2023 in paleobotany

List of years in paleobotany
In paleontology
In arthropod paleontology
In paleoentomology
In paleomalacology
In reptile paleontology
In archosaur paleontology
In mammal paleontology
In paleoichthyology

This paleobotany list records new fossil plant taxa that were to be described during the year 2023, as well as notes other significant paleobotany discoveries and events which occurred during 2023.




Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Chara chhindwaraensis[1]

Sp. nov


Khosla et al.

Late Cretaceous-Paleocene transition

Deccan Intertrappean Beds


A species of Chara.

Hornichara jianglingensis[2]

Comb. nov




A member of the family Characeae. Moved from Obtusochara jianglingensis Wang (1978).

Microchara shivarudrappai[1]

Sp. nov


Khosla et al.

Late Cretaceous-Paleocene transition

Deccan Intertrappean Beds


Platychara closasi[1]

Sp. nov


Khosla et al.

Late Cretaceous-Paleocene transition

Deccan Intertrappean Beds



Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Acicularia guizhouensis[3]

Sp. nov


Bucur, Enos & Minzoni

Middle Triassic


A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales.


Gen. et sp. nov


Maloney et al.


Dolores Creek Formation

( Yukon)

The type species is A. guncho.

Chaetocladus vasalemmense[5]

Sp. nov

Kröger & Tinn in Kröger et al.

Ordovician (Sandbian)

Vasalemma Formation


Eocladus estoniense[5]

Sp. nov

Kröger & Tinn in Kröger et al.

Ordovician (Sandbian)

Vasalemma Formation


Kantia granieri[3]

Sp. nov


Bucur, Enos & Minzoni

Middle Triassic


A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales.

Kantia intusannulata[3]

Sp. nov


Bucur, Enos & Minzoni

Middle Triassic


A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales.

Kantia muxinanii[3]

Sp. nov


Bucur, Enos & Minzoni

Middle Triassic


A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales.


Gen. et sp. nov




Byuk Formation


A green alga belonging to the group Ulvales. The type species is P. plate.


Gen. et sp. nov


Gan et al.

Middle Triassic

Yanchang Formation


The type species is P. ellipasis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Gan et al.

Middle Triassic

Yanchang Formation


The type species is P. spheroesis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Gan et al.

Middle Triassic

Yanchang Formation


The type species is P. ovalsis.


Gen. et sp. nov

Gan et al.

Middle Triassic

Yanchang Formation


The type species is P. globuloesis. The generic name is shared with Pseudocarteria Ettl.

Sphaeroplea striatocristata[8]

Sp. nov

Perez Loinaze et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Chorrillo Formation


A species of Sphaeroplea.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Skompski et al.



Originally described as a green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales and the family Triploporellaceae; subsequently argued by LoDuca (2024) to be a member of Bryopsidales.[10] Genus includes new species V. dryganti.

Phycological research



Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Nothostigma sepeensis[14]

Sp nov

Spiekermann, Jasper, Guerra-Sommer & D. Uhl

Early Permian


An herbaceous lycopsid

Selaginella quatsinoense[15]

Sp. nov


Rothwell & Stockey

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)

Longarm Formation

( British Columbia)

A species of Selaginella.


Gen., sp. et comb. nov

Bek et al.


 Czech Republic

A herbaceous lycophyte.
Genus includes new species T. serratus
also includes Lycopodites elongatus Goldenberg (1855).

Lycophyte research

  • A study on the ground-level trunk vasculature of Sigillaria approximata from the Pennsylvanian Calhoun Coal of Illinois (United States) is published by D'Antonio (2023), who finds evidence indicating that wood growth at the base of the trunk was different from the arborescent lycopsid wood growth model of Cichan (1985).[17][18]
  • Turner et al. (2023) report diverse phyllotaxis in leaves of the lycopod Asteroxylon mackiei from the Devonian Rhynie chert (United Kingdom), including whorls and spirals, and interpret this finding as suggesting that Fibonacci-style patterning was not ancestral to living land plants, as well as indicative of developmental similarities between lycophyte leaves and reproductive structures.[19]

Ferns and fern allies

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Botryopteridium sinensis[20]

Sp. nov

Zhou et al.



A botryopterid fern.


Gen. et comb. nov

Fernández & Césari

Carboniferous-Permian transition

Bajo de Véliz Formation


A member of Equisetales. The type species is Tchernovia? velizensis Durán, Hünicken & Antón (1997).

Diplazites campbellii[22]

Sp. nov

Pšenička et al.


 Nova Scotia

A psaroniaceous marattialean fern.

Dizeugotheca saudica[23]

Comb. nov

(Wagner, Hill & El-Khayal)


 Saudi Arabia

A member of the family Marattiaceae. Moved from Gemellitheca saudica Wagner, Hill & El-Khayal (1985).

Dryopterites beishanensis[24]

Sp nov

Ren & Sun

Late Cretaceous

Chijinbao Formation


A fern
First announced in 2022
Officially published in 2023

Equisetum kekeense[25]

Sp. nov

Zhang & Xie in Cao et al.


Youshashan Formation


A species of Equisetum.

Equisetum siwalikum[26]

Sp. nov

Kundu, Hazra & Khan in Kundu et al.



A species of Equisetum.

Equisetum wulanense[25]

Sp. nov

Zhang & Xie in Cao et al.


Youshashan Formation


A species of Equisetum.

Goeppertella unicyclica[27]

Sp. nov

Escapa & Yañez in Yañez, Escapa & Choo

Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)


A member of the family Dipteridaceae.

Microlepia burmasia[28]

Sp. nov

In press

Long, Wang, & Shi 


Burmese amber


A dennstaedtiaceous fern.

Palaeosorum siwalikum[29]

Sp. nov


Kundu, Hazra & Khan in Kundu et al.



A member of the family Polypodiaceae. Announced in 2023; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2024.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Wang, Shi & Engel in et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Dryopteridaceae.
The type species is P. sepeliogladius.

Qasimia archangelskyi[23]

Sp. nov

Kerp et al.


Umm Irna Formation


A member of the family Marattiaceae.

Szea yunnanensis[31]

Sp. nov

Guo, Zhou & Feng in Guo et al.

Permian (Lopingian)

Xuanwei Formation


A leptosporangiate fern.

Todea minutacaulis[32]

Sp. nov

Walker, Rothwell & Stockey

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)

( British Columbia)

A species of Todea.

