2020 in arthropod paleontology

List of years in arthropod paleontology
In paleontology
In science
In reptile paleontology
In paleobotany
In paleoentomology
In paleomalacology
In archosaur paleontology
In mammal paleontology
In paleoichthyology

2020 in arthropod paleontology is a list of new arthropod fossil taxa, including arachnids, crustaceans, insects, trilobites, and other arthropods that were announced or described, as well as other significant arthropod paleontological discoveries and events which occurred in 2020.



Newly named taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly related to the Ochyroceratoidea. The type species is A. praecursor.

Bicornoculus granulans[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Tetrablemmidae.

Biungulus[2] Gen. et sp. nov In press Bartel et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A member of Opiliones belonging to the family Epedanidae. Genus includes new species B. xiai.
Burmacharon[3] Gen. et sp. nov In press Hu et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A whip spider. Genus includes new species B. dunlopi.

Burmesarchaea bilongapophyses[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Archaeidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

Junior homonym

Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to family Nemesiidae. The type species is B. sordida. The generic name is preoccupied by Burmesia Healey (1908); Wunderlich (2021) coined a replacement name Burmesiana.[4]

?Burmesiola kachinensis[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A tree trunk spider.

Burmorchestina circular[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Oonopidae.

Burmorchestina prominens[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Oonopidae.

Burmorsolus globosus[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider, probably related to trogloraptorids.

Burmorsolus longembolus[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider, probably related to trogloraptorids.

Burmorsolus longibulbus[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider, probably related to trogloraptorids.


Gen. et sp. nov


Downen & Selden


Kishenehn Formation

 United States

An orb-weaver spider. The type species is C. leonae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Whalen & Selden

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Energy Shale

 United States

A member of Ricinulei. Genus includes new species C. bohemondi.

Cymbioblemma fusca[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Tetrablemmidae.

Cymbioblemma hamoembolus[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Tetrablemmidae.

Electroblemma bifurcata[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Tetrablemmidae.

Electroblemma caula[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Tetrablemmidae.

Electroblemma pinnae[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Tetrablemmidae.

Ellenbergellus[2] Gen. et sp. nov In press Bartel et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A member of Opiliones belonging to the family Tithaeidae. Genus includes new species E. tuberculatus.

Eogamasomorpha rostratis[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Tetrablemmidae.

Epieremulus sidorchukae[7] Sp. nov In press Arillo, Subías & Peñalver Cretaceous Asturian amber  Spain A mite belonging to the group Oribatida and to the family Caleremaeidae
Gigantocheles[2] Gen. et sp. nov In press Bartel et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A member of Opiliones belonging to the family Epedanidae. Genus includes new species G. nilsi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jiang & Li in Jiang et al.

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the group Araneomorphae and to the new family Gigarachnidae. The type species is G. bian.


Gen. et sp. nov


Downen & Selden


Kishenehn Formation

 United States

An orb-weaver spider. The type species is G. pamelae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the superfamily Scytodoidea and the family Praepholcidae. The type species is H. opilionoides.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


Probably a tube-dwelling spider. The type species is M. tuber.

Mesokanus[2] Gen. et sp. nov In press Bartel et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A member of Opiliones belonging to the group Laniatores and to the new family Mesokanidae. Genus includes new species M. oehmkuehnlei.
Mesozomus[9] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Müller et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A member of Schizomida. Genus includes new species M. groehni.
Modisimus chiapanecus[10] Sp. nov In press García-Villafuerte & Valdez-Mondragón Miocene (Aquitanian) Mexican amber  Mexico A species of Modisimus


Gen. et sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to family Nemesiidae. The type species is M. glaber.

Myrmecarchaea antecessor[11] Sp. nov Carbuccia et al. Eocene (Ypresian) Oise amber  France A member of the family Archaeidae.
Neophyllobius electrus[12] Sp. nov Valid Zmudzinski Eocene Baltic amber Europe (Baltic Sea region) A mite, a species of Neophyllobius.
Neophyllobius glaesus[12] Sp. nov Valid Zmudzinski Eocene Baltic amber Europe (Baltic Sea region) A mite, a species of Neophyllobius.
Odontomegops[13] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Guo et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A spider belonging to the family Lagonomegopidae. Genus includes new species O. titan.
Odontoscirus cretacico[14] Sp. nov Valid Porta et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A mite belonging to the family Bdellidae.
Palaeobeloniscus[2] Gen. et sp. nov In press Bartel et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A member of Opiliones belonging to the family Beloniscidae. Genus includes new species P. thilolebi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is P. hamulus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to family Ctenizidae. The type species is P. parvula.

Paurospina fastigata[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to family Zarqaraneidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jiang & Li in Jiang et al.

Late Cretaceous

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the group Araneomorphae and to the new family Pilosarachnidae. The type species is P. ju.

Praearaneus araneoides[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Praearaneidae.

Priscaleclercera furcata[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Psilodercidae.

Priscaleclercera hamo[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Psilodercidae.

Priscaleclercera liber[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Psilodercidae.

Procheiridium[15] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Porta et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A pseudoscorpion belonging to the family Cheiridiidae and the subfamily Pycnocheiridiinae. Genus includes new species P. judsoni.

Propterpsiloderces crassitibia[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Eopsilodercidae.

Propterpsiloderces cymbioseta[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Eopsilodercidae.

Propterpsiloderces duplex[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Eopsilodercidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A tarantula. The type species is P. spinipes.

Protopyramidops[2] Gen. et sp. nov In press Bartel et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A member of Opiliones, possibly belonging to the family Pyramidopidae. Genus includes new species P. nalae.

Spinicreber vacuus[1]

Sp. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Pholcochyroceridae.

Suraju[16] Gen. et sp. nov In press Martine et al. Permian (Guadalupian) Teresina Formation  Brazil A scorpion. Genus includes new species S. itayma.


Gen. et 3 sp. et comb. nov


Wunderlich & Müller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A spider belonging to the family Tetrablemmidae. The type species is U. gracilicornis; genus also includes new species U. brevicornis and U. longicornis, as well as "Eogamasomorpha" unicornis Wunderlich (2017).



Newly named taxa



Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Aliaplax[17] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Pasini et al. Early Pleistocene  Italy A member of the family Goneplacidae. The type species is A. tyrsenorum.

Ammopylocheles romankijoki[18]

Sp. nov


Fraaije et al.

Early Cretaceous (Berriasian)

 Czech Republic

A hermit crab belonging to the family Pylochelidae.

Amphoranina[19] Gen. et 2 sp. nov Valid Nyborg et al. Eocene to Oligocene  Canada
 United States
A crab belonging to the family Raninidae. Genus includes new species A. blandi and A. multispinata.


Gen. et sp. nov


Pasini, Luque & Garassino



A member of Xanthoidea sensu lato, of uncertain phylogenetic placement within that group. Genus includes new species A. collinsi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Audo & Furrer

Early Jurassic


A member of Polychelida, possibly belonging to the family Coleiidae. Genus includes new species A. oberlii.

