ku.ʐɨ.mʲed | pɨ.t͡ʂa joz.vʲi.jam ‖]
[d͡zʲet͡ɕ | gur.ɫa.ɫo tu.rʲi.os |]
[dan tɨ.nɨd | do.rʲe mɨ.nam ǁ]


[dun oʂ.mʲez‿vu | ʐi.lʲɨr.tʲe ʂɨn |]
[voɫ.ga.kam | pa.t͡ɕɨɫ vʲ ‖]
[rosʲ.sʲi.jen t͡ʂoʂ |ɨn no da.nɨn |]
[ton ud.mur.tʲ mɨ.nam ǁ]


Russian version

Cyrillic script IPA transcrption

Солнце горит в алых гроздьях рябин,
Новый день встречает земля,
Реет твой флаг над простором равнин,
О Удмуртия моя!

Воссияй, Отчизна моя,
Счастьем путь нам озаряй!
Да хранит Господь тебя,
Расцветай, любимый край!

Краше тебя нет на свете земли,
Широки леса и поля,
Весть о тебе вдаль несут журавли,
Славься, Родина моя!


Каму и Волгу питала века
Родников живая вода,
В горе и славе с Россией всегда
Ты, Удмуртия моя!


[ˈson.t͡sɨ ɡɐ.ˈrʲit ǀ v‿a.ɫɨx ˈɡro.zdʲjɐx ˈrʲa.bʲɪn ǀ]
[ˈno.vɨj dʲɛn ǀ fstrʲɪ.ˈt͡ɕa.jɪd‿zʲɪm.ˈlʲa ǁ]
[ˈrʲɛ.jɪt tvoj flak ǀ nat‿prɐs.ˈto.rəm ˈra.vnʲɪn ǀ]
[ɐ ʊ.ˈdmur.tʲɪ.jə mɐ.ˈja ǁ]

[vəsʲ.sʲɪ.ˈjaj ǀ ɐt.ˈt͡ɕʲi.znə mɐ.ˈja ǀ]
[ˈɕːa.sʲtʲjɪm putʲ ǀ nam ɐ.ˈza.rʲəj ǁ]
[da xrɐ.ˈnʲit ǀ ɡɐ.ˈspotʲ tʲɪ.ˈbʲa ǀ]
[rɐs.t͡svʲɪ.ˈtaj ǀ lʲu.ˈbʲi.mɨj kraj ǁ]

[ˈkra.ʂɨ tʲɪ.ˈbʲa ǀ nʲɛt na ˈsvʲɛ.tʲɪ zʲɪmʲ.ˈlʲi ǀ]
[ʂɨ.rɐ.ˈkʲi ǀ lʲɪ.ˈsa i pɐ.ˈlʲa ǁ]
[vʲɛstʲ ɐ tʲɪ.ˈbʲɛ ǀ vdalʲ nʲɪ.ˈsut ʐʊ.rɐ.ˈvʲlʲi ǀ]
[ˈsɫa.fʲsʲə ǀ ˈro.dʲɪ.nə mɐ.ˈja ǁ]


[ˈka.mʊ‿i ˈvoɫ.ɡʊ ǀ pʲɪ.ˈta.ɫə ˈvʲɛ.kə ǀ]
[rɐ.dnʲɪ.ˈkof ǀ ʐɨ.ˈva.jə vɐ.ˈda ǁ]
[v‿ˈɡo.rʲɪ‿i ˈsɫa.vʲɪ ǀ s‿rɐsʲ.ˈsʲi.jɪj fsʲɪɡ.ˈda ǀ]
[tɨ ʊ.ˈdmur.tʲɪ.jə mɐ.ˈja ǁ]


English translation


The sunrays shine the mountain ashes,
The daylights brighten up my land.
Your banner soars over the expanse,
Praise to you, O motherland!

Shine and glow! O holy heavens!
From afar on our horizons!
May there be new happiness –
Let's aspire with our proud wings!

Are there worlds as lovely as you?
Your strength flows through my mortal soul.
Cranes bring you nothing but good news,
Praise to you, O motherland!


Pure spring waters glimmer in the rivers,
Volga and Kam flow in my veins.
Within Russia in grief and in glory,
You are my Udmurtia!


See also



  1. ^ a b Как создавался гимн Удмуртии. ИА «Удмуртия» (30 сентября 2019). Дата обращения: 3 января 2021. Архивировано 13 апреля 2021 года.
  2. ^ Родная Кама-река… Известия Удмуртской Республики (27 октября 2016). Дата обращения: 3 января 2021. Архивировано 13 апреля 2021 года.
  3. ^ a b Общие сведения