Trichomanes angustum[33]

Comb. nov

(Li & Wang)

Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Hymenophyllaceae, a species of Trichomanes sensu lato. Moved from Hymenophyllites angustus Li & Wang (2022).

Pteridological research

  • A study on fossils of Pecopteris from the Mazon Creek fossil beds (Illinois, United States), indicative of association of a suite of saturated phytohopanoid and aromatised terpenoid diagenetic biomarker products with true fern fossils, is published by Tripp et al. (2023).[34]
  • Blanco-Moreno & Buscalioni (2023) identify Sphenopteris wonnacottii as a junior synonym of Coniopteris laciniata, provide whole plant reconstruction of C. laciniata, and interpret the variability of the pinnules of C. laciniata as likely caused by the submersion of the apical part of fronds in water during their development.[35]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

Martínez & Leppe in Martínez et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Dorotea Formation


A member of Ginkgoales. The type species is A. dutrae.

Eretmophyllum polypapillosum[37]

Sp. nov


Frolov & Mashchuk


Prisayan Formation


Eretmophyllum yershowskiensis[37]

Sp. nov


Frolov & Mashchuk


Prisayan Formation


Ginkgo henanensis[38]

Sp. nov


Li & Xu in Li et al.


Dazhang Formation


A species of Ginkgo.

Karkenia archangelskiana[39]

Sp. nov

Nosova in Nosova, Kostina & Afonin

Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian)

Khuren Dukh Formation


A member of the family Karkeniaceae.

Sphenobaiera krassilovii[39]

Sp. nov

Nosova, Kostina & Afonin

Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian)

Khuren Dukh Formation





Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Classostrobus archangelskyi[40]

Sp. nov

Kvaček, Mendes & Tekleva

(late Aptian-early Albian)

Figueira da Foz Formation


Pararaucaria laiyangensis[41]

Sp. nov

Jin et al.

Early Cretaceous

Laiyang Formation


Pseudofrenelopsis dinisii[42]

Sp. nov

Mendes, Kvaček & Doyle


Santa Susana Formation


A cheirolepidiaceous foliage morphospecies

Pseudofrenelopsis zlatkoi[43]

Sp. nov

Kvaček & Mendes

(late Aptian-early Albian)

Figueira da Foz Formation


A cheirolepidiaceous foliage morphospecies


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Florinanthus bussacensis[44]

Sp. nov

Correia et al.

Carboniferous (Gzhelian)


Florinanthus longiantheratus[45]

Sp. nov

Bureš et al.

Carboniferous (Moscovian)

Plzeň Basin

 Czech Republic

Pollen-bearing organs of a member of Cordaitales.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Sokolova et al.


( Amur Oblast)

A conifer with affinities with the family Cupressaceae. The type species is A. pilosum. Published online in 2024, but the issue date is listed as December 2023.

Juniperus chifengensis[47]

Sp. nov

Xiao & Guo in Guo et al.



A species of Juniper.

Mukawastrobus arnoldii[48]

Sp. nov


Rothwell, Stockey & Smith

Late Cretaceous

 United States
( Alaska)

A taiwanioid cupressaceous conifer.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Keteleeria farjonii[49]

Sp. nov


Wheeler, Manchester & Baas


John Day Formation

 United States
( Oregon)

A species of Keteleeria.

Keteleeria huolinhensis[50]

Sp. nov

Zhu et al.

Early Cretaceous

Huolinhe Formation


A species of Keteleeria.

Pinus bukatkinii[51]

Sp. nov


Bazhenova et al.

Middle Jurassic

( Belgorod Oblast)

A pine.

Tsuga weichangensis[52]

Sp. nov

In press

Li et al.



A species of Tsuga.
Announced in Feb 2023, formally published Jan 2024


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Synonymy Notes Images

Acmopyle grayae[53]

Sp. nov

Andruchow-Colombo et al.


Laguna del Hunco Formation


A species of Acmopyle.

Dacrycarpus engelhardti[53]

Comb. nov




A species of Dacrycarpus. Moved from Podocarpus engelhardti Berry (1938).

Phyllocladoxylon antarcticum[54]

Sp. nov


Pujana et al.


San José Formation


A podocarpaceous wood morphospecies
Announced in 2022
Officially published in 2023

Podocarpoxylon paradoxi[36]

Sp. nov

Martínez & Leppe in Martínez et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Dorotea Formation


A podocarpaceous wood morphospecies.

Podocarpoxylon resinosum[54]

Sp. nov


Pujana et al.


San José Formation


A podocarpaceous wood morphospecies
Announced in 2022
Officially published in 2023


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Synonymy Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Wang et al.

Permian (Cisuralian)

Shanxi Formation


A voltzialean conifer.
The type species is H. yongchangensis.
Announced in 2022
Officially published in 2023

Other conifers

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Brachyoxylon qijiangense[56]

Sp. nov

Xie, Wang & Tian in Xie et al.

Middle Jurassic

Shaximiao Formation


A member of Pinales of uncertain affinities.

Brachyphyllum dimorpha[57]

Sp. nov

Morales-Toledo & Cevallos-Ferriz

Middle Jurassic

Otlaltepec Formation


Coniferous foliage of uncertain affinities.

Mirovia oskolica[58]

Sp. nov

Nosova in Nosova & Lyubarova

Middle Jurassic (Bajocian–Callovian)

( Belgorod Oblast)

Coniferous leaves assigned to the family Miroviaceae.

Parnaiboxylon wangi[59]

Sp. nov

Wang et al.


Benxi Formation


A coniferous petrified wood.

Platycladium mexicana[57]

Sp. nov

Morales-Toledo & Cevallos-Ferriz

Middle Jurassic

Otlaltepec Formation



Gen. et sp. nov


Cai, Zhang & Feng in Cai et al.



A coniferous stem. The type species is S. tolgoyensis.


Gen. et sp. nov

Gou & Feng in Gou et al.

Middle Jurassic

Xishanyao Formation


A conifer stem of uncertain affinities. The type species is Y. elegans.