Annuntidiogenes sagittula[18]

Sp. nov


Fraaije et al.

Early Cretaceous (Berriasian)

 Czech Republic

A hermit crab belonging to the family Annuntidiogenidae.

Bournelyreidus shiranui[22]

Sp. nov


Ando in Ando et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Enokuchi Formation


A lyreidid raninoid crab.


Gen. et sp. nov


De Angeli & Caporiondo



A crab belonging to the group Trapezioidea. Genus includes new species B. alessandroi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hegna & Lazo-Wasem in Hegna et al.

Early Miocene

Mexican amber


A member of Amphipoda belonging to the family Talitridae. Genus includes new species C. bousfieldi.

Calappilia erwinhartei[25]

Sp. nov


Wallaard et al.

Miocene (Burdigalian)


A species of Calappilia.

Callianassa reinhardpalorum[26] Sp. nov Valid Hyžný Miocene  Hungary
A species of Callianassa.
Calliax nishiki[27] Sp. nov Valid Ando et al. Latest Pleistocene to Holocene Moeshima Silt Bed  Japan A member of Axiidea belonging to the family Eucalliacidae.

Callichirus santensis[28]

Sp. nov

In press

Hernáez, Buchmann & Santana

Late Pleistocene


A species of Callichirus.

Cancer nancei[29] Sp. nov Valid Bahman, Feldmann & Schweitzer Miocene St. Marys  United States A species of Cancer
Cancer zahrae[29] Sp. nov Valid Bahman, Feldmann & Schweitzer Miocene St. Marys  United States A species of Cancer
Cherpihomola[30] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Marangon & De Angeli Oligocene (Rupelian)  Italy A member of the family Homolidae. The type species is C. italica.


Gen. et sp. nov


Artal & van Bakel

Eocene (Ypresian)


A crab belonging to the family Xanthidae. Genus includes new species C. obliquesulcatus.

Cretacalliax[32] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Pasini, Poore & Garassino Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)  Lebanon A ghost shrimp belonging to the family Callianopsidae. Genus includes new species C. levantina.
Cuchiadromites[33] Gen. et sp. nov In press Ossó, van Bakel & Ferratges Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Patrocinio Formation  Spain A crab belonging to the family Longodromitidae. Genus includes new species C. jadeae.

Daira corallina[34]

Sp. nov


Ferratges, Zamora & Aurell

Late Eocene


Dardanus cherpionensis[35]

Sp. nov


Marangon & De Angeli

Oligocene (Rupelian)

Ligure-Piemontese Basin


A species of Dardanus.

Dardanus faxensis[36] Sp. nov Valid Jakobsen et al. Paleocene (Danian) Faxe Formation  Denmark A species of Dardanus.
Diogenes augustinus[37] Sp. nov Valid Ferratges, Zamora & Aurell Eocene (Bartonian) Arguis Formation  Spain A hermit crab, a species of Diogenes.
Discosalaputium[38] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Schädel et al. Late Triassic (Carnian) Reingraben  Austria A member of Isopoda belonging to the group Scutocoxifera. The type species is D. aschauerorum.
Dynomene collinsi[39] Sp. nov Valid Ossó et al. Eocene (Priabonian)  Spain A crab belonging to the family Dynomenidae.
Eodromites bernchrisdomiorum[40] Sp. nov Valid Klompmaker et al. Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)  Poland A crab belonging to the family Goniodromitidae.
Eodromites cristinarobinsae[40] Sp. nov Valid Klompmaker et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Eguino Formation  Spain A crab belonging to the family Goniodromitidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Gašparič et al.

Late Triassic (Carnian)


A member of the family Polychelidae. Genus includes new species E. cornuaureus.

Eryma moriedaorum[22]

Sp. nov


Ando et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Enokuchi Formation


A member of the family Erymidae.

Etyus tresgalloi[42]

Sp. nov


Ossó & Moreno-Bedmar

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)


A crab belonging to the family Etyiidae.

Eupilumnus? vokesae[43]

Sp. nov

In press

Luque in Luque et al.



A crab.

Europrosopon[40] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Klompmaker et al. Late Jurassic  Austria
 Czech Republic
A crab belonging to the family Prosopidae. The type species is "Prosopon" aculeatum von Meyer (1857); genus also includes "Prosopon" abbreviatum Schweitzer & Feldmann (2009).
Galathea tuscia[17] Sp. nov Valid Pasini et al. Early Pleistocene  Italy A species of Galathea.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Jarzembowski et al.

Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian)


 United Kingdom

A member of Amphipoda. Genus includes new species G. vonki.

Gelrincola[38] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Schädel et al. Middle Triassic (Anisian) Lower Muschelkalk Vossenveld Formation  Netherlands A member of Isopoda belonging to the group Cymothoida. The type species is G. winterswijkensis.

Gemmellarocarcinus riglosensis[34]

Sp. nov


Ferratges, Zamora & Aurell

Late Eocene


Glebocarcinus doii[45]

Sp. nov


Karasawa & Takahashi

Early Miocene



A member of the family Cancridae

Graptocarcinus collinsi[46]

Sp. nov


Vega in Vega et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Arroyo Grande Formation


A crab belonging to the family Dynomenidae.

Hefriga schlechtingerae[47]

Sp. nov



Late Jurassic (Tithonian)



A caridean shrimp

Hispanigalathea raymondcaseyi[48]

Sp. nov


Van Bakel et al.

Early Cretaceous (Albian)


 United Kingdom

A member of Galatheoidea.

Hoploparia echinata[49]

Sp. nov


Pinheiro et al.

Late Cretaceous (SantonianCampanian)

Santa Marta Formation


Hoploparia hinokunika[22]

Sp. nov


Ando & Shimada in Ando et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Enokuchi Formation
Karakizaki Formation


A lobster.

Hoploparia tectumque[50]

Sp. nov

In press

Fraaije et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


Icriobranchiocarcinus rodas[51]

Sp. nov

In press

Vega in Vega et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Arroyo Grande Formation


A crab belonging to group Portunoidea and the family Lithophylacidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it is scheduled to be published in 2021.


Gen. et sp. nov


Fraaije et al.



A hermit crab belonging to the family Calcinidae. Genus includes new species J. bolcensis.


Gen. et comb. nov

In press

Van Bakel et al.

Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)


A crab belonging to the family Necrocarcinidae. The type species is "Nodoprosopon" angulosum Wehner (1988).

Laeviprosopon musialiki[54]

Sp. nov



Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)


A crab belonging to the family Prosopidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Van Bakel et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Kubina Formation


A crab belonging to the family Longodromitidae. The type species is L. cornutus.

Lobogalenopsis joei[34]

Sp. nov


Ferratges, Zamora & Aurell

Late Eocene


Mariaplax ohiranorikoae [56]

Sp. nov


Karasawa and Kobayashi


Atsumi Group


A member of the family Hexapodidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Artüz & Sakınç

Late Pleistocene


A member of Cumacea belonging to the family Nannastacidae. Genus includes new species M. samimei.

