Lista de golpes de Estado por país – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

Os Golpes de estado estão listados por país em ordem alfabética.

Ver artigo principal: Golpes de Estado no Brasil

● 1908 por Juan Vicente Gómez contra Cipriano Castro

● 1945 por Rómulo Betancourt contra Isaías Medina Angarita

● 1948 por Carlos Delgado Chalbaud contra Rómulo Gallegos

● 1958 por Junta Civil Militar contra Marcos Pérez Jiménez

● 1992 por grupo de soldados contra Carlos Andrés Pérez

● 2002 por grupo de soldados contra Hugo Chávez


  1. Survivor of a coup Arquivado em 30 de setembro de 2007, no Wayback Machine. TIME magazine
  2. Page 455 The Fate of Africa: From the Hopes of Freedom to the Heart of Despair
  3. Page 168 National Military Establishments and the Advancement of Science and Technology: Studies in 20th century...
  4. Page 8 A Political Chronology of the Americas
  5. Page 180 Workers' Control in Latin America, 1930-1979
  6. Page 150 African Military History and Politics: Ideological Coups and Incursions, 1900-Present
  7. Page 16 Argentina's Lost Patrol: Armed Struggle, 1969-1979
  8. Page 116 Green Backlash: Global Subversion of the Environment Movement
  9. Page 130 Azerbaijan A Country Study
  10. Page 184 God Willing: The Politics of Islamism in Bangladesh
  11. Page 21 Bangladesh
  12. Page 175 Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press
  13. Page 38 A Political and Economic Dictionary of Latin America
  14. Page 80 Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda
  15. Purcell, Roett - Brazil under Cardoso [1]
  16. Bakewell, Peter A history of Latin America: c. 1450 to the present Blackwell Publishing USA p. 518
  17. Page 725 The Encyclopedia of World History: ancient, medieval, and modern, chronologically arranged
  18. Country profile: Burkina Faso BBC News
  19. Obituary: Ne Win BBC News
  20. Page 64 The Burmese Connection: Illegal Drugs and the Making of the Golden Triangle
  21. a b Timeline: Burundi BBC News
  22. Burundi: Leaders are changing but human rights abuses continue unabated Arquivado em 29 de setembro de 2003, no Wayback Machine. Amnesty International
  23. Who's who: Cambodia, Lon Nol PBS
  24. xlviii Historical Dictionary of Chile
  25. A Chilean Dictator's Dark Legacy The Washington Post
  26. Page 221 From Colonization to Democracy: A New Historical Geography of South Africa
  27. Page 86 Conservative Parties, the Right, and Democracy in Latin America
  28. Page 753 Time Almanac, 2004
  29. Timeline: Republic of Congo BBC News
  30. Page 82 The Handbook of the Former Soviet Union
  31. «Militares anunciam golpe de Estado no Gabão e fecham a fronteira do país». G1. 30 de agosto de 2023. Consultado em 30 de agosto de 2023 
  32. Page 23 Central Africa
  33. Page 590 The Americana Annual: An Encyclopedia of Current Events
  34. Page 106 The Territorial Management of Ethnic Conflict