Conifer research

  • Trümper et al. (2023) report the discovery of fossil trees from the Athesian Volcanic Group (Italy) interpreted as remains of a Permian (Kungurian) forest where conifers were the major arborescent plants, substantiating the presence of coniferopsids in wetlands around the Carboniferous/Permian boundary.[62]
  • Slodownik et al. (2023) describe new fossil material (including the first putative female reproductive remains) of Araucarioides linearis from the Eocene Macquarie Harbour Formation (Australia), interpret Araucarioides sinuosa to be a junior synonym of A. linearis, and consider A. linearis to be a non-Agathis agathioid belonging to an extinct lineage that originated in the Cretaceous, lived in high paleolatitudes and had adaptations to seasonal environments which allowed it to survive the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.[63]
  • Andruchow-Colombo et al. (2023) review the fossil record of Podocarpaceae, and argue that the earliest reliable occurrences of members of this family are from the Jurassic of both hemispheres.[64]

Flowering plants





Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Stockey et al.


( British Columbia)

A member of the family Araceae. The type species is A. bogneri


Gen. et 2 sp. nov

Hernández-Sandoval, Cevallos-Ferriz & Hernández-Damián



A member of the family Alismataceae. Genus includes N. magalloniae and N. gonzalez-medranoi.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Cryosophiloxylon indicum[67]

Sp. nov


Kumar & Khan

Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)-Paleocene (Danian)

Deccan Intertrappean Beds


A member of the tribe Cryosophileae. Published online in 2023; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2024.

Palmocarpon dicellaformis[68]

Comb. nov




  • Matayba belenensis
    Berry (1929)

A palm fruit with affinities to extant Bactridinae.
Moved from Carpolithus dicellaformis Berry (1929).

Sabalites siwalicus[69]

Sp. nov


Mahato & Khan


Chunabati Formation


Published online in 2024, but the issue date is listed as December 2023.

Basal eudicots

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Macginitiea basilobata[70]

Comb. nov



 United States
( Montana)

Moved from Platanus basilobata Ward (1887).

Macginitiea rannii[70]

Sp. nov

Huegele & Correa Narvaez


 United States
( Wyoming)

Macginitiea rileyi[70]

Comb. nov



 United States
( Texas)

Moved from Platanus rileyi Ball (1939).

Megahertzia paleoamplexicaulis[71]

Sp. nov


Carpenter & Rozefelds


Salt Creek Formation


A species of Megahertzia


Gen. et sp. nov

Gobo et al in Gobo et al.

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A Nelumbonaceous lotus.
The type species is N. hydrophobus.

Palaeosinomenium oisensis[73]

Sp. nov


Kara et al.



A member of the family Menispermaceae. Published online in 2023; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2024.

Zizyphoides retusa[74]

Comb. nov



Probably late Eocene


A member of the family Trochodendraceae. Moved from Populus retusa Heer (1876).

Basal eudicot research

  • Evidence from the palynomorph fossil record, interpreted as indicating that members of the family Proteaceae reached South African Cape in the Late Cretaceous from North-Central Africa rather than from Australia across the Indian Ocean, is presented by Lamont, He & Cowling (2023).[75]




Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Plerandreoxylon oskolskii[49]

Sp. nov


Wheeler, Manchester & Baas


John Day Formation

 United States
( Oregon)

A member of the family Araliaceae.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Cordioxylon indicum[76]

Sp. nov


Bhatia, Srivastava & Mehrotra


Tipam Sandstone


Fossil wood of a member of the genus Cordia. Announced in 2023; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2024.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Symplocos kowalewskii[77]

Comb nov


(Casp.) Sadowski & Hofmann


Baltic Amber


A Symplocaceous flower species.
Moved from Stewartia kowalewskii (1886).

Symplocos kowalewskii


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Palaeophytocrene ga[78]

Sp. nov

Poore, Jud & Gandolfo

Paleocene (Danian)

Salamanca Formation


A member of the family Icacinaceae belonging to the tribe Phytocreneae.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Phillyreoxylon phillyreoides[79]

Sp. nov

Akkemik & Mantzouka in Akkemik et al.



Fossil wood of a member of the genus Phillyrea.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Deanna et al.


Esmeraldas Formation


A member of the family Solanaceae. The type species is E. inflata.


Gen. et sp. nov


Deanna et al.


Green River Formation

 United States
( Colorado)

A member of the family Solanaceae. The type species is L. calycina.

General Superasterid research





Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images


Gen. et comb. nov


Correa Narvaez et al.


Green River Formation

 United States
( Colorado)

A tetramelaceous leaf morphotype
The type species is Clethra (?) lepidioides Cockerell (1925)[82][83]


Gen. et comb. nov


Correa Narvaez et al.


Green River Formation

 United States
( Colorado)

A tetramelaceous seed morphotype
The type species is Cucurbita glandulosa Brown (1929)[84][83]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Acacia haominiae[85]

Sp. nov

Wang et al.


Fotan Group


A species of Acacia.

Albizia yenbaiensis[86]

Sp. nov


Nguyen, Su & J. Huang in Nguyen et al.


Yen Bai Basin


An Albizia species.
Announced in 2022
Officially published January 2023

Anthonotha shimaglae[87]

Sp. nov


Pan et al.


Mush Valley


A species of Anthonotha.

Bauhinia tibetensis[88]

Sp. nov

Gao & Su in Gao et al.



A species of Bauhinia.

Englerodendron mulugetanum[89]

Sp. nov


Pan et al.


Mush Valley


A species of Englerodendron.

Entada simojovelensis[90]

Sp. nov

Estrada-Ruiz & Gómez-Acevedo


Simojovel Group


A species of Entada.


Gen. et sp. nov

Dutra, Martínez & Wilberger



A member of Detarioideae. The type species is G. sergioarchangelskii.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Carya leroyii[49]

Sp. nov


Wheeler, Manchester & Baas


John Day Formation

 United States
( Oregon)

A hickory.

Engelhardia guipingensis[92]

Sp. nov

Song & Jin in Song et al.


Erzitang Formation


A species of Engelhardia.

Gymnostoma stuartii[93]

Sp. nov

Whang, Hill & Hill



A species of Gymnostoma.

Leguminocarpum meghalayensis[94]

Sp. nov


Bhatia, Srivastava & Mehrotra

Late Paleocene

Tura Formation


A fabaceous seed pod morphospecies.
Announced in 2022
Officially published in 2023

Nothofagoxylon ruei[54]

Sp. nov


Pujana et al.


San José Formation


A nothofagaceous wood morphospecies
Announced in 2022
Officially published in 2023

Parvileguminophyllum damalgiriensis[94]

Sp. nov


Bhatia, Srivastava & Mehrotra

Late Paleocene

Tura Formation


A fabaceous legume leaf morphospecies.
Announced in 2022
Officially published in 2023


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Elatine odgaardii[95]

Sp. nov


Bennike in Bennike et al.