Masticacheles septemgradu[18]

Sp. nov


Fraaije et al.

Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

 Czech Republic

A hermit crab belonging to the family Pilgrimchelidae.

Matutites collinsi[58]

Sp. nov


Davis, Garassino & Weaver

Middle Eocene

Castle Hayne

 United States

A member of the family Matutidae.

Maurocarpilius[59] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Ossó, Gagnaison & Bailleul Eocene (Ypresian) Ait Ouarhitane  Morocco A member of the family Carpiliidae. The type species is M. binodosus.
Mesogalathea ardua[60] Sp. nov Valid Gašparič, Robins & Gale Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian/Tithonian)  Slovenia A member of the family Galatheidae.

Mesoparapylocheles janetjacksonae[18]

Sp. nov


Fraaije et al.

Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

 Czech Republic

A hermit crab belonging to the family Parapylochelidae.

Mizuhocancer[45] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Karasawa in Karasawa & Takahashi EarlyMiddle Miocene  Japan A member of the family Cancridae. Monotypic with the type species, Cancer? Imamurae Imaizumi, 1962.


Gen. et sp. nov


De Angeli & Ceccon

Early Eocene


A crab belonging to the family Pilumnidae. Genus includes new species M. efremi.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Van Bakel et al.

Early Cretaceous (Berriasian)

Štramberk Limestone

 Czech Republic

A crab belonging to the family Necrocarcinidae. The type species is M. stramberkensis.

Munidopsis kaedetatsuyai [62]

Sp. nov




Higashibessho Formation


A member of the family Munidopsidae.

Neoliomera zovoensis[63] Sp. nov Valid De Angeli & Garassino Early Eocene  Italy A species of Neoliomera.

Nitotacarcinus ambrosii[64]

Sp. nov


Beschin & Checchi

Eocene (Ypresian)


A crab belonging to the superfamily Carpilioidea and the family Tumidocarcinidae.

Obtusotelson[38] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Schädel et al. Late Triassic (Carnian) Reingraben  Austria A member of Isopoda belonging to the group Scutocoxifera. The type species is O. summesbergeri.

Orithyia eikii[65]

Sp. nov



Early Miocene

Mizunami Group


A member of the family Orithyiidae.

Paguristes collinsi[35]

Sp. nov


Marangon & De Angeli

Oligocene (Rupelian)

Ligure-Piemontese Basin


A species of Paguristes.

Paguristes frigoscopulus[36] Sp. nov Valid Jakobsen et al. Paleocene (Danian) Faxe Formation  Denmark A species of Paguristes.
Paguristes joecollinsi[66] Sp. nov Valid Wallaard et al. Miocene (Tortonian) Pakhna Formation  Cyprus A species of Paguristes.

Paguristes laurae[35]

Sp. nov


Marangon & De Angeli

Oligocene (Rupelian)

Ligure-Piemontese Basin


A species of Paguristes.


Gen. et 2 sp. et comb. nov


Fraaije et al.

Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)[68]

 Czech Republic

A furry lobster. Genus includes new species P. culocervus and P. jbeilensis,[68] as well as "Palinurus" strambergensis Bachmayer (1959).

Palaeopolycheles nantosueltae[69] Sp. nov Jauvion et al. Middle Jurassic (Callovian) La Voulte-sur-Rhône  France A member of Polychelida


Gen. et 2 sp. et comb. nov

In press

Van Bakel et al.

Cretaceous (Aptian to Cenomanian)

Hudspeth Formation
Kubina Formation
Lyaminsk Formation

 United States

A crab belonging to the superfamily Dorippoidea and the family Telamonocarcinidae. The type species is P. kalashnikovi; genus also includes new species P. levashiensis, as well as "Eodorippe" connori Nyborg et al. (2019).

Petrolisthes landsendi[70] Sp. nov Valid Garassino & Nyborg in Garassino et al. Late Cretaceous (Santonian) Nanaimo Group  Canada A species of Petrolisthes.
?Proeryon erinaceus[71] Sp. nov Valid Audo, Schweigert & Charbonnier Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) Terrain à Chailles Formation  France
?Proeryon quiltyi[71] Sp. nov Valid Audo, Schweigert & Charbonnier Middle Jurassic (Callovian) Antarctica
Prosopon josephcollinsi[40] Sp. nov Valid Klompmaker et al. Late Jurassic (Tithonian) Ernstbrunn Limestone  Austria A crab belonging to the family Prosopidae.
Protoapseudoidus[72] Fam. et Gen. et sp. nov In press Heard et al. Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Sierra Madre  Mexico A member of Tanaidacea belonging to the group Apseudomorpha, in the new family Protoapseudoidae. Genus includes new species P. espinalensis.

Protopagurus cerebellum[18]

Sp. nov


Fraaije et al.

Early Cretaceous (Berriasian)

 Czech Republic

A hermit crab belonging to the family Paguridae.

Protopagurus duopupae[18]

Sp. nov


Fraaije et al.

Early Cretaceous (Berriasian)

 Czech Republic

A hermit crab belonging to the family Paguridae.

Pseudastacus lemovices[73] Sp. nov Valid Charbonnier & Audo Early Jurassic (Sinemurian)  France A member of Astacidea belonging to the family Stenochiridae
Sabellidromites lanae[74] Sp. nov Valid Nyborg, Garassino & Ross Late Cretaceous (late Campanian)  Canada A dromioid crab
Stenodactylina beardi[75] Sp. nov Valid Feldmann, Schweitzer & Haggart Late Cretaceous Haslam  Canada A member of the family Erymidae.
Stenodactylina devillezi[76] Sp. nov Valid Schweigert & Härer Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Nusplingen  Germany A member of the family Erymidae.
Stenodactylina geigerae[76] Sp. nov Valid Schweigert & Härer Late Jurassic (Tithonian) Usseltal  Germany A member of the family Erymidae.
Stonesfielderyon[71] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Audo, Schweigert & Charbonnier Middle Jurassic (Bathonian)  United Kingdom A possible member of the family Eryonidae. The type species is S. imitator.
Tanidromites nightwishorum[40] Sp. nov Valid Klompmaker et al. Late Jurassic (Tithonian) Ernstbrunn Limestone  Austria A crab belonging to the family Tanidromitidae.
Tanidromites weinschenki[40] Sp. nov Valid Klompmaker et al. Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Oberjura-Massenkalk Formation  Germany A crab belonging to the family Tanidromitidae.

Tymolus bottemilleri[77]

Sp. nov


Nyborg & Garassino



 United States

A crab belonging to the family Cyclodorippidae.

Tymolus collinsi[77]

Sp. nov


Nyborg & Garassino


 United States

A crab belonging to the family Cyclodorippidae.

Upogebia azorensis[78]

Sp. nov


Hyžný in Hyžný et al.



A species of Upogebia. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.

Vecticallichirus kawanoi[79]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene



A ghost shrimp belonging to the family Callichiridae.