Probably early Pleistocene


A species of Elatine. Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.

Macaranga kirkjohnsonii[96]

Sp. nov

Wilf, Iglesias & Gandolfo

Eocene (Ypresian)

Huitrera Formation


A species of Macaranga.

Passiflora sulcatasperma[97]

Sp. nov



Gray Fossil Site

 United States
( Tennessee)

A species of Passiflora.


Gen. et sp. nov

Wilf, Iglesias & Gandolfo

Eocene (Ypresian)

Huitrera Formation


A member of the family Euphorbiaceae belonging to the subfamily Acalyphoideae and the tribe Acalypheae. The type species is T. casamiquelae.

Trigonostemon zhangpuensis[98]

Sp. nov


Dong & Sun in Zheng et al.


Fotan Group


A species of Trigonostemon.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Bombax asiatica[99]

Sp. nov


Hazra, Bera & Khan



A species of Bombax.

Cistoxylon cistoides[79]

Sp. nov

Akkemik & Mantzouka in Akkemik et al.




Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Ruiz, Pujana & Brea


Salamanca Formation


Fossil wood of a plant related to the Malvaceae. The type species is E. patagonicum.


Gen. et sp. nov

Martínez & Leppe in Martínez et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Dorotea Formation


Fossil wood of a plant belonging to the Malvaceae. The type species is N. magallanense.

Pterospermum shuangxingii[101]

Sp. nov


Zhao, Huang & Su in Zhao et al.


Sanhaogou Formation


A species of Pterospermum.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

Ramos et al.


El Palmar Formation


Fossil wood of a member of the family Combretaceae. Genus includes new species C. cristalliferum.

Duabanga makumensis[103]

Sp. nov


Bhatia, Srivastava & Mehrotra

Oligocene (Chattian)

Tikak Parbat Formation


A species of Duabanga.

Myrtineoxylon hoffmannae[54]

Sp. nov


Pujana et al.


San José Formation


A myrtaceous wood morphospecies.
Announced in 2022
Officially published in 2023

Sonneratioxylon barrocoloradoensis[104]

Sp. nov

Pérez-Lara in Martínez et al.

Miocene (Aquitanian)


A member of the family Lythraceae.

Terminalioxylon paravirens[102]

Sp. nov

Ramos et al.


El Palmar Formation


Fossil wood of a member of the family Combretaceae.

Terminalioxylon ushun[102]

Sp. nov

Ramos et al.


El Palmar Formation


Fossil wood of a member of the family Combretaceae.

Trapa haominiae[105]

Sp. nov

Wu et al.


Fotan Group


A species of Trapa.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Weinmannioxylon trichospermoides[54]

Sp. nov


Pujana et al.


San José Formation


A cunoniaceous wood morphospecies.
Announced in 2022
Officially published in 2023


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Aphananthe manchesteri[106]

Sp. nov


Hernández-Damián, Rubalcava-Knoth & Cevallos Ferriz


La Quinta Formation (Mexican amber)


A species of Aphananthe.


Gen. et sp. nov

Patel, Rana & Khan in Patel et al.


Palana Formation


A member of the family Rhamnaceae belonging to the tribe Paliureae. The type species is E. indica.

Ficus paleoauriculata[108]

Sp. nov

Chandra et al.



A species of Ficus.

Ficus paleodicranostyla[108]

Sp. nov

Chandra et al.



A species of Ficus.

Ficus paleovariegata[108]

Sp. nov

Chandra et al.



A species of Ficus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Centeno-González, Porras-Múzquiz & Estrada-Ruiz

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Olmos Formation


A member of the family Rhamnaceae. Genus includes new species G. muzquizensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Martinez Martinez


Ituzaingó Formation


A member of the family Moraceae. Genus includes new species H. paranensis.

Kageneckia coloradensis[111]

Comb. nov


(Knowlton) Denk et al.


Florissant Formation

 United States
( Colorado)

A species of Kageneckia.
Moved from Myrica coloradensis (1916).

Ulmus palaeoparvifolia[112]

Sp. nov

Lu et al.


Xiaolongtan Formation


An elm.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wheeler, Manchester & Baas


John Day Formation

 United States
( Oregon)

A member of Rosales with features found in urticalean families. The type species is U. stevensii.

Vauquelinia aculeata[111]

Comb. nov


(Saporta) Denk et al.


Aix-en-Provence Formation


A species of Vauquelinia.
Moved from Myrica aculeata (1873)
First named Banksites aculeatus (1862).

Vauquelinia obscura[111]

Comb. nov


(Saporta) Denk et al.


Saint-Zacharie Limestone



A species of Vauquelinia.
Moved from Banksites obscurus Saporta (1863).

Vauquelinia serra[111]

Comb. nov


(Unger) Denk et al.


Parschlug Basin



A species of Vauquelinia.
Moved from Prinsepia serra (2004)
First named Quercus serra (1847).


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Aesculus constabularisii[49]

Sp. nov


Wheeler, Manchester & Baas


John Day Formation

 United States
( Oregon)

A species of Aesculus.

Bursericarpum indicum[113]

Sp. nov


Kumar et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene transition

Deccan Intertrappean Beds


A burseraceous fruit.

Burseroxylon panzai[114]

Sp. nov

Rombola et al.

Late Cretaceous

Cardiel Formation


Fossil wood with possible affinities with Anacardiaceae or Burseraceae.

Canarium leenhoutsii[115]

Sp. nov

In press

Beurel et al.


Zhangpu amber


A species of Canarium.

Canarium wangboi[115]

Sp. nov

In press

Beurel et al.


Zhangpu amber


A species of Canarium.

Cyrtocarpa biapertura[116]

Sp. nov


Del Rio et al.

Paleocene and Eocene


A species of Cyrtocarpa.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kumar et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene transition

Deccan Intertrappean Beds


A burseraceous flower. The type species is D. indica.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov

Wheeler, Manchester & Baas


John Day Formation

 United States
( Oregon)

A member of the family Sapindaceae. Genus includes new species K. wilkinsonii, as well as "Sapindoxylon" klaassenii Wheeler & Manchester (2002).

Sahniocarpon deccanensis[117]

Comb. nov



Late Cretaceous


A member of the family Burseraceae. Moved from Cremocarpon deccanii Karanjekar (1984).

Swietenia palaeomahagoni[118]

Sp. nov


Chandra et al.



A species of Swietenia.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Liquidambar hainanensis[119]

Sp. nov

Maslova et al.


Changchang Formation


A species of Liquidambar.

Liquidambar ovoidea[119]

Sp. nov

Maslova et al.


Changchang Formation


A species of Liquidambar.

Parrotia zhiyanii[120]

Sp. nov


Wu et al.


Zhangpu amber


A species of Parrotia. Published online in 2023; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2024.

Other superrosids

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Tang, Smith & Atkinson

Late Cretaceous

Cedar District Formation

 United States

Rosid clade fruits of uncertain affinities.
The type species is F. aligeri.

Superrosid research

  • Nishino et al. (2023) study the composition of a fossil forest from the Miocene Nakamura Formation of the Mizunami Group (Japan), including stumps of Wataria parvipora and leaves of Byttneriophyllum tiliifolium, and interpret their finding as suggesting that W. parvipora and B. tiliifolium were parts of the same plant, as well as suggesting that Byttneriophyllum-bearing plants might have belonged to the subfamily Helicteroideae.[122]

Other angiosperms

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Čepičková & Kvaček

Late Cretaceous

Peruc–Korycany Formation

 Czech Republic

A Basal angiosperm leaf morphogenus
Similar to Mesodescolea plicata and Chloranthaceae.
The type species is A. pecinovense.
Officially published in 2023

Cinnamomum miocenicum[124]

Sp. nov

Mahato, Hazra & Khan in Mahato et al.


Chunabati Formation


A species of Cinnamomum.


Gen. et sp. nov

Gentis, De Franceschi & Boura in Gentis et al.

Paleocene (Danian-Selandian)

Paunggyi Formation


Fossil wood with anatomical features found in diverse extant flowering plant groups, might be placed at the base of the asterids, close to Malpighiales, close to Proteales at the base of eudicots, or even in Laurales. The type species is C. paleocenicum.

Magnolia hansnooteboomii[49]

Sp. nov


Wheeler, Manchester & Baas


John Day Formation

 United States
( Oregon)

A species of Magnolia.

Palibinia comptonifolia[126]

Comb. nov

(Brown) Manchester, Judd, & Kodrul


Green River Formation

 United States
( Colorado)

A pentapetalean eudicot of uncertain affiliation.
Moved from Vauquelinia comptonifolia (1969)
Originally named Banksia comptonifolia (1934)


Gen. et sp. nov

Čepičková & Kvaček

Late Cretaceous

Peruc–Korycany Formation

 Czech Republic

Foliage of a flowering plant, possibly with affinities with the family Chloranthaceae.
The type species is P. labutae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Smith, Greenwalt & Manchester


Kishenehn Formation

 United States
( Montana)

Disseminules of uncertain affinities.
The type species is P. horseflyensis.

Pteroheterochrosperma horseflyensis


Gen. et sp. nov


Smith, Greenwalt & Manchester


Kishenehn Formation

 United States
( Montana)

Flower of uncertain affinities, possibly related to members of the family Apiaceae belonging to the tribe Saniculeae or to the subtribe Scandicinae within the tribe Scandiceae.
The type species is Q. kishenehnensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Friis, Crane & Pedersen

Early Cretaceous

Potomac Group

 United States
( Virginia)

An early angiosperm of uncertain phylogenetic placement, most closely related to magnoliids, possibly with lauralean affinities.
The type species is R. virginiensis.

Todziaphyllum saportanum[123]

Comb. nov


(Velenovský) Čepičková & Kvaček

Late Cretaceous

Peruc–Korycany Formation

 Czech Republic

A Basal angiosperm leaf morphogenus
A new combination for Banksites saportanus
Officially published in 2023


Gen. et sp. nov

Rombola et al.

Late Cretaceous

Cardiel Formation


Fossil wood of a flowering plant of uncertain affinities. The type species is T. oligoporosum.


Gen. et sp. nov

Wang et al.

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Shengli Formation


An early angiosperm of uncertain affinities.
The type species is X. shengliensis.

  • A study on the affinities of Santaniella, based on data from new fossil material from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation (Brazil), is published by Pessoa et al. (2023), who don't support the interpretation of Santaniella as a ranuculid, and consider it to be a mesangiosperm of uncertain affinities, possibly a magnoliid.[131]
  • Pessoa, Ribeiro & Christenhusz (2023) describe new fossil material of Araripia florifera from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil, interpret its anatomy as indicating that it did not belong to the family Calycanthaceae, and assign it to the new family Araripiaceae in the stem group of Laurales.[132]

Angiosperm research

  • A study aiming to determine the affinities of 24 exceptionally preserved fossil flowers is published by López-Martínez et al. (2023).[133]
  • A study aiming to determine the phylogenetic relationships of nine putative magnolialean fossils is published by Doyle & Endress (2023).[134]
  • A study on the diversification of the flowering plant throughout their evolutionary history is published by Thompson & Ramírez-Barahona (2023), who report evidence of stable extinction rates through time and find no evidence of a significant impact of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event on the extinction rates of major flowering plant lineages.[135]

Other plants

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images

Aberlemnia junggaria[136]

Sp. nov

In press

Liu & Xu in Liu et al.

Silurian (Přídolí)


Aberlemnia krizii[137]

Sp. nov

Libertín, Kvaček & Bek

Silurian (Přídolí)

 Czech Republic

A vascular plant related to Lycophytina.


Gen. et sp. nov

Gnaedinger, Brea & Martínez

Early Jurassic (Sinemurian–Toarcian)

Roca Blanca Formation


A member of the family Gnetidae. The type species is A. carlquistii.


Gen. et sp. nov

Ribeiro et al.

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A member of the family Ephedraceae. The type species is A. delicata.


Gen et sp nov


Pujana et al.


San José Formation


A wood morphospecies of uncertain affinity.
The type species is A. patorarensis.
Announced in 2022
Officially published in 2023

Campylopus lusitanicus[140]

Sp. nov


Hedenäs, Bomfleur & Friis in Bomfleur et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian)

Almargem Formation


A moss, a species of Campylopus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hedenäs, Bomfleur & Friis in Bomfleur et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian)

Almargem Formation


A moss belonging to the family Leucobryaceae. The type species is C. fissuratum.