Vectis collinsi[55]

Sp. nov

In press

Van Bakel et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Kubina Formation


A crab belonging to the family Viaiidae.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Adelphobolbina praeclara[80] Sp. nov Valid Becker, Braun & Pratt Devonian  Canada
Ampuloides beckeri[81] Sp. nov Valid Nazik et al. Late Devonian  Mongolia A member of Podocopida belonging to the superfamily Bairdiocypridoidea and the family Pachydomellidae.
Angarallina[82] Gen. et 2 sp. nov Valid Melnikova Ordovician  Russia Genus includes new species A. demissa and A. aenigma.
Araxobairdia[83] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Gliwa in Gliwa et al. Permian (Changhsingian)  Iran A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bairdiidae. The type species is A. formosa.
Bairdia andrecrasquini[84] Sp. nov Crasquin et al. Late Triassic  Italy A member of the family Bairdiidae.
Bairdia gambaneraensis[84] Sp. nov Crasquin et al. Late Triassic  Italy A member of the family Bairdiidae.
Bairdia paramolesta[85] Sp. nov Valid Cabral, Lord & Pinto in Cabral et al. Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian and Toarcian)  Portugal A member of the family Bairdiidae.
Bairdiacypris argonautaii[86] Sp. nov Valid Forel in Forel & Grădinaru Late Triassic (Rhaetian) Kössen Formation  Austria
A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bairdiidae.
Bairdiacypris kathleenae[83] Sp. nov Valid Gliwa in Gliwa et al. Late Permian and Early Triassic (Changhsingian–Griesbachian)  Iran A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bairdiidae.
Beyrichiopsis hushootensis[81] Sp. nov Valid Nazik et al. Late Devonian  Mongolia A member of Platycopida belonging to the superfamily Kloedenelloidea and the family Beyrichiopsidae.
Bythocypris dorsogibba[87] Sp. nov In press Trabelsi et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Orbata  Tunisia
Bythocypris? multagracilis[87] Sp. nov In press Trabelsi et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Orbata  Tunisia
Bythocypris? pythagorasi[87] Sp. nov In press Trabelsi et al. Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Orbata  Tunisia
Candonopsis carthaginensis[87] Sp. nov In press Trabelsi et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Orbata  Tunisia
Capsacythere baldanzae[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Capsacythere fekihi[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Capsacythere giovannae[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Capsacythere salaji[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Carinaknightina hofmanni[83] Sp. nov Valid Gliwa in Gliwa et al. Permian (Changhsingian)  Iran A member of Palaeocopida belonging to the family Kirkbyidae.
Cavellina fosteri[83] Sp. nov Valid Gliwa in Gliwa et al. Permian (Changhsingian)  Iran A member of Platycopida belonging to the family Cavellinidae.
Cavellina hairapetiani[83] Sp. nov Valid Gliwa in Gliwa et al. Permian (Changhsingian)  Iran A member of Platycopida belonging to the family Cavellinidae.
Ceratobairdia? akhilleus[86] Sp. nov Valid Forel in Forel & Grădinaru Late Triassic (Rhaetian)  Romania A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bairdiidae.
Chrysocythere arutai[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Chrysocythere gliozziae[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Chrysocythere russoi[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Cimbaurila maamourii[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Hemicytheridae.
Costa ponticulocarinata[89] Sp. nov Valid Yasuhara et al. Early Miocene  India
Costoprimites multicostatus[90] Sp. nov Valid Gonta Ordovician  Russia
Costoprimites processus[90] Sp. nov Valid Gonta Ordovician  Russia
Cypridea punctacentralis[91] Sp. nov In press Santos Filho, Fauth & Sames Early Cretaceous Orós Formation  Brazil
Cytherella ilariae[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A species of Cytherella.
Cytheretta mariaantoniettae[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Cytherettidae.
Dicerobairdia buseri[92] Sp. nov Valid Forel in Forel, Kolar-Jurkovšek & Jurkovšek Late Triassic (Carnian)  Slovenia A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bairdiidae.
Direigina[82] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Melnikova Ordovician  Russia Genus includes new species D. nana.
Disulcina proxima[82] Sp. nov Valid Melnikova Ordovician  Russia A member of the family Tetradellidae.
Dolocythere amphistiela[93] Sp. nov Valid Lord, Cabral & Danielopol Early Cretaceous (Albian)  Germany A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Cytheridae
Dolocytheridea donzei[87] Sp. nov In press Trabelsi et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Orbata  Tunisia
Dorsogibbella alium[90] Sp. nov Valid Gonta Ordovician  Russia
Dorukella crasquinae[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Hemicytheridae.
Dorukella nevioi[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Hemicytheridae.
Dorukella razgallahae[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Hemicytheridae.
Dorukella ruggeroi[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Hemicytheridae.
Eumiraculum mettei[83] Sp. nov Valid Gliwa in Gliwa et al. Permian (Wuchiapingian–Changhsingian)  Iran A member of Podocopida belonging to the superfamily Bairdioidea.
Fabalicypris veronicae[83] Sp. nov Valid Gliwa in Gliwa et al. Permian (Changhsingian)  Iran A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bairdiidae.
Foramenella sibirica[82] Sp. nov Valid Melnikova Ordovician  Russia
Graptocythere octopus[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Hemicytheridae.
Hallatina oblonga[82] Sp. nov Valid Melnikova Ordovician  Russia A member of the group Leperditellocopida belonging to the family Primitiidae.
Hastacypris[91] Gen. et sp. nov Junior homonym Santos Filho, Fauth & Sames Early Cretaceous Orós Formation  Brazil A member of Cypridoidea. Genus includes new species H. adamantem. The generic name is preoccupied by Hastacypris Croneis & Gutke (1939); Guillam (2024) coined a replacement name Cuspicypris.[94]
Heterocypris aspirasensis[95] Sp. nov Valid Durak, Akkiraz & Nazik Early Miocene Aspiras Basin  Turkey A species of Heterocypris. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Histriabairdia[86] Gen. et sp. et comb. nov Valid Forel in Forel & Grădinaru Late Triassic (Carnian) to Middle Jurassic (Bathonian)  Austria
A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bairdiidae. The type species is H. pontuseuxinusensis; genus also includes "Anchistrocheles"? spinosa Sheppard in Brand (1990), "Anchistrocheles"? tuningensis Beher (2004) and "Anchistrocheles" gemmellaroi Crasquin in Crasquin et al. (2018).
Hungarella forelae[84] Sp. nov Crasquin et al. Late Triassic  Italy A member of the family Healdiidae.
Hungarella siciliiensis[84] Sp. nov Crasquin et al. Late Triassic  Italy A member of the family Healdiidae.
Hungaroleberis striatus[83] Sp. nov Valid Gliwa in Gliwa et al. Permian (Changhsingian)  Iran A member of Myodocopida belonging to the family Cylindroleberididae.
Illativella triquetra[80] Sp. nov Valid Becker, Braun & Pratt Devonian  Canada
Ilyocypris? arca[91] Sp. nov In press Santos Filho, Fauth & Sames Early Cretaceous Orós Formation  Brazil
Ilyocypris? latanodi[91] Sp. nov In press Santos Filho, Fauth & Sames Early Cretaceous Orós Formation  Brazil
Isobythocypris atalantella[86] Sp. nov Valid Forel in Forel & Grădinaru Late Triassic (Rhaetian)  Romania A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bairdiidae.
Jonesites chunensis[90] Sp. nov Valid Gonta Ordovician  Russia
Kerocythere dittainoensis[84] Sp. nov Crasquin et al. Late Triassic  Italy A member of the family Cytheruridae.
Kiesowia (?) incerta[82] Sp. nov Valid Melnikova Ordovician  Russia A member of the family Ctenonotellidae.
Kinkelinella ventrocarinata[85] Sp. nov Valid Cabral, Pinto & Lord in Cabral et al. Early Jurassic (Toarcian)  Portugal
 United Kingdom
A member of the family Protocytheridae.
Kinnekullea gaia[96] Sp. nov Valid Hearing et al. Ordovician (Katian) Phu Ngu  Vietnam
Korolyukina[82] Gen. et 2 sp. nov Valid Melnikova Ordovician  Russia A member of the family Bolliidae. Genus includes new species K. conspicua and K. taimyrica.
Laccochilina (?) jugata[82] Sp. nov Valid Melnikova Ordovician  Russia A member of the family Eurychilinidae.
Laccochilina (Prochilina) yanpingensis[97] Sp. nov In press Zhang Ordovician Shihtzupu Formation  China
Leucocytherella dangeloi[98] Sp. nov Valid Alivernini in Alivernini et al. Miocene (Messinian) and Pliocene Zhada Basin  China A member of the family Limnocytheridae.
Liuzhinia julfensis[83] Sp. nov Valid Gliwa in Gliwa et al. Late Permian and Early Triassic (Changhsingian–Griesbachian)  Iran A member of Podocopida belonging to the superfamily Bairdioidea.
Lyumellina[90] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Gonta Ordovician  Russia Genus includes new species L. risus
Minyocythere[93] Gen. et 2 sp. et comb. nov Valid Lord, Cabral & Danielopol Middle Jurassic (Aalenian and Bajocian)  Germany