Gen. et sp. nov

Uhlířová, Pšenička & Sakala

Silurian (Přídolí)

 Czech Republic

A rhyniophytoid with bryophyte-like features. The type species is C. petrkraftii.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hedenäs, Bomfleur & Friis in Bomfleur et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian)

Almargem Formation


A moss, a member of Sphagnales of uncertain affinities. The type species is C. cateficense.


Gen. et sp. nov


Luthardt, Rößler & Stevenson

Permian (Sakmarian–Artinskian)

Leukersdorf Formation


A gymnosperm with cycadalean affinities. The type species is C. galtieri.


Gen. et sp. nov

Yang et al.

Middle Jurassic

Daohugou Beds


A member of the family Gnetidae. The type species is D. sinensis.

Dicranodontium minutum[140]

Sp. nov


Hedenäs, Bomfleur & Friis in Bomfleur et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian)

Almargem Formation


A moss, a species of Dicranodontium.


Gen. et sp. nov

Barbacka et al.

Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)

 United States
( Alaska)

A cycadophyte foliage. The type species is H. varioserratum.

Kannaskoppianthus aasvoelensis[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Kannaskoppianthus komanthus[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Kannaskoppianthus switzianthus[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Kannaskoppianthus telepentatus[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Komlopteris artabeae[146]

Comb. nov

(Herbst & Gnaedinger)

Early Jurassic

Nestares Formation


A corystosperm. Moved from Alicurana artabei Herbst & Gnaedinger (2002).

Komlopteris boolensis[146]

Sp. nov

Slodownik, Hill & McLoughlin

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian–Barremian)

Rintoul Creek Formation


A corystosperm.

Komlopteris constricta[146]

Comb. nov


Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

Upper Mount Flora Formation


A corystosperm. Moved from Thinnfeldia constricta Halle (1913).

Komlopteris khatangiensis[146]

Comb. nov


Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous

Dubrajpur Formation


A corystosperm. Moved from Thinnfeldia khatangiensis Sengupta (1988).

Komlopteris nestarensis[146]

Comb. nov

(Herbst & Gnaedinger)

Early Jurassic

Nestares Formation


A corystosperm. Moved from Alicurana nestarensis Herbst & Gnaedinger (2002).

Komlopteris purlawaughensis[146]

Sp. nov

Slodownik, Hill & McLoughlin

Late Jurassic

Purlawaugh Formation


A corystosperm.

Komlopteris tiruchirapalliense[146]

Comb. nov

(Sukh-Dev & Rajanikanth)

Early Cretaceous

Sivaganga Formation


A corystosperm. Moved from Sphenopteris tiruchirapalliense Sukh-Dev & Rajanikanth (1988).

Komlopteris victoriensis[146]

Sp. nov

Slodownik, Hill & McLoughlin

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Eumeralla Formation


A corystosperm.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov

Bickner et al.

Early Cretaceous


A gymnosperm seed. Genus includes M. friisae and M. exesum.


Gen. et sp. nov


Lalica & Tomescu

Devonian (Emsian)

( Quebec)

An early euphyllophyte. Genus includes new species N. mikmaqiana.

Pachytesta duquesnei[149]

Sp. nov

Vallois & Nel

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Bruay Formation


A medullosalean "seed".


Gen. et sp. nov

Liu, Shen & Wang

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)

Jiulongshan Formation


A gymnosperm with several morphological features formerly restricted to angiosperms. The type species is P. huangii.


Gen. et sp. nov

Trajano et al.

Early Cretaceous

Serra do Tucano Formation


Possibly a member of Ephedrales. Genus includes new species P. amazonensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Pfeiler & Tomescu


Battery Point Formation

( Quebec)

An early euphyllophyte. The type species is P. praestigians.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hoffman & Crandall-Stotler


Paskapoo Formation

( Alberta)

A liverwort belonging to the family Petalophyllaceae. The type species is P. speirsiae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Snigirevsky & Lyubarova



A plant of uncertain affinities, with features characteristic of different groups of higher plants. The type species is P. salarina.

Phasmatocycas mazongshanensis[155]

Sp. nov

Li & Du in Li et al.

Early Cretaceous


A relative of Paleozoic primitive Cycadales.

Phoenicopsis (Windwardia) ningxiaensis[156]

Sp. nov


He in He et al.

Middle Jurassic

Yanan Formation


A member of Czekanowskiales.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Hedenäs, Bomfleur & Friis in Bomfleur et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian)

Almargem Formation


A moss belonging to the family Diphysciaceae. The type species is P. tortuosum; genus also includes P. simsimiae.

Polytrichastrum incurvum[140]

Sp. nov


Hedenäs, Bomfleur & Friis in Bomfleur et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian)

Almargem Formation


A moss, a species of Polytrichastrum.

Pterophyllum beishanensis[155]

Sp. nov

Li & Du in Li et al.

Early Cretaceous

Tuomatan Formation


Psilophyton diakanthon[157]

Sp nov

in press

Colston, Landaw, & Tomescu


Battery Point Formation


A trimerophytopsid land plant
Bimodal spines suggest active levels of defense against herbivores


Gen. et sp. nov

Wang & Sun in Han et al.

Middle Jurassic

Yaojie Formation


Possibly an early angiosperm. The type species is Q. formosa.

Rhaphidopteris zhouii[159]

Sp. nov

In press


Early Jurassic

Sangonghe Formation


A gymnosperm.

Rochipteris distivena[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Rochipteris komifolia[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Rochipteris lutifolia[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Rochipteris matatifolia[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Rochipteris penensis[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Rochipteris switzifolia[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Rochipteris telefolia[145]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Anderson


Molteno Formation

 South Africa

A member of Ginkgoopsida belonging to the group Petriellales.

Skyttegaardia nagalingumiae[160]

Sp. nov

Elgorriaga & Atkinson

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Holz Shale

 United States
( California)

A member of Cycadales belonging to the family Zamiaceae.


Gen. et sp. nov

Forte & Kustatscher

Permian (Kungurian)

Tregiovo Formation


A plant of uncertain affinities, with the closest resemblance to the seed fern Auritifolia anomala. The type species is T. furcata.

Tricosta priapiana[162]

Sp. nov


Blanco-Moreno et al.

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)

( British Columbia)

A moss belonging to the family Tricostaceae.

Xenoxylon kazuoense[163]

Sp. nov

Xie, Wang, Tian & Uhl in Xie et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Jiufotang Formation


Fossil wood of a gymnosperm of uncertain affinities.