 United Kingdom

A cytherid Podocopida. The type species is M. macroporosa;
genus also includes new species M. angulata,
as well as "Dolocythere" maculosa Bate (1963) and "Dolocythere" tuberculata Luppold (2012).
Mockella barbroae[84] Sp. nov Crasquin et al. Late Triassic  Italy A member of the family Limnocytheridae.
Mongolianella kyranbeki[99] Sp. nov In press Choi et al. Cretaceous Yanji  China
Myanmarcypris[100] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Wang et al. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A member of the family Candonidae belonging to the subfamily Paracypridinae. Genus includes new species M. hui.
Nikolina entonipteros[90] Sp. nov Valid Gonta Ordovician  Russia
Nikolina pteroventralis[90] Sp. nov Valid Gonta Ordovician  Russia
Okadaleberis (?) benzartiae[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Okadaleberis decimai[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Okadaleberis guerneti[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Okadaleberis hendae[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Okadaleberis khayatii[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Okadaleberis memmiae[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Orthobairdia capuliformis[83] Sp. nov Valid Gliwa in Gliwa et al. Permian (Changhsingian)  Iran A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bairdiidae.
Paijenborchellina reitanoi[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Cytheridae.
Paractinocythereis[89] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Yasuhara et al. Early Miocene  India A new genus for "Actinocythereis" gujaratensis Tewari & Tandon (1960)
Paracypris chekhmai[87] Sp. nov In press Trabelsi et al. Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Orbata  Tunisia
Paracypris ovidi[86] Sp. nov Valid Forel in Forel & Grădinaru Late Triassic (Rhaetian)  Romania A member of Cypridoidea belonging to the family Paracyprididae.
Perissocytheridea altesulcata[87] Sp. nov In press Trabelsi et al. Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Orbata  Tunisia
Perissocytheridea kouminiensis[87] Sp. nov In press Trabelsi et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Orbata  Tunisia
Petasobairdia amazonella[86] Sp. nov Valid Forel in Forel & Grădinaru Late Triassic (Rhaetian)  Romania A member of the family Bairdiidae.
Petasobairdia jeandercourti[84] Sp. nov Crasquin et al. Late Triassic  Italy A member of the family Bairdiidae.
Pontocypris? karavankensis[92] Sp. nov Valid Forel in Forel, Kolar-Jurkovšek & Jurkovšek Late Triassic (Carnian)  Slovenia A member of Cypridoidea belonging to the family Pontocyprididae.
Postsinusella[90] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Gonta Ordovician  Russia Genus includes new species P. guttaformis.
Prasuchonella? huarpe[101] Sp. nov Valid Carignano, Echevarría & Zavattieri Middle Triassic Cuyo Basin  Argentina A member of Darwinulocopina.
Pseudoleperditia? vetusta[80] Sp. nov Valid Becker, Braun & Pratt Devonian  Canada
Pseudomacrocypris? kerabani[86] Sp. nov Valid Forel in Forel & Grădinaru Late Triassic (Rhaetian)  Romania A member of Cypridoidea belonging to the family Pontocyprididae.
Pseudulrichia replicata[82] Sp. nov Valid Melnikova Ordovician  Russia A member of the family Richinidae.
Ptychobairdia iudicaensis[84] Sp. nov Crasquin et al. Late Triassic  Italy A member of the family Bairdiidae.
Ptychobairdia leonardoi[84] Sp. nov Crasquin et al. Late Triassic  Italy A member of the family Bairdiidae.
Pythagoracypris[91] Gen. et sp. nov In press Santos Filho, Fauth & Sames Early Cretaceous Orós Formation  Brazil Genus includes new species P. latavectis.
Rhinocypris? ericius[91] Sp. nov In press Santos Filho, Fauth & Sames Early Cretaceous Orós Formation  Brazil
Ruggieria quadricarinata[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Cytherettidae.
Steusloffia rudiformis[90] Sp. nov Valid Gonta Ordovician  Russia
Sulcicuneus gemmifer[80] Sp. nov Valid Becker, Braun & Pratt Devonian  Canada
Tasmanocypris lochardi[102] Sp. nov In press Warne Late Miocene and Pliocene  Australia
Tesakovites[82] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Melnikova Ordovician  Russia A member of the family Circulinidae. Genus includes new species T. rotundatus.
Urftella triangula[80] Sp. nov Valid Becker, Braun & Pratt Devonian  Canada
Urocythere (Pokornyella) salaktaensis[88] Sp. nov In press Sciuto & Temani in Sciuto, Temani & Ammar Miocene (Messinian)  Tunisia A member of Podocopa belonging to the family Hemicytheridae.
Velatomorpha rochacamposi[103] Sp. nov Valid Bergue, Maranhao & Ng Permian  Brazil

Other crustaceans

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Actinobalanus? sloveniensis[104]

Sp. nov


Buckeridge et al.

Oligocene and Miocene


A barnacle.

Altiverruca capsa[105]

Sp. nov



Pliocene-early Pleistocene

Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Verrucidae.

Altiverruca fusione[105]

Sp. nov



Pliocene-early Pleistocene

Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Verrucidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Schweitzer, Mychko & Feldmann


 United States?

A member of Cyclida. Genus includes A. capidulum (Chernyschev, 1933), A. simulans (Reed, 1908) and possibly A. ? minutus (Rogers, 1902).

Angulotergum kiamichensis[107] Sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle.
Angulotergum milviformis[107] Sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle.
Angulotergum robustum[107] Sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle.

Arcoscalpellum s.l. isaonishikawai [108]

Sp. nov




Katsuta Group


A member of the family Scalpellidae.

Arcoscalpellum s.l. Joei [108]

Sp. nov




Yotsuyaku Formation


A member of the family Scalpellidae.

Arcuatoscalpellum wacoensis[107] Sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle.
Ashinkailepas indica[109] Sp. nov Valid Gale in Gale et al. Late Pleistocene  India A barnacle

Aurivillialepas mascarensis[110]

Sp. nov




Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Calanticidae.

Brachylepas hantonensis[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  United Kingdom A barnacle
Brachylepas thieli[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  Germany A barnacle


Gen. et comb. nov


Schweitzer, Mychko & Feldmann


 United Kingdom

A member of Cyclida belonging to the family Americlidae. Genus includes B. rankini (Woodward, 1868), B. scotti (Woodward, 1894) and B. testudo (Peach, 1882).


Gen. et comb. nov


Schweitzer, Mychko & Feldmann


 United Kingdom

A member of Cyclida. Genus includes C. wrighti (Woodward, 1870).

Catherinum busselli[105]

Sp. nov



Pliocene-early Pleistocene

Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Scalpellidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Schweitzer, Mychko & Feldmann



A member of Cyclida. Genus includes C. spinosus (Chernyschev, 1933).

Collinslepas[111] Gen. et 3 sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  Morocco
A barnacle. Genus includes new species C. aitlaminensis, C. robustus and C. tunisiensis.


Gen. et sp. nov



Pliocene-early Pleistocene

Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Scalpellidae. The type species is C. buckeridgei.

Costatoverruca baxteri[105]

Sp. nov



Pliocene-early Pleistocene

Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Verrucidae.

Costatoverruca macropluteum[110]

Sp. nov




Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Verrucidae.

Costatoverruca tredecima[110]

Sp. nov




Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Verrucidae.

Cretiscalpellum robaszynskii[112] Sp. nov In press Gale, Jagt & Goolaerts Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)  Tunisia A barnacle.
Daohugounaias[113] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Luo et al. Middle Jurassic Daohugou  China A member of Anostraca. Genus includes new species D. cheni.
Diotascalpellum acies[107] Sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle.


Gen. et comb. nov


Schweitzer, Mychko & Feldmann


Mazon Creek fossil beds

 United States

A member of Cyclida belonging to the family Americlidae. Genus includes D. obesus (Schram, Vonk & Hof, 1997).

Eoverruca aubensis[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Early Cretaceous (Albian)  France A barnacle
Eoverruca symmetrica[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Late Cretaceous (Campanian)  United Kingdom A barnacle
Etcheslepas portlandensis[114] Sp. nov Valid Gale TithonianBerriasian Portland Group  United Kingdom A barnacle
Fallaxlepas[111] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  United Kingdom A brachylepadid barnacle. The type species is "Pollicipes" fallax Darwin (1851)

Gibbosaverruca youngi[105]

Sp. nov



Pliocene-early Pleistocene

Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Verrucidae.

Iliestheria urumqiensis[115] Sp. nov Valid Teng & Li Early Jurassic (PliensbachianToarcian) Sangonghe  China A clam shrimp. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.
Ivolepas worthensis[107] Sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle.
Jagtscalpellum[111] Gen. et comb. et 3 sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  Tunisia
 United Kingdom
 United States
A barnacle. The type species is "Pollicipes" striatus Darwin (1851); genus also includes "Pollicipes" filosus Withers (1911), as well as new species J. africanum, J. spinosum and J. luteorum.[107]
Lahuerguinagrapta[116] Gen. et sp. nov In press Gallego et al. Early Cretaceous La Huérguina  Spain An afrograptid clam shrimp. Genus includes new species L. multicostata.


Gen. et comb. nov


Schweitzer, Mychko & Feldmann


 United Kingdom
 United States?

A member of Cyclida. Genus includes L. bilobatus (Woodward, 1870), L. jonesianus (Woodward, 1870), L. torosus (Woodward, 1870) and possibly also L. ? communis (Rogers, 1902) and L. ? permarginatus (Rogers, 1902).

Lophobalanus fresvillensis[117] Sp. nov Valid Gale Eocene (Lutetian)  France A barnacle. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Loriculina fragila[107] Sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle.
Loriculina rubrifluvia[107] Sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle.
Loriolepas whytei[114] Sp. nov Valid Gale TithonianBerriasian  United Kingdom A barnacle

Newmaniverruca multitabulata[105]

Sp. nov



Pliocene-early Pleistocene

Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Verrucidae.

Pachylasma traceyi[110]

Sp. nov




Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Pachylasmatidae.

Proverruca anglica[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  United Kingdom A barnacle
Regioscalpellum kennedyi[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  Tunisia A barnacle

Rostratoverruca darwini[105]

Sp. nov



Pliocene-early Pleistocene

Indian Ocean (Mascarene Plateau)

A barnacle belonging to the family Verrucidae.

Striascalpellum[111] Gen. et 3 sp. et comb. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  Sweden
 United Kingdom
A barnacle. The type species is S. elegans; genus also includes new species S. bromleyi and S. barringtonensis, as well as "Scalpellum (Titanolepas)" martini Withers (1935).
Subsecolepas[111] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  United Kingdom A barnacle. The type species is S. holtwilsoni.


Gen. et comb. nov


Schweitzer, Mychko & Feldmann



A member of Cyclida. Genus includes T. tazawai (Niko & Ibaraki, 2011).

Texaslepas[107] Gen. et sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle. Genus includes new species T. holterhoffi.
Vectibalanus[117] Gen. et comb. et sp. nov Valid Gale Eocene and Oligocene Barton
Headon Hill
 United Kingdom A barnacle. The type species is "Balanus" unguiformis Sowerby (1846); genus also includes "Balanus" erisma Sowerby (1846) and a new species V. mortoni. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Virgilepas[111] Gen. et 3 sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  Morocco
 United Kingdom
A barnacle. Genus includes new species V. aboudaensis, V. peakei and V. hancocki.
Virgiscalpellum laevis[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  United Kingdom A barnacle
Virgiscalpellum marysensis[107] Sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle.
Virgiscalpellum mhrilensis[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  Tunisia A barnacle
Virgiscalpellum multilineatum[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  Tunisia A barnacle
Virgiscalpellum rugosum[107] Sp. nov In press Gale Cretaceous  United States A barnacle.
Virgiscalpellum sussexiense[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  United Kingdom A barnacle
Virgiscalpellum truncatum[111] Sp. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  United Kingdom A barnacle
Witherscalpellum[111] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Gale Cretaceous  France

 United Kingdom

A barnacle. The type species is "Cretiscalpellum aptiensis Withers (1935); genus also includes "Cretiscalpellum" matrioni Gale (2019).