Xenoxylon shehongense[164]

Sp. nov

Xie, Wang & Tian in Xie et al.

Late Jurassic

Penglaizhen Formation



Gen. et comb. nov

Elgorriaga & Atkinson

Early Jurassic

Shemshak Group


A member of Doyleales; a new genus for "Karkenia" cylindrica Schweitzer & Kirchner (1995).

Other plant research

  • A study on the evolutionary history of Marchantiopsida, as indicated by data from extant and fossil taxa, is published by Flores et al. (2023).[166]
  • Decombeix et al. (2023) document tyloses in Late Devonian Callixylon wood.[167]
  • A study on the anatomy and affinities of Tingia unita, based on data from specimens from the Permian Taiyuan Formation (China), is published by Yang, Wang & Wang (2023), who confirm that T. unita was a progymnosperm belonging to the group Noeggerathiales.[168]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of cycads, based on data from extant and fossil taxa, is published by Coiro et al. (2023).[169]
  • Evidence from nitrogen isotopic measurements from fossilized cycad leaves and ancestral state reconstructions, interpreted as indicating that symbiosis of with N2-fixing cyanobacteria wasn't ancestral within cycads but rather arose independently in the lineages leading to living cycads during or after the Jurassic, is published by Kipp et al. (2023).[170]
  • Fu et al. (2023) report the presence of ovules enclosed within the ovaries of specimens of Nanjinganthus dendrostyla, and consider their findings to be consistent with the interpretation of Nanjinganthus as an Early Jurassic angiosperm.[171]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Synonymized taxa Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

Parmar et al.



Pollen of a member of the family Arecaceae. Genus includes new species A. spinatus.

Acylomurus silviae[8]

Sp. nov

Perez Loinaze et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Chorrillo Formation


A spore of uncertain affinities.

Ailanthipites diminutus[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Ailanthipites feruglioi[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Ailanthipites hexagonalis[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Alisporites libyaensis[174]

Nom. nov


Gutierrez & Zavattieri

Permian and Triassic


A replacement name for Alisporites plicatus Kar, Kieser & Jain (1972).

Aratrisporites circularis[174]

Sp. nov


Gutierrez & Zavattieri

Middle Triassic

Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation


Arecipites botrus[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Baculatisporites magnus[174]

Sp. nov


Gutierrez & Zavattieri

Middle Triassic

Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation


Brevitriletes decorus[174]

Comb. nov


(Ouyang & Norris)



Moved from Anapiculatisporites decorus Ouyang & Norris (1999).

Brevitriletes pamelae[174]

Comb. nov


(Ottone in Ottone et al.)



Moved from Anapiculatisporites pamelae Ottone in Ottone et al. (1992).

Brevitriletes sandrae[174]

Comb. nov


(Ottone in Ottone et al.)



Moved from Anapiculatisporites sandrae Ottone in Ottone et al. (1992).

Carnisporites microspinous[174]

Sp. nov


Gutierrez & Zavattieri

Middle Triassic

Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation


Casuarinidites foveolatus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Pollen of a flowering plant.

Classopollis patagonicus[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Clavapalmaedites clavatus[172]

Sp. nov

Parmar et al.




Gen. et 2 sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Pollen of a flowering plant. Genus includes new species C. dispersiclavatus and C. spicatus.

Cuneatisporites cacheutensis[174]

Comb. nov




Cacheuta Formation


Moved from Jansoniuspollenites cacheutensis Jain (1968).

Cuneatisporites salujhai[174]

Comb. nov




Cacheuta Formation


Moved from Jansoniuspollenites salujhai Jain (1968).

Echitricolpites serratus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Ericipites verrucatus[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Flabellisporites zhaotongensis[176]

Sp. nov

Sui, McLoughlin & Feng in Sui et al.

Permian (Lopingian)

Xuanwei Formation


A spore of a member of Isoetales.

Gemmamonocolpites barmerensis[172]

Sp. nov

Parmar et al.



Gemmamonocolpites chubutensis[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation



Gen et sp nov

Huang, Morley, & Hoorn

late Eocene

Yaw Formation


A cupaniean sapindaceous pollen morphotype
The type species is G. burmanica

Henrisporites qujingensis[178]

Sp. nov

Sui, McLoughlin & Feng in Sui et al.

Permian (Lopingian)

Xuanwei Formation


A lycopsid megaspore.

Henrisporites yunnanensis[178]

Sp. nov

Sui, McLoughlin & Feng in Sui et al.

Permian (Lopingian)

Xuanwei Formation


A lycopsid megaspore.

Inaperturopollenites fossulatus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Krutzschipollis argentinum[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Lagenicula morbelliae[179]

Sp. nov

Quetglas, Di Pasquo & Macluf

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Toregua Formation


Leschikisporis variabilis[174]

Sp. nov


Gutierrez & Zavattieri

Middle Triassic

Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation


Liliacidites buitrensis[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Liliacidites lacunosus[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Limatulasporites rugulatus[174]

Sp. nov


Gutierrez & Zavattieri

Middle Triassic

Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation


Longapertites crassireticuloides[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Pollen of a flowering plant.

Luminidites microreticulatus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Pollen of a flowering plant.

Lusatisporis choiols[8]

Sp. nov

Perez Loinaze et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Chorrillo Formation


A spore of uncertain affinities.

Nelumbopollenites patagonicus[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Pollen of a member of the family Nelumbonaceae.

Neoraistrickia stricta[174]

Sp. nov


Gutierrez & Zavattieri

Middle Triassic

Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation


Nyssapollenites scabratus[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Parviprojectus archangelskyi[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Periporopollenites delicatus[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Pityosporites thoracatus[174]

Comb. nov





Moved from Pinuspollenites thoracatus Balme (1970).

Podocarpidites rectangularis[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Proteacidites baibianae[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Proteacidites mirasolensis[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Protohaploxypinus bonapartei[174]

Sp. nov


Gutierrez & Zavattieri

Middle Triassic

Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation


Protohaploxypinus diazii[174]

Sp. nov


Gutierrez & Zavattieri

Middle Triassic

Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation


Psilabrevitricolporites porolatus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Pollen of a flowering plant.

Psilatriletes brevilaesuratus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



A spore.

Punctatisporites interfoveolatus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



A spore.

Retimonocolpites perforatus[172]

Sp. nov

Parmar et al.



Retimonoporites heterobrochatus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Pollen of a flowering plant.

Retitrescolpites miriabilis[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Pollen of a flowering plant.

Retitricolporites ganganensis[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Retitricolporites irupensis[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Retitriporites irregularis[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Rousea robusta[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Rugutricolporites cumulus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe




Gen. et sp. nov


Heřmanová et al.

Late Cretaceous

 Czech Republic

Pollen from the Normapolles complex, likely produced by angiosperms belonging to the order Fagales. Genus includes new species S. inaequalis.

Sparganiaceaepollenites annulatus[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Spinizonocolpites coloniensis[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Spinizonocolpites variabilis[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Symplocoipollenites microechinatus[173]

Sp. nov

De Benedetti et al.

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

La Colonia Formation


Syncolporites angusticolpatus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Syncolporites rostro[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Tetracolporopollenites torus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Pollen of a flowering plant.


Gen. et comb. nov

Bek et al.



Spores produced by the lycophyte Thomasites serratus. Genus includes "Lycospora" gigantea Alpern.

Tricolpites brevicolpatus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Tricolpites multiornamentus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Tricolporites densus[175]

Sp. nov

Mander, Jaramillo & Oboh-Ikuenobe



Palynological research

  • Vajda et al. (2023) interpret Ricciisporites tuberculatus as an aberrant pollen produced by Lepidopteris ottonis plants, and interpret its fossil record as indicative of the competitive success of plants which adopted the asexual reproductive strategy under stressed environmental conditions before and during the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event;[181] their interpretation of Ricciisporites and Cycadopites as produced by the same plant is subsequently contested by Zavialova (2024)[182] and reaffirmed by Vajda et al. (2024).[183]
  • A study on the vegetation in Central Africa from the middle Aptian to early Albian, as indicated by palynomorphs from the Doseo Basin in the Central African Rift system, is published by Dou et al. (2023), who identify two assemblages of spore and pollen fossils, and interpret the differences between the assemblages as indicative of a vegetation change related to change from relatively arid to humid climate.[184]
  • Malaikanok et al. (2023) describe fossil pollen grains of members of the family Fagaceae from the Oligocene to Miocene Ban Pa Kha Subbasin of the Li Basin (Thailand), and interpret the studied fossils as indicating that, contrary to previous interpretations of the palynological record, tropical Fagaceae-dominated forests existed in northern Thailand at least since the late Paleogene and persisted into the modern vegetation of Thailand.[185]
  • A study on the environmental changes in the Lake Baikal region during the Marine Isotope Stage 3, as indicated by palynological data, is published by Shichi et al. (2023), who find that the dispersal of Homo sapiens into Baikal Siberia coincided with climate changes resulting in warm and humid conditions and vegetation changes.[186]
  • Evidence from the study of Last Interglacial pollen records across Europe, interpreted as indicating that European forests before the arrival of Homo sapiens included substantial open and light woodland elements, is presented by Pearce et al. (2023).[187]


  • A study on the evolution of the phenotypic disparity of plants, based on data from extant and fossil taxa, is published by Clark et al. (2023), who find that the morphological distinctiveness of extant plant group is in part the result of extinction of fossil plants with intermediate morphologies, and report evidence of a pattern of episodic sharp increases of morphological diversity throughout the evolutionary history of plants.[188]
  • A study on the evolution of the complexity of vascular plant reproductive structures, indicating that major reproductive innovations were associated with increased integration through greater interactions among component parts, is published by Leslie & Mander (2023).[189]
  • Evidence from mercury concentration and isotopic signatures of marine sedimentary rock samples spanning from the Cambrian to Permian, interpreted as indicating that vascular plants were already widely distributed on land during the Ordovician-Silurian transition, is presented by Yuan et al. (2023).[190]
  • Evidence indicating that the knowledge of the early plant diversity from the latest Silurian–Early Devonian fossil record is at least partly affected by the variation of the rock record is presented by Capel et al. (2023).[191]
  • A study on early land plant diversity patterns across known paleogeographical units (Laurussia, Siberia, Kazakhstania, Gondwana) throughout the Silurian and Devonian periods is published by Capel et al. (2023)[192]
  • A study on the survivorship and migration dynamics of plants from the paleocontinent Angarida during the Frasnian-Tournaisian internal, as indicated by fossil record from the Siberian platform (Russia), is published by Dowding, Akulov & Mashchuk (2023).[193]
  • Barrón et al. (2023) study the floral assemblages from the Cretaceous Maestrazgo Basin (Spain), providing evidence of the existence of conifer woodlands and fern/angiosperm communities thriving in the mid-Cretaceous Iberian Desert System, and report that the studied assemblages can generally be related to others from Europe and North America, but also included plants that were typical for northern Gondwana.[194]
  • A study on the fossil material of plants from the Cenomanian deposits of the Western Desert (Egypt) is published by El Atfy et al. (2023), who report the presence of five main vegetation types, and interpret the studied fossils as indicative of an overall warm and humid climate, punctuated by repeated phases of drier conditions.[195]
  • Moreau & Néraudeau (2023) describe an assemblage of Cenomanian plants from a new paleontological site La Gripperie-Saint-Symphorien (Charente-Maritime, France), which (unlike most of Albian-Cenomanian coastal floras from the Aquitaine Basin) is dominated by angiosperms.[196]
  • A study on the mid-Eocene vegetation in the southern Central Andes, based on spore-pollen record from the Casa Grande Formation (Jujuy, Argentina), is published by Tapia et al. (2023), who interpret their findings as indicative of a plant community with no close analogue in the modern South American vegetation, as well as indicative of subtropical or tropical conditions and frost-free winters.[197]
  • Description of fossil wood from the Brown Sands and Flat Sands localities in the Pliocene Usno Formation (Lower Omo valley, Ethiopia) is published by Jolly-Saad & Bonnefille (2023), who report that the studied assemblages strongly differ from other Miocene and Pliocene wood assemblages from Ethiopia, and interpret them as indicative of a seasonal climate and more humid climatic conditions compared to the present, but also as indicative of instability of climatic and environmental conditions, with significant changes in the composition of the tree cover during the time of existence of Australopithecus afarensis.[198]
  • A study on changes in functional diversity of plants from southeast Australia during the last 12,000 years, inferred from long-term pollen records, is published by Adeleye et al. (2023).[199]
  • The oldest flower and seed fossils of the wind-pollinated besom heaths, Erica sect. Chlorocodon, were found in Madeira Island within a 1.3 million-year-old fossil deposit.[200]


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