General research






New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Acastoides biebrichensis[125]

Sp. nov



Devonian (Emsian)

Rupbach Shale


A member of the family Acastidae.

Acastoides requadti[125]

Sp. nov



Devonian (Emsian)

Rupbach Shale


A member of the family Acastidae.

Aciculolenus askewi[126]

Sp. nov



Cambrian (Jiangshanian)


Arduennella hainauensis[127]

Sp. nov


Van Viersen & Alberti

Devonian (Emsian)


Atlanticalymene[128] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Adrain, Karim & McAdams Ordovician (Darriwilian) Table Cove Formation  Canada A calymenine trilobite. The type species is A. bardensis.
Balvibole[129] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Basse & Lemke Devonian (Famennian) Dasberg Limestone  Germany A cyrtosymboline trilobite. Genus includes new species B. kaufmanni.
Blountia angelae[130] Sp. nov Valid Armstrong, Westrop & Eoff Cambrian Nolichucky Formation  United States A member of the family Kingstoniidae.
Blountia morgancreekensis[130] Sp. nov Valid Armstrong, Westrop & Eoff Cambrian Riley Formation  United States A member of the family Kingstoniidae.
Blountia nevadensis[130] Sp. nov Valid Armstrong, Westrop & Eoff Cambrian Mendha Formation  United States A member of the family Kingstoniidae.
Blountia newfoundlandensis[130] Sp. nov Valid Armstrong, Westrop & Eoff Cambrian Shallow Bay Formation  Canada A member of the family Kingstoniidae.
Blountia tennesseensis[130] Sp. nov Valid Armstrong, Westrop & Eoff Cambrian Nolichucky Formation  United States A member of the family Kingstoniidae.


Gen. et comb. nov





A new genus for "Dolerolenus" courtessolei Pillola (1991).

Clappaspis tupeq[132]

Sp. nov



Cambrian (Miaolingian)

Telt Bugt Formation


A member of the family Alokistocaridae.

Cliffia nicoleae[126]

Sp. nov



Cambrian (Jiangshanian)


Cyphaspides paulospinatus[133]

Sp. nov





A member of Proetida belonging to the family Aulacopleuridae.

Cyphaspides speculator[133]

Sp. nov





A member of Proetida belonging to the family Aulacopleuridae.

Dicranurus webbyi[134]

Sp. nov


Holloway, Smith & Thomas

Ordovician (Katian)

Gunningbland Formation


An odontopleurid trilobite.

Ehmaniella sermersuaqensis[132]

Sp. nov



Cambrian (Miaolingian)

Telt Bugt Formation


A member of the family Alokistocaridae.

Elrathia hensonensis[135]

Nom. nov


Geyer & Peel


Ekspedition Bræ Formation


A replacement name for Elrathia groenlandica Geyer & Peel (2017).

Eowinterbergia effenbergensis[129] Sp. nov Valid Basse & Lemke Devonian (Famennian) Wocklum Limestone  Germany


Gen. et sp. nov





A member of the family Despujolsiidae. Genus includes new species E. pustulata.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Crônier et al.

Devonian (Famennian)


A phacopid trilobite. Genus includes new species F. mongoliensis and F. khovdensis. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.

Gravicalymene bakeri[137]

Sp. nov

In press

Smith & Ebach

Ordovician (Katian)

Gordon Group


A calymenid trilobite.

?Houseops olonbulagensis[136]

Sp. nov


Crônier et al.

Devonian (Famennian)


A phacopid trilobite. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.

Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus[138]

Sp. nov


Geyer, Pais & Wotte


Jbel Wawrmast Formation


A member of Redlichiida belonging to the family Ellipsocephalidae.

Marsaisia devoillei[131]

Sp. nov





A member of the family Despujolsiidae.

Marsaisia? lemdadensis[131]

Sp. nov





A member of the family Despujolsiidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Sun, Zeng & Zhao

Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Mantou Formation


A member of Ptychopariacea of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is P. auritus.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Liñán et al.

Cambrian Stage 3

Pusa Formation


Genus includes new species P. toletana and P. vidalii.


Gen. et sp. nov


Holloway, Smith & Thomas

Ordovician (Katian)

Gunningbland Formation


A calymenid trilobite. Genus includes new species P. jonesi.

Prosaukia oculata[141]

Sp. nov


Wernette et al.

Cambrian (Furongian)

Ao Mo Lae Formation



Gen. et sp. nov


Wernette et al.

Late Cambrian

Ao Mo Lae Formation


A kaolishaniid trilobite belonging to the new subfamily Ceronocarinae. Genus includes new species S. molaensis.

Saukianda? dresnayi[143]

Sp. nov

In press

Geyer & Landing


MoroccanAlgerian border region

Treveropyge hellemondi[144]

Sp. nov


Van Viersen & Taghon

Devonian (Emsian)

Our Formation


A member of the family Acastidae.

Utia debra[145]

Sp. nov



Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Lakeview Limestone
Spence Shale

 United States

A member of Ptychopariida belonging to the family Utiidae.

General research

  • A study on the timing of the trilobite extinctions at the early to middle Cambrian transition is published by Sundberg et al. (2020).[146]
  • Evidence of gregarious moulting of Cambrian (Stage 4) trilobites from the "Tsinghsutung" Formation (China), representing one of the earliest records of synchronized moulting behaviours in the fossil record, is presented by Corrales-García et al. (2020).[147]
  • A study on trilobite size variations in the Ordovician Fezouata Formation (Morocco) deposited in a cold-water environment is published by Saleh et al. (2020).[148]
  • A study on the nature of variation among oryctocephalid specimens from the Combined Metals Member of the Pioche Formation (Nevada; Cambrian Stage 4) will be published by Webster & Sundberg (2020).[149]
  • A study on the ontogeny of the olenid trilobite Leptoplastides salteri is published by Månsson & Clarkson (2020).[150]
  • A study on the anatomy of the internal structures of the compound eye of Aulacopleura koninckii is published by Schoenemann & Clarkson (2020).[151]
  • A study on exuviae of Ovalocephalus tetrasulcatus from the Ordovician Linhsiang Formation (Hubei, China) is published by Zong (2020), who reports exuviae arranged with two or three together end to end or superimposed, and evaluates the implications of these findings for the knowledge of the behavior of trilobites.[152]

Other arthropods


Newly named taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Adelophthalmus pyrrhae[153]

Sp. nov


Lamsdell et al.

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

St. Nazaire Group (possibly Lydiennes Formation)


A eurypterid.


Gen. et comb. nov




 United Kingdom

A horseshoe crab. The type species is "Limulus" woodwardi Watson (1909). However, Bicknell et al. (2021) transferred "L." woodwardi to the genus Mesolimulus.[155]

(A) Norilimulus woodae, (B) Batracholimulus fuchsbergensis, (C) Boeotiaspis longispinus, (D) Keuperlimulis vicensis, (E) Volanalimulus madagascarensis, (F) Allolimulus woodwardi


Gen. et comb. nov




 United States

A member of the family Belinuridae. The type species is "Euproops" longispina Packard (1885).


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of the family Austrolimulidae. The type species is "Paleolimulus" fuchsbergensis Hauschke & Wilde (1987).


Gen. et comb. nov




 United States

A member of the family Austrolimulidae. The type species is "Paleolimulus" longispinus Schram (1979).

Bushizheia[156] Gen. et sp. nov Valid O'Flynn & Liu in O'Flynn et al. Cambrian Stage 3 Chiungchussu  China An early euarthropod of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is B. yangi.

Concavicaris martinae[157]

Sp. nov


Broda, Rak & Hegna

Devonian (Famennian)

 Czech Republic

A thylacocephalan.

Concavicaris pikae[157]

Sp. nov


Broda, Rak & Hegna

Devonian (Famennian)


A thylacocephalan.

Concavicaris submarinus[158]

Sp. nov

Jobbins, Haug & Klug

Devonian (Famennian)


A thylacocephalan.

Concavicaris woodruffensis[157]

Sp. nov


Broda, Rak & Hegna

Devonian (Famennian)

Woodruff Formation

 United States

A thylacocephalan.


Gen. et sp. nov


Tihelka, Tian & Cai

Devonian (Pragian)

Rhynie chert

 United Kingdom

Originally described as a member of Opiliones, but this interpretation was subsequently questioned by Pérez-González & Shultz (2021), who were unsure about the phylogenetic placement of this arthropod, but noted anatomical similarities with the euthycarcinoid species Heterocrania rhyniensis.[160] The type species is D. hutchinsoni.


Gen. et sp. nov


Ji et al.

Early Triassic


A thylacocephalan. Genus includes new species D. chaohuensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hannibal & May

Permian (Cisuralian)

Richards Spur locality

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A millipede belonging to the group Helminthomorpha. The type species is D. subtila.

Ericixerxes[163] Gen. et sp. nov Gueriau et al. Devonian (Famennian) Evieux  Belgium A member of Euthycarcinoidea. The type species is E. potii.
Hipponicharion perforata[164] Sp. nov Valid Skovsted et al. Cambrian Mural  Canada A member of Bradoriida belonging to the family Hipponicharionidae.

Itagnostus idahoensis[145]

Sp. nov



Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Emigrant Formation
Lakeview Limestone

 United States

A member of Agnostida belonging to the family Peronopsidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Lerosey-Aubril et al.

Cambrian (Drumian)

Wheeler Shale

 United States

A megacheiran. Genus includes new species K. rectifrons.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hannibal & May

Permian (Cisuralian)

Richards Spur locality

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A millipede belonging to the group Juliformia, possibly a member of the superfamily Xyloiuloidea. The type species is K. fortsillensis.


Gen. et comb. nov





A horseshoe crab. The type species is "Limulus" vicensis Bleicher (1897).


Gen. et comb. nov




 United Kingdom

A member of the family Belinuridae. The type species is "Steropis" arcuatus Baily (1859).

Mesolimulus tafraoutensis[166]

Sp. nov

In press

Lamsdell et al.

Late Cretaceous (CenomanianTuronian)

Gara Sbaa Lagerstätte


A horseshoe crab.

Microcaris rectilineatus[161]

Sp. nov


Ji et al.

Early Triassic


A thylacocephalan. Ehiro & Kano (2024) considered it to be a species belonging to the genus Parisicaris.[167]


Gen. et comb. nov



Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Horton Bluff Formation


A member of Xiphosura belonging to the family Paleolimulidae. The type species is "Paleolimulus" woodae Lerner, Lucas & Mansky (2016).


Gen. et sp. nov


Hannibal & May

Permian (Cisuralian)

Richards Spur locality

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A millipede belonging to the group Helminthomorpha. The type species is O. richardsspurense.


Gen. et comb. nov




 United States

A member of the family Belinuridae. The type species is "Enthomolithus" lunatus Martin (1809); genus also includes P. iswariensis (Chernyshev, 1928), P. lacoei (Packard, 1885), P. metschetensis (Chernyshev, 1928) and P. stepanovi (Chernyshev, 1928).


Gen. et comb. nov


Broda, Rak & Hegna

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Líšeň Formation

 Czech Republic

A thylacocephalan; a new genus for "Concavicaris" viktoryni Rak, Broda & Kumpan (2018).


Gen. et sp. nov

Wendruff et al.

Silurian (Telychian)

Brandon Bridge

 United States

An arthropod of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Originally classified as an early scorpion, but subsequently argued to be basal to crown group Mandibulata and Chelicerata.[169] The type species is P. venator.


Gen. et comb. nov


Bicknell & Smith

Late Devonian

 United States

A stem xiphosurid; a new genus for "Kasibelinurus" randalli. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.

Pauropsxenus extraneus[171]

Sp. nov

In press

Su, Cai & Huang

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A millipede belonging to the family Polyxenidae.

Pauropsxenus ordinatus[171]

Sp. nov

In press

Su, Cai & Huang

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A millipede belonging to the family Polyxenidae.


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Devonian


A eurypterid. Genus includes new species P. salgadoi. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.

Pseudobeyrichona taurata[164] Sp. nov Valid Skovsted et al. Cambrian Mural  Canada A member of Bradoriida belonging to the family Hipponicharionidae.


Gen. et comb. nov

Bicknell, Naugolnykh & Brougham

Permian (Asselian)

Araukaritovaya Formation


A member of Xiphosura belonging to the group Limulina; a new genus for "Paleolimulus" jakovlevi Glushenko & Ivanov (1961).


Gen. et sp. nov

Aria et al.

Cambrian Stage 3

Maotianshan Shale Member of the Yu'anshan Formation


A megacheiran related to Jianfengia and Fortiforceps. The type species is S. maomima.

Soligorskopterus shpinevi[175]

Sp. nov


Naugolnykh & Areshin

Late Devonian


An eurypterid. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.

Tariccoia tazagurtensis[176] Sp. nov Valid Pérez-Peris et al. Early Ordovician Fezouata  Morocco A nektaspid arthropod. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.

Thelxiope holmani[177]

Sp. nov


Lerosey-Aubril, Skabelund & Ortega-Hernández

Cambrian (Drumian)

Wheeler Shale

 United States

A possible member of Chelicerata.


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Triassic

Ankitokazo Basin


A horseshoe crab. The type species is V. madagascarensis.


Gen. et sp. nov

Liu et al.

Cambrian Stage 3

Chiungchussu Formation


A member of the group Fuxianhuiida. The type species is X. luoi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Zeng et al.

Cambrian Stage 3

Hongjingshao Formation


A member of Hymenocarina. Genus includes new species X. chenggongensis. Announced in 2020; the final